Alpha Index by Product Number Product Item List Pack Pack Weight Number Number Description Each Size Ea

Alpha Index by Product Number Product Item List Pack Pack Weight Number Number Description Each Size Ea

Dexter-Russell, Inc. Professional Cutlery Price List - January 1, 2017 Alpha Index by Product Number Product Item List Pack Pack Weight Number Number Description Each Size Ea. Cu. Ft. Lbs./Doz. A12R-PCP 07030 12" butcher steel $52.50 6 .298 14 A14R-PCP 07060 14" butcher steel $55.20 6 .298 15.75 BS-1 20460 4" sheath for net knife $2.30 12 .196 1 BS-2 20490 4" sheath for NTL knife $2.35 12 .069 1 BS-3 20550 4" sheath for NET105SC $14.05 12 .105 1.50 BS-4 20480 knife scabbard for up to 9" V-lo blade $7.40 6 .242 4 BS-5 20560 sheath for produce knife up to 5" blade $14.65 12 .122 1.50 BS-6 20580 black nylon sheath w/snap fastener, up to 5" $19.00 12 .129 2.50 BS6-8 20150 6 pc. knife set w/slant block $254.30 1 .381 7 lbs. ea. C12PCP 07042 12" chef's steel $62.35 4 .298 12.25 C131-6 03233 6" narrow curved boning knife, lime green hdle. $25.30 6 .048 3.25 C131F-5 03203 5" flexible curved boning knife, lime green hdle. $25.10 6 .048 3 C131F-5DP 03263 5" flex crvd. boning knf., drop pt., lime grn. hdle. $25.30 6 .048 2.75 C131F-6 03223 6" flexible curved boning knife, lime green hdle. $25.30 6 .062 3.25 C135N-5 03253 5" narrow boning knife, lime green hdle. $25.25 6 .048 3 C136-18° 03293 6" forward right angle knife, lime green hdle. $28.60 12 .169 3.25 C136-3 03283 3" slitting knife, lime green hdle. $20.50 6 .072 2.50 C153¾HG 03323 3¾" poultry knife, hollow ground, lime grn. hdle. $17.90 12 .067 2.25 C3350 20302 3 pc. carving set $278.15 1 .129 2 C3351 20312 3 pc. carving set $266.05 1 .129 2 C5951 20222 7 pc. carving set $495.00 1 .216 5.25 lbs. ea. C5981 20322 7 pc. carving set $685.00 1 .216 8.25 lbs. ea. CB2-8 20242 2 pc. Chateaubriand set $154.15 1 .050 1 lb. ea. CC1 20204 7 pc. cutlery case $42.25 1 .064 1 lb. ea. CC2 20205 14 pc. cutlery case $63.90 1 .164 1.75 lbs. ea. CC3 20206 3 pc. cutlery case $28.15 1 .057 .50 lb. ea. CC4 20208 10 pc. cutlery case $86.15 1 .273 3.25 lbs. ea. CC5 20201 27 pocket cutlery attaché case $187.90 1 .103 6.50 lbs. ea. CC6 20203 35 pocket cutlery case $69.75 1 .280 4 lbs. ea. CC7 20349 cutlery backpack w/knife case insert $202.30 1 1.04 4.5 lbs. ea. CC77 20207 7 pc. garnishing tools w/bag $99.00 6 .169 .75 lb. ea. CF-8 07710 8" CeraFuse® sharpener DISC. DISC. CF-10 07720 10" CeraFuse® sharpener DISC. DISC. CR78 17010 8" baker's scraper $21.60 6 .062 4.75 DDC-12PCP 07642 12" diamond sharpener, Connoisseur $83.35 4 .298 12 DDS-10PCP 07613 10" diamond sharpener $48.70 6 .298 3.75 DDS-10C 28273 10" diamond sharpener, carded $49.20 6 .054 4.75 DDS-10S-PCP 07603 10" diamond sharpener w/swivel $51.40 6 .298 4 DDS-12PCP 07633 12" diamond sharpener $54.10 6 .298 4.25 DDS-12B-PCP 07633B 12" diamond sharpener, black handle $54.10 6 .298 4.25 DDS-12S-PCP 07623 12" diamond sharpener w/swivel $56.80 6 .298 4.50 DMS2200 07750 pull-through sharpener $151.20 1 .133 1 lb. ea. EDGE-1 07920 EZ edge hand-held knife sharpener $11.65 6 .346 2.75 EDGE-2 07921 2-stage hand-held knife sharpener $30.35 12 .316 5.50 EDGE-13 07944 8" waterstone $111.45 1 .045 2.75 lbs. ea. EDGE-14 07945 11½" Crystolon®/India benchstone $107.50 1 .120 3.25 lbs. ea. EDGE-15 07946 tri-stone sharpening system $335.30 1 .749 9.75 lbs. ea. EDGE-21 07931 electric knife sharpener by Edlund $843.65 1 .334 9.50 lbs. ea. EP136 11243 6" wide stiff deboning knife, orange hdle. $20.95 12 .105 3 EP136B 11243B 6" wide stiff deboning knife, black hdle. $20.95 12 .105 3 EP151HG 11183 2½" tender/shoulder/trim knife, orange hdle. $13.85 12 .067 2.25 EP151HGB 11183B 2½" tender/shoulder/trim knife, blk hdle. $13.85 12 .067 2.25 EP152HG 11193 3¼" clip point deboning knife, orange hdle. $13.95 12 .067 2.50 EP152HGB 11193B 3¼" clip point deboning knife, black hdle. $13.95 12 .067 2.50 EP153¾-3°DP 11203 3¾" 3° drop point deboning knife, orange hdle. $14.15 12 .067 2.25 EP153¾-3°DPB 11203B 3¾" 3° drop pt. deboning knife, black hdle. $14.15 12 .067 2.25 EP153¾WHG 11263 3¾" wide deboning knife, orange hdle. $14.60 12 .067 2.25 EP153¾WHGB 11263B 3¾" wide deboning knife, black handle $14.60 12 .067 2.25 EP154HG 11213 4½" utility/deboning knife, orange hdle. $14.60 12 .067 2.50 EP154HGB 11213B 4½" utility/deboning knife, black handle $14.60 12 .067 2.50 EP155WHG 11223 5" wide utility/deboning knife, orange hdle. $18.75 12 .105 2.75 EP155WHGB 11223B 5" wide utility/deboning knife, black handle $18.75 12 .105 2.75 EP156HG 11233 6" hollow ground deboning knife, orange hdle. $20.55 12 .105 2.75 EP156HGB 11233B 6" hollow ground deboning knf., black hdle. $20.55 12 .105 2.75 F5S 09060 4¼" x ⅞" produce knife, carbon steel * $15.10 12 .042 1.75 HSG-3 21008 7 pc. Sofgrip block set, white handles $239.70 1 .381 5.75 lbs.ea. HSGB-3 21009 7 pc. Sofgrip block set, black handles $239.70 1 .381 5.75 lbs.ea. IC6102-8PCP 31802 8" forged chef's knife $65.00 6 .215 7.75 IC6102-10PCP 31803 10" forged chef's knife $71.80 6 .219 10.25 IGL-1 31480 icing grate lifting tool $18.35 6 .116 3.25 KG4 83100 4" x 1" knife guard, narrow $2.75 12 .005 0.25 KG6 83101 6⅛" x 1" knife guard, narrow $3.05 12 .008 0.50 KG8N 83102 8¾" x 1¼" knife guard, narrow $3.55 12 .011 0.50 KG8W 83105 8⅜" x 2" knife guard, wide $3.90 12 .019 1 KG10N 83103 10⅜" x 1¼" knife guard, narrow $3.80 12 .013 0.75 KG10W 83106 10⅜" x 2⅛" knife guard, wide $4.65 12 .025 1.25 KG12N 83104 12⅜" x 1½" knife guard, narrow $4.65 12 .021 1 L012G-5¼ 06371 5¼" sheep skinning knife, carbon steel * $25.20 12 .039 4 L4504 50871 3" griddle scraper, carbon steel * $15.15 6 .039 4 