MOVING WITH UNWAVERING STEPS ON THE PATH TO A MATURE DEMOCRACY PAGE-8 (OPINION) Vol. VI, No. 112, 7th Waxing of Wagaung 1381 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Wednesday, 7 August 2019 President receives MRCS delegation President U Win Myint receives the delegation of the Myanmar Red Cross Society at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA RESIDENT U Win Myint, the MRCS, holding of its Gener- tions, international principles that the General Assembly of time members of the Executive Ppatron of the Myanmar al Assembly in November 2019, of Red Cross societies, basic MRCS should be held in line Committee. Red Cross Society, received its election of council and EC mem- principles, while it was coop- with laws, procedures and prin- President U Win Myint also top leadership Professor Dr bers from the township level to erating with UN bodies, social ciples. donated K5 million to the MRCS, Daw Mya Thu and Executive the central level and celebra- humanitarian organizations The General Assembly and received a permanent mem- Committee (Full-time) Dr. Daw tion of the 80th anniversary of and NGOs in carrying out hu- would comprise the Central ber badge. The meeting was also Amaya Maw Naing at the presi- MRCS. manitarian services, natural Council, and the latter would attended by Union Minister for dential residence in Nay Pyi Taw President U Win Myint said disasters, man-made disasters, form an Executive Committee the Office of the Union Govern- yesterday morning. that the Myanmar Red Cross emergency cases, prevention that was responsible for select- ment U Min Thu, Union Minister At the meeting, Dr Daw Society was an independent and of diseases and social welfare ing President, Vice President, for Health and Sports Dr Myint Mya Thu gave a briefing about volunteer society, functioning in services. Secretary General, two full- Htwe and officials.— MNA the organizational activities of line with the Geneva Conven- The President remarked time members and six part- (Translated by Aung Khin) Myanmar Foreign Ministry issues press statement on FFM’s report Following is the press statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday regarding the report of the UN Fact-Finding Mission-FFM on Myanmar issued on 5 August. Myanmar opposed the es- tions. We have made our posi- should be the basis for the res- lenges that need to be overcome. Myanmar is addressing the is- tablishment of Fact-Finding tion abundantly clear and we olution of international issues, It is also our principled sue of accountability in Rakhine Mission (FFM) by the Hu- do not recognize the report of including that of human rights. position that there must be ac- by setting up the Independent man Rights Council as it was the FFM. We adhere firmly to We do not believe that economic countability for human rights Commission of Enquiry (ICoE). based on unfounded allega- the position that cooperation sanctions will resolve the chal- violations. The Government of SEE PAGE-3 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT NATIONAL Myanmar launches Pyithu Hluttaw Private school Myanmar to National Earthquake agrees to support quality issue issue smart ID Preparedness and research, extended brought to cards to seafarers Response Plan production Amyotha Hluttaw from 7 Aug PAGE-3 PAGE-2 PAGE-2 PAGE-5 7 AUGUST 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw agrees to support research, extended production The 8th day meeting of Pyithu supporting efficiency of food- mobile SIM cards is to be car- Hluttaw yesterday approved a stuff and living for the people. ried out by national registration proposal on agricultural and card or biometric system. livestock sector, discussed Measures for dispute set- Deputy Minister U Thar Oo farmland management, dispute tlements on boundaries of of Transport and Communica- on land boundary and erection land and property tions replied these questions. of telecom posts. The meeting U Nyan Hein, MP of Than- MP U Aung Than from Khamti also approved the National Re- byuzayat constituency, asked constituency asked to remove cord and Archives Bill. about adopting a procedure the status of Khamti jewelry to effectively and immediately land as it has turned into resi- Research and Extended solve disputes on boundaries dential areas of villages in nine production of land and property. village-tracts. U Sein Win, MP of Maubin The deputy minister re- MP U Nay Htet Win from constituency, urged the Union plied that it is not required to Sinbaungwe constituency government to support re- Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA adopt further procedures for asked to conduct educative search and extended produc- settlement of land and property campaigns for prevention of tion system in developing the disputes as the Department of deforestation and reduction of quantity and quality of agricul- the proposal, saying that his MP of Belin constituency, asked Agriculture Land Management carbon emission in the