![Iranrb^Btfr Ieubittitg Jbralb Dixie Roars out Approval As General](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
m ro A T , SEPTEMBER t t , 11 PAGE TWENTY iffianrhrBtrr Eorafng Vrralb Tho Weather Avorago DpBy Not Prara Rbb raennaat of D. 8. Wealbar Bmui to reinetato them iislaaa tka r a r IRB W ara jt o i t d Frianda In town have received four yeara, thay were being drop­ returned only In tha last month. The marriage o f Miaa M ary ,C. voting votera reguaM It alx daya Ha gave tka worhen of both r a p t Fair aad ceathuMd enal tots newa o f tha birth o f twina. a boy ped from the voting Uata, only 803 s t o r e Lrwme of Weet Cbnter Mreet and 200 May Liose before tha next general ateetton. partlee a large ahara of tha credit nXTVRES About Town and a girl, to Mr. and Mra. fre d have reuueated both regtetrara to afterueeu aad tonight. Fkir m A lflo BanUnI o f Hartford, will be ralnatate tham. The next general election la Man­ for the return of many of the vot- Bonney of Vlata. f^llf., who al­ eaal t e r n sere w wfth teotoetstates aolemnlaed In Bt. Jamea' Church State law directa the raglatrara chester ia the town alocUona Oct. era to tho Hats. ’The workera found , 10,619 tomorrow morning at • o’clock. ready have a email aon and daugh­ iRanrb^BtFr iEuBittitg Jbralb The a0-«0 Club o f Bt. M o r/ i Voting Righto g, making tha daadUna BapL 3t. tkosa who wort In danger of being la tha eO'a. ter. Mra. Bonney waa the former of votera to drop from the voting Church will hold iU ftiwt foil get- lleta thoae votera who have not Hemingway aald that although deprived of their Ballou and urged DWYR raoouen Clolae Duke, formerly of thia town Mmche$ter— A CUy of VUlago Charm tegoUMr W d o y ovoeiing, Ort. >, Mra. Iwon Rivard and her com­ participated in a general election the cards were cent out h|at De­ them to have their namea replaced W est street. Belton. TeL 0330 and Coventry, and daughter of In tho porlih houot. Now mombon mittee have their plana all com­ W ill Be Dropped from In four consecutive yeara and not cember, about too of them were on the ballot, Hemingway aalA win bo wolcemo and aro roquotlcd pleted for the Harveat dance to­ Mra. taabei Duke, who alao tivea In (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS to call Mra. W llfrod J. MaitoPoU, morrow evening at the Mannchea- California. Lists UnlesB They, Act AivarMatog oo Faga IB) MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY^ SEPTEMBER 27, 1952 ter Country Club, which will VOL. LXXI. NO. 304 IS'Bunco drloo. or Mro. L« B. Han* By Mondsy Deiidline •on of M Waranoko road, boforo open the eMaon for Bt. Margaret’a The Manciieeter Meaalah OiorSia a re le , Deughtera of laabella. rrtday. ____ will have a rehearaal thIa eve­ About 3M Maacbeater raaMenta ning at a o’clock In the Federa­ Dr. Oliver W. Ball of the New are only three daya away from Preaident Geta New Bible Don*t Forget! itn . John r . Barftow of Main tion Room Of Center Church being «leprived of Jheir right to ■Iroot hao rocolved a latter from London Mathodlat Church will houae. Andrew Wataon, the leader, vote In the coming electkma. Ramember that hour o f alaap her daughtor. Mfo. Hamilton U apeak on Uie aub)ect, “ Chrlatlan urgea any whe have coplea o f the Repubilean Reglatrar of Votera you may have kwt laat Spring Ormt of Wmhurot. Til., who with BUwardahlp” at d meeting of the Maaalah oratorio to bring thorn. A W8CS WedpeeiUy, evening. Oct. 1. Donald Hemingway raported today Trick'of the — on that hour of weak-and fun. h n children aro Waiting Mr. and cordial Invitation 1a extanded to that o f tha 036 peraona who have Dixie Roars Out Approval It was tha hour cut from lin t .Donald r . Birina, dlfroctlng at 7:?H>. Dr. Bill, who will apeak aingera Intareated In joining the been lent carde notifying, tham April 36 for the 65 mllUon bar mothar'o attonUon to tho fact at I lls , la widely known and la In chorua. that, becauaa thay have not voted Americans living In the areas that Mro. SIrino haa a living room rreat demand aa a public epaaker. Season la a general aleeiion In the laat observing dayUght aaving time Uluatratod in the October num­ lie waa mlnlater at Haaardvilla be­ fore moving to New London where ’The Waahington P T A ’a oountry In 33 atataa and the District of ber of MflOall’t magasino. Tho for­ auction, rummaga and eaka aala mer Ooraldine Flahor, daughter of he haa Ilvod for tha peat 30 yeara. Coumblia. All