LD Volume 73 No.13 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem North Carolina Friday, December l, 1989 ,.._ .. .. '.,.. _,., ·. ,.. ---·,·::·. Honor Council Finds Tim Bell Guilty Council Says Student Lied To Professors in Beijing By Jennie Vaughn of the Honor Council, read the penalty Allislanl News Edi10r about 1 a.m. Wednesday. and Harriet Chapman An NBC news correspondent Bell Head Copy Edi!ar met the night in question gave him videotapesofthemassacreinBeijing's Senior business major Timothy Bell Tiananmen Square. Bell smuggled the was found guilty oflying under Article tapes to Hong Kong, and the network N, Section 3, Subsection d (2) (e) of subsequently broadcast them to an the Student Government Constitution estimated audience of 20-30 million early Wednesday morning during people in a special report. Following WakeForest's first open Honor Coun­ the trip's conclusion, Bell remained in cil hearing in more than two decades. Hong Kong for a month worlcing as a John Litcher, a professor of educa­ press assistant for NBC. tion, and Stephen Ewing, an associate Litcher said during questioning that professorofbusinessandaccountancy, he gave Bell pennission to visit the broughtthechargeoflyingto the atten­ Washington Post correspondent the tion of the Honor Council June 12, nighthereceivedthetapeSaslongashe after they returned from a university­ adhered to three coiulitjons: that he not sponsored study tour they led to east­ enter the center of the city or Tian­ em Asia. The incident in question anmen Square, that he retu.m to the occurred during the nightofJune 3-4, group'shotelattheflrstsightofdanger An artist's rendition of Timothy Bell's open trial which was held Tuesday in the Law School's courtroom. when Bell said he left the group's hotel orblockedroads,andthathecallLitcher in Beijing to meet a corresponcjent for at 11 p.m. or upon reaching his destina­ the Washington Post in the southern tion to assme his safety. part of the city. Bell said he could not reach the The Honor Council decided Bell's co~dent's l~n. because his Open Trial Draws Large Amount of·Medi~ Attention penalty will be probation until the cab driver spoke no English, appar­ semester's conclusion and written let­ ently did not understand the directions By Mike McKinley News and Observer, the Greensboro News and ices reported that Tim Bell was convicted for ters of apology to the students and Bell showed him on a map, and it was New• Editor Record and the Winston-SalemJournal.Several lying about getting to the center of the city and professors with whom he traveled. difficult for him to take a direct route local news services and The New York Times smuggling the tapes out of the country. Bell was The hearing began in the law school through the city because ofthe masses Wake Forest's first open trial in over 20 years have contacted the Old Gold and Black. USA found guilty only for making a deceiving state­ courtroom about 6:40 p.m. Tuesday of people and bicycles on the streets.: drew a large amount of media attention from Today contacted David Stradley, a student de­ ment about going to the center of the city, and concluded nearly five hours later. He left the cab and called Litcher local television stations and newspapers and fender in the case The Journal also erred in reporting several After deliberating for an hour, the from a hotel at the appointed time; national conce~s. including NBC, National The trial was covered by TV channels 2, 8 and events of the story. These errors may have oc­ Honor Council determined the verdict Speaking to Ewing on the phone, Bell Public Radio, the Associated Press and United 12 via live remote broadcast from Carswell Hall curred because the Journal reporter was absent Uponhearingrecommendationsforan . saidhehadreachedhisdestination,but Press International. in addition to the printed media services. from about one-fourth Bell's testimony. appropriate penalty from the Honor did not specify where he was. 'The Carol Teague, the chairperson of the Honor The trial was the lead story on each station. Joe Goodman, the managing editor of the Council's investigator and Bell's stu­ reason I could not discuss my present Council, said she has been contacted by such in­ However,certairi facts were misrepresented by Winston-Salem Journal, said that he ran an ar­ dentdefenders, the council delibemted position with him was that I knew he state media as the Daily Tar Heel, the Raleigh several news services. At least two news serv- See Media Hype, PageS again. Carol Teague, the chairperson See Trial, PageS BGSM To Receive $2.9 Million Grant to Establish1 ' ·''•' -'' Center' .........·..-··,·,·;· •. • ~ ..:.~.:_:~:'••,,-:....;,·:::·~-,:_.',., ,,·•.~_·.•·-.:,.,_ :,:-···-.: ... ,,,'.'.~-~-~~(~,:_~·.. :~· .>,., ,:,.• ..:'.';.:.-_ .. ,'_·,~:. ,-.,~.'