Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 29 JULY 1971 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 22 Special Adjournment [29 JULY 1971] Questions Upon Notice THURSDAY, 29 JULY 1971 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table:- By-laws Nos. 1001 to 1008 under the Railways Act 1914-1971. QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER, PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- ( 1) For what duties was the position of Public Relations Officer (Mass Media) created and filled in the State Public Relations Bureau? (2) On what date did Alien Lindsay Callaghan commence such duties and at what salary? (3) For what reason was the position of Mr. Callaghan changed to Public Rela­ tions Officer, Premier's Department, on July 1, 1971? ( 4) What is the salary applying to this position and what duties does he perform? (5) To whom is he immediately respon­ sible for the carrying out of such duties? Answers:- ( 1) "This information was available at the Public Service Board at the time to all interested applicants. If the Honour­ able Member is looking to his employment prospects next year I will be happy to send him a copy, althou~h of course he will appreciate his recent exercises in public relations activities hardly qualify him for appointment in that field." (2) "April 5, 1971, at $326.50 per fortnight." (3) "Because departmental efficiency would benefit." ( 4) "The salary is identical to that previously received. The duties are identi­ cal to those previously defined excepting that the position is without the ambit of the Public Relations Bureau." (5) "Administratively, the Permanent Head of the Premier's Department." BURGLARY AND BREAKING AND ENTERING OFFENCES Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Works,- (1) Between January 1 and June 30, 1971, how many cases of burglary and/or breaking and entry of (a) dwelling houses Questions Upon Notice [29 JULY 1971] Questions Upon Notice 23 and (b) buildings were reported in the (2) "The proposal has merit and I will metropolitan area and the rest of the State, examine the Honourable Member's sug­ respectively, and how many have been gestion that accounts be rendered for such solved? costs to those responsible for their being (2) How many of the cases in the same incurred." category and in the same areas, which were reported in 1970, still remain unsolved? Answers:- (b) Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked (1)- The Minister for Works,- ( 1) What was the actual strength, including ranks in all categories, at June "Number 11 Number Reported Number Reported Number 30, 1971, in (a) Brisbane, (b) Southern, Metropolitan Solved Rest of State Solved (c) Central and (d) Northern Division __A_r_e~ __ l, ___ ------I--- police regions of the State? (a) 1,469 202 719 127 (2) Of this number, how many police, (b) 2,733 458 1,562 297" including ranks in all categories, were drawn from each region and the Northern (2)- Division to form the Special Police Squad in Brisbane for the Springbok tour? "(a) Number unsolved in respect dwelling houses metropolitan area, 1,873; (3) How many vehicles in all categories Number unsolved in respect dwelling were allotted to the above regions and houses rest of State, 775. (b) Number the Northern Division as at June 30, 1971? unsolved in respect other buildings metro­ politan area, 3,775; Number unsolved in ( 4) Of this number, how many vehicles respect other buildings rest of State, were used from each region and the 1,694." Northern Division to transport police personnel to Brisbane for the Special Police Squad? SPEOAL POLICE SQUAD, SPRINGBOK RUGBY UNION TOUR (5) What other forms of motor vehicle (a) Mr. McKechnie, pursuant to notice, transport, including buses, have been hired asked The Premier,- or leased by the Police Department to date? (1) What \'• as the total cost involved in bringing police from country areas to ( 6) What are the names and addresses Brisbane to assist in the protection of the of the firms or private companies from public and players at the Rugby Union which the extra transport was hired or football matches at the Brisbane Exhibi­ leased? tion Grounds? (7) How many police personnel, includ­ (2) As law-abiding citizens who ing all ranks in each category, were billeted arrange social functions are required to at the Enoggera Army barracks? pay for police attendance at those func­ tions, will he consider demanding payment (8) What type of accommodation was for police protection from those who provided for the above police personnel? arrange functions such as protest marches and other organised disruptions endanger­ (9) What arrangements were made for meals to be supplied and by whom, for ing public safety and trespassing on civil police personnel stationed at the barracks? liberties of the individual? (1 0) What equipment, including cloth­ Answers:- ing, protective gear, batons and firearms ( 1) "The figure is not available as the was issued or purchased for the special circumstances requiring