ft. KL-f, ear ,iii4>g¥?iflr*^>- ,,<• *-e/cAr, la Cat tat? An Independent Newspaper Under Sam* Ownership ir Since 1878 IMIM Dallr. tiadtr tkrouck ftMur. wtml u lMon< CUM VUMr 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 13S u tht Hut OMe* 41IM Buk. lT7., inter tlw AM cf M*nk I. 1WI, RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1060 Debate Features Airplane MintonWillNot Budget's Adoption Crash Be a Candidate RUMSON - Mayor and Cow eU Uit nliht adopted, unchanged. Kills 29 Radar I budget for UN. SHANNON, Ireland (AP) - For Mayor Post It calls for $151,00 to be raised by Una for local purposes, aa Shattered wreckage lay smotuag Increaie of $1,411 over lut year. across a rsin-wasbed Irish ceme- Team Tlw new loeal purposes tax tery and field today after an Councilman Off rate will be an estimated Italian airliner with SJ peraons Ike Flies per thouand of assessed valua- sfO CfaWlM alM CXplOWSOi Hon. scattering bodies "like a scene The actual tax rate, which will Hunting May Include school aad county tana, from hell." On To haa act been determined. TwtatMix tf NEW SHREWSBURY -State tta AUtaHa alrlsaer wsrt HIM Also Bow Out police radar team* have atoppad Barr, larrOt)irtlaai as the crash,aad three auata Cheddar speeds on tot Outfit Tat budget ww pawed aftai d after baaag brtaght to Argentina FAIR HAVEN — Mtyor State Pukway. debate from htsplteli. Of the » tanrlvers, Russell H. Mlnton, a.long* Milton Levy. pubUe itlatloM ban of an audience of some JO maay lay asar death, atrriMy BUENOS AIRES (AP>-Presl- director of the New Jersey High- dtHaaa. MW TVPI TAX—Speaking on tht mad for a bftad-b.it tax last night at Free- burned aad brekea. dent Eisenhower, arriving in Ar- time governing body mem* way Authority which owns and Chief objectiou wcra to an in- hold Inttrmtdlatt School wart, left to right. Uwls Applegatt. public rtlationi dl- The airline said 12 Americans gentina today, said the United ber, will not be a candU operates the parkway, said yes- create lathe salary of the bor- raetor, NJEA; Mrs. Harry Forntrotto, prtildant of Monmouth County PTA Council, were among the 40 psisengers, States shares with this country date for re-election. terday. Removal of the radar ough administrator, Albert A. but it did not know yet which a resolve to work tirelessly, to- Kerr, Jr., and to the (act that and Assemblymen Clifton T. larltalow and Alfrtd N. ItaeUtsten. His decision came a com-* units. resulted front a. co-optfa- it any htd survived. gether "for peace characterized plete surprise. It had been tlvt deciilon on the part of thePolice Cipt. William Zerr also The four-engine DC7 crashed by freedom and Justice!" ' '' state police: holds the paid post of toning CD Siren Tut immediately after taking off The President's orange and sil- generally believed here that "he "It's a matter of authority pot- enforcement officer. ver jet, bringing, htm from; Rio would filt to seek the Republic 1 Slated Tomorrow from Shannon's International Icy. 'he said. Mr. Ken's salary was raised De Janeiro, touched down at caa nomination for mayor in 1 Educators Want Airport for the Atlantic hop. It "Radar checking, * be uU, rora $t.7» to $1,145. RED BANK - A tost of a had set out from Naples, landed Eieiza International Airport at the April primary election. "was stooped Feb. lltor a five- In addition, it was brought out, CtvU Defaaaa aad Disaster CM* at Rome to pick up more pass- 10:40 a. m. <«:40 a. m. EST.) Mayor Mlnton announced Ma month parted. Radar had been he holds tha posts of clerk lot tral waraiag abaa wffl be bald engers, and stopped In Shannon He is here for a week-end visit decision In a letter to Mrs. in ust oa tht parkway for five the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Broad-Base Tax tomtnaw at H:M a. n. to refuel. with more emphasis oa diplo- Oiadya;C Hunter, chairman of months; It was found desirable and secretary of the Planning Dr. Warren D. Fowler, CD> matic talka than, parading. ' tht Republican executive com* to make a comparison as to itsBoard, each paying S3M a year FREEHOLD - Several edu- DC dhacter here, eaM the test Most Argentinians were leu mittee. tame.1 and registrar of vital statistics, cation groups last night act te for civil defense paraaaaa thi. will vf.tiw Cinitify* Mtf enthuiiaitlc over the President's paid by fees collected. up plans to acquaint the public Is tot a pubUe par- (See AIRPLANE, Pg. 3) visit than the carnival-minded There wu outspoken optical Little Silver with the need for a broad-base Brazilians, who were hosts on wkH aaut Tataday afcbt it dk> tkw by authority officials wften, tax to support school needs'., Borough Coaadl hu appropri- the first stage