MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Deering Estate at Cutler DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department December 13, 2012 Public Hearing Draft PREPARED FOR: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PREPARED BY: MiaMi-dade county Parks, recreation and oPen sPaces dePartMent Cover photo courtesy of Brian F Call MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEERING ESTATE AT CUTLER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Miami-Dade County Parks, recreation and open spaces department Jack kardys director George Navarrete deputy director Maria I. Nardi chief, Planning and research division Joe Webb, rLa Park system Planning section supervisor alissa turtletaub Park Planner iii, Planning and research division deering estate at cutler William n. irvine director Jennifer Tisthammer assistant director special thanks Miami-dade county staff: Joe Maguire, MdPROS natural areas Management Manager dallas Hazelton, MdPROS natural areas Management Project Manager sonya thompson, MdPROS natural areas Management Preserve Manager cynthia Guerra, environmentally endangered Lands Program director alicie Warren, Ph.d., MdPROS natural areas Management restoration Biologist Jeff ransom, Mdrer archaeologist advisory Group Members: christiana admiral - Biscayne national Park Jorge a. Jaramillo, P.e. - south Florida Water Management district Pamela sweeney - state of Florida department of environmental Protection; Biscayne Bay aquatic Preserve eric Haas - President; deering estate Foundation, inc. Mary Pettit - executive director; deering estate Foundation, inc. Laura Lagomasino - development director; deering estate Foundation, inc.. Buff March-Bye - secretary; deering Foundation, inc. dan yglesias - director, deering estate Foundation, inc. AECOM: david Barth, rLa, crPr, aicP, Principal Jay exum, Ph.d., Principal nicholas kuhn, rLa, Project Manager randy Mejeur, M.s., ecologist Julia noran, M.s., ecologist MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEERING ESTATE AT CUTLER Acknowledgements l Page 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEERING ESTATE AT CUTLER TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS i. acknoWLedGeMents 3 ii. taBLe oF contents 5 iii. introduction 6 iV. cHeckList 10 MANAGEMENT PLAN section 1 - executiVe suMMary (requireMent 1) 16 section 2 - GeneraL inForMation (requireMents 2 – 9) 28 section 3 - Location and descriPtion oF resources (requireMents 10-12) 36 section 4 - uses and ManaGeMent (requireMents 13 – 24) 54 section 5 - additionaL requireMents – Per trustees (requireMent 25) 74 section 6 - 253.034 state-Owned Lands; uses (requireMents 26 – 37) 78 section 7 - 253.036 Forest ManaGeMent (requireMent 38) 100 section 8 - 259.032 conserVation & recreation Lands trust Fund: PurPose (requireMents 39 – 45) 104 section 9 - 259.036 ManaGeMent reVieW teaMs (requireMent 46) 116 section 10 - otHer requireMents (requireMents 47 – 53) 120 MAPS: 1. Location oF structures and iMProVeMents to ProPerty 7,25,30 2. Boundaries MaP 9,29 3. Location MaP 28 4. siGniFicant Parks and PreserVes in tHe Vicinity oF deerinG estate at cutLer 33 5. soiLs 36 6. FLorida naturaL areas inVentory (Fnai) naturaL coMMunities MaP 45 7. toPoGraPHy 50 8. estate Master PLan 60 9. reHydration addition (PoWers ProPerty) concePtuaL site PLan 61 10. adJacent Land uses 67 11. Fire ManaGeMent PLan 122 TABLES: 1. ACREAGe By PARCEL 31 2. scHeduLe oF Land ManaGeMent ACTIVITIES 86 3. suMMARY BudGet For Land ManaGeMent ACTIVITIES 96 4. scHeduLe oF Priority ManaGeMent ACTIVITIES 107 5. COST ESTIMATE For Priority ManaGeMent ACTIVITIES 109 6. COST ESTIMATE For OTHer ManaGeMent ACTIVITIES 111 EXHIBITS: 1. LETTER oF COMPLiance 71 2. docuMENTATION oF PuBLic HEARING 100 3. COPy oF NOTICE For PuBLic HEARING 101 APPENDICES: 1. ManaGeMent PLan coMPLiance cHeckList – naturaL resource Lands 126 2. indiViduaL ParceL LeGaL descriPtions. 130 3. Lease and suB-Lease 133 4. BiBLioGraPHy 148 5. COMMon AND scientiFic naMES oF PLant sPECIES 151 6. Fnai standard data rePort 152 7. PLant LIST oF STATE AND FederaL tHREATENED, ENDANGered or COMMERCIALLy exPLoited sPECIES 183 8. suMMARY oF RESEARCH AND MONITORING CONDUCTED By FAIRCHiLd BioLoGIST 185 9. excerPts oF tHe deerinG estate at cutLer conserVation Maintenance PLan, JuLy-auGust 2011 187 10. MiaMi-dade county naturaL areas ManaGeMent PLan 190 11. artHroPod ManaGeMent PLan - PuBLic Lands 226 12. MdPROS resPonse to Land ManaGeMent reVieW teaM coMMents 230 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEERING ESTATE AT CUTLER Table of Contents l Page 5 MANAGEMENT PLAN Introduction and restoration of the historic buildings and main grounds of the estate. since re-opening to the public in 1999, deering estate at cutler is located in Miami-dade county restoration of the estate has continued. approximately thirteen (13) miles southwest of downtown Miami and adjacent to Biscayne Bay