ANNUAL REPORT European Federation for Hunting and Conservation 2018 With the financial support of the European Commission INDEX 4 PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD FACE is the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation. Established 6 THE FACE SECRETARIAT in 1977, FACE represents the interests of Europe’s 7 million hunters as an 8 FACE MEMBERS international non-profit-making non-governmental organisation (INGO). 10 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT INTERGROUP This makes FACE the largest democratically representative body for “BIODIVERSITY, HUNTING, COUNTRYSIDE” hunters in the world and probably one of the largest European civil society 12 FACE ADVOCACY HIGHLIGHTS 2018 organisations. 16 FACE COMMUNICATION WORKING GROUP 17 MIGRATORY BIRDS FACE is made up of its Members: national hunters’ associations from 36 22 LARGE CARNIVORES European countries including the EU-28. FACE also has 7 Associate Members 26 BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY and has its Secretariat in Brussels since 1977. 30 FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION 32 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS FACE upholds the principle of sustainable use and has been a member 36 ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELFARE of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since 1987. 40 HUNTING METHODS AND CULTURE FACE works with its partners on a range of hunting-and conservation- 42 FINANCES related matters, from international conservation agreements to local implementation issues with the aim of sustaining hunting across Europe. 2 3 PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD Dear members and partners, I was elected FACE President in September 2018 with a mandate to develop a stronger FACE. One of my main priorities is to place a strong focus on FACE’s Mission, Vision, Strategy that was adopted at the 2017 FACE General Assembly. This will ensure that FACE provides the best possible platform for international cooperation to preserve and promote Europe’s unique regional hunting traditions. 2018 was another very busy year for FACE that required engagement in policy discussions relating to the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to prevent declines in small game populations and the development of new international plans for huntable birds (geese, Turtle Dove and waders). FACE was also actively engaged in the updating of several EU guidance documents, including guidance that affects large carnivore management and the hunting seasons for migratory birds. We were also engaged in the policy discussions on eradicating African swine fever in wild boar. In terms of FACE’s conservation programme, CAP reform demands serious attention from FACE and its members to ensure that we improve the conditions for small game hunting in Europe. Following a successful FACE members’ meeting in Bulgaria in spring 2018, European hunters demanded clear priorities for farming post 2020, including halting biodiversity losses, and improving the conditions for small game. 2019 is a year of great strategic importance to European hunters in which a new European Parliament (EP) will be elected and FACE will focus on re-establishing its EP ‘Hunting’ Intergroup. FACE members are well aware that the position of the European Union dominates the international policy agenda, affecting hunting and conservation in all European countries. FACE is nothing without its members and we must work together to ensure the interests of all of Europe’s 7 million hunters are at the centre when decisions are made with regard to hunting and wildlife management. Outside of specific requests from the secretariat you can help in many ways, for example, by uploading new projects on www.biodiversitymanifesto.com/share-your-project, which improves FACE’s knowledge base. For your continuous support we are very grateful! Torbjörn Larsson 4 THE FACE SECRETARIAT The FACE Team is based in Brussels and makes up the Secretariat. This team combines a passion for hunting and conservation with expertise in a range of key areas to protect hunting in Europe. 2018 STAFF SECRETARY GENERAL LEGAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Ludwig Willnegger Angela Popovic Public Affairs Manager ADMINISTRATION Charlotte Nyffels Tom Van de Maele Office and Business Manager Legal Affairs Officer Sandrine Dehoux COMMUNICATIONS Office Assistant Alessio Borrello Communication Manager CONSERVATION Dr. David Scallan Isabelle Lemmens Senior Conservation Manager Member Relations Manager & Senior French Translator Monia Anane Sabine Borgers-Guse Conservation Policy Officer Senior Translator Roderick Enzerink Diana Selaru Wildlife Policy Officer Communication and Member Relations Assistant 6 FACE MEMBERS FACE works with its Members, partners and the EU Institutions to Greece: Kynhγtikh Σynomoσπonδia Eλλaδoς Turkey: Türkiye Aticilik ve Avcilik Federasyonu OTHER MEMBERS facilitate understanding, action and information exchange through Hungary: Országos Magyar Vadászkamara United Kingdom: FACE UK regular meetings with its Members, as well as with the European HONORARY PRESIDENTS Parliament and the European Commission. Hungary: Országos Magyar Vadászati Védegylet Giovanni BANA, Gilbert de TURCKHEIM. