The Daz2 Bflild APRACADABrA the new album of musical magic from theSt^^MiLLER'^d featuring the single sorcery of apracadadra Produced by Steve Miller 8f Gary Mallaber CASH BOX E INTERNATIONAL MUSIC / COIN MACHINE / HOME ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY VOLUME XLIV -- NUMBER 4 — June 19, 1982 OISHBCK EDITORML GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher A Welcome Relief NICK ALBARANO Vice President ALAN SUTTON Last week’s Fan Fair in Nashville was a welcome cluding R&B) that make up the bulk of the industry Vice President and Editor In Chief bit of relief from the many problems that plague the today are the basic expressions of the population at J.B. CARMICLE industry This is that Fair are bad, ex- Vice President and General Manager, East Coast today. not to say Fan was large — singing the blues when times held in some form of ignorant bliss, completely alting when times are good and searching for the JIM SHARP Vice President, Nashville removed from the economic realities of life, but answer when times are uncertain. The traditional RICHARD IMAMURA rather, that it accentuated what is positive in the strength of our industry (and popular music in Managing Editor industry. general for that matter) has been its empathy with MARK ALBERT the people, and if it is to survive the present crises Marketing Director In spite of the numerous problems today, one with grace, it will be with the support of the people East Coast Editorial must not lose sight of the fact that it is the fans and FRED GOODMAN, Bureau Chief who make it all happen — the fans. LARRY RIGGS the music that make the industry what it is. Maybe in JIM BESSMAN Business is business . that is inescapable. these troubled times, it is even more important than West Coast Editorial However, all work and no play makes Jack a very MARK ALBERT, Radio Editor ever to make sure that we all remember that. MICHAEL GLYNN, Audio'Video Editor dull boy, and it was refreshing to see that so many in MICHAEL MARTINEZ, Marketing Editor JEFFREY RESSNER In many ways, the various forms of pop music (in- Nashville realized that. Research KEN KIRKWOOD, Manager BILL FEASTER MIKE PLACHETKA HARALD TAUBENREUTHER GREGORY D. LESCHISHIN CONTENTS Nashville Editorial/Research JUANITA BUTLER TOM ROLAND CONTENTS KEITH HINTON DEPARTMENTS ON THE COVER Black Contemporary 27 Art Director Classifieds 34 There is a plethora of jour- LARRY CRAYCRAFT 22 Country neyman funkers on the music Circulation Gospel 30 THERESA TORTOSA, Manager International 31 scene who may never quite dis- Jazz 13 tinguish themselves the way the PUBLICATION OFFICES NEW YORK Merchandising 18 young men known as The Dazz 1775 Broadway, New York NY 10019 Radio 20 Band have managed to. The eight- Phone: (212) 586-2640 Video 15 Cable Address: Cash Box NY FEATURES member, Cleveland-based outfit Telex: 666123 Coast To Coast 14 displays a capacity for a wide HOLLYWOOD Editorial 3 6363 Sunset Blvd. (Suite 930) range of sounds, from swooning Executives On The Move 12 Hollywood CA 90028 melodic music like “Just Believe In Phone: (21 3) 464-8241 New Faces To Watch 10 Love” to the sophisticated funk of NASHVILLE CHARTS 21 Music Circle East, Nashville TN 37203 Top 100 Singles 4 “Let It Whip,” the#1 single on the Cash Box Top 100 Black Con- Phone: 244-2898 (615) Top 200 Albums 32,33 temporary Singles chart. CHICAGO Black Contemporary Albums 27 The album from which “Let It Whip” has been culled, “Keep It CAMILLE