WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Handbook and Catalog 2019-2020 Approved by the William Carey University Board of Trustees 1 PREFACE Information contained herein shall not constitute a legally binding contract upon William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine (WCUCOM). An electronic copy of this publication can be viewed at WCUCOM website. Policies, requirements, and information in this WCUCOM Student Handbook and Catalog may be updated from time to time by the WCUCOM at its sole discretion. Changes will be distributed to students, will be posted on the WCUCOM website under Key Policies with appropriate notifications to the respective stakeholders, and will become effective immediately unless otherwise specified. All changes cited as addenda throughout a given academic year will be incorporated into the parent document for the upcoming academic year. All inquiries regarding the WCUCOM Student Handbook and Catalog should be directed to the Office of the WCUCOM Associate Dean, Student Affairs at 601.318.6290. Any recommendations for additions, deletions, or changes must be submitted in writing to the WCUCOM Dean. Final approval is made by the William Carey University (WCU) Board of Trustees (BOT) based upon recommendations from the WCU President. In the event of a discrepancy between the WCUCOM Student Handbook and Catalog and a WCU Policy or a WCU BOT Policy, the latter policies will govern. WCUCOM Asbury Administrative Center 2 Table of Contents Preface 2 NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY AND DIVERSITY STATEMENT 10 MISSION STATEMENT 11 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 11 LETTER FROM THE DEAN 12 WELCOME TO WCUCOM 13 COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE ACADEMIC CALENDAR 14 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY OF HATTIESBURG 16 Hattiesburg and the Surrounding Area 16 Transportation 17 Outdoor Activities 17 Dining 18 Golf 18 Movies and Family Entertainment 18 Chamber of Commerce 18 Hattiesburg Area Map 19 WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY 20 Campus Map 20 History of William Carey University 21 Organization and Administration 22 WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY RESOURCES 22 Bass Memorial Chapel and Warren Prayer Garden 22 Ben Waddle Multiuse Building 22 Bookstore 22 Campus Facilities and Buildings 22 Chain Garden 23 Clinton Gymnasium 23 Common Grounds 23 College of Osteopathic Medicine Academic Building 23 College of Osteopathic Medicine Asbury Administrative Building 23 College of Osteopathic Medicine Turner Medical Arts Building 23 College of Osteopathic Medicine Ross Anatomy Wing 23 Crawford Hall 23 Donna Duck Wheeler Alumni House 23 Donnell Hall 24 Dumas L. Smith / L. E. Rouse Library 24 Fail-Asbury Nursing Building 26 Fairchild Hall 26 Green Science Hall 26 Jack and Carol Simmons Exercise Track 26 Jackson-Williams Garden 26 3 Jack Jones Field House 26 Joe and Virginia Tatum Theatre 27 Joseph and Nancy Fail Softball Field 27 Larry W. Kennedy Sports Complex 27 Lawrence Hall 27 Lorena Roseberry Smith Hall 27 Lucile Parker Gallery 27 Mary Ross Building and WCU OMT Clinic 27 McMillan Hall 28 Missions Plaza and Tower 28 Milton Wheeler Field 28 Resident Hall Facilities 28 Robert M. Gillespie Batting Facility 29 Sarah Ellen Gillespie Museum of Art 29 Sarah Ellen Gillespie Nature Reserve and Bird Sanctuary 29 School of Business Building 29 Soccer Field 29 Student Center 29 Thomas Building 29 Thomas Hall (Fine Arts Center) 29 Wilkes Dining Hall 30 William Carey Statue 30 WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY POLICIES 30 Electronic Communications 30 Identification Cards 31 Campus Safety and Security 31 Vehicle Registration Procedure 32 Parking Decals 32 Parking Rules 33 Parking Vehicles on Campus During Breaks 34 Emergency Warnings and Hazardous Weather Procedures 34 Tornadoes and Hurricanes 34-35 Flooding 36 Disaster Plan Statement 36 Crisis Management 37 WCU Student Liaison 37 Declaration Of State Of Emergency 37 Notification Chain 38 Safety 38 Emergency Food Supply 39 Materials and Location 39 Medical Supplies 39 Building Evacuation 39 4 Campus Evacuation 40 Fire Safety 40 End Crisis Mode 41 WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT 41 Abuse 41 Academic Dishonesty 41 Alcohol and Other Drugs 41 Body Piercings 41 Computer Responsibilities 42 Criminal Convictions 42 Dating Faculty 42 Disrespectful Behavior 42 Disruptive Behavior 42 Failure to Cooperate 42 Financial Irresponsibility 42 Firearms and Weapons 42 Fire Safety Violations 43 Gambling 43 General Infractions 43 Hazing 43 Inappropriate Dress 43 Lying and Falsification 44 Pornographic Material 44 Social Media Responsibility 44 Theft and Property Violations 44 Tobacco 44 Trespass 45 Unauthorized Recording 45 Violations of Residence Hall Guidelines 45 Vulgar and Abusive Language 45 HARASSMENT 45 Discriminatory Harassment 45 Sexual Harassment 46 Sexual Assault 46 Duty to Report a Misdemeanor or Felony 48 WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE (WCUCOM) 