Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited Shariah Based Islami Bank Consolidated Financial Statements (Un-audited) as at 30 September 2015 EXPORT IMPORT BANKOF BANGLA.DESH LIMITED Consolidated Balance Sheet (LJn-audited) as at 30 September 2015 l- S.p,.-b.'r0Gll- D.*-b.r1014 I PROPERTY & ASSETS Taka Taka Cesh In hand (including foreign curency) f--l',4s7,1 2$to1- fi77,327.323 Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its Agent Banks ,r,,ro.uro,r,u ,,,rr,rrr,*, (including foreign cunency) | ll I 20,561,747,026 28,512,605,848 Balancc with other benkr end finenciel inetitutions In Bangladesh lzsl]'lsz'zolllt'euiAsrzl Outside Bangladesh 2,206.837.969 | ll 1,877,795,7u I 9,718,775,672 3,553,925,630 Phcement with benks & othcr finenciel institutione 500,0m,m0 500,000,000 Invcstmeats in shar€t tnd sccuritics Govemment f il-nod,)stJl:till--J-Jx)J)str,3gl Others I t,str,zts:noll t,ozr,+eo.yt I 17,515,325,008 15,571,547,409 Invesmcnte General investments etc. fl88jr8l,4orJ,6, I fi ?Z4rjt6{t.qs3l Bills purchased and discounted I s,zzz, q8.slr ll e,-nz.t9y.oezl 196,859,200,979 t79,165,567,945 Fixed assets including premises 3,153,932,795 3,311,712,168 Other eesets 4,,+,08,896,594 2,218,594,858 No[-bankiag asscts Total Propcrty & Aescu _?!2,2!1_f,lJ!l__233E1,2q!i!_ LIABILITIES & CAPITAL Liabilitice Placcment from banks & othcr finencirl institutions 452,825,605 Deposits and other eccounts Mudaraba savings deposits l'1r86Frzg2l[-lro-4,br.tseil Mudraba tem deposits | 129,637,237,265 ll 122,987,801,586 I Other Mudaraba Deposits so,r rr,raa,zor 44,166.42e,\NB I ll I Al wadccah curent and other dcposit accounts | 22,219,479,922 ll 21,346,501.289 I Bills payable r,zs,).oos,saa I ll r,oo+,nzJst I 215,t4t,926,714 200,009,004,503 Mudraba Subordinated Bond 2,500,m0,000 Other liebilitiee 11,863,014,102 9,395,063,443 Totel liebilitice n "so4,r4ow ,0rs56sr3"5sl Capitel/ehertholdcn' equity Paid up capital I tdlrr5ror6sdlfrr,s3s//6p8ol Starutory reserue I ezse,+z+,+fi ll 6,118,314,064 I Other resen'es I z,r m,s+o,oeo ll zJi0,s46,666 | Foreign cmency translation adjustment tzsz,rrrlll s,4rs,78e I Retained eamings I 870,623,287 | ll 1,884,047,017 | EXIM Bank Shercholden' Equity 23,412,847,85 22,976,969,616 Minority Interest 9t),123 90,691 Totel gharcholdcre' cquity 23,41:1,937,258 22,977,060,307 Totel liabilitiee end shercholdcrsr cquity ____82,2)1]13p1_ __232,8312qq$_ Ofi balancc shcct itcme Contingcnt liebilitics: Acceptance and endorsements lrtters ofguarantee 4,132,es2,76811 4238,337,604 Irevocable letters of credit 24,135,708,43211 21,034,770,856 Bills for collectron 3,301,066,62211 5,479,716,930 Other contingent Liabilities 35 975,519 Totel contingcnt liebilities 65,616,800,909 Other comrnitments Total ofr belencc sheet items EXPORT IMPORT BANK OF BANGLADESH LIMITED Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Un-audited) for the period ended 30 September 20L5 Particulars Investrnent income @,s6413-psl pn t6iL s fi 6 2rope6 Profit paid on deposits, borrowinpp, etc. | (r z,sar,szz,z+st ll ( t,gzt,zsc,o+ztll g,sez,szz,zsotll-,464,1i-17ir e,t n,zea jesll Net investrnent income 4,633,051,816 4,134,996,425 1,353,768,463 1,726,975,520 Income from investment in shares/securities 247,033,108 211,102,920 39,514,097 4,211,,1,82 Commission, exchange and brokeragc 1,444,941,728 1,533,667,990 465,623,053 474,861,661 (iain on salc of investmeot in shares 8,666,261 - 4,514,918 25,112,361 C)thcr opcrating income 426,915,168 607,863,31 r 110,002,692 182,7'.t8,642 Total operating income (A) 6,760,668,081 6,488,?30,646 1,973,423,223 2,413,779,366 Operating expenees Salarics and allowances 1,893,256,796 1 ,167 ,392,558 670,31,3,611 614,390,330 Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 409,281,820 348,586,878 160,277,735 113,156,982 I-egal expenses 28,540,015 17,336,249 3,740,801 6,608,739 Postage, stamp, telegram, telephone etc. 54,071,386 59,953,397 16,938,465 17,158,447 Auditors fees 31,738 121,,026 (1,24'.t" (el,127',, Stationery, printing, advertisement, etc. 140,398,471 't32,224,218 48,565,481 45,536,142 Managing Director's remuneradon 9,357,226 8,131,935 3,829,226 2,911,935 Managing Director's fees Directors' fees and expenses 1,123,696 1,146,943 371,230 381,828 Shariah Supervisory Committee's Fees & Expenses 209,830 254,375 50,350 1 05,890 Charges on Investment Losses Depreciation on and repair to Bank's property 