UNCLASSIFIED Departmentof Defense 1 Office for the AdministrativeReview of the Detentionof Enemy Combatantsat U.S.NavalBase GuantanamoBay, Cuba 22 August2007 JARABH, SAEEDAHMED MOHAMMEDABDULLAH SAREM Subject: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASE JARABH, SAEEDAHMEDMOHAMMED ABDULLAHSAREM 1. AnAdministrativeReviewBoardwill be convenedto reviewyour case to determineifyour continueddetentionis necessary. 2.The Administrative Review Board will conduct a comprehensive review of all reasonably available and relevant information regarding case . At the conclusion of this review the Board will make a recommendation to: ( ) release you to your home state ; ( ) transfer you to your home state, with conditions agreed upon by the United States and your home state ; or (3 ) continue your detention under United States control. 3. The followingprimary factors favor continued detention: a Commitment 1. The detaineewas a Yemenimemberof alQaida. 2. A source stated the detainee was a member of al Qaida and will go back to jihad when he leaves Guantanamo. 3. The detainee stated that in 1992 he re -discovered religion and became interested injoiningthe jihadin Chechnyaor Kashmir. To payfor expenses, the detainee helpedhimselfto the cashbox at hisfather'sjewelrystore. The detaineehad consultedhis fatherregardingjihad and was told no. 4. In May 2002 , the detainee stated he had traveled to Afghanistan twice. The first trip was in late 2000 where he claimed that he worked with three separate Islamic charities. The second trip was in September or August of 2001. 5. The detaineestatedhetraveledto Afghanistanbecauseheintendedto go to the Chechen border to help refugees. 6. The detaineecitedthe Koranandthe possibilityofexpandinghisgoldbusinessas motivationfor travelto Afghanistan. The detaineemadehisown travel DMO Exhibit 1 Page of 4 UNCLASSIFIED 232 UNCLASSIFIED Subject: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOFEVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHECASEOFJARABH, SAEEDAHMEDMOHAMMED ABDULLAHSAREM arrangements . 7. The detaineestated he stayedat a guesthousefor Chechenjihadists underthe commandofan individual. 8. The individualin the previousstatemerit is an establishedYemenial Qaida figure. 9. source stated the detainee was a suicidebomber had sworn Bayat an of allegiance) to Usama bin Laden. 10. A source stated the detainee was a fighter on the front lines against the Northern Alliance. 11. A sourcestated the detainee was a machine gunnerat Tora Bora Afghanistan. 12. A source stated the detainee was at al Farouq and Tora Bora, Afghanistan. Training 1. A sourcestated the trainingat al Farouq, Afghanistan. 2. A source identified the detainee as being at al Farouq Camp in Afghanistan The source stated the detainee receivedfull training to includeArms Trainingwith pistol, Kalashnikov, handgrenades and Bika, a 25 KM march, Fighting Techniques, and Explosives. 3. The detainee stated he attended light arms training at Abu Ubaida Camp also knownas Farms, at Kandaharairport, Afghanistan. 4. Farms was considered the most important al Qaida training facility in Afghanistan since it was where al Qaida operatives received advanced training including urban assault and other tactics . A prerequisite to attending Tarnak Farms was completion ofbasic training at al Farouq training camp . Connections/ Associations 1. Thedetaineestatedhetraveledto Kandahar, Afghanistanto meet up with an established Yemeni al Qaidamember. 2. The detainee stated he was in the companyof a person whom the detaineebelievedto beal Qaida. DMO Exhibit 1 Page2 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED 233 UNCLASSIFIED Subject : UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF JARABH , SAEED AHMED MOHAMMED ABDULLAH SAREM 3. A senior al Qaida Lieutenantidentifiedthedetainee as a Yemeni he knew from Afghanistan. 4. The detainee'snameis on a listofitemsfoundduring a raid ofa suspected Qaidaguest house. d OtherRelevantData 1. The detainee stated he stayed with an individual in Jalalabad Afghanistan for one week . WhenKabulfell the detaineeand the individualtraveledsix hours to the individual'svillagehousewhere they stayedfor one month. The detaineewanted to go to theYemeniEmbassyin Islamabad, Pakistan, so he and the individual, on about 17 November, left on foot five or six days throughthemountainsto a place calledSheltar, approximately200 metersfromPakistanborder. 2. The detainee stated he was arrested at a border checkpoint. 3. The detainee been identified as the owner of a Casio F - 91W wristwatch This model has been used in bombings that have been linked to al Qaida and radical Islamic terrorist improvised explosive devices . 4. The following primary factors favor releaseor transfer : a. The detainee stated all ofthe informationhe provided when he was initially captured were lies and his interrogators made him providethat information. b . The detainee stated that ifhe was released, he would like to returnto Sanaa, Yemen and pursue a career inlivestock or as a trader. c . The detainee stated he believes the attacks of September 11th were wrong, and that UsamabinLadenandal Qaidaare notadheringto the true Islamicfaith. The detaineestressedthe only reasonhetraveledto Afghanistanin the first place, was to teach the Koran. Oncethe detaineeleamedpeoplefromAbu Obaida wereinstructing othersonhow to fire a Kalashnikov, he thoughtit wouldbevery interestingto learn. The detaineeexplainedit is a duty for a knowledgeableregardinghow to defendone's self, andconsequently, he consideredthe trainingto be a good opportunity. 5. You will be afforded a meaningful opportunity to be heard and to present information to the ; this includes an opportunity to be physically present at the proceeding. The Assisting Military Officer (AMO ) will assist you in reviewing all relevant and reasonably available unclassified information regarding your case . The AMO is not an advocate for or against DMOExhibit1 Page3 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED 234 UNCLASSIFIED Subject: UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCEFOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF JARABH , SAEED AHMED MOHAMMED ABDULLAH SAREM continued detention, nor may the AMO form a confidentialrelationship with you or represent you in anyother matter. DMO Exhibit Page4 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED 235.
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