- ■■ U 'l'ige 1*W »>»#* "» THURSDAY, JULY 24,*1981 PAGE SIXTEEN f llwWdBtlidr dlandfCBter Evening Vrrolh r A rw iio Dolly Mot P r e s s ! FaaxeaiM ad 0 . B. WaaHiar Rpinp^ r tha Weak Bah Miy is, toss -m . r^^aCL' Fhlr, WMMr_ ■ ^ —•- h- WQ-• ne ■■■——-X About Town Apply to Probate 1 0 3 1 3 arday. TtmmBersMswsn 8rtli4eyJ To Sell Holdings alght. thif. aaater Suaday. 111. AmoriCM Lagion b.iKl will Ctiy 6f ViUag» Charm wa have miythir^ jhold a rahMiaal tomorrow night I at a o'clock in tha LagUm HiUI to Applicatiotta for authority to liprapmra for tha atMa convention. aall four propartlaa Id tha aathta SAVIItoS (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE StBYUB MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY. JULY . ItS I I All mambar. of tha band ar. urgad of tha lata W. Harry England will aa f a e . U ) 28 ■ 4 : 1 to attend. ha haard and datermlnad by Jttdgt youm di^t John J. Wailatt, In Probata Court A aon araa bom to Hr. aiid Mra. July 81 at 10 a. m. Cool . con* iNorman Rlcharda of Cryatal Lake, Tha Hartford Connecticut Trust IGickville, at tha Hartford hoapi* OompMy, executor of tha astata, CODRnSY Q u a i n v f o r table for tal Honday. through Jay B. RuUnow, Ita coun- jr o • r aunner aal, raquaata authority to aall Iota ahoppiaf; cun* Loretta Croaaan of 2A McNall and houaaa at 384 Autumn atraat, toners aay they atraat anIUted In Ufa WAF Hon* 370 Autumn atmirt. and a amall eojojr ahoppinr tOttVUUM : day, July 31 and haa bean aa> lot at tha raar of thoaa propartlaa. lalgnad to Lackland AF Baaa, Ran aa wall aa proparty on Oarsrd hare in cool atraat. AT HALE'S se lf' SERVE I Antonio, Taa. cenfort for DAISY Tha aon born to Mr. and Mm. Lcjrel NoticM SEAlhr-TO-EAT ' E. Clifford Llndgren of Church AT A COURT OP PRORATR held ai atraat, Hamden, laat Thuraday, rnlumhia. Diatrict af Asdorar, as tha 1 and MEAT DEPARTMENT 8ROOERIES July 17 at tha Naw Havan Oan* 3lM dar at J u ly . IMl. Praaant Clartan. R. If uni. Juda*. SMOKED SHLDS. *^550 araJ Hoapital haa baan named Ratala of Anihonr Juraraty. lata of FRUITS Pradford C. Lindgran. Mra. Lind- Andnrar. In Hid Diftrtrl, dacaaaad. gran la tha former Elvor Anderaon Tlia Admlnlatritrlx harint mad* HALE’S CUDAHY’S SUNLIGHT I: of this town. writirrt aavlicalian to Hid Court, in' 1 IVORY . IVORY FROSnU arrordanca with th* dtalula, lor an LM ID PATTIES c ardor ol sartlllon or Hi* of tha wbol* 65 Hanchaatar Chapter. No. IT, nr part nf lha real eatat* dracribrd COFFEE BUTTER RAKES iSNOW FOODS (V>w* OmmIm ■ortof) lh*r*ln, II ia.ordorai.' that Hid appll- on I Diaablad American Vatarana, will ratlnn h* hurd al lha Probata Office FRESH GROUND LABOE I hold ita annual Joint outing for In Columbia., on Ih*- 1st day of Auauat. LABGB fiMMy b— d M(ri roltd GINUINI I ita mambam and thoaa of tha Aux- ItU, at 3 to o'clnek In tha aftrmoan: 1 Pound and that nolle* thartuff ba tlr*n. by 2 Far 55c SPtlNG LAMI SMOULDIRS mn fM d ndii« «f m I Ulary on Saturday, at 1 p, m. at ubliahina