Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 4-30-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 30, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1980 Volume 64, Issue 143 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 30, 1980." (Apr 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 'Egyptian Wt'dllt>Sday. Apnl 30. 1980--- Vol. 70. No. I·~ C'-. L- '1'' ... vuuluc:m ~· 1inoi..c; University Carter taps Muskie as Secretary of State W~SHINGTON ( AP l _ J>:es•dent Carter bypassed the "proved himself to be statesmanlike in more than two H~rt H_. Humphrey's vice diplomatic establishment f[es•~ent~al running mate. Tuesday _and in a surprise decades in this body." !fte choice came as a sur­ USkle QUICkly WOQ the respect cho1ce sa1d he will nommate ~ his pa~ty as a voice of reason Sen_. Edmund S. Muskie of pr:tse. The man who had been wtdely considered the fron­ •n a pohucally turbulent year :\lame to head a State Depart­ that saw the as.o;assination of ment torn by the resignation of trunner for the job was Warren Cyrus R. Vance. Christopher, deputy secretary Se~. Robert Kennedy and of state who was named acting d•smtegration of th Carter made the nationally Democratic party over th! b~oadcast announcement at the secretary when Vance resigned V1etnam war. \\.hl!e House flanked by Vance a~ter an unsuccessful fight to dissuade Carter from launching · While the Humphrev-Muskie Act!ng Secretary Warren ticket. lost, Muskie beCame his Chr~_stopher. national security a co~mando raid to free the Amencan hostages in Tehran party s standard bearer out of adv•st;r Zbigniew Brzezinski powe~ and was considered a and V1ce President Walter F Cartru: beld the secretary·~ ha1_1dwr!tten letter of shD«!-10 ~or th«: Democratic Mondale. Muskie's wife Jane. pres•denttal nom1nation in m stoo«_t beside her husband as th~ res1gnatton on his desk until 1 after the military rescue at­ However. his campaign president p~nted him. co_llapl!ed after the early In response to questions tempt failed iast week. In response to questions about prun~nes and a tearful speech Muskie d~lined to endorse ~ ID w~•ch he denounced attacks eres·d~ntlal decision that led to the abOrted rescue attemnt wh!ch . led to on him and his wife by the ance s protest resignation on Vance~s Manchester Union Leader Monday· saying discussion of resignation, Muskie issued a newspaper. the fa~led attempt to rescue the statt;ment saying, "I believe the Amer1can hostages held in PresJdent had the authority and While .Muskie long has had 8 Tehran would have to await the responsibility to explore the re_putahon for seeking the lengthy briefings. feasibility of a rescue mission. !fltddle ~d on controversial "I don't think it's appropriate to cfev.:lop it as an option and lei ISSUeS, be IS reputed to have a carry_ •t out at such time as his te~per. which would contrast to u~~rtake a. review of the quiet, even­ past~ tht; one-time Democratic best JUdgment dictated ;::t~Vance's pres•de~tlal candidate said. "Secretary Vance apPal'Piltly poflcy. approach to foreign Reaction from Capitol HiU to ::!~~res~t his view, _as His ronl"umation, virtually the surprising announcement "But 1 bel" ans. Muskte satd. was generasUy favorable. also U~Jder!~:f Americans II88Urt'd by Jus 22 yeara as a member af the Seriate, woolld .H~ Speaker Thomas P. president's decision.~ the mean both ol Carter'• top 0 Ne1ll called his fellow NPW "We share the grief of thlt Englander ..an able public families of the IIOktiers Who died ~or:m~~-ol of doing any servant capable other. aati~ securtty job that comes along in tbe _nw ~-.~~:r... ~ at~ Zbign.iew BneziJI8ki. •• government" the attempt," be said. widely regarded as Vance's •·Foreign affairs has been a "After au. it was a n!SJ?Onse chtef competitor for the lifelong avocation of his: he has to kidnaping and blackmail. We presi~t's ear on foreign af­ served on the Foreign Relations cannot rule out the use of any fairs ISSUt'S. Committeee and contributed Administration sources said greatly in that field when he ran =~r~ia~~~:!