We can think of no pleasanter1 way to la unch0 i~i~rt~m;~~ir!~~"s9Pir~tsri_:.~h~::i~~1f~s ~~ our cellars tha t we consider to be outstand ­ ing , not only for their taste but for the ir low prices as we ll. Summer is the time for carefree fun and leisure. Whe ther you are Summer ing in the City - or on Long Island (in t he Hamptons or out to Montauk) - or along the Hudson Valley , we offer you prompt and free del ivery on any order over $30. Take advantage of our con - venient , reliable services during the leisurely warm -weat her mo nths ahead . So phone us-or drop into our shop - or • , .,, tf IERJ<ysimply fi ll out the conven ient order form . It's _5a.-£ HMA N ~ INC. ~~~~; 3 1;Hel~sl J ~ ~~TROUR VALUES FOL- ~ - r,;;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;.:;;-_____ =-i 374 MEURSAULT, GENEVRIERES1973 (P;erre Poupan) B.69 99.50 217 MACON VILLAGES 1976 2. 99 34.75 Few 1973 white Burgund ies remain , From perhaps the best vineyard in -><{;~ (Coves de Vire) Meursau lt, this Rerfectly balanced glory - rich in fru it - is at its peak Vire is one of the best wine-growing communes for present drinking , MACON-VILLAGES of Macon . This very wine won a~ at the Paris Fair. Only o long -term, ea rly 417 CHASSAGNE MONTRACHET, MORGEOT 1976 (Deleger) B.69 99.50 purchase makes it possible for us to offer a wine Great vineyard - great year - great white Burgundy ! ~~~~::-~ of this caliber at such o low price . 769 CHABLIS, LES CLOS 1976 (S;mannet- Febre) 10,99 118.69 564 SAINT VERAN 1976 (Cave de Pr;sse) 3.79 43 .95 Outstanding Grand Cru Chab lis, Rich - with elegance and breed. An astonish ing fact! We cannot replace this wonderful dry white wine - the equal of Pou illy Fuisse - at anything like the price we 759 PULIGNY MONTRACHET, 11.99 129.49 are offering it to you . CLOS DU CHANIOT 1975 (R.Thevenin) 3.99 46.75 733 SAINT ROMAIN 1975 Top-flight vineya rd of Puligny . (Thevenin) Achieves o fv'oontrochet-like High heritage - a true discovery ! Grown in the grandeur , hills behind Meursoult exhibiting similar character, depth and balance . 626 BEAUNE, CLOS DES MOUCHES 1976 (R. Drouh;n) 15,59 16B.37 736 BOURGOGNE ALIGOTE 1975 (de v;11a;ne) 3. 99 46 .75 Hord to come by. A few coses ore still available . A classic. The Aligote grope is particu larly apprec iated among the local Burgundian vigne rons, since it impa rts freshness, the right touch of~ and 370 MONTRACHET 1976 48.75 526 .50 charm . You w ill love it . (R.Thevenin) We bow! We sa lute! This is the best single example of Montrachet we hove ever tasted . And we enioyed 116 SAINTVERAN 1975 (J. Peller;n) 3.99 46.75 A few coses of this superb 1975 remain . Suggest ordering while sti ll available. it in the company of Roland Thevenin - the man who mode the wine. We own only twelve cases - and 735 BOURGOGNE BLANC 1976, BOUZERON (de v;lla;ne) 4.49 51 .95 then no more . Aubert de Villaine, co - proprietor of Demaine de la Romonee-Conti, lives in e.ouze ron south of Meursoult, When he is not busy ot the Domaine, he cu ltivates h is own grapes here . He hos won o Gold Award for this very wine . 933 tJe, PULIGNY MONTRACHET, 4.99 58 .50 f //r~j~ '~"~~:t!lik:lfr/ g nfyH:a~~ s:~~~~)~~ n (~~u:;~ ot this low pri ce ! "' ~ A great vineyard and o superb estate-bottle r . Hig h 1971 ,, heritageindeed . Outstonding.~ 462 BEAUJOLAIS BLANC 1975 (Sap;n) - Due late June 4. 99 58.50 98% of Beaujolais produces red wine - o precious 2% produces o rare, dry white o f 630 BEAUJOLAIS 1976 (V;gneron) 3. 99 46.75 much balance and finesse. Characteristics similar to tl-ose o f o good Pouil ly Fuisse. Purple-red in color, of lusty frui t. Typical of the outstanding 1976 vintage . 947 CHABLIS, LA FORET 1972 (R. Vacoret) 4 .99 58.50 457 FLEURIE 1976 (Lord Marples) 4.79 56 .40 Wonderful! Started out hard, but bott le age has imparted o beauti ful ha r mony of Remember the wonderful Fleurie that Lord Morp~ used to send us? This marks dryness and fruit, making it one of the most intriguing Ch ab lis you hove ever tasted. their return, starting with the great 1976 vintage, Beaujolais ot its best . Late June. 415 SAINT AMOUR 1976 (RevHlon) 4.79 56 .40 752 BOURGOGNE BLANC 1971 5,79 66.75 One of the nine best villages of Beaujolais . Fruity tender, end - like the (Leroy) J nome implies - lovable . Maison Leroy is refe rred to as the ' Treasure Cellar 1 of l· /21"/ ·-/1/(: 7111= Burgundy . Its in-depth collection o f old vintages