~-::""'~','::-: ·.~•:'·· ,-•--... •.•, .:~•.•·,,,. .,,_,.,,·.:·----.. ·.o=o-.,f•'•>r··••:.·.,,,,,'::·--~-·-.'~,~:-,·~·.-::•?•~--·-..:-~~~-·-·~-~~..,-·~··· .. ~-~:~~ ,., ~-·.,~· •·.•· ,~ By MelooeeEatmoo in establiShing the center' and constructing a own resources will finance it, said Bob Conn, Gray;citedthecenter'smajorstraregytoobtain throughotherprogramstoworkersonthejob." Old Gold D.! BLick Repanc:r research building on the school's campus. The the director of public relations. these goals as "developing new diet and nutri­ Research at the center will be conducted at total cost of the center is estimated at $57.8 ''We will be seeking research grants to cover tion changes to prevent chronic disease, de­ three levels: basic investigation of nutrition's Congress has approved a $2.9 million grant million. the cost," he said. velop new methods as assessing diets, facilitate linktochronicdiseases,human metabolic stud· to plan and design a center for human nutrition The center will serve as one of the hwnan The center's goal will be to reduce the inci­ compliance with diets that prevent chronic ies and the nutrient's effect on the metabolism andchronicdiseaseprevention at the Bowman nutrition research centers under the auspice of dent and duration of chronic disease by re­ disease,andtodevelopeducational approaches of patients with chronic diseases, and htmlan Gray School of Medicine. the United States Department of Agriculture. searching the role of diet and nutrition, The aimed at disseminating accurate nutrition in­ population studies to test the effect of dietarY The grant was part of an appropriations bill Bowman Gray will seek the additional money center will work to extend, use and make formation." intervention on the development of chronic for agricultural programs which was passed by needed for the center from the federal govern­ accessibletheknowledgegainedfromreSeaJ'ch. Conn said, "The purpose of the educational diseases. both hotises Nov. 16 following six weeks of ment Richard Janeway, thevicepresidentofhealth emphasis is to close the dissemination gap, "Itis evident that dietary patterns are impor-. negotiations. The appropriation is the first step Once the facility is in operation, the school's affairs and the executive dean of Bowman usingemeigingresearchinformation,funnelled See Grant, Page 4 Committee Studies Judicial System By Jennie Vaughn The memorandrim quoted the university the chairman of the Judicial Council, said SG AGistont News Editor ethics committee's 1988 report that said, had worked in the last five yearS to change the "The Honor System needs a greiuer percep­ procedures of variolis committees, but those A newly formed student judicial commit­ tion offairiless and even-handedness among efforts were "put on hold" for a year or two tee is studying Wake Forest's judicial sys­ students." The committee said there was a while the office of student services worked on tem.PresidentThomasK.HeamJr. commis­ "sense of casualness about the process," and internal staff changes. sioned the group, whichKelineth Zick, the the honor system "should be. operated in Zick said the experiences of the Honor vice president for student life and instruc­ accoidmice with standards of adminisirative Council during the last few years have "led tional resources, chairs. competence commensurate with the impor­ many students to comment that (the proce­ Zicksaidthe committee, formed early this tance the university anai:hes to it" dures) need close examination." semester, is composed of"very knowledge­ In its recent re-accniditation report the . "We have a system fraught with delays in able students, faculty andadministraliori who SouthemAssociationofCollegesandSchools adjudication of cases, and justice delayed is havehadexperiencewithjudicialprocedures spoke of the "rather complex procedures of justice denied," he said. at Wake Forest" the university's judicial system." Zick also said that the present system im­ Formatiooofthecommitteewasprompted Thememorandumsaidthestudentgovem­ poses severe time restraints on the students by concern from several sources about the ment (SG) has made efforts in the past to who manage the system. complexity of the Wake Forest judicial sys­ recoinmend changes in the Wake Forest "It seems to me that the system should be tem, accoiding to an Oct 10 memorandum judicial system. simple and coherent It should be easy to from Hearn. Howell Smith, a professor of history and See Committee, Page 4 Student I.D.s Now Required At Gym Entrance By Mike McKinley manner, as evidenced by the alleged racial io do some random checks, because the NewsF.diiOr incident in ihe gyin. building'ssizeandthequantityofdoorsallow He said "to have an officer run (on the some non-Wake Forest students or
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