COMPASIO, Coin Machine, Mgr, Black Contemporary Singles 28 1442 Ave., Cicero IL 60650 S. 61st Country Albums 23 Live,” is currently challenging for the #1 spot at #2 bullet on the Phone: (312) 863-7440 Country Singles 24 Cash Box Black Contemporary Albums chart. And while The WASHINGTON, O.C. Gospel 30 EARL B. ABRAMS Albums Dazz Band might be a new face to many in the industry, the 3518 N. Utah St., International Albums, Singles 31 group is no “one-trick pony.” Arlington VA 22207 Jazz Albums 13 Phone: (703) 243-5664 Rock Album Radio Report 21 Lead by saxophonist Bobby Harris, The Dazz Band started in MIGUEL SMIRNOFF Top 30 Videocassettes 15 Cleveland as the Kinsman Dazz, eventually putting out a couple Director of South American Operations REVIEWS of LPs for 20th Century-Fox Records. From those vinyl excur- ARGENTINA — MIGUEL SMIRNOFF Albums 8 sions came a pair of Top 30 R&B hits, “Might As Well Forget Piso Of. 405 Singles 10 Lavalle 1569, 4, About Lovin’ You” and “Catchin’ Up On Love.” 1048 Buenos Aires, Argentina Talent 11 Phone: 89-6796 AUSTRALIA — ALLAN WEBSTER 23 Young Street Neutral Bay N.S.W. Australia 2089 BRAZIL — CHRISTOPHER PICKARD Av. Borges de Mederios, 2475 TOP POP DEBUTS Apt. 503, Lagoa Rio de Janeiro. Brasil 35 HOLD ME — Fleetwood Mac -- Warner Bros. Phone: 294-8197 SINGLES CANADA — KIRK LaPOINTE 420 Gloucester Street. #107 Ottawa, Ontario. Canada, KIE 7T7 62 EYE IN THE SKY — The Alan Parsons Project — Arista Phone: (613) 235-7743 /1LBUMS GERMANY — GERHARD AUGUSTIN Oettingenstrasse 66 8 Munich 22 Phone; 089-221363 POP SINGLE POP/1LBUM Teiex: 5-29378 NUMBER ITALY — MARIO DE LUIGI "Musica e Dischi" Via Giannone 2 EBONY AND IVORY TUG OF WAR 20154 Milan. Italy Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Phone: (02) 389-059/389-936 Columbia Columbia JAPAN — Adv. Mgr., SACHIO SAITO Editorial Mgr., KOZO OTSUKA 3rd Floor of Chuo-Tatemono bldg. Shinbashi, Minato-ku, ONES 2-chome. 11-1, Tokyo Japan, 105 B/C SINGLE B/C/1LBUM Phone; 504-1651 STEVIE WONDER’S NETHERLANDS — CONSTANT MEIJERS LET IT WHIP ORIGINAL MUSIOUARIUM I P.O. Box 1807 Dazz Band 1200 BV Hilversum Stevie Wonder Phone; 035-19841 Motown SPAIN— ANGEL ALVAREZ Tamla/Motown Lopez de Hoyos 178, 5 CD Madrid — 2 Spain Phone: 415 23 98 COUNTRY SINGLE COUNTRY >1LBUM UNITED KINGDOM— PAUL BRIDGE 27 Moreton Place, London SW1 England Phone: 01-834-1120 LISTEN TO THE RADIO ALWAYS ON MY MIND Don Williams Willie SUBSCRIPTION RATES $110 per year anywhere in Nelson the U.S.A. Published weekly by CASH BOX (ISSN 0008- MCA Columbia 7289), 1775 Broadway. New York, N.Y. 10019. Printed in the U.S.A. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. ©Copyright 1982 by the Cash Box Publishing Co.. Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright MIL GOSPEL under Universal Copyright Convention. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to CASH BOX, 1775 Broadway. New York, N.Y. 10019. OFFRAMP HIGHER PLANE Pat Metheny Group Al Green ECM Myrrh Don Williams June 19, 1982 Weeks Weeks Weeks On On On 6/12 Chart 6/12 Chart 6/12 Chart 1 EBONY AND IVORY 36 STILL THEY RIDE 69 I WANT CANDY PAUL McCartney (Columbia 18-02860) 1 11 JOURNEY (Columbia 18-02883) 43 5 BOW WOW WOW (RCA PB-13204) 75 4 2 DON’T YOU WANT ME 37 ANGEL IN BLUE 70 PAPERLATE THE HUMAN LEAGUE (VIrgIn/A&M 2397) 3 16 THEJ.GEILS BAND (EMI America P-B-8100) 41 5 GENESIS (Atlantic 4053) 79 3 3 THE OTHER WOMAN 38 ABRACADABRA 71 LOVE PLUS ONE RAY PARKER. JR. (Arista AS 0669) 2 14 THE STEVE MILLER