is " 399 BROUILLY 1977, 4.99 58.50 astonishing. From this noble ce l lar is shipped its 197 1 ., 1 CHATEAU DE LA CHAIZE Bourgogne Blanc by the proprietor Mme. Lalou Bize, ! Kl'> , (Morquisde Roussy de Soles) also co-proprietor of Domaine de lo Romonee-Conti . -- The 1977 vintage of Choteau de lo Chaize has just arrived . In o blind tasting held against eight other 349 CHABLIS 1976 (J . Forgeat) 5.79 66.75 177s, this was chosen the best . Marquis de Roussy Forgeot achieves new peaks of perfection for Chablis du ring the 1976 vintage. de Soles is proud of the depth and balance he has achieved with this vintage . Quantity limited , so we suggest early acquisition . 397 CHABLIS, BUTTEAUX 1976 (G . Rob;n) 5.99 68.75 There ore twenty-two vineyards in Chablis entitled to be called Premier C~ 425 BROUILLY 1976, DOMAINE DES TOURS 5.49 63,45 Butteoux, situated along the bank of the Sere in River, is one of them. On ly o few coses remain of this excellent 1976 vintage Brouilly. It is irreplaceable . 273 CHABLIS, MON TEE DE 5.99 68.75 TONNERRE 1976 (J . Forgeat) Here is another example of top-flight Premie r Cru. From one of the best vineyards of Chablis. fv'oontee de Tonnerre has long been o favorite THE WINES 01' THE orrong our clientele. DO:\IAINE DE l,A 110:\IANEE-C"ONTI 771 CHASSAGNE - MONTRACHET 1975 (P;llot) 6.99 79.95 The greatest dry white wines of France ore produced in this commune. Here is a worthy example. The wines of the DOtv\AINE DE LA ROtv\ANEE-CONTI, because of B93 PULIGNY MONTRACHET, LE CHAMP (ANET 1974 (Sauzet) 6 . 99 79,95 their scarcity and magn ificence, M. Souzet was President of the White Wine Growers Association for many years . hove always been collector 's items He achieved this honor because of the great wines he produces in Puligny. among serious wine drinkers. Am:,ng their most precious jewels ore the 463 MEURSAULT 1973 (Henri Germain) 7.49 86 .50 great hord-to__:f9in_e~s - a Outstanding example of fine, estate-bottled Meursoult , classic vintage . These 1971s ore firm, concentrated, and have a 350 MEURSAULTCHARMES 1975 7,89 B9.75 long I ife expectancy . The quantity (PierrePoupon} that reached us is smol I indeed - Pierre Poup:>n is the man who wrote the classic and irreplaceable . We offer them l:ook on the wines of Burgundy. His dedication \, •11,l,111~,· , ,·, l,1 Ho111c1tl<°t"·t:,m11 on o first-come first-served basis . isreflectedintheexcellenceoftheMeursoult he produces . THE 1971 VINTAGE Bottle ~ 359 MEURSAULT, GENEVRIERES1975 (P;erre Fbupan) 7. 99 90.75 144 ECHEZEAUX 1971, De maine de la Romonee-Conti 32 .50 370.00 There are several top-flight vineyards in Meursoult . Our favorite through the 165 GRANDS ECHEZEAUX 1971, Demaine de la Romonee-Conti 49 .50 565 .00 years has been Genevrieres . A Premier Cru of grace and e leganc e . 147 RICHEBOURG 1971, Domoine de lo Romanee-Conti 65 . 00 756. 00 137 ROtv\ANEE ST. V IVANT 197 1, Domoine de lo Romanee-Conti 65 .00 756.00 664 CHABLIS, LES PREUSES1 976 (Dauv;ssat) 7. 99 90.75 79.50 925.00 The highest category is Grond Cru. Only seven tiny vineyards are entit led to 163 LATACHE 1971, Dema ine de la Romonee-Conti the name . Les Preuses is perhaps the most famous of the sevenv 1976 was o glory. 14 1 ROtv\ANEE-CONTI 197 1, Demaine de lo Romonee-Conti 110.00 540 POUILLY FUISSE 1977 (Beaudet) 7.99 90.75 Mony Pouilly Fuisses ore now fetching over $10 the bottle because of scarce production and increased world demand . Here is one of the best on the market, SHERRY-LEHMANN, INC. ..;J;&WINE & SPIRITS MERCHANTS Allbottlescontainotleasr24oz . Storopo s tcdpr/ c es prevailln casooltypog,aphfcRlerror 4'!,! 679 MadisonA ve.At 61 St.. NewY ork. N. Y. 10021 · TEmpletoo 8-7500 Bed ,BUR.GUnDIES ~ ~ CHATEAU LA TOUR BLANCHE 1973 :~~e3:~:e 5 ~ ~d:: !t-,elling red Bordeaux. Everyone who hos bought it has come bock for more . Because of higher replacement 954 DEZIZE LES MARANGES 1972 3. 99 46.75 cost in Bordeaux, the price of our next shiprrent will go Lp (Bochelet~ substantially . Anticipate your Autumn needs now . I>! /1/ 1 ! I\ \\.\l~A'\;(jFS The distinguishing characteristic that makes this U)ll DI Bl\ll'I vineyard superior is the high ratio of aged vines 250 CHATEAU BEAUMONT 1975 (Hout Medoc) 3, 99 46. 75 which import depth and character to the wine. Arrong the first of the 1 75s to arrive . Exper ience its rich exce llence now .
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