interoated are cordially invited. will gat underway tomorrow morn­ LET US nLL YOUR Wall, tonight—or more ex- Mra. OowaW lioh er and the late ing at 10 o’clock r/fi tha achool Mr, nihor, formerly of tbia town A aortal hour with refreal^menU acUy at 3 a. m. tomorrow will follow. grounda. I f the weather ahould be morning— la your chance to get As General Praises Byrd waa graduated from Manchoa unfavorable It wilt be held In tha even. Just turn back the tor High School and Pratt cafeteria of tha achool. Tha public t InatltuU and U well known aa an All groupe of the North Metho- clock one hour at that time if MraMraaraMoi^MP ^ . dlai ••dCb will combine forcaa on la Invited. illuatrator and decorator. The you are atlll up anlT around, or a fall rummage aate at the church. Birinoa have two children and do It before you go to bed If Friday Oct. 10, beginning at a TlironE Overflowa Stadium to Greet Eisenhower Uv« at T lUn drive, White Plalna Cslldd for Bsd dtUFcrtd you want to aleep through m, Mra. Jama# T. Ptekiea and tboae extra 60 minutea. K . T. • > Mra. Robert Arendt art co-chalr' promBtly at no oxtrs men. charge. " Ramp Crashes ► TOYS A. aon waa bom to Mr. and Mra. ^ For tbo RIddlee Chaater Xaika of Roipkvllla at Bt. Mlaa Maura MeOulre, daughter 2 . f t 1 4 rraneta Ho<qi>ttal on Bept. U, o f . O '). ;i «rr. <f. *Jc- Oulre of 4t Holl atreet. la a freah- I ArttiHr Drag SItrai Truman Set The Btate Belective flervica Ap­ man at Annhurat College, South ^ Lnrga Aaiirtiwt MNE EHARMSOY peal Beard yaaterday granted the At Speech End Woodatock. appeal from draft by Pratt A urntnay Aircraft for Walter A, For 15-Day X»itUe, .Jr., of Garden drive. Richmond, Va., Sopt. 27—(flV-Gm. Dwight D. Eisrahowor Boy Boouta o f Troop 111. Waah- Stump Trip wound up with a roaring laluto from Dixie and a near miah^ Ington PTA, will hold a bottle here last night a campaign trip hia managera pronounqH drive on the Weat aide atarting at "perfect." n e Republican presidential nominee has thCpa d p. m. Monday. Any depoalt Washington, Sept, 27— f daya off to write apobcheo aad gM bottlea are aecepUbla. Anyone who —President Truman sets out what rest ho can bofore flying' dOM net e a ^ to be at home may . Freetdeat Tiuuian reectvea how Dr. Luther A. Welgte (right) Columbia, B. -C, to r*M leave bottlea on porch fo r pick-up. Daas toneritw of YMe Divinity Bchoah-the Bret eupy et Ito revls^ tonight on an 8,600-mile, 16- TheimeellM forays into tbs Demoeratie Praeeada wlU be uaed to defray Btnadhfd veNlon af tha Bihte, the nwUlt a f 18 yearn work ^ SX day campaign trip in which beforie embarking on a kmg titda ■ummor eamp eapenaea. Protontwst nekatora. Dr. Fradertek B. Rnteeig, execuU|» aaeretary he will try to convince voters trip WOOL • f the Wmridagton Federation af Chnfelwa, la at neuter. bag e f tricks— it would be “dangerous” to "I l A e H u f* A- aoN -waa bora at Hartford Eiaonheavor loft for hia NHi M o^U l Wedneaday to Mr. and WMTER put the Republicans into York hondquartera with tha Mra. Henry Parkbigton of Hendee COTTON- power^ It Is his first strictly- of "I Ilk# Ikt,’’ Virglnlaaa toad. Andover, Expect More Arrests political major whistle atop In hla aara. tour of the 1952 presidential Twanty-thouaand of thorn, Robert U Arendt, Jr., electric!- A D& iSMMoiii od on tho Vlfglnla atnt; aa'e i i ^ e aecond elaaa, UBN. aon campaign. town In Richmond, howled Of Mr. anil Mra. Robert U Arendt if DANTWnD Tyumen will argue that "iaala- approval whan ho anoertod Suit or dress ensemble... give it .the final tottclt In Policy Ring Probe tlonlaU’’ dominate Republican and huaband o f Mra. Marlon -OANRIVBrS Ban. Harry F. Byrd "mora Arendt, all o f S Newman atyeet, of perfection with Rhythm Step shoes for O^r policy and a OOP victory would rtproaonte thoir opinion than ia nerving aboard the deatreyer fall collection. You’ll see their smart lines . .. #rifltlt-SMO fohfk endanger hopes for world peace. Trumnn *Ta(r Doal’’ and tender USB Tidewater. and even more the 1-2-3 cushions that make it a ihot looks and fe ^ Rhe Hartford. Sept. 27—</P)—More arrests were expect^ to­ One the general issue of gov­ Nobody owna you.” % day as police continued their investigation into an lUleged ernment corruption charges, plus pleasure to walk the Rhythm Step way. wool hut Is eetton.' After ha had comidatad policy rinsp which they snid miffht be stAte wide.
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