a ropy of Inia order In Ih* iFm 55e Albart Baaba'a-cottaga, Covanlry Slanrhealrr grenlns Ilarald. a news­ •f $3.80 MKh. Wetiderfid Oov«r . wid Laka. For raaarvathms, tranapor- paper harins a rlrrulatlon In Hid. Dt>- Irlcl. at l*aat (Ira daya hefnr* uid day Truman Flies Favored at Chicago M ty to iHm If yMi k t Nm m «Hnd «ff«r idwidabit I Utlon or olhar Information, Mr. of haarinf. and that ratum ba mad* Conventioit Vote and Mm, Albart Shafflald of 14 to Ihia (blurt. OXYDOL . — -------^ — - .............. ■ Stevenson Is NN«VM. tinnmora drive may ha' contactad. Atl**l, To Sessions nNKRirBOT PMCSH LEAN. FEESH Ekthing, boating and gamaa will . 9LATTON m, ifUNT, Uudt*. LABOE TaUy Sheet ha anjoyad by tha famlllaa atland- Waahlngton. duly SB—(ff^— SLOCK ISLAND GROUND DEEP |l>ne- SOFT W EAVE 2 Far 55c Voting Strike End ProaMant Truman fHaa ta Chi- Baap a raeard af tha Dema- 2 Far 55c engo and what la axpeotad ta ha mwtto dslagatoa veto tor proM-’ Seen tt'e tae B«Mt Andaraon-flhaa Auxiliary, No. CUT-RITE Mm Centludtng aaaalan at Mm daattol onadMatos as they are 9 *^ e I 304d, VFW, will hold tha usual HALE'S TISSUE Pomecratlo natlanal eanvantlaai amda nt the Chleaga eeavaatloa. Vii 59 Wsehington, July 25—(4>>—The lonjeat, costliest steel (V M v ««lr whik 1010. Friday avaning aatback party to­ 9 9 f f l tadny with the Mr af a happy OMp and anva tor use whan the morrow at SiSO at tha PMt homa, WAX PAPER strike in.............................. American historyy in ine: effect is over. Pn^uction is man baiallag atorts. Conventinn fkll* OiicBfo, July 25— I Manchsatar Oman, with prtaaa for Hoadquartort 3 Rolls An ngracaaant paInMag to the A NwItEd myiity «f Hm m feeder m m N • IN U IN I expect^ to resume next week. The strlkinjr CIO Steelwork­ (Sea Faga Four.) .With the ftrat ballnt roll ealM Uirott|^ N e ir | » I tha winnam and mfmahmanta. » \ LABOE ers union was considered virtually csrtaiji tdday to ratify a and of the preladged ataM atrika SPtlN» LAMIj a m i LLI«Sk . ibb le tbe fe r tbls FOR dangled from hlo hett. Ho coaM sey, Uie officlBl e^unt for the Dem ocrttic T atrlke-and agradmant rtachadraachdd at Tha aon -bora sraatarday in Mm - tall Mlaw Damoemta 'taMgkt tha WhIU Houae attar Praaidantj Umt the vletary waa won wlth-^ deutial nomination stood) AnefteAM am I ehastar Mamoiial Hoapital to Mr. K ^ 2 F t w 5 9 c heeb le eeod W eiliVt Hww WW WMIe I and Mm. Laalia O. Andraw of 3S Truman paraonally damandad-^nd out naa af tha Tnit-Mnrtlay not got—a aattlamant. ' . ' they am plodgod to roponL . Harriman 17% , Kefauver r a a o n n w r e e o o l a e poacm iB ar ^grtetk iim > Halalna road haa baan named Roh- ;tt waa not a claar cut victory Utaion Shop CHOICE OEADE I art Bruce Andraw. Tha baby ia And with Oov. Adfad Stovon- G-M an Top s S0% , Russell 120, Stevenaoli 157, other* 1 7 BONELCaa CHUOE thair third aon. for anyone conearaad—the union, mn of nuaoto a hanvy tavoHta HAMSURG IVORY IVORY Induatry or tha govamment. Tham for hta party’s proMdoatlM POft M IA T L O A V U SOAP WAS gtya and taka on all aldaa. A greem en t anaalaatioB, timm warn iadloa- Convention Hall,- Cblcago, July 28—<4*>r’-<Sev. I AQU E. POT ROASTS AUNT JEMIMA VERMONT MAID SOAP AkMMMflaH h e Ttubmui ttoao Trmnaa may ba aUt to U. S. Track The and of tha crtpRllng, SS-day haaat ha had pMmd a wtanar Stevenson o f Illinois picked up terrific momentum today.