~~:~c~::'J~! Tuesday that Brzezinski was on the Democratic ticket in bring sanity back to Iran." never in serious contention for Staff pboto by Doo Preisler 1968. ·· O"Neill said. Muskie, 66, chairman of the Vance's job. Senate Majority Leader Senate Budget Committee and a Brzezinski is considered more BARROW OF FUN-Valerie Nets. tlert>. aDd Jaaaeke Robert C. Byrd. D-W.Va., member of the Foreign strident and anti-Soviet than Reuldl ue tbelr wlleelbarrow to gather ap a faUea fire llose.. praised :\luskie for his Relations Committee, was Vance, who was often known to T1te s-&11 Db• Aveaae nsidellaa were llelpiDS a flremaa ··courage. ability and keen catapulted to national attention argue for moderation Pnd roll ., die IMIH after I& feU from OR el &he firetnlcks respon­ foresight'" and said Muskie in 1968 when be was picked as conciliation. ding to a r.re alarm iD Life Science II after aa iDeiDerater set Director of code enforcetnent off a smoke alarm iD &he basemeaL 2 referenda on ballot, supports student tenant union Bv Karea Gullo plaints made at the city's code good money and are entitled to polls to open at 8 a.m. Staff Writer enforcement office since last a good place to live." The director of the city code Aug., Yow said many students Yow said be knows student's By Charity Goald advocacy organizat.ioo. enforcement offtce threw his say they won't file complaints have complained about the Staff Writer Only undergraduate students support behind the formation of about inadequate housir18 to a amount of time it takes to Polls will be open from 8 a.m. can vote for USO president, vice student tenant union." be said. correct a housing violation. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday for the .,._"'esident and senators. The a student tenant union Tuesday ' and said such an organization "Students may feel easier Since the office must notifv the Undergraduate Student whole student body iDduding may help solve more student making complaints about owner of the problem ~fore Organization elections and the undergraduates, graduates, housing problems. inadaquate housing to a studerrt anythiog can be done. Yow said student trustee ek!ction. ··There is a need for a student tenant union," he said. the enforcement pr~ "takes Students will also have the :~ f~~~~:dc: tenant union," John Yow. The number of housing time." chance to vote on a referendum the referendums. director of the city a~ency complaints bas decreased ..We have more trouble dealing with the establishment USO idential candidates which monitors comphance during the past few years, and contacting landlords than of a student tenant union and a are Pa~talonis, Kurt Bovle. with Carbondale's housing Yow said that may be because students do," said Yow. referendum dealing with SIU­ Phil Eberlin, Tom O'Malley, standards. said. violations are not being "Landlords know when we are C's lllinois Public Interest Glen Ritter and Greg Materna. "A few years ago there was a reported. However, he said the trying to contact them. it's Research Group. Cbris Blankenship and Mart tenant union on campus. and we decreaSI.' could also be at­ about a violation." The student tenant union Michalie are the two student worked closely with them tributed to the "Systematic referendum. soonsored by the trustee candidates. clearing up many student Housing Inspection Program." Student Health Policy Board, There are two senate seats hOU:sing matters," he said. Under the ~?,rogram, 1,280 asks students if they would open for Thompson Point, three Yow said tiP hopes students houses and trallers, 700 of them support a $1 refundable fee to seats open for East Campus, will support the referendum to rental units. were inspected for fonn a student-directed tenant and six seats each for East and eswblish a student tenant union union wbicb would work with West Sides. that will be on student election =~~nc_eY~thsa~~fth~ students, the Carbondale Polling places include ballots Wednesday. The union, safety violations can be Housing Code Commission and Trueblood. GrizmeU and Lentz as outlined by the Student detected before complaints are the stUdent's attorney to en­ Halls, the Student Center, Health Policy Board, would made. force health and safety codes in Woody Hall, Morris Ubrary, work with tenants and the But he stressed that "it's non-university off-campus Communications Building, Carbondale Code Enfor"C("ment important for students to report housing. Health Sel"vice. Lawson and office to enforce housing health housing problems." The IPIRG referendum asks Technology I. and safety standards. "We can't belp if students students if they would support a Student.s must bave their . Although students filed two­ don't let .. know · about · a $2 YOiuntary fee to support the student identillcation cards and thirds of the 113 housing com- problem," he said. "They pay student-directed research and fee statements to vote. lllinois legislature seeksreplacennent for Hannbletonian 8• Dia.. Pe­ Kurt Green. director of public staff Wrdft' relations for the fair. said that The Du Quoin State Fair may because the new race would be get a finaneial boost from thE­ owned bv the Du Quoin State Illinois legislature as part of a I-' air.
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