178,436,979 112,996,994 60,040,813 58,873,946 Zakat expenses 81,418,402 r 08,000,000 87,478,402 108,000,000 Other expenses 654,004,714 622.229.121 320,356,437 185.889.013 Total operating expenses (B) 3,456,191,133 3,238,373,694 7,371,961,310 1,752,921 Profit before provisions (C=A-B) 3,304,476,948 3,249,856,952 601,461,913 1,260,857,941 Provision for invcstments and Off Balance Shcct l 8%,r r8,8J9 lfrsl,046JrA@1 l)rovision for diminution in value of shares oor,+co,asq t+,qazJqo rz+,osu,sss I-'j1113loiJ4Is Ttso\a,),) ll ll ll I Total Provision (D) 2,447,008,658 1,499,579,723 225,529,056 691,452,004 Profit before taxes (C-D) 857,468,290 1,750,277,229 375,932,957 569,405,937 Proyision for taxation: (lurrcnt tax 300,21e,28e ll 74s,411 ,432 I)rcvious years, tax 120,000,000 Deferrcd tax cxpcnsc/ (benefi t) 420,249,289 745,477,432@re 261,178,460 22j,996,059 Profit after tax 437,219,001 1,004,799,797 114,754,397 345,419,779 Retained earnings brought forward 1,888,378,687 1,569,546,136 1,888,378,687 1,569,546,736 Profit available for appropriation _-?& L _ _zp!,1!5&__2pq1EJJ91_ l,9luqoJE_ Appropriations: Statutory reserve 't7't,110,369 369,829,382 73,353,803 1 08,040,1 85 Issue ofbonus shares 1.283.864.600 1.283.864.600 1,454,974,969 1,642,127,642 1,357,279,403 1,390,339,445 Retained earnings carried forward _81g522W_ __:32,2133e1 ____915p11@L ___511,02!99_ Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited Minority Interest f'*"--87"ffirem 870,622,719 932,2lg,ggl 645,914,691 534,629,070 Eamings per ordinary share 0.31 0.77 0.08 0.24 M Chairmar EXPORT IMPORT BANK OF BANGLADESH LIMITED Consolidated Cash Flow Statemeot (tJn-audited) for the period ended 30 September 2015 I J."$.pt r0is IfJ---S.pr 1014 -l Particulars Taka Taka A) Cash flows from opeating activities Investment income receipts 17,272,4e7,61111 16,215,20s,715 Profit paid on deposits, borrowings, etc. 01,s87,134,034)ll (10,623,436,1 Dividend receipts 234,304,1s6ll ro:,rss,aro Fees and commission receipts 1,444,e41,72811 1,s33,667,ee0 Cash payment to employees (1,e02,614,022)ll (1,77s,s24,, Cash payment to suppliers (1,s34,6es) ll 0,818,s61 Iocome tax payments (1,221,583,s78)ll (1,ss2,6s1 Receipts from other operating activities 431,444,688 ll 632,262,347 Payments for other operaung activities Casb flous before cbanges in operating assets and liabilities 3,295,271,804 3,295,376,945 Changes in opetatiag assets and Uabilities: (Increase)/decrease in operating assets Starutory deposit Trading secunry - shares (477,049,247) 14,985,344 Investments to other banks Investments to customers (17 ,726,794,394) (27,871,387 ,451) Other assets (2,180,842,480) 1,80,701,023 Increase/(decrease) io operatiug liabilities Dcposits from other banks (5,377 ,057,799) 1,400,981,538 Dcposits from customers 19,515,536,296 13,173,251,206 I.iabiliues on account of customers 1'radrng liabihties @orrowing) (452,825,605) 0,540,736,041) Other liabilities 789,560,042 413,417,671 Net cash from operuting dctioities B) Cash flows from investiug activities: Receipts from sale of securities - BGIIB Payment for purchase of securities (1,454,000,000) Purchase of fixed assets (221,654,703) SaIe proceeds of 6xed assets 5,1 89,356 Placement of fund with BB Purchase of Subsidiaries Net casb from inoesting aaioities c) Cash flows from financing activities Receipts from issue of Debt Instruments 2,500,000,000 Payment for redemption of Debt Instruments Receipts from issue ofordinary share/ fught share Divrdend paid rn cash Minority investment tr subsidiaries Net casb from findncing dctioities 2,500,000,000 D) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivaleots (A+B+C) E) Effect of Exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 0,342,0s0)ll 10,s28,6e2 F) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 1,478 14 G) Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period (D+E+F) 30 -280 sn.69!_ ____ 21.61q32r:4o_ H) Cash and cash equivaleuts Cash 20,561,747,026 ll tt,Z+l,oeo,ost Balance with other banks and Enancial instirutions 9,718,775,672 1 ___ -280-5 -698 21.6ja.i22.140_ cti"rr/^nI^r oir".i NN @ o tr r F9 6O + n* o- o- el r N 9 o n6i6 N6 r r r r Ir 6 r r r r xK- t N siI r r ir N €N ts\ FF 6 cl N N N N N e @ a N o o 9 No 6 a 6 r ! r r J N I N\o o A \)s a \E o $fl 2 \E o606 r r r ts909 €r € I Eo9o N 6 to r r i oi<ld 9S ( 6-€F r @^ N N dd ( d!.
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