University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-16-1921 Carlsbad Current, 09-16-1921 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 09-16-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/476 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. be (íarlshab durottí TWKVnr-NINT- TKAIt, ww MKXtro, KEPT. OARLMAB. litnnv. l, tnai. M MIIEIt 41. gPRAtU TO SMAII, IKiH I. l Senator H. O. liursum visited Tin-Mil- THE FACTS ABOUT BURSUM'S VOTE ON drlsbad muí spoke to a SENATOR A. A. mall audience that night In (he in- JONES' SPEECH terest of his candidacy for election to tho office of I'nlted States Bona tor. THE SOLDIER BONUS BILL si-k- i On the platform at the Crawford molds ACDUNOas i turrvi) sult will a have direct Influence on fore now That bill I Theatre wan W. F Mcllvaln and I oil MORI THAI n the now sup- "The statement I seen In pass- hoi in future action of congreas ported by evory senator repre- Francia O. Tracy. Mr. Mcllvaln In- have print that Senator Bursum which Is and Fi.oon mi ORATOR at ull time anxious to sentative weat of ne MiMlsuppi riv- troduced Mr. Tracy who In glowing ed his vote on the Adjusted Compensation Act until lta recom- know what the people Mr. issl M IMtKsKVTKU are thinking. er. IÍ the republicana would spend terma Introduced Bursum. mittal had become assured and that he then voted not In the All eyi are now upon New Mexico a Senator Ourautn started hla speech I X FORCEFUL few million les on battleship and Interest of the soldiers. Is untrue. To my personal knowledge and the responsibility which rests naval armamenta there would bo by recalling hla former visit to thla MAinon. upon our shoulders are great. money elty when ho waa a Senator Hursum did not pass his vote on this bill, a all The for reclaiming orne of tho candidate for election of our f Bur-au- m I'nlted States senator lands the we"t. Ruad governor and said he had been told men in Washington at that time know. Senator WlH building New Mexico's senior I'nlted States affect the Interests of every Hie Is not a partisan issue m congress. the farmers of the Carlsbad project voted against the recommittal of this hill, and for the side and the welrare of every All were going to 3.600 balea ot Seuator A. A Jones Carlsbad cltlsen. are behind the wnr finance cor- ralae soldiers, and worked for the bill, aa he has worked for every At Rosw.il i political ad- otton this year and congratulated Wednesday for the purpose of speak- vt poration a the demand for relief measure for the welfare of men. Thl last minute ing upon the issue vertís. 'in. nt which presents new Is- came trom every agricultural on good Judgment. He j of the day and section them their In sue In this campaign The adver- of express I'd his pleaaure at so many charge against Senator Ilursuin Is a deliberate effort by his favor of the Democratic' party' the country After the war there New Mexico candidate tisement says in tho bopdlOf 'Don't was an Insistent demand demob- being present, laying thla Is a political enemies to get the votos of against htm by for the offleu Vote a Party for women of United States Seuator, Rlchutd H. Label Nnxt Tuesday,' ilisation not only cf the army but of period of thinking and the deception. I hope every veteran of the late war will re- ' This appcnl Is being It. that Haima. made in this part nil government activities incident to are doing their share of or - give to vote the state wb- te the wnr. The In- The speaker said this Is a period sent thl effort and Bursum the bis work and Senator Jones was met at tho de- majority of the republicans then the people nre democratic, but in sisted loudest on stopping .of reconstruction through which the his every vote In our behalf entitles him to receive." pot by u committee ot loyul demo-er- a everything CthOr parts wher- - the majority Is re- at onCC o war corpora- win Id Is passing an It in out of ba1- - ts who later gave u banquet at 'he llnnnce (digued) VICTOR HE1NTZ. publican th" appeal Is being made to tion started to demobilize Times Anee caused by wasting 50 billion' the Crawrord Cafe which was attend- by ed by a larga Italld the party The advertise- were prosperous then uud a republi- dollars of resources during the war. Cuptaln Helntz Is one of the most distinguished of the great number of our citizens ment snys: Despite and Which was presided over by R. 'In national elections, can congress did not make g piotest the fart the I'nlted Stat" . Americans who fought for us in France. Ho Is a member of J. when the policy. 60 per cent of gold of the en- -, Linn as toast master, he calling on .Tea' political partle re agalnsl this All thought It bas the the- - American Legion. In hi service in France he was dec- all) nod agalnt world, the rates snd discounts' several for an appreciation of Mr. each other nnd when the right thing to do. Just ono tire broad principles of v I countries of orated with the distinguished service cross ami the Croix De Jones and big service to New MexliO. national policy .ii ago today was in Washington between different the' to be i He Is In New Mexico making speeches In are determined it right that ill connection with members of the world are the most serious obstruc (rtierre. Bursum's Ten speakers tesponded and threw so voters sould of many boqueta seem- stand for the party In Live Sto k Association and we went tion to a resumption trade. behalf because he feels that the veterans owe their support nt the seuator It whose principles they believe Mr. Hursum said agriculture ha ed theiu wus nothing loft good to say Such before the federal reserve board and to the man who has champlouoil their cause. an election was held last November ol pf il more than any other Indus- of him mid told them the acres calves and sullen the banquet came to a when our government was entrusted of heifers being shipped try because It aa a whole was not O. L. PHILLIPS, close with a short, appropriate ex- thousands Chalrmnn. for four years to the Harding aduiln in ni.iiket v nil should have been able to organise and properly finance pression i rom the of hi deep Republican Campulgu Committee. senator uud a lepubllran t the marketing of crop. The pro- Paid Advertisement. latratlon emigres left to stock the range; cattle which appreciation of the whole hearted In the special election next Theoday had hi" n shipped there against the ducer was urged during the war to ev- hoipltallty extended him this uud N"W Mexico will choose u senator to win of the grower to satisfy mort- - produce to the fullest extent and he ery In- time visit Carlibad. represent this SbxtS for the remanid gagl s held !) eastern capitalists. rtsponded loyally to the govern- Yesterday request, but It became necea- - morning Senator Jone er of the term foi which President The piesldeut of the fcdciul board ment' lu rompa nv with prominent demo- Harding port for liini to borrow money to Sheriff Batton Captures BURSUM AND THE and the republican suld there had been no law to re l-arr- ItOUi was In No .tj on with the ex crats here went via automobile plu'fd charge purllsnn stud loans to live .duckmiii and eas- Hopo w pectation ol pnlug it back rrom the Outlaw Mexican Who CASE OF SENATOR lo i, re he spoke nt lo o'clock Issues are ut stake No questions tern banker who WON ProOOUt said - a a a, or high price of his product. rhen, ft I aud lu the Mteruoou spok" at nntlouul policy uie lo he dec dod all the) wanted vv.is their money going RogOrell These have I according to Mr. Dursuni, the Fed-ora- l Killed storeKceper. NRWRRRRY fiom there to to been determined for win n it became due. told theiu Reserve hanks sounded the fill another engagement. three and one-hai- r years In such ii thoy withdrew loans from the weal an election live-doc- ln- - alarm and said credits must he Isidoro Miranda, At ubout S o'clock at the Alrdome citizens should put u Ids the) would destroy the jpuidateil The sudden fall of murderer of A. J. Courey. of Duran. Much Is being made by the parti- Robt. C. Dow introduced Seuator the parly label and vol tor the man dustry, They admitted they w ted who by son, txpor-leur- e, prices made It Impossible to pay Torrance county, and who also shot san opposition of the fact thnt Sena- Jones to the audienee ni a musterl) pel i SOUtptnCOt, their money lor the activities ol tho ad- high- realix-t- d and seriously wounded Mrs.
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