ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Jelena Sabovljević HOW TO ANALYSE LANDED UFO PROJECTS AND WHEN TO IMPLEMENT THE ANALYSIS? ON THE EXAMPLE OF BELGRADE WATERFRONT PROJECT Master’s Thesis Curriculum Landscape Architecture Supervisor: Friedrich Kuhlmann, Dipl. Ing. Tartu, 2020 LIHTLITSENTS LÕPUTÖÖ SALVESTAMISEKS JA ÜLDSUSELE KÄTTESAADAVAKS TEGEMISEKSNING JUHENDAJA (TE) KINNITUS LÕPUTÖÖ KAITSMISELE LUBAMISE KOHTA Mina, Jelena Sabovljević. (sünnipäev 17.08.1994) 1. annan Eesti Maaülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) Rannikmaastike võrdlemine läbi ökoloogilise turismi mudeli on Friedrich Kuhlmann, Dipl. Ing. for 1.1. salvestamiseks säilitamise eesmärgil, 1.2. digiarhiivi DSpace lisamiseks ja 1.3. veebikeskkonnas üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni; 2. olen teadlik, et punktis 1 nimetatud õigused jäävad alles ka autorile; 3. kinnitan, et lihtlitsentsi andmisega ei rikuta teiste isikute intellektuaalomandi ega isikuandmete kaitse seadusest tulenevaid õigusi. Lõputöö autor ______________________________ allkiri Tartu, 01.06.2020 _________________________________________________________________ Juhendaja(te) kinnitus lõputöö kaitsmisele lubamise kohta Luban lõputöö kaitsmisele ………………………………………………… ……………………………….. (juhendaja nimi ja allkiri) Date ………………………………………………… ………………………………01.06.2020 .. (juhendaja nimi ja allkiri) Date NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENCE FOR DEPOSITING THE FINAL THESIS AND OPENING IT FOR THE PUBLIC AND THE SUPERVISOR’S CONFIRMATION FOR ALLOWING THE THESIS FOR THE DEFENCE Hereby I, Jelena Sabovljević. (sünnipäev 17.08.1994) 1. Grant Eesti Maaülikool, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, a free-of-charge nonexclusive license to store the final thesis titled comparing coastal landscapes according to ecological model of tourism, supervised by Friedrich Kuhlmann, Dipl. Ing. for 1.1. preservation; 1.2. depositing a digital copy of the thesis in the archive of DSpace and 1.3. opening it for the public on the Web until the validity of the term of protection of copyright. 2. I am aware that the author retains the same rights as listed in point 1; 3. I confirm that by being issued the CC licence no rights deriving from the Personal Data Protection Act and the Intellectual Property Rights Act have been infringed. Author of the final thesis ______________________________ signature In Tartu, 01.06.2020 _________________________________________________________________ The core supervisor’s approval for the final thesis to be allowed for defence This is to confirm that the final thesis is allowed for defence. ………………………………………………… ………………………………01.06.2020 .. Supervisor’s name and signature Date ………………………………………………… ……………………………….. Supervisor’s name and signature Date Eesti Maaülikool Magistritöö lühikokkuvõte Kreutzwaldi 1, Tartu 51014 Autor: Jelena Sabovljević Õppekava: Maastikuarhitektuur Pealkiri: Kuidas maandunud UFO-projekte analüüsida ja millal analüüsi rakendada? Belgradi veepiiriprojekti näitel Lehekülgi: 75 Jooniseid: 23 Tabeleid: / Lisasid: / Osakond: Maastikuarhitektuuri Field of Research: Kuidas maandunud UFO-projekte analüüsida ja millal analüüsi rakendada? Belgradi veepiiriprojekti näitel Juhendaja(d): Friedrich Kuhlmann, Dipl. Ing. Kaitsmiskoht ja -aasta: Tartu, 01.06.2020 Abstraktne “Linn on alati kollektiivne. Belgrad ei ole tänapäeval enam kollektiiv, vaid amorfne mass eemaldunud inimesi, kes juhinduvad oma kirgedest ja odavatest huvidest.” (Bosiljčić, 1998) Lõppkäsitluse eesmärk on määratleda Belgradi rannapiirkonna megaprojekti mõju maastiku analüüsi lähenemisviis ja rõhutatud analüüsi teostamine vajalikuks planeerimiseprotsessi algusest peale. Uurimistöö alusena valiti mitu küsimust kirjanduse allikat, mis puudutab megaprojekte, maastikuprotsesside ja muundumise riske, süsteemiteooriat ja paksu kirjeldust. Analüüsimeetodi idee vaadeldava maastiku kolme erineva vaatenurga ja kaardistamismeetodi abil saab analüüsida, kuidas lood XX sajandi Belgradi taset muuta ja Belgradi veepiiriprojekti kriitikat ekspertide ja aktivistidena kasutada. Analüüsi läbi vaadatud viisid arusaamani maastiku keerukusest ja ümberkujundamisest, varasematest lennukipõhistest kogemustest ning Belgradi veepiiril asuva projekti planeerimis- ja otsustusprotsessist. Lõpptulemuste pealistamismeetodi konstruktiivse kriitika, mida saaks laialdaselt kasutada kaevu jõe ääres toimimisele megaprojektidele. Märksõnad: megaprojektid, Belgradi veepiir, Sava amfiteater, sotsiaal-kultuuriline maastik, maastikuprotsessid Estonian University of Life Sciences Abstract of Master’s Thesis Kreutzwaldi 1, Tartu 51014 Author: Jelena Sabovljević Curriculum: Landscape Architecture Title: How to Analyse landed UFO Projects and When to Implement the Analysis? On the Example of Belgrade Waterfront Project