aquatic Preserve. the Purpose of this Plan park encompasses +/- 455 acres with regionally significant natural, archaeological and historical resources. the intent of this management plan is to update and enhance the estate’s guiding policy document. the plan is Prominent features in or adjacent to the estate include the result of collaboration of the project team, technical seven native habitats - rockland hammock, remnant resource team and advisory board. it requires approval slough, pine rockland, mangroves, beach dune, salt marsh, by the state Land Management advisory committee and and submerged aquatic vegetation - a complex of historic Board of trustees of the internal improvement trust Fund buildings, and archaeological significant sites.t hese features of the state of Florida. create a unique opportunity for visitors to experience a microcosm of south Florida ecological and cultural history this plan reflects current resource protection, spanning more than 10,000 years. management, planning, and programming needs. it provides a guide for operation, maintenance, and With significant community support, thes tate of Florida and management of the estate to achieve a balance between Miami-dade county negotiated a purchase agreement for protecting natural and historic resources and providing approximately 346 acres (the Main estate) in 1985 from the appropriate public access. consistent with the original last remaining heir of charles deering. subsequent purchases 1993 plan, this plan seeks to: have increased the acreage of the estate to 444.31 acres (plus an additional 10.36 acres of managed right-of-way) for “preserve and protect the natural and historic legacy of a total of approximately 454.67 acres. this unique property by using wise stewardship practices to manage and restore sensitive resources, enhance public appreciation and provide for compatible use.” Purpose and Significance of Park this plan provides a basic statement of policy necessary to continue bringing this vision to fruition. it functions Managed by the Miami-dade county Parks, recreation, and as a broad directive for managing the entire estate as open spaces department (MdPROS), the deering estate a whole, as compared to a more specifically focused at cutler is considered to be one of the most important implementation plan that provides detailed illustrations public properties in the county. it is valued not only for its of land use and facility development, operations manual, diverse natural resources, but also for its rich historical, or resource protection plan. architectural and archaeological significance. residents and tourists visit the estate to enjoy and appreciate its the management plan is composed of 10 sections: resources and participate in a multitude of recreational, educational and cultural events and programs. 1. executive summary 2. General information the estate contains the following resources: 1) unique 3. Location and description of resources examples of rockland hammock, remnant slough, pine 4. uses and Management rockland, mangroves, beach dune, salt marsh, and 5. additional requirements submerged marine grass bed communities; 2) a complex 6. 253.034 - state-owned Lands uses of historic buildings representing varying architectural 7. 253.036 - Forest Management periods; and 3) archaeological sites that evidence Paleo- 8. 259.032 - conservation and recreation Lands indian to early pioneer settlements. Trust Fund 9. 259.036 - Management review teams in 1992, Hurricane andrew caused substantial damage 10. other requirements to the historic buildings and natural areas. on March 27, 1999, Miami-dade county completed the rehabilitation Page 6 l Introduction MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEERING ESTATE AT CUTLER MANAGEMENT PLAN Map 1D:E LocationERING ESTATE AofT sCtructuresUTLER and improvements to Property Management Program IMPROVEMENTS AND STRUCTURES ON SITE the Board of trustees of the internal improvement SW 152ND ST trust Fund (tiitF) of the state of Florida holds fee simple title interest for a portion of the estate as specified by the deed. restrictions, reservations, and easements are contained within the Legal description. O L D the Board of tiitF also holds title interest for the C BURIAL MOUND U BOARDWALK T L south addition. these properties were leased to the REHYDRATION E CHICKEN ADDITION R KEY R CHINESE & PUMP D department of environmental Protection, division of STATION BRIDGE HAMMOCK TRAIL state Lands and sub-leased to Miami-dade county in BRIDGE & WEIR april 21, 1987. title interests for the north addition (eeL), rehydration addition (Powers Property) (MdPROS), and out-Parcels (MdPROS) located at MANGROVE 16480 sW 72nd avenue and sW 164th terrace and BOARDWALK BISCAYNE BAY AQUATIC PRESERVE sW 72nd avenue are held by the county as shown on SEE INSET Map 2 - site Boundaries and
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