49 History of WCUCOM 49 History of Osteopathic Medicine 49 Philosophy of Osteopathic Medicine 50 The Osteopathic Oath 51 Pledge of Commitment 51 WCUCOM FACILITIES 51 ACCREDITATION STATUS AT WCU AND WCUCOM 52 5 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS 52 William Carey University 52 William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine 53 WCUCOM CURRICULUM 53 Core Competencies 53 Credit Hours 53 Credit Hours Assigned to Rotations 54 Pre-Clerkship Curriculum (OMS 1 - OMS 2) 54 OMS 1 Curriculum 55 OMS 1 Course Descriptions 55 OMS 2 Curriculum 61 OMS 2 Course Descriptions 61 OMS 3 and OMS 4 Curriculum 65-66 Integration of Osteopathic Principals and Practice During Clinical Rotations 67 Course Descriptions OMS 3 67 Rotation Requirements 70 Course Descriptions OMS 4 70 Elective Rotations 70 RESEARCH AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY POLICY 71 ADMISSIONS 72 General Process of Application for Admission 72 Application Fee 73 Dates for Filing 73 Personal Interview 73 Academic Requirements for Admission 74 Minimal Technical Standards for Admission, Matriculation, and Promotion 74 Pre-matriculation Course Work 77 International Student Admission 77 Review of Student Records, Interview, and Notification of Admission Status 79 Transfer and Waiver of Students for Admission 79 WCUCOM GENERAL POLICIES 80 Americans with Disabilities Act 80 Reasonable Accommodations and Documentation 80 Privacy of Student Records (FERPA) 81 Personal Space and Privacy 82 Academic Freedom of Students 82 FINANCIAL AID, TUITION, AND FEES 82 Tuition 82 Terms of Payment of Tuition 83 Tuition Deposit 83 Withdrawal and Drop/Add Refund Policy 83 Student Credit Balance Refund Policy 84 Application Fee for Graduation 84 6 Financial Aid, Tuition, and Satisfactory Academic Progress 85 Office of Financial Aid 85 General Policies on Financial Aid 86 SCHOLARSHIPS 87 LOANS 92 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT 92 STUDENT HEALTH ISSUES 93 Health Insurance 93 Immunizations 94 Student Liability Insurance 95 INFECTIOUS AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 95 Blood-borne Pathogen Exposure and Post-exposure Prophylaxis Policy 98 MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS AND FATIGUE MITIGATION 100 Physician Services 102 Drug-Free Workplace 103 CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK (CBCk) 103 CBCk Process 105 Challenge of CBCk Results 106 DRUG TESTING POLICY 106 WCUCOM Policy of Drug Screening 107 Challenge of Drug Screen Results 107 STUDENT SUPPORT 108 Student Services 108 Student Advising 108 Faculty Advising 108 OMS 1 and OMS 2 Academic Advising 108 OMS 3 and OMS 4 Academic Advising 109 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES 109 WCUCOM Student Government Association (SGA) 109 Student Clubs and Organizations 110 Registration and Requirements of Student Organizations 113 Outside Organizations 113 Student-sponsored Events 114 Student Use of WCUCOM Facilities 114 Student Publications 116 STUDENT CONDUCT, PROFESSIONALISM, AND CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE 116 Student Title 116 Physician (Job) Shadowing 116 Cell Phone Usage 116 Telephone Etiquette 117 Student Code of Ethics 117 AOA Code of Ethics 118 Examples of Academic Dishonesty 122 7 Professional Standards 124 Dress Code 126 Dress Code - Clinical Rotations and Innovative Learning Center 127 ATTENDANCE POLICY 128 OMS 1 and OMS 2 Attendance Policies 128 Falsifying Attendance Records 130 Attendance Policy for Professional Conferences (OMS 1 and OMS 2) 130 OMS 3 and OMS 4 Attendance Policies 130 Departure From Rotation 131 Unexcused Absence While on Rotation 131 Illness Absence While on Rotation 131 Temporary Absence While on Rotation 131 Attendance Policy for Professional Conferences (OMS 3 and OMS 4) 132 RULES GOVERNING CLINICAL ROTATION SCHEDULING 132 EXAMINATION POLICIES 135 WCUCOM ExamSoft Information and Procedures 135 Exam Administration and Proctoring OMS 1 and OMS 2 140 Missed Exam Policy OMS 1 and OMS 2 143 Exam Administration and Proctoring OMS 3 and OMS 4 144 Missed Exam Policy OMS 3 and OMS 4 144 COMLEX-USA Exam Policy 145 National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME)—COMLEX-USA 145 COMLEX-USA Eligibility 145 COMLEX-USA Failures 146 COMLEX-USA Level 1 and Level 2-CE Failures 146 COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE Failure 147 COURSE-RELATED INFORMATION 147 Course Evaluations 147 Passing Courses 148 Course and Test Grading 148 Grading Policy 148 Rounding of Grades 149 Recorded Grades 149 Requests for Transcripts 149 ACADEMIC POLICIES 149 Student Review by the P&M Committee 152 Good Standing 152 Academic Promotion 152 Academic Warning 153 Academic Probation 154 Remediation 155 Academic Course/Rotation Remediation 155 Repeating of an Academic Year 155 8 Academic Dismissal 156 ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS 156 Academic Policies Specific to OMS 1 and OMS 2 156 Academic Policies Specific to OMS 3 and OMS 4 157 Student Evaluation (Grading)
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