Excerpts from the China Country Reader

Excerpts from the China Country Reader

Excerpts from the China Country Reader (The complete Reader, more than 3000 pages in length, is available for purchase by contacting [email protected].) CHINA COUNTRY READER TAB E OF CONTENTS oward E. Sollenberger 1919 Childhood, China 1947-1950 Director, Chinese Language ,rogram, -ei.ing 1950-1955 /oreign Service 0nstitute, Chinese Language ,rofessor, 1ashington, DC Charles T. Cross 1922-1940 Childhood, -ei.ing 3ames 4. 1ilson 3r. 1925-1935 Childhood, Shanghai 3ohn Stuart Service 1925-1933 Childhood, Shanghai 1933-1941 Cher5, 6annanfu, Shanghai 1941-1942 Language 7fficer, Chung5ing 1971 visit to China 1973 visit to China Richard ,. -utric5 1928-1932 Consular 7fficer, an5ow 1932-1941 Consular 7fficer, Shanghai 1941 Counselor, Chung5ing 1941-1942 Counselor, -ei.ing 1illiam . 9leysteen 1928 -orn in China 1955-1958 Chinese Language School. Taipei, Taiwan 1958-1958 ,olitical/Consular/Economic 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 3ames Cowles art -onbright 1928-1929 Vice Consul, Canton Everett Drumright 1931-1932 Vice Consul, an5ow 1932-1934 Chinese Language Training, -ei.ing 1934-1937 Consular 7fficer, Shanghai 1937-1938 ,olitical 7fficer, an5ow 1938-1941 ,olitical 7fficer, Chung5ing 1941-1942 0nternment, Shanghai 1 1943-1944 Consular 7fficer, Chundo and Sian 1944-1945 ,olitical 7fficer, Chung5ing 1945-1948 China Des5, 1ashington, DC 1953-1954 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1954-1958 Consul 9eneral, ong Kong 1958-1982 Ambassador, Taipei, Taiwan Cecil -. Lyon 1934-1938 Vice Consul, -ei.ing Ralph N. Clough 1938-1937 Chinese Language Training, 9uangzhou 1945 Vice Consul, Kunming 1945-1948 Consular 7fficer, Chung5ing 1948 Consular 7fficer, Nan5ing 1948-1947 Language 7fficer, -ei.ing 1947-1950 Chinese Secretary, Nan5ing 1950-1954 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong 1955-1958 Deputy Director, 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, -ureau of East Asian Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1958 Director, 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, -ureau of East Asian Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1958-1981 Advisor, Negotiations with Chinese, ,oland, Switzerland, and 9reat -ritain 1981-1985 Deputy Chief of 4ission, Taipei, Taiwan 1985-1988 Diplomat-in-Residence, East Asian Research Center, arvard Aniversity, Cambridge, 4assachusetts ,aul 9ood 1940-1941 Childhood, Tientsin Arthur 1. ummel, 3r. 1940