additional police force including members of the Public protection for the general public and the Order Squad? sportsmen concerned have not yet entirely ( 11) How many cadets and police disappeared. However, whatever the probationers were attached to the special amount, the Government will consider Sqead? every cent of it well and wmihily spent ia protecting the people from the physical (12) What duties were performed by danger, the verbal abuse and the mental these personnel? embarrassment which would have been (13) What is the estimated extra cost their lot had the A.L.P.'s radical and to date of payments to the special squad lawless supporters been allowed to use for (a) police personnel including all the missiles and weapons, the obscenities ranks, (b) transport facilities in all cate­ and the intimidatory tactics tfiey originally gories and (c) cost of the use of buildings, intended." equipment and services provided? 24 Questions Upon Notice (29 JULY 1971] Questions Upon Notice (14) For what total number of man­ (2) "This information is not sought or hours will police be away from their local recorded by the Police Department in police establishments? relation to arrested persons." Answers:- HousiNG CoMMISSION RENTAL ( J) 'Total po:ice strength at June 30, 1971-3,100." AccoMMODATION Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked The (2) "574 personnel from country Minister for Works,- regions and the northern division." (1) How many applications in each (3 and 4) "In view of the imposed points-priority rating for rental accommo­ black ban on rail transportation sufficient dation are at present lodged with the vehicles were used to transport country Queensland Housing Commission in (a) policemen to Brisbane." the metropolitan area and (b) the remainder of the State? (5 and 6) "In view of the A.L.P. threat through the Trades Hall against the liveli­ (2) What is the formula used for hood of any person or persons or organi­ assessing the present points-priority system for applicants seeking State rental sations who assist in any way the visit of accommodation? the Springboks, I will not provide this information." (3) What is the present number of applications for the new Pensioners' Unit (7) "See Answer to (2)." Scheme announced by the Commission? ( 8) "Service personnel type of a high Answers:- standard inspected and approved by the Police Union." (1)- (9) "Adequate arrangements as pro­ (a) (b) vided by the Department of the Army." "Points Rating Metropolitan I Remainder of at 30-6-71 State at 31-5-71 (10) "Apart from the normal standard --1-35--1 100 issue, no additional equipment was issued lOO except-(a) Asbestos gloves for the 80 64 24 60 116 1 34 Emergency Squad stationed in the playing 40 1,273 ' 212 arena at the R.N.A. to handle burning Nil 2,366 1 576 missiles as encountered in Sydney, Mel­ Totals 3,954 1 946, bourne and Adelaide. (b) Some batons placed in Public Order Squad's stocks were (2) "100 points-Families facing eject­ issued to Public Order Squad motor ment from present dwellings or homeless, vehicles." living in tents, huts or similar unsuitable (11 and 12) "No cadets or police pro­ accommodation; 80 points-Families bationers were attached to the Special living in premises condemned by local Public Order Squad." or State authorities; 60 points-Families ( 13 and 14) "These figures are not separated owing to lack of accommoda­ available as circumstances still require tion; 40 points-Families living under additional police protection for the general overcrowded conditions or sharing houses with other people; Nil-Families ade­ public and sportsmen concerned have not yet entirely disappeared." quately housed and not facing ejectment. Three points are added for each child." (3) "Single age pensioners, 274; age pensioner couples, 103." (c) Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Works,- CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Mr. Bennett, pursuant to notice, asked The (1) How many arrests were made by Minister for Justice,- the Special Police Squad up to July 27, 1971? ( 1) As the custom of imprisoning some people is merely the heritage of a mid­ (2) Of this number, how many were Victorian British policy of placing people (a) trade union officials, (b) trade in dungeons, will he make alternative unionists and (c) members of other organi­ arrangements for the treatment of certain sations in each category? offenders against the law in this State? Answers:- (2) What research has been done in this ( 1) "Two drunken persons have been State in order to train people engaged in arrested by the Public Order Squad up to the prevention and control of criminal July 27, 1971." behaviour? Questions Upon Notice (29 JULY 1971] Questions Upon Notice 25 (3) What is being done to segregate (7) 'The question of assessment of harde,<ed criminals from those who are prisoners on background, education and incarcerated for much less serious offences? social problems is always under review.
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