of Eisenhower's after the state police first began Frank McKenna, unsuccessful Master Plan Assemblymen Alfred N. Bu-ated tlMN to lastan a separ- 10-day Latin American tour aim- Meanwhile, another situation radar operations; an accident re- Jemoeratic candidate for mayor dleston and Clifton T. Barkalow ate CD-DC slrea system la at ed at bolstering the U. S. po-developed In Republican raws. salted when a trooper pulled in last November, said: spoke to about 40 person at the 25 Navy sition in key countries. Councilman Tony Ei Hunting a-speeder from an outside lane. "We feel Mr. Kerr was amply Funds Sought Freehold Intermediate School on Tht system presently Is part Four bomb explosions rocked Mid he, too, may not seek, rt- Mia car wu struck by another car compensated last year, and we tha needs for revenue legislation tf tat Hrt alarm system. downtown Buenos Aires shortly election, moving in tha same direction on object to the Increase." LITTLE SILVER - The Plan. to supplement real estate taxes. Tat new sirens art expected after midnight, creating a last- Mr. Hunting, ' R Is koowa, an inside lane. Edwin C. Peters, president otnlng Board last night voted to Mr. Beadteston said a broad- tebabttefiedbyMay. Men Die minute tenseness in the atimo- would like the OOP nominafiM The view wu that the safety the Rumson Democratic Chib, apply for federal funds to aid but tax will not lower local sphere of the capital. One of the fo' r•mayor; record of the parkway mi so contended that Capt Zerr should in tha development of • master taxes, but will provide revenue bombs damaged the stock ex- Ha said art tight If party good that radar checks were tin- enforce the borough zoning rag- plan. for additional state aid, and change building only four blocks leaders here dt art want Mm . Beceiury. (See RUMSON. Pg. 2) The move was taken without lessen the need for higher real Parkway In Crash from tha government headquar- to.ran ftr the chief tseea- But, then, the authority agreed enthusiasm. estate taxes. ters. : tivt's past at wtaM art, ka Robert Bainton said he person- RIO DE JANEIRO (AP)-The to co-operate with the police by Mr. Beadteston estimated that Contract collision of a U. S. Navy plane Police believed the bombs were an probability, be a having radar checking continue ally didn't think it wu neces- a two per cent sales tax on set off by diehard followers of He hi Englishtown sary. Mrs. Arthur Huson voiced and a Brazilian airliner in which for a specified time. items other than food would raise 81 peraons died left a tragic af- ex-dictator Juan Peron, who nev- That time Is BOW past, uid similar feelings. To Crook er misses a chance to embarrass nan N years. Mr. Levy. Sidney Uchter pointed out that termath today to President Eisen- Man Called NEW SHREWSBURY - Ar- hower's triumphal visit to BraArgentina President Arturo Fron.' Earlier this week, Mr. Hunt- "Sometime next summer if, and when, the funds come FAVORS SALES TAX mored Car Service, Avon, yes-rii, dill's government. ing Mid he wu undecided u to wUI make a comparison and __ through, the board, still can (See PRESIDENT, Pg. 2) (Set MINTON, Pg. 1) whether or not safety standards New Bagman withdraw its application. OVER INCOME TAX terdad y wu awarded a contract Oejat af 4U% dlfteruit with Of without the Daniel S. Wlegand, chairman, to pick up the estimated $!». •d Gaaaabara Bay iff WASHINGTON (AP) - Rap. FREEHOLD - •09.000 toU receipts of the Gar- Ma,taiMa* alette e*us at nst of radar." ha added. lid ha and Moyar P. Paul BUM Alfred N. Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY) den State Parkway. OMO 1M 0JN • Op COJntIM Budget Adopted Despite iy called for toe resig- Campi had visited the state De- The New Jersey Highway AunY nation of New York Police Com- partment of Couervatioa and orlly - which operates the park missioner Stephen P. Kennedy; Economic Development a n d 2 Planners way - awarded the $30,000^ tarday. - in r». statement for the Con- learned that there are no more teats* In Protests By Residents funds available for the current year contract on a three-yea Thirty-five of the dead, and gressional Record, Powell said ttoatibav buia. Harry B. Crook, Jr. ., MARLBORO - The amount of Characterised u a Lose Posits there is a link between the New fiscal year. tht only : three survivors, wsrt He said the department-In- Ht aaid tab to sapaart af Ms president of the firm. He is U. S. Navy men. Among "ni sarpjua fiwda and road expsbdl- ai-ao" budget by ComnttteaV York Police Department and the stnd that a salsa tax weald former mayor of Avon; ._ j of tures wtre the msjor Items ques- man MUltrd B.
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