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS FACE is nowhere without its Members. Ireland: FACE Ireland c/o National Association of Regional Game HONORARY MEMBERS Councils (NARGC) Jochen BORCHERT, John GARDINER, Martin HØJSGAARD, Yves LECOCQ, FACE Members encompass the expertise, knowledge, structures and European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons (AECAC) Torstein MOLAND, John Anthony SWIFT. influence that make up European hunting. FACE is made up of national Italy: FACE Italia Association of European Manufacturers of Sporting Firearms (ESFAM) hunters’ associations from 36 European countries, including the 28 EU Latvia: Latvijas Mednieku Asociācija Member States as well as other countries members of the Council of Safari Club International (SCI) PARTNERS Europe. Lithuania: Lietuvos Medžiotojų ir Žvejų Draugija Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) European Association of Traditional Hunts (AECT) Luxembourg: Fédération Saint-Hubert des Chasseurs du European Bowhunting Federation (EBF) FULL MEMBERS Grand-Duché de Luxembourg asbl European Institute for the Management of Wild Birds Conservation Force and their Habitats (OMPO) Albania: Federata e Gjuetarëve të Shqipërisë Malta: Federazzjoni Kaċċaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti (FKNK) Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Nordic Hunters’ Alliance (NHA) Austria: Zentralstelle Österreichischer Landesjagdverbände Montenegro: Lovački Savez Crne Gore Belgium: Asbl wallonne du Royal Saint-Hubert Club de Belgique / Netherlands: Koninklijke Nederlandse Jagersvereniging Hubertus Vereniging Vlaanderen vzw Norway: Norges Jeger- og Fiskerforbund Bosnia and Herzegovina: Lovački Savez Herceg Bosne (LSHB) Poland: Polski Związek Łowiecki Bosnia and Herzegovina: Lovački Savez Republike Srpska (LSRS) Portugal: Federação Portuguesa de Caça (FENCAÇA) Bosnia and Herzegovina: Savez Lovačkih organizacija BiH (SLOBiH) Romania: Asociaţia Generală a Vânătorilor şi Pescarilor Sportivi (AGVPS) Bulgaria: Съюз на ловците и риболовците в Ьългария San Marino: Federazione Sammarinese della Caccia Croatia: Hrvatski Lovački Savez Serbia: Lovački Savez Srbije Cyprus: Kyπpiakи Omoσπonδia Kynhγioy Kai Δiathphσhς Aγpiaς Zωиς Slovakia: Slovenská poľovnícka komora Czech Republic: Ceskomoravská Myslivecká Jednota Slovakia: Slovenský Pol’ovnícky Zväz Denmark: Danmarks Jægerforbund Slovenia: Lovska zveza Slovenije Estonia: Eesti Jahimeeste Selts Spain: Oficina Nacional de la Caza (ONC) Finland: Suomen Metsästäjäliitto / Finlands Jägarförbund Sweden: Svenska Jägareförbundet France: Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs Switzerland: JagdSchweiz / ChasseSuisse / CacciaSvizzera / Germany: Deutscher Jagdverband e.V. CatschaSvizra 8 9 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT INTERGROUP “BIODIVERSITY, HUNTING, COUNTRYSIDE” Known as the “Hunting Intergroup”, 6 March 2018 - Keep Calm and Let Africa Take the Lead. The EU- cooperation between relevant stakeholders is crucial to manage the Mr. Olivier Diana, from the Euro- the European Parliament Intergroup Africa Dialogue: Supporting communities in wildlife conservation growing Nutria population in Europe. pean Commission, Policy Officer “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” was (DG AGRI) stated that agriculture created in 1985 and is one of the oldest The message that the speakers and participants in the event delivered and biodiversity are intrinsically and most active parliamentary platforms. to the EU was clear. Africa’s wildlife management authorities and the linked and underlined the key leaders of conservation-related organisations in Southern Africa are role of farmers in producing food With some 110 actively supporting MEPs successfully managing and conserving their wildlife through sustain- and managing natural resources. the Intergroup promotes the role of able use methods, including hunting. Decision-makers in the EU should He underlined that there will be hunting and other forms of sustainable use of natural resources. FACE work with Africa’s leaders in order to continue, support, enhance, and no re-nationalisation of the CAP, but more flexibility and subsidiarity for has provided the Secretariat for this intergroup since 1984 while the replicate their success. Member States always in a consistent EU framework. European Landowners’ Organisation serves as Co-secretariat. 6 November 2018 - Communicating the role of hunters in Europe It tackles topics related to biodiversity, wildlife management, rural Stefan Leiner, Head of Unit Biodiversity (DG Environment), stated that development and forestry and discusses current subjects whilst The conference highlighted
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