Department and Branch Recommendations This section of the Budget includes appropriations, expenditures, core missions and programmatic evaluation data for the Legislature, State Departments and the Judiciary. A single unified presenta- tion provides a comprehensive view of all of a department’s operations across all fund categories (Direct State Services, Grants--In--Aid, State Aid and Capital Construction) and funds (General Fund and Dedicated Funds). The four major dedicated funds included are Property Tax Relief Fund, Casino Control Fund, Casino Revenue Fund and the Gubernatorial Election Fund. Direct State Services support the operation of State programs. Grants--In--Aid represent funds allocated to various public, private and non--profit agencies for State--supported services. State Aid comprises recommendations for payments by the State to or on behalf of a local unit of government, including school districts, municipalities and counties. Capital Construction includes funds for vari- ous equipment, renovation and construction of facilities, and infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges and wastewater treatment systems. LEGISLATURE OVERVIEW Mission and Goals permits the State of New Jersey to participate as a member of national The Legislature is the State’s highest lawmaking body. It is one of and regional organizations. the three separate and independent branches of government that The Joint Committee on Public Schools provides an ongoing study make up the checks and balances system created by the New Jersey of the system of free public schools -- its financing, administration Constitution and is empowered to appropriate funds for the operation and operations. of state government. The 40 members of the Senate are elected for a The State Commission of Investigation probes organized crime and term of four years, except after the decennial census. The 80 members improprieties in the conduct of publicly--funded programs. The of the Assembly are elected for a term of two years. The Office of Commission has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to uncover and Legislative Services, a nonpartisan agency that provides legislators with economic and budget analyses required for making legislative document waste, fraud and abuse at all levels of government via investigations that have recouped millions of dollars in tax revenues. decisions, is also a part of the legislative branch. Legislative commissions assist in the legislative process by providing in--depth The Law Revision Commission simplifies, clarifies and modernizes studies, holding public hearings and making recommendations on New Jersey statutes. It conducts an ongoing review of the statutes in select issues as they arise. order to identify areas that require revision and considers suggestions and recommendations from the American Law Institute, the National Budget Highlights Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and other The fiscal year 2019 budget for the Legislature totals $78.1 million, learned bodies as well as from judges, public officials, bar a decrease of $7.3 million or 8.5% under the fiscal 2018 adjusted associations, members of the bar and the general public. The appropriation of $85.4 million. It provides $11.7 million to the Senate Commission recommends the correction of inconsistent, obsolete and $18.2 million to the Assembly. The recommendation also and redundant statutes and comprehensive modifications of select provides $32.6 million to the Office of Legislative Services and $15.6 areas of the law. million to the various legislative commissions. The State Capitol Joint Management Commission ensures the The proposed budget recommends line--item appropriations to five artistic, historical and architectural integrity of any restoration or legislative commissions: preservation project at the State House, the State House Annex and adjacent environs, and also manages the Capitol Complex, including The Intergovernmental Relations Commission provides funding that security and janitorial services. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS BY FUND (thousands of dollars) Year Ending Year Ending June 30, 2017 June 30, 2019 Orig. & Transfers & 2018 (S)Supple-- Reapp. & (E)Emer-- Total Adjusted Recom-- mental (R)Recpts. gencies Available Expended Approp. Requested mended GENERAL FUND 81,173 16,278 2 97,453 78,591 Direct State Services 85,384 78,136 78,136 81,173 16,278 2 97,453 78,591 Total General Fund 85,384 78,136 78,136 81,173 16,278 2 97,453 78,591 Total Appropriation, Legislature 85,384 78,136 78,136 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS BY PROGRAM (thousands of dollars) Year Ending Year Ending June 30, 2017 June 30, 2019 Orig. & Transfers & 2018 (S)Supple-- Reapp. & (E)Emer-- Total Adjusted Recom-- mental (R)Recpts. gencies Available Expended Approp. Requested mended DIRECT STATE SERVICES --GENERAL FUND