Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2001-12-12 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2001). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2898. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2898 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .i. \""··:::.~'.,·; :':Xa.'1-1Uer: .:r.··... ::ead.f~e.·.· :s :_.'(<--·;·:':.·- .<~~;.t;:·>·.~ '. .::.;>·:·':':·· ··';·\,. <:,: -..:~)' .. ·,'.- - ~Crosstown· Shootout hits.· Cintas· .on ·Friday •Ticket distribution rife with problems NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY JACKSON GOODNIGHT - . '. - XAVIER UNIVERSITY . week of DECEMBER·· 12, 2001 www.xu.edu/newswirel · .. ·· ··•· ... '.,:.. ·.. · .. ·L.·1· H.. .... ··a.·····n·,·~······ ·.LI . 'tackles.···tough question . ' BY EllzABETH BONEAU ·.· plained the position the,Church is fighting my fight with me. And I 'Asst. Ca~p.us New~ Edit<J.r · trying td adopt towards 'homo- . filld that I am no IOnger fighting .·-!!,.:: ..·· ·: .....- ... · .• ..· - :-"'·'.·.·. ·• .. ' s ex' ti 11 li t y/. ·.. because my :parish is so support- .The:Xavier Alliance held a Chris .Seelbach; president of ive. Yet, a great amoi.mtof igno­ panel .discussion fast Wednesday the AUiance, moderated the dis- ranee still ·e~ists elsewhere,'' said in Kelley Auditoriiini .in an effort cusslo~ ~~d di;ected questions to O'Flynri. · to. educate students and faculty the panelists. The three panelists Black represented that ele~ about the Catholic Church's po­ included Ms. }>eg Black, director ment which is fighting to open up sition on homosexuality. of the Family Life office for the the Catholic Church. After the. · The Alliance is Xavier's sup­ archdiocese; Mr. Joe O'Flynn, a "Always Our Children" letter port group· for gays, lesbians, bi­ gay man and member of . from CardinalRatzinger was sent sexuals, and transgender indi­ Bellarriline parish; and Rev·... John out; she r·ealized ~ ihe Church viduals, arid has been working to La~oc:c:a, S.J., history profe&sor needed s.om~d~rtn:ci(JI1JT1i~try foC raise awareness and acceptance and Alliance advi~er. gays and lesbians; and was sup- on campus. All represent.and advocate the. ported by the archbishop.· The existence of the Alliance acceptance of gays in the Catho-. "We receive strong reactions itself and Xavier's welcome s~ate­ lie Church, yet acknowledged that from the right and the left on the merit has caused some contro­ they battle. a ·more conservative. issue; and have even received versy on campus, as some s~e it element in-'the Church. While.. b.oinb threats. But how do we as a conflict with Xavier's Jesuit many: welcome homosexuals 'in reach out to people if we alien~ foundation. the Catholic tradition, inany who ate them? We need to educate and . NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY DEVIN MATHIS The<panel, "Homosexuality in fight their inclusion still remain. do some b'ridgjng·. Pe~ple have the Catholic Tradition," ·ad­ "If is good to know that there II Rev. John LaRocca, S.J., spoke at the Alliance's panel .discussion dressed 'these concerns and ex- are others ouf there, non-gays, See A iance, page 3 in ·Kelley Auditorium on Wednesday. Pre-Kwanzaa celebration BY LENA DAVIE at the University of California, Mishsumaa Saba (lighting of , · Contributing .Writer Long Beach, created Kwanzaa candles) we.re performed. The Li­ The Pre-Kwanzaa celebration from the Africa celebration of the bation is the pouring of water into was held on Thursday ·at first harvests. a large bowl to recognize family Bellarmine Chapel to inform stu" During Kwanzaa, a principle ancestors. dents of its origin, symbols and is recognized each day as a part To represent the Nguzo Saba, principles. Karamu, a communal of the Nguzo Saba - "Seven candles - three red, one black feast, followed the celebration. Princples." . Unity, self-determi­ and three green - were lit as Led by Kim McGinnis­ nation, collective work and re­ each principle was recognized Hemphill of the Office of sponsibility, cooperative eco­ and read aloud. Multicultural Affairs, this cel­ nomics, purpose, creativity, and Kwanzaa is not a religious ebration recognized family, com­ faith are recognized each day, se­ holiday, but its purpose for unity munity and culture. quentially. and support is similar. The follow­ Kwanzaa is an African-Ameri­ Each of these principles are ing excerpt of the African Values can holiday that is celebrated recognized as building blocks of Pledge e~emplifies the purpose of from· Dec. 26 thru Jan. I. the community in hopes of rein­ Kwanzaa. "We join together to Kwanzaa is derived from the forcement and enhancement · uphold the Seven Principles in phrase "matunda ya. kwanza" At the Pre-Kwanzaa celebra­ our daily lives, and support one which means "first fruits" in tion, the Nuguzo Saba (the pre­ another in working for the High­ • NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY DEVIN MATHIS Swahili. sentation of the seven pri n­ est Good for ourselves,.our fami­ Kim McGinnis-Hemphill gave the welcome and the history and Dr. Maulana Karenga, chair of ciples), Tamshi La Tambiko (the lies, and community."