Pages: 75 Figures: 23 Tables: / Appendixes: / Department / Chair: Landscape Architecture Field of research: How to Analyse landed UFO Projects and When to Implement the Analysis? On the Example of Belgrade Waterfront Project Supervisor: Friedrich Kuhlmann, Dipl. Ing. Place and date: Tartu, 01.06.2020 Abstract “The city is always a collective. Belgrade today is no longer a collective, but an amorphous mass of outcast individuals guided by their passions and cheap interests.” (Bosiljčić, 1998) The aim of the thesis is to define the approach for analysing the impacts of the Belgrade Waterfront megaproject on the landscape and to emphasize the necessity of the analysis implementation in the beginning of the planning process. For the base of the research, several sources of relevant literature were selected, which deal with risks of megaprojects, landscape processes and transformation, systems theory and thick description. The idea of the analysis approach is to observe the landscape from three different perspectives, and using mapping method to analyse the natural processes of the site, examples of planning competitions from the XX century in Belgrade and critique of the Belgrade Waterfront project by the experts and activists. The results of the analysis led to the comprehension of the landscape complexity and transformation, past planning experiences, and planning process and decision-making process of the Belgrade Waterfront project. The superimposition of the final outcomes formed a constructive critique which could be widely implemented to other megaprojects that take place by the river. Keywords: megaprojects, Belgrade Waterfront, Sava Amphitheatre, sociocultural landscape, landscape processes Acknowledgements I would first of all like to thank my supervisor Fredrich Kuhlmann for his support, dedication and inspiring guidelines. I would like to thank Dragana Ćorović for her great tips that helped me to approach the topic from a different perspective. Also, I want to thank EMU staff and teachers for their dedication during this study program. Finally, I would like to thank my parents and friends for their support. 1 Table of contents List of Figures 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Literature Review 10 2.1. Megaprojects as UFOs 10 2.2. About Belgrade 12 2.3. River Metamorphosis 14 2.4. Systems Interrelationships 16 2.5. Thick Description 18 3. Materials and Methods 21 3.1. The analysis of natural processes in landscape and the analysis of the context of the site 21 3.2. The analysis of urban planning competitions for Belgrade from the XX century 22 3.3. The analysis of critique of the Belgrade Waterfront project 23 3.4. Consequences for the discussion 24 4. Research Results and Their Interpretations 25 4.1. Geographical Analysis 25 4.1.1. Pedology and Geomorphology 25 4.1.2. Hydrology 28 4.1.3. Biotope and Biodiversity 31 4.1.4. Natural Goods 31 4.1.5. Cultural Goods 33 4.2. Interlude 36 4.3. Visions Analysis 36 4.3.1. Conceptual Master Plan for Reconstruction of Belgrade 1948 37 4.3.2. Sava on Water 1967 40 4.3.3. International Competition for the New Belgrade Urban Structure Improvement 1984-86 42 4.3.4. Town on Water 1991 45 4.4. Interlude 46 4.5. Critique Analysis 48 5. Discussion 56 5.1. Superimposition of the Results 56 5.2. Leading to… 60 5.3. Toolbox 60 5.3.1. Widening 61 5.3.2. Densifying 63 5.3.3. Deconstructing 64 6. Conclusion 67 Bibliography 70 2 List of Figures Figure 1. Structure Diagram Figure 2. Morphological Map Figure 3. Geological Map Figure 4. Hydrological Map Figure 5. Flood Risk Area Map Figure 6. Map of Natural Goods Figure 7. Map of Cultural Goods Figure 8. Summary Map of Geological Analysis Figure 9. Conceptual Master Plan for Reconstruction of Belgrade 1948 Figure 10. Interpretation Map of the Mater Plan from 1948 Figure 11. Sava on Water 1967 Figure 12. Interpretation Map of Sava on Water Figure 13. International Competition for the New Belgrade Urban Structure Improvement 1984-86 Figure 14. Interpretation Map of the First Prize from Czechoslovakia Figure 15. Town on Water 1991 Figure 16. Interpretation Map of Town on Water Figure 17. Summary Map of Visions Analysis Figure 18. Spatial Plan of the Area “Belgrade Waterfront” Figure 19. Interpretation Map of Belgrade Waterfront Plan Figure 20. Map of Superimposition Figure 21. Widening Map Figure 22. Densifying Map Figure 23. Deconstructing Map 3 1. Introduction In 2014 project Belgrade Waterfront was for the first time presented to the public as a ready- made model of gigantic structures of luxurious housing with the design style that is typical for Dubai. At that time, the plan of the project still didn’t exist and the model itself didn’t offer enough information. It seemed that this unknown formation just
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