Legislative Activities 12,700 2,028 ------ 14,728 12,294 Senate 13,700 11,700 11,700 19,217 4,709 ------ 23,926 18,675 General Assembly 20,217 18,217 18,217 33,683 1,757 1 35,441 32,943 Legislative Support Services 35,894 32,646 32,646 65,600 8,494 1 74,095 63,912 Subtotal 69,811 62,563 62,563 Legislative Commissions and Committees 15,573 7,784 1 23,358 14,679 Legislative Commissions 15,573 15,573 15,573 81,173 16,278 2 97,453 78,591 TOTAL DIRECT STATE SERVICES 85,384 78,136 78,136 81,173 16,278 2 97,453 78,591 Total Appropriation, Legislature 85,384 78,136 78,136 D--1 LEGISLATURE 70. GOVERNMENT DIRECTION, MANAGEMENT, AND CONTROL 71. LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES 0001. SENATE Under the Constitution, as amended in 1966, certified by the years, except after the decennial census, and members of the Apportionment Commission and modified by the Supreme Court, General Assembly for a term of two years. the legislative power is vested in a Senate of 40 members and a The compensation of members of the Legislature is $49,000 per General Assembly of 80 members with 1 Senator and 2 members year (C.52:10A--1). The President of the Senate and the Speaker of of the General Assembly being elected from each of 40 legislative the General Assembly, by virtue of their offices, receive an districts, apportioned according to population based on the latest additional allowance equal to one--third of their compensation. decennial census. All members of the Senate and Assembly were elected in November 2017. Senators are elected for a term of four EVALUATION DATA Budget Actual Actual Revised Estimate FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 PERSONNEL DATA Position Data Filled positions by funding source State supported ..................................... 45 47 42 ------ Totalpositions..................................... 45 47 42 ------ Filled positions by program class Senate............................................ 45 47 42 ------ Totalpositions..................................... 45 47 42 ------ Notes: Actual payroll counts are reported for fiscal years 2016 and 2017 as of December and revised fiscal 2018 as of January. Not included are the 40 Senators and part--time positions. The funded position count for fiscal 2019 will be determined by the Legislature. APPROPRIATIONS DATA (thousands of dollars) Year Ending Year Ending June 30, 2017 June 30, 2019 Orig. & Transfers & 2018 (S)Supple-- Reapp. & (E)Emer-- Total Prog. Adjusted Recom-- mental (R)Recpts. gencies Available Expended Class. Approp. Requested mended DIRECT STATE SERVICES Distribution by Fund and Program 12,700 2,028 ------ 14,728 12,294 Senate 01 13,700 11,700 11,700 12,700 2,028 - - - 14,728 12,294 Total Direct State Services 13,700 11,700 11,700 Distribution by Fund and Object Personal Services: ------ ------ ------ ------ 1,971 Senators (40) 1,990 1,990 1,990 10,980 1,104 1,000 13,084 5,641 Salaries and Wages 4,590 2,000 S 4,590 4,590 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 , 1 5 3 M e m b e r s ’ S t a f f S e r v i c e s 4 , 4 0 0 4 , 4 0 0 4 , 4 0 0 10,980 1,104 1,000 13,084 11,765 Total Personal Services 12,980 10,980 10,980 135 1,000 S 473 --1,000 608 16 Materials and Supplies 135 135 135 486 327 ------ 813 511 Services Other Than Personal 486 486 486 72 78 ------ 150 2 Maintenance and Fixed Charges 72 72 72 27 46 -- -- -- 73 ------ Additions, Improvements and Equipment 27 27 27 12,700 2,028 --- 14,728 12,294 Grand Total State Appropriation 13,700 11,700 11,700 Language Recommendations ----Direct State Services --General Fund The unexpended balance at the end of the preceding fiscal year in this account is appropriated. D--2 LEGISLATURE 70. GOVERNMENT DIRECTION, MANAGEMENT, AND CONTROL 71. LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES 0002. GENERAL ASSEMBLY EVALUATION DATA Budget Actual Actual Revised Estimate FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 PERSONNEL DATA Position Data Filled positions by funding source State supported ..................................... 47 48 49 ------ Totalpositions..................................... 47 48 49 ------ Filled positions by program class GeneralAssembly.................................. 47 48 49 ------ Totalpositions..................................... 47 48 49 ------ Notes: Actual payroll counts are reported for fiscal years 2016 and 2017 as of December and revised fiscal 2018 as of January. Not included are the 80 State Assemblypersons and part--time positions. The funded position count for fiscal 2019 will be determined by the Legislature. APPROPRIATIONS DATA (thousands of dollars) Year Ending Year Ending June 30, 2017 June 30, 2019 Orig. & Transfers & 2018 (S)Supple-- Reapp. & (E)Emer-- Total Prog. Adjusted Recom-- mental (R)Recpts. gencies Available Expended Class. Approp. Requested mended DIRECT STATE SERVICES
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