Indigenous Peoples Plan July 2014 PRC: Yunnan Pu’er Regional Integrated Road Network Development Project Prepared by Pu’er Municipal Government for the Asian Development Bank. Yunnan Pu’er Regional Integrated Road Network Development Project (RRP PRC 46040) Yunnan Pu’er Regional Integrated Road Network Development Project Ethnic Minority Development Plan (Draft) Pu’er Municipal Government July 2014 Letter of Commitrnent The Pu'er Municipal Government (PMG) has applied for a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for this project through the lvlinistry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (the 'PRC). To ensure that the project is implemented in accordance with ADB'S social safeguard policies this Ethnic l\4inority Development Plan (EMDP) has been prepared. This EMDP complies with the applicable laws of the PRC, lhe applicable local regulations, and ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (2009), Safeguards Requirements lll, lndigenous Peoples. ln order to complete the ethnic minorities developmenl work more effectively, this ENIDP includes some additional measures, and implementation and monitoring arrangements. PMG hereby acknowledges and endorses the contents of this EMDq and warrants that the budgetary funds under this EMDP will be included in the general budget of this project and made available on time. PMG will also ensure to conduct EIVIDP activities in accordance herewith during project implementation. PMG has discussed the draft of this EMDP wilh the administrative departments concerned and obtained their consensus. PMG hereby authorizes the Pu'er lvlunicipal Transport Bureau (PMTB)-the implementing agency (lA) for the project to implement this project and the related ethnic minority development work, and other governments in the Project area to implement this project and the related ethnic minority development work within their jurisdictions. 中G筍 塚 鞘 CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A. The Project 1 B. Legal and Policy Framework 1 C. Impact Assessment and Action Plan 1 D. Implementation Arrangement 3 II. INTRODUCTION 5 A. The Project 5 B. Justification for EMDP 5 C. Methodology 6 III. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 10 A. Government Policy, Plans and Programs Concerning Ethnic Groups in China 10 B. ADB Policy on Indigenous People 12 IV. ETHNIC MINORITIES IN PROJECT AREA 17 A. Overall Social Economic Features of the Project Roads 17 B. Ethnic Minority Population in Yunnan and Pu’er 19 C. Ethnic Groups in Project Area 19 D. Project related effects on Ethnic Minorities 26 V. PROFILE OF ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS IN THE PROJECT AREA 29 A. Poverty Analysis of EMs 38 B. Characteristics of Poor Households 40 C. Causes of Poverty 44 D. Existing Poverty Reduction Programs 46 E. Poverty Reduction Role 47 F. Travel Needs 48 G. Priority Needs of Local Community 51 H. Livelihood Patterns of EMs 54 I. Project Impact and Coping Strategies 58 J. Impact on Sacred Trees and Land for Ethnic Worship 65 K. Risks about HIV/AIDS 66 L. Human and Drug Trafficking 67 M. Gender Impact Analysis 68 VI. ETHNIC MINORITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 77 A. Summary of Project Benefits and Impact 77 B. Objectives 77 C. Activities 78 D. Budget 79 E. Agencies responsible for implementation 79 VII. PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION 87 A. Consultation Methods and Process 87 B. Public Participation Activities at the Project Preparation Stage 87 C. Public participation plan during project implementation 90 2 7 VIII. IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING & EVALUATION ARRANGEMENT 91 List of Acronyms AB – Agricultural Bureau ACWF – All-China Women’s Federation AH – affected household AHB – Animal Husbandry Bureau AP – affected people CAB – Cultural Affairs Bureau CB – Communication Bureau CDC – Center for Diseases Control and Prevention EA – Executive Agency EB – Education Bureau EM – ethnic minority EMDP – Ethnic Minorities Development Plan ERAB – Ethnic & Religious Affairs Bureau FB – Forestry Bureau FGD – focus group discussion GAD – gender and development GDP – gross domestic product HB – Health Bureau HH – household LRMR – local road maintenance and rehabilitation HIV/AIDS – Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IA – Implementing Agency km – kilometer M&E – monitoring and evaluation PA – project area PADO – Poverty Alleviation and Development Office PMG – Pu’er Municipal Government PPTA – Project Preparatory Technical Assistance PRC – People’s Republic of China PSB – Public Security Bureau PTB – Pu’er Transportation Bureau RCC – Rural Credit Cooperative SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement of ADB (2009) STI – Sexually Transmitted Infection TB – Tourism Bureau YEAC – Yunnan Ethnic Affairs Commission YPDOT – Yunnan Provincial Department of Transportation 0 1 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. The