March 17, 2007 In this issue Churches unite in prayers for rain WIM group allocates funding Looking at Adventism Pastor Emile Maxi, director of church development for the New Zealand Pacifi c Union Conference, leads a training session for personal ministries leaders at the North New Zealand Conference’s leadership summit in Auckland. NNZC focuses on local church leaders AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND believe local churches led by servant- about listening than telling, understanding leader pastors and lay leaders are the than directing. Leaders lead by hearing the key to taking the hope of God’s love voice of God and understanding the needs I to New Zealand,” urges Pastor Eddie of those they are serving.” Tupai, president of the North New Zealand Leadership training options at the two Conference (NNZC). Pastor Tupai was re- weekend programs covered 15 areas of fl ecting on the conference’s recent church- ministry and featured more than 24 pre- leader summit, which saw more than 500 senters from conference, union and di- TeenForce at local church leaders from across the NNZC vision levels, as well as other specialised participate in training on the weekends trainers. Topics ranged from practical of February 10 and 17 in Auckland and training for elders and church clerks to Pathfi nder Palmerston North, respectively. youth ministry, Pathfi nders, STORM Co, “The focus of the summit was servant worship, health ministry, children’s min- leadership,” Pastor Tupai explains. “I call it istries and communications. camporee ‘sound’ leadership—leadership that is more (Continued on page 4) ISSN 0819-5633 0099 ccover.inddover.indd 1 55/3/07/3/07 55:48:57:48:57 PPMM editorial We count on your support for this ministry. Discipling our young people e generally refer to events discipleship and that will express itself in we will set ourselves a faith goal of 10 per like the Twelfth Gate South three major functions: cent growth in youth membership. Apart Pacifi c Division Camporee as ● Retaining from our traditional methods of youth W “memory events.” Certainly, it On May 28 and June 2 this year, a census rallies, teen/youth camps, camporees and worked that way; but, it was much more will be carried out in all the local churches congresses, where we consistently reap a than the creation of lasting memories. for all attendees aged six to 30. They will be harvest, conference and mission youth de- The camporee marked the beginning grouped in age categories representing the partments will lead local youth groups in of an eternal journey for 1517 Pathfi nders Adventurer, Pathfi nder and senior youth an intentional evangelistic initiative beyond and leaders and the reaffi rmation of faith age groups. The average attendance over the boundaries of the church in 2008. of hundreds more. Some of our Pathfi nder the two Sabbaths will be recorded. Public and personal evangelism, small- clubs are more than 50 per cent non-Ad- By the grace of God, we will pray, plan group evangelism, Bible workers, literature ventists, meaning the camporee—with and devise ministries and strategies toward distribution and other initiatives to suit the more than 6000 participants—was one of discipling and retaining all our young giftedness of the individual and the needs of the largest evangelistic programs held on people in this quinquennium. We plan the community will be implemented. Australian soil. We give glory to our heav- to carry out the same census at the same These initiatives will be launched at our enly Father for the rich harvest. period in 2010 to see what the Lord will “Move with the power II” Youth Leader- As we think of our 1517 new babies in the have done for us. ship Convention in August. Please sponsor faith and as we seek God’s guidance for the ● Reclaiming and send your local youth teams, the Adven- future, I am reminded of a book I read re- There are too many of our sons and turer, Pathfi nder, senior youth and Sabbath cently, titled The Great Omission. The author daughters who no longer worship, fellow- school leaders and all those who have a pas- suggests the church—over the years—has ship and serve with us. We will go after sion for working with young people. radically altered the Great Commission. them on a search-and-rescue mission. We Please pray for us as we train young peo- Jesus called us to make disciples, to bap- do not minimise the challenge and the ple to fi nish the work. “With such an army tise and to teach new believers to treasure complexity of the task, but it is God’s plan. of workers, as our youth, rightly trained, and keep all things He commanded us—to We will be praying, listening, planning and might furnish, how soon the message of a enrol them as students and bring them ever seeking the counsel of our pastors, leaders