April 3, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10867 dent, I thank the Senator. I also thank assume, and I ask unanimous consent, The Senate will convene at 11 :30 a.m. the distinguished assistant Republican that the vacating of any time agreement After the two leaders or their designees leader. with respect to the amendment by the have been recognized under the standing I think the record should show that Senator from Virginia <Mr. HARRY F. order, the following Senators will be rec­ had the Senator from West Virginia not, BYRD, JR.) also apply to any amendments ognized: Mr. GRIFFJN, for 15 minutes; by inadvertence, failed to contact the to that amendment as of now, because Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD, for 10 minutes. Senator from Virginia in conformity with otherwise there would be a time limita­ At 12 o'clock noon, the Senate will re­ my previous assurance that I would do tion on an amendment to his amend­ sume consideration of the unfinished just that, the Senator from Virginia ment of 30 minutes. business, the Par Value Modification Act, would have been consulted. Senators So I think that if the distinguished S. 929, Calendar No. 82. There is a time would have known the nature of minority whip is agreeable, I will ask limitation on the bill and on amend­ his amendment, and it is quite pos­ unanimous consent at this time that ments thereto. 'There will be yea-and­ sible that there would have been no there be no time limitation on amend­ unanimous-consent agreements at all ment by the Senator from Virginia (Mr. nay votes during the afternoon of tomor­ worked out with respect to this bill and HARRY F. BYRD, JR.). row. other amendments thereto until and un­ Here again, on tomorrow, we will meet less there could have been a meeting of and see if we can work out something ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 11:30 A.M. the minds with respect to the Senator's whereby a time agreement can be amendment. So, no harm has been done. reached which would be all-encompass­ Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ With the cooperation and understand­ ing with regard to the Senator's amend­ dent, if there be no further business to ing of all Senators involved here, in­ ment. come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ cluding the two managers of the bill Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ cordance with the previous order, that (Mr. TOWER and Mr. SPARKMAN)' the dent, reserving the right to object, and I the Senate stand in adjournment until Senator from Virginia will now be able shall not object, the proposal made by 11 :30 a.m. tomorrow. to offer his nongermane amendment. the distinguished. Senator from West The motion was agreed to; and at As of this time, there is no time limita­ Virginia is a most appropriate one. It 8 :01 p.m. the Senate adjourned until to­ tion on that amendment. The managers would not seem logical to remove the morrow, Wednesday, April 4, 1973, at of the bill will get together tomorrow time limitation on the amendment and 11:30 a.m. with the Senator from Virginia, the as­ then have a time limitation on the sistant Republican leader, the majority amendment to the amendment. So that leader, and myself to see if perchance we I think the request of the Senator from CONFIRMATION can still Possibly arrive at a time limita­ West Virginia is most appropriate. Executive nomination confirmed by tion on the Senator's amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there So I am very happy and pleased that objection to the request of the Senator the Senate April 3, 1973: we have been able to resolve this difficult from West Virginia? The Chair hears DEPARTMENT OF LABOR matter. I appreciate the cooperation of none, and it is sc ordered. John H. Stender, of Washington, to be an Senators, and I apologize to the Senator Assistant Secretary of Labor. from Virginia for the oversight on my (The above nomination was approved sub­ part. PROGRAM ject to the nominee's commitment to re­ Mr. President, so that we may have a. spond to requests to appear and testify be­ clear understanding, what about amend­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, fore any duly constituted committee of the ments to the ByTd amendment? I would the program for tomorrow is as follows: Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS KENT FRIZZELL, OF KANSAS, NAMED SECRETARY MORTON COMMENDS NOMINATION 1965 to 1969. Among other public offices he INTERIOR SOLICITOR OF KENT FRIZZELL AS INTERIOR SOLICTrOR has been Chairman of the Kansas State Ac­ President Nixon's nomination of Kent counting Board and President of the Wichita Frizzell to be Solicitor of the Department o! Board of Education. HON. GARNER E. SHRIVER the Interior won praise today from Interior Born February 