-tlii atrlka waa announced late yaatar- too. a iabor-backsd surge toward the Democratic -pm aideii^ n.i •^Sle PANCAKE MIX SYRUP 2 s^r 23c I 3 For 23c day by the Praaidant himaalf, with In Contract Tha Froaldoat aaaanaoad his In Olympics nomination. With the bellotlng proceeding s lo ^ in tlili W e wM Neve feedercere cereed beef 12-Ounee Bottio CIO Praaidant PhIHp Murmy and 'support of Stovonaau through a fudtonly eajmhd eonvantlon luill,' V. 8. Steal Chairman Benjamin White Houoo aaaouacomaat the Illinois govaraor rsokad up tha Freeb Fryere'eed OreNere . eed, ef eeeree, eleety Washington, July 26— (/P) while awBlaaUeao wore uador- IC I COLD Falrlaaa itandlng baalda him. Helslnkl. July' 28— (4») — powerful support of tho CIO FollU- ef fieeb. eiHd leveled m AN K N IITI. eed freek. CaUlng nawaman Into hU oam, — The big stumbling block in way yeotorday. And- Mo aldao oal Aetlen commlttoo. IVORY Mnca—n rare occurranca— Tru-lt^^ dispute, S compul- are aaytag that Stoveaaaa has Horace Ashenfelter, the gal­ b f eiieed c e id ce fe . CAMAY At tho aama Umt, a stratoglat Ballou by States man told tham Murray and Falr­ sory union shop, nppsrently loping G-man from Glen for -Avoroll Harriman conoadag SOAP KEOI7LAB laaa “have reached agraamant on V (Oantinnad on Png. Two) SHUBFINE wns compromised late yester­ Ktdge, N. J., turned ih the that the Naw Yorkar and tha only & a r Important haalc laauaa** after «lay- ‘aU-out "Fair Daalor” among 11 Other AppReecM day after months of wrang­ most amazing of the Ameri­ Oonvestlon Han. CRileago, July 12 OIL JAR QUALITY PBBSONAL 4w,.23t S l u m 23c long confamncaa. and predicted a prasidantlal aaplranta, aeon may DRilPE JELLY "spaady raaumptlon of ataal pi^ ling. Informants said msn- can track and field perform­ fall by tha wayslda. 15—<F)— HSM la .the ithta-b]^ lEVIRAOSS ductlpn." '• aiiement agreed to give the ances in the 1952 Olympic - No Doals atsfq vote at the DatwjoiBtle wa DOUE .aPICIByiicO ii Ha aald Murray would meat to­ R ed Ouster 8MURFINE union ■ a modified shop but games today—but he wasn’t . But Harriman himaalf tional oanvanUon tediQr 'aa ' the n ^ t , / / U ) hf (jOt)l; day avlth hU 175-;nan wage-policy FRUIT OOOKTAIL SCOTT TOWELS committea to obtain ratlflcation the union agreed that mem­ credited with a world record after a. contoroaca with Stavaa- Snt ballot fer ooloetloa of a pra4> PINEAmE JUlOE BiSQUICK CAMAY bership would not be compul­ Ashenfelter, a Penn State CM' IdonUal noiabioo: ' EXTRA HEAVY BYBUP of tha neraamant.
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