crucifi ed, risen, and soon-coming Saviour increasingly to be and to do what He direct- and parents as we work together. might be carried to the whole world!” (Mes- ed (see Matthew 28:19, 20). But instead of The fi rst Sabbath of the Youth Week of sages to Young People, page 196). “making disciples,” we are making “church Prayer in 2008 will be set aside as a “home- We count on your support for this min- members” who subscribe to a set of teach- coming” Sabbath. Local youth groups, fam- istry as you pray for us and bless us with ings and attend church regularly. Disciple- ilies and churches will bring out the best your offering next Sabbath. ship, spiritual formation and transformation to welcome our children home. It will be to the likeness of Jesus in all aspects of life a visible expression of all the sustained but are often considered optional. often unseen prayers and efforts. Gilbert Cangy As we look to the future, youth ministry ● Rescuing Director of Youth Ministries in the South Pacifi c Division will focus on As we obtain our census fi gures in June, South Pacifi c Division Offi cial Paper of the South Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company Pacifi c Division Seventh-day Associate editor David Edgren 3485 Warburton Highway Adventist Church Editorial assistant Adele Nash Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia ABN 59 093 117 689 Editorial assistant Jarrod Stackelroth Phone: (03) 5965 6300 Fax: (03) 5966 9019 www.adventist.org.au Copyeditor Graeme Brown Email Letters: [email protected] Editorial secretary Meryl McDonald-Gough Email Newsfront: [email protected] Vol 112 No 9 Layout Nathan Chee Email Noticeboard: [email protected] Cover: Nathan Brown Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Subscriptions: South Pacifi c Division mailed within Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00. www.record.net.au Other prices on application. Printed weekly. 2 March 17, 2007 0099 EEditorial.inddditorial.indd SSec1:2ec1:2 55/3/07/3/07 55:50:33:50:33 PPMM news Churches unite in prayers for rain WARBURTON, VICTORIA with a comprehensive overview of south- eastern Australia’s desperate plight and he call for a national day of prayer expressed his delight at being invited to for rain (“AUC calls for prayer for join our worship with the special focus on Australia,” News, February 3) to re- petitioning God to intervene.” Tlieve the drought conditions currently In Queensland, the Warwick Adventist faced by most of Australia was answered by church’s participation in the day of prayer churches not only in Australia, but around saw them feature on the front cover of the ord the world. local newspaper, the Daily News. At the Grantham Adventist church in The West Australian reported on Ann Staff England, the drought conditions and call churches in the Perth area participating Federal MP Kelly Hoare (front) joined Avondale for prayer had been included in the church’s in the Australian Union Conference’s College president Dr John Cox (behind) and college bulletin for several weeks. Local church (AUC) prayer initiative. It rained at a church members to pray for rain on February 17. member Jan Clarke Pearce says, “On Sab- number of churches at the time set aside tire worship service to Australia’s worsen- bath, February 17, the Grantham church for the prayer. ing drought as part of the national day of members joined our church family in Aus- Burnie (Tas), Ipswich (Qld), Geraldton prayer. The Federal Member of Parliament tralia with special prayers for relief of the (WA), Bathurst, Coffs Harbour and Wagga for Charlton, Kelly Hoare, joined mem- drought. May God respond quickly!” Wagga (NSW) Adventist churches also bers of the congregation, appealing to God The Meltan church members in Kavi- made news in their local papers with their to reverse climate change. “Let’s hope our eng, New Ireland Province, Papua New prayers for precipitation. prayer is answered,” she said. Guinea, also joined in the prayers to send The Murray Bridge Adventist church Pastor Chester Stanley, AUC president out a special appeal to God. in South Australia advertised in their local says, “It was thrilling to see how churches Adventist church members on Lord newspaper about the day of prayer. Ron have responded to the appeal and how many Howe Island participated in the day of Clarke, public relations offi cer for the have expressed appreciation for the whole prayer, which coincided with the 219th an- church, says, “We had two visitors from the church to pray together. I’m also delighted niversary of the discovery of the island. public who saw the ad come to the service with the excellent publicity the churches “We felt priveleged to support the call in our local church.
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