BAND HAIRCUT ONE HUNDRED (Arista AS 0672) 74 4 (Capitol PRO-9785) 47 4 4 ROSANNA 72 IF YOU WANT MY LOVE TOTO (Columbia 18-02811) 5 10 39 HOPE YOU LOVE ME LIKE YOU CHEAP TRICK (Epic 14-02968) 80 3 5 ALWAYS ON MY MIND SAY YOU DO 73 YOUR IMAGINATION WILLIE NELSON (Columbia 18-02741) 7 15 HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES (RCA PB- (Chrysalis 2604) 45 5 - 6 HEAT OF THE MOMENT 13252) 1 (Geften 6 10 ASIA GEE 50040) 40 DO I DO 74 FANTASY STEVIE WONDER (Tamia/Motown 1612TF) 49 4 (Portralt/CBS 7 CRIMSON AND CLOVER ^^9 ALDO NOVA 24-02799) 35 14 JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS 41 BE MINE TONIGHT 75 LANDSLIDE (Boardwalk NB7-1 1-144) 8 8 NEIL DIAMOND (Columbia 18-02928) 46 5 OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN (MCA-52069) 84 2 8 LOVE’S BEEN A LITTLE BIT 42 STONE COLD 76 ’65 LOVE AFFAIR RAINBOW (Mercury/PolyGram 76146) 44 9 HARD ON ME PAUL DAVIS (Arista AS 0661) 34 17 JUICE NEWTON (Capitol PB-5120) 10 7 43 KEEP THE FIRE BURNIN’ 77 MY GIRL REO SPEEDWAGON (Epic 14-02967) 55 2 9 I’VE NEVER BEEN TO ME DONNIE IRIS (MCA 52031) 27 12 CHARLENE (Motown 1611 MF) 4 16 44 EVEN THE NIGHTS ARE BETTER 78 LOVELINE AIR SUPPLY (Arista AS 57 2 10 DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS 0692) DR. HOOK (Casablanca/PplyGram NB2351) 86 2 RICK SPRINGFIELD (RCA PB-13070) 16 9 45 HARD TO SAY I’M SORRY 79 CHICAGO NO ONE LIKE YOU 11 HURTS SO GOOD s SCORPIONS (Mercury/PolyGram 76153) 87 2 JOHN COUGAR (Riva/PolyGram R 209) 17 9 (Full Moon/Warner Bros. 7-29979) 56 3 46 NICE GIRLS 80 SO FINE 12 BODY LANGUAGE OAK RIDGE BOYS (MCA-52065) 90 2 QUEEN (Elektra E-47452) 16 8 EYE TO EYE (Warner Bros. WBS 50050) 53 5 47 DANCING IN THE STREET 81 SIX MONTHS IN A LEAKY BOAT 13 MAN ON YOUR MIND SPLIT ENZ (ASM 2411) 89 2 LITTLE RIVER BAND (Capitol P-B-5061) 14 12 VAN HALEN (Warner Bros. 7-29986) 51 5 48 BREAK IT UP 82 FRIENDS IN LOVE 14 MAKING LOVE DIONNE WARWICK and JOHNNY MATHIS (Atlantic 15 16 FOREIGNER (Atlantic 4044) 52 6 ROBERTA FLACK 4005) (Arista AS 0673) 48 8 15 CAUGHT UP IN YOU 49 ISLAND OF LOST SOULS BLONDIE (Chrysalis 54 3 83 RUN FOR THE ROSES .38 SPECIAL (ASM 2412) 20 8 2603) DAN FOGELBERG 16 IT’S GONNA TAKE A MIRACLE 50 I FOUND SOMEBODY (Full Moon/Epic 14-02821) 50 12 DENIECE WILLIAMS GLENN FREY (Asylum E-47466) 58 3 84 I PREDICT 18-02812) 18 12 (ARC/Columbia 51 EYE OF THE TIGER SPARKS (Atlantic 4030) 77 4 17 TAINTED LOVE SURVIVOR (Scotti Bros./CBS ZS5 02912) 66 3 SOFT CELL (Sire SRE 40655) 19 21 85 THE LAST SAFE PLACE ON 52 EARLY IN THE MORNING EARTH 18 867-5309/JENNY THE GAP BAND (Total TE-8201) S 71 5 TOMMY TUTONE (Columbia 18-02646) 11 22 Experience/PolyGram 59 DREAMIN’ 19 EMPTY GARDEN (HEY HEY 53 IF THE LOVE FITS WEAR IT LESLIE PEARL (RCA PB-13235) 60 S JOHN SCHNEIDER JOHNNY) 69 6 ELTON JOHN (Geffen GEF 50049) 13 14 54 RIGHT KIND OF LOVE QUARTERFLASH (Geffen 7-29994) 63 4 (SITTIN’ ON) THE DOCK OF THE 20 ONLY THE LONELY BAY THE MOTELS (Capitol PB-5114) 28 8 55 YOU SHOULD HEAR HOW SHE THE REDDINGS (Believe In A Dream/CBS 21 ANY DAY NOW TALKS ABOUT YOU — 1 CM MELISSA MANCHESTER (Arista AS 0676) 62 4 RONNIE MILSAP (RCA PB-13216) !/> 8 88 TO DREAM THE DREAM 56 I’LL FIND MY - 1 22 MAIN THEME FROM “CHARIOTS • WAY HOME FRANKIE MILLER (Capitc JON & VANGELIS OF FIRE” (Polydor/PolyGram PD 2205) 61 5 89 WE GOT THE BEAT VANGELIS (Polydor/PolyGram 2189) 12 28 THE GO-GO’S (I.R.S./A&M IR-9903) 82 22 57 OUT OF WORK 23 LET IT WHIP GARY U.S.
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