11, 1929, in Wichita, Frizzell attended Wichita public schools. He did un­ OF KANSAS Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton. " Mr. Frizzell's experience in handling land dergraduate work at Northwestern Univer­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and natural resource problems as well as his sity, holds a B.A. degree from Friends Uni­ Tuesday, April 3, 1973 broad knowledge of Federal-State relation­ versity, Wichita, and a J. D. degree from ships especially in the West are excellent \.Vashburn Universit y Law School, Topeka. He Mr. SHRIVER. Mr. Speaker, it is with qualifications for this important post at In­ was a lecturer in business law at Wichita considerable pride that those of us from terior," Secretary Morton said. "I look for­ State University, and practiced law in Ransas Kansas learned of the President's nom­ ward to working closely with Mr. Frizzell in from 1955 to 1968. solving the many complex legal issues which Frizzell has held a number of civic posts ination of Kent Frizzell, of Wichita, to including State Legal Counsel, Kansas be Solicitor of the Department of In­ Interior now faces." Frizzell, 44, has been Assistant Attorney Jaycees; Judge Advocate, American Legion terior. Mr. Frizzell has served with dis­ General, Land and Natural Resources Di­ Department of Kansas, and Trustee, Mid­ tinction as Assistant Attorney General, Vision, at the Department of Justice in Continent Regional Educational Laboratory. Land and Natural Resources Division, Washington since January 1972. His nomi­ He has been an active member of the Kansas Department of Justice for more than a nation to the Interior post is subject to Wildlife Federation. year. Senate confirmation. Frizzell and his wife Shirley have five chil­ Kent Frizzell is a good friend; he en­ The Solicitor is Interior's chief legal of­ dren. Their home is in Falls Church, Virginia. ficer and is the third ranking official of the joys the support and admiration of many Department behind the Secretary and Under Kansans who have !ollowed his career of Secretary. Frizzell would succeed Mitchell public service. We are confident that he Melich, who has been Solicitor since 1969. BIG BROTHERS PROGRAM will continue to render distinguished Frizzell has served since March 1972 as service to our Nation in his new capacity Chairman of the Federal Bar Association's as Solicitor at the Interior Department. Council on Natural Resources, a public serv· HON. JOHN E. MOSS We congratulate him and wish him well. ice position requiring extensive knowledge of the natural resource field and filled by OF CALIFORNIA Under leave to extend my remarks in appointment of the President of the Federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the RECORD, I include a news release is­ Bar Association. Tuesday, April 3, 1973 sued by Secretary of Interior Rogers C. Frizzell was the Republican nominee for B. Morton following the President's nom­ Governor o! Kansas in 1970. He was At· Mr. MOSS. Mr. Speaker, throughout ination of Mr. Frizzell: torney General of the State of Kansas from the Nation, Mr. President, the Big Broth- 10868 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 3, 1§73 ers program ha::; for years counseled and We would only be able to continue opera­ SHARE, INC. given guidance to thousands of fatherless tions on a limited basis through private dona­ tions. boys-. It is beneficial, not only to the How do we tell a mother and her son American boys it serves, but to their "Sorry, but because of new regulations in HON. THOMAS M. REES parents, the Big Brothers themselves and the Social Security Act we can no longer OF CALIFORNIA to the community as a whole. For the help you." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Big Brothers program is more than just I cannot state too strongly the importance an altruistic gesture by a few concerned of the Big Brothers Program to the Sacra­ Tuesday, April 3, 1973 citizens. It is also a pragmatic method mento community. Our Big Brother volun­ Mr. REES. Mr. Speaker, I want to ad­ of dealing with some of the potential teers have a 90% success ratio, and what a dress myself to the extraordinary work social and family problems that tum waste of our community and the families we serve if we must cut back our services. done by SHARE, Inc., a nonprofit service juveniles into juvenile delinquents. Will you please do your utmost to modify or.ganization headquartered in my dis­ Let us be frank about it. Without the and/or change these proposed regulations in trict. SHARE, Inc. is an acronym for attention these youngsters now receive the Social Security Act to the point that we ~hare Happily and Reap Endlessly, and from their Big Brothers, many of them can continue to service our community.
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