L8386C-8 16241 8" x 3" long handle turner, carbon steel * $38.60 6 .196 9.50 L28914 14130 22" forged broiler fork $100.25 6 .094 10 LS8698 16130 8" x 3" long handle turner $43.30 6 .190 9.50 LS8698PCP 19740 8" x 3" long handle turner $43.30 6 .260 9.50 MBP-13 82103 13" magnetic knife holder $13.50 1 .010 11.50 MBP-18 82113 18" magnetic knife holder $16.40 1 .018 15.75 MBP-24 82123 24" magnetic knife holder $20.55 1 .026 18 NET105SC 15583 3½" net, twine & line knife $6.80 12 .049 1.50 NET105SC-36 15573 36-NET105SC's in display box $239.20 1 box .070 2.25 lbs./bx Node Hook 09173 6" node hook $19.95 6 .062 3 NTL24 15403 3¼" net, twine, line knife w/sheath $8.35 12 .114 1.75 NTL24-24B 15393 Bucket of 24 NTL24's $200.10 1 .334 2.75 lbs. ea. NTL24C 28653 3¼" net, twine, line knf. w/sheath, carded $9.90 6 .132 2.75 NWSC-8 07850 8" no work steel, coarse DISC. DISC. NWSC-10 07830 10" no work steel, coarse $28.05 6 .215 6 NWSR-10 07840 10" no work steel, rough $32.60 6 .215 6 NWSS-10 07820 10" no work steel, smooth $28.05 6 .215 6 P3A-PCP 18043 2¾" pizza cutter $25.90 6 .169 4 P8 07010 8" ceramic sharpener $75.75 6 .215 5.75 P10 07020 10" ceramic sharpener $79.55 6 .083 6.25 P17 18010 4" pizza blade only $16.25 6 .016 1.75 P152HG 11103 3¼" clip point deboning knife $13.35 12 .048 1.50 P153HG 11113 3½" vent knife $13.60 12 .048 1.50 P153¾WHG 11053 3¾" wide deboning knife $14.55 12 .048 1.50 P154HG 11123 4½" utility/deboning knife $14.05 12 .048 1.50 P155WHG 11133 5" wide utility/deboning knife $17.90 12 .048 1.75 P156HG 11143 6" hollow ground deboning knife $19.60 12 .062 2 P177 18020 5" pizza blade only $18.45 6 .034 3 P177A-PCP 18023 4" pizza cutter $31.00 6 .239 5 P177AG-PCP 18023G 4" pizza cutter, green handle $33.00 6 .239 5 P177AH-PCP 18023H 4" pizza cutter, high-heat handle $34.15 6 .239 5 P177AP-PCP 18023P 4" pizza cutter, purple handle $33.00 6 .239 5 P177AR-PCP 18023R 4" pizza cutter, red handle $33.00 6 .239 5 P177A-5PCP 18013 5" pizza cutter $34.15 6 .239 5.50 P10884 31370 4½" all metal, stainless scallop knife $11.95 6 .048 2.75 P10885 31431 4" net knife w/sheath $14.05 6 .086 5 P11893 31432 5" cut and gut knife, blade and spoon $13.40 6 .121 3 P11893C 28383 5" cut and gut knife, carded $14.85 6 .168 4 P2386C-8 16311 8" x 3" perforated turner, carbon steel * $28.35 6 .215 6.75 P40003 31366 2¾" clip point paring knife $1.90 48 .091 0.75 P40518DP 31438 parer display (36-P40843's) $119.30 1 box .068 2.25 lbs./bx P40525DP 31439 parer display (36-P40846's) $124.05 1 box .068 2.25 lbs./bx P40531DP 31440 parer display (36-P40003's) $64.85 1 box .068 2.25 lbs./bx P40843 31436 3¼" paring knife $3.45 24 .044 0.75 P40846 31437 3¼" scalloped parer $3.55 24 .044 0.75 P46005 31365 4¾" jumbo style steak knife $7.45 12 .043 2.25 P46005-6P 31560 6 pc.

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