· purpose of Kwanzaa to those in attendance at the Pre~Kwanzaa the department of Black Studies Libation Statement) · and celebration on Dec. 6. · See Kwanzaa, page 3 ©2001 The Xavier Newswire All rights reserved NEWS: O.P-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: .N~~w~f9'9]1TJ,:~\;::::an~'Ji3.H14$.~M~:i Student residents Students irrate Coach Brockhoff honored EMO triple header Advertising · (513) 745-3561 warned, fi'!ed over Shootout tiCkets for 40 years of service ~fr~~1~m.9fftr;~.. m;:;~:,,1~'f~);;1A~';~1~0 Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 PAGE 2 PAGES 8-10 PAGE 10 PAGE 18 2 we~k~JDECEMBER 12,.2001 · -•. :::. ·:CAM1liJ;kJ1~~ri':Ws: ·'. - ·. < - . ·. :~:-r'.1!ik,Jd.~ri:i{NEWswl~~ · >:NewsRodm:·14s-31:22···.:.>!.!!;~!§•·~:.~;SkBta1.1t<ror. •· ·:· ·· · >: ,.• : ·: · }. : ... -:. \~·, •. ~~'.;":.:.~:-;.;:.:::~· stiodttfl~u~,:1iikilS···••:~:">':'/.. ,, · > . · ·. ·:. ·.. ·.~~~::>\:'.:·:::>'·\,.\::·~,,. ~·'.:: .. _./~ >[email protected] >BY JENNlfER PUTNAM mately\~o.o" 1;9_~Q peopli: \vrap~~~-·. , Contributing Writer . arqund;th~ pntas Center. ' .. ·.· . Interfaith serVice . On 'ftiursday,Dec. 6·,:the Cintas· "o/he'n. stu~ents.r~11lize_d the liJ1e .. : --· ··. The· Brueggem;m Cether, ·.to-. C~riter had a new addition to its . would begin ori the other side ()f . gether with the World Peace Bell . landscaping; and it was not flow~ .. the building, there was astainped~ .. "·' ·iii Newport, Ky. is' sponsoring the ers~. Try 1000 sleep deprived stu: to the eastside of the buildihg. The . ·Third Annual interfaith ~eace Ser- . dents eagerly awaiting the ticket .· athletic office was soon cailed fo . ·• vice to ring in the riew year. !twill sales tO the much anticipated . see iftiek6ts co~ld go on saie:ai an . be held on Mcmday, Dec. 31. at Crosstown Shootout. earlier ti!Tie.:.'ALi-a.m; . th~.dbors<· the Syndicate Restaurant Ball~ . Students were told they could op6ti~d and :st~detits bJgan'·tri fiie . : room, at 18 East 5th St. not arrive until 6 a.m. to' begin _in one by.One.In less than ~ri .hou~. · = The service will begin at 2:30 . waiting in line, with tickets going ; . tickets were sold out, land~cape was · p.m. and will conclude with a ring- . on sale at 8 a.m. uprooted, .the front of the Cintas .. ing of the World Peace Bell at 4 This process is quite different.. was trashed, and students were not · · p.m. It is free and open to the pub~ .than thatofthe;past, when students· ·happy. Between 500~600 students lie~ Free parking is located adja­ ··. were allowed tc:i camp out all night did not get tickets. 'Thk had stu:.· cent to the Peace Bell. · · to ·ensure they dents. question- · · Representatives from the . · received tick- ing the ticket .Baha'i, Buddhist,. Christian, ets to what is distribution Friends,Hiridti; Isliim, Jain;Jew- ·· 'Xavier's big- process. _ish, Native American and Sikh tra­ gest home· "Ti.. 'hep. rocess wa.. S. · ."Oriesugges- ditions wm participate. ·. game of ·the tion .. that ha_s For more information, contact · season, changi_e_ d. this year ·. been made to the Brueggenman Center at 745- "The pro~ betterthe distri- · 3922 or the World Peace Bell at cess was for-safety reaso'f'ls. " · bution of the 859-655-9.500. changed this . tickets is a ldt~ year for safety · tery system. Us­ -·Chief Couch· Service learning reasons," said ing a system Campus Police · similar to the Xavier students who have par­ Chief Mike registration pro­ ticipated in this fall semester's Couch.· cess, students wquld be randomly academic service learning :pro­ Campus Police changed the selected.as to what time they could gram in Urban Cincinnati and process in order to maintain or­ go get their ·ticket," said Co.uch. Nepal wiH be sharing their expe­ derly conduct and the safety of the• There would be no particular or­ riences this week. The Urban students. By 5:30 a.m.; there were der as to how the students would Cincinati students will present already approximately 400-500 be selected: Limiting the number today at 4 p.m. in the Schott students waiting in line. of tickets a student could get is also Multi-Purpose room. The Nepal Campus Police had video cam­ an option that is being discussed. program will have its presentation eras on hand to help them identify Next year, the university will hold Friday, Dec. 14 at 5:30 p.m. in NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY JACKSON GOODNIGHT specific individuals in the event. meetings to get student input and Albers Hall 103. These presenta­ that an incident might occur. By organize a more effective way of Students wait in line on Dec.
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