remote tural and livestock products for ministry was collaborating about management of the De- and Statistics is handing these areas with no electrification. foreign markets. with the relevant ministries, partment of Agriculture Land issue in line with the existing The query was replied by The proposal was sup- private sector, civil societies Management and Statistics for law to avoid any loss of land Deputy Minister Dr Ye Myint ported by U Min Thine, MP of and development partners to accuracy in land mapping. owners. Swe. MP U Thein Tan from Bogalay constituency, saying narrow the gap in this sector U Hla Kyaw, Deputy Min- Hlegu constituency asked that the farmers are facing with even compared with neighbour- ister for Agriculture, Livestock Erection of telecom towers about the management of Co- deficiencies in the markets, se- ing countries. and Irrigation, replied that the U Toe Thaung, MP of Mon- operative Department on the vere weather conditions, high As no one filed objection ministry was emphasizing on gmit constituency, asked about allocation of annual profit from labour wages, less capital and against the proposal, the production of digital land maps the plan for putting the telecom the shares contributed to CB lack of technologies in produc- Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw ap- on the availability of staff mem- towers up at mountainous are- Bank and the savings of can- tion of high quality products. proved it. bers and funds to support for as of Mongmit Township. celled cooperatives in bank U Hla Kyaw, Deputy Min- adopting land policies of the Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo, accounts. ister for Agriculture, Live- Query on land management State, implementing agricul- MP of Kyauktan constituen- stock and Irrigation, affirmed U Tin Ko Ko Oo (a) U A Tot, tural development plans and cy, asked about registration of SEE PAGE-5 Private school quality issue brought to Amyotha Hluttaw Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th were used in the application. All for Hluttaw representatives who regular session held its eighth- universities under higher educa- want to discuss the matter to day meeting at the Amyotha tion department will be following register their names. Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday these guidelines and regulations Report on Education Re- morning. At the meeting ques- said the Deputy Minister. search, Project and Training Bill tions raised were answered, Similarly questions raised and approval of the bill Hluttaw informed of receipt of a by U Lal Min Htan of Chin State Next Amyotha Hluttaw Bill bill, a report read on a bill and the constituency 10 on a plan to re- Committee reread and explained bill approved, a bill and a motion pair a village connecting road in a report on Education Research, discussed. Chin State Matupi Township, U Project and Training Bill. The bill Mahn Law Moung of Chin State was approved and returned with Motion on private school constituency 8 on a plan to repair amendments by Pyithu Hluttaw. Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than. PHOTO: MNA Yesterday, a motion urging and maintain a bailey bridge in After obtaining the decision of the the government to review the 13th regular session scheduled constituency 2 on issuing degree Chin State Mindat Township and Hluttaw on the supplements and quality of private schools opened for 8 August. certificates to students who were U Khin Maung Latt of Rakhine amendments to the bill Amyotha in connection with a foreign uni- attending courses in universities State constituency 3 on arrange- Hluttaw Speaker announced the versity or education entity or Question and answer session under higher education depart- ments made to provide education Hluttaw’s approval of the bill with their own curriculum and In the question and answer ment but didn’t have national to students from seven townships to review and announce about session U Min Naing of Sagaing registration card Deputy Minis- of Northern Rakhine State who Discussion on Urban and Ru- the certificates issued by those Region constituency 12 asked if ter for Education U Win Maw Tun were in camps avoiding armed ral Development Project Bill schools tabled by U Kyaw Htway there was a plan to build a re- replied that the published univer- conflicts were answered by Dep- Afterwards U Hla San of of Yangon Region constituency 8 inforced concrete bridge over sity entrance guide specifically uty Minister for Border Affairs Magway Region constituency 1, was discussed by U Tun Tun Oo Nan Poke Creek on the eastern stated that applicants applying Maj-Gen Than Htut and Deputy U Soe Thein (a) U Maung Soe of Mandalay Region constituency part of Lahe Township in Naga to attend a university must be Minister for Education U Win of Taninthayi Region constitu- 2, Tatmadaw representative Maj Self-Administered Zone. Dep- citizens according to prevailing Maw Tun.
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