Project 1. The project comprises: (i) regional roads development that includes reconstruction of Ning’er-Jiangcheng-Longfu Highway (234.07 km), and of Menglian-Meng’A Highway (48.75 km) that also includes construction of Meng’a Port Material Transit Centre (MTC); (ii) rural access improvement, including 33 rural earth roads (600 km) upgrade to paved class IV, village road sport improvement, rural road maintenance and rural transport services; and (iii) institutional strengthening, including road safety. The proposed project will contribute to inclusive growth and regional integration by improving rural area connectivity in poor areas and providing regional links with the border with Vietnam, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, and Myanmar. The EMDP is prepared based on the project feasibility study report (FSR) and preliminary design which is very detailed. The Project is following, to a large extent, the existing road alignments and no major changes are envisaged following the project final design. This EMDP will, therefore, be treated as final unless there are some major design changes during the detail design. Following the completion of detail design ADB will be informed whether an update of the Plan is required or the current draft should be treated as final. B. Legal and Policy Framework 2. The EMDP specifies mitigation and enhancement measures to comply with Asian Development Bank's (ADB's) Safeguard Policy Statement (2009), Safeguard Requirement No. 3 on indigenous peoples, PRC ethnic policy requirement of national unity, ethnic solidarity, ethnic equality and mutual respect, and Yunnan 12th five year Planning for Promoting Economic and Social Development of Ethnic Peoples and their Regions (Yun Zheng Fa [2011] No. 163)An Ethnic Minority Development Plan (EMDP) has been prepared by the Municipal Government (PMG), the Project Executing Agency in coordination with Pu’er Municipal Transport Bureau (PMTB)—the implementing agency (IA) for the project. 3. The EMDP is designed to ensure that project benefits are distributed equitably among affected minority communities and individuals, and that culturally appropriate measures are taken to (i) avoid or mitigate adverse impacts, and (ii) enhance benefits for ethnic minorities. The Project will ensure that ethnic minorities are consulted in matters related to each project output, and provided with opportunities to participate in decision making and/or implementation activities. During the consultations at project preparatory stage, the EMs population in the PA welcomes the proposed road development project that includes a total of 33 rural roads upgrading, Ning’er-Jiangcheng-Longfu highway rehabilitation and Menglian-Meng’a highway reconstruction, and express the wish of starting the project as early as possible. For the Ning’er- Jiangcheng-Longfu road, the re-alignment sections are particularly welcomed by the EMs along the re-alignment sections for the road’s large potential to benefits the cash crop development and marketing and improving access to Jiangcheng, Ning’er and Simao town centres. Details of consultation and participation during the project preparation and implementation stages are provided under the Consultation and Participation Plan in the EMDP. C. Impact Assessment and Action Plan 4. The social and poverty analysis undertaken to prepare this EMDP has assessed and described the circumstances of the EMs and the anticipated poverty and social, cultural and religious impacts from the project. The project relates to upgrading of the already existing roads and the potential socio-cultural and religious impacts resulting from the project are assessed as minimal and adequate measures are developed to deal with these under the plan. Adequate 2 7 provisions to enhance the economic benefits for vulnerable groups, including ethnic minorities, 2 the poor and women have been integrated in the project design. Provisions for special mitigation measures relating to land acquisition and resettlement have been included in the resettlement plans (RP), 1 which will help ensure that vulnerable groups, including ethnic minorities adversely affected by loss of land or housing will be compensated for their loss of assets. Current governmental policies and programs for ethnic minorities, including protection of ethnic minority cultural and religious practices, further help protect and enhance project benefits to ethnic minority peoples. In addition to the Meng’a Highway , Ning’er-Jiangcheng-Longfu Highway construction and border trade facilities, most transport related community needs such as rural road improvements, sub-village spot improvement, rural road maintenance, rural transport services have been included in the project rural access improvement component. This EMDP presents (i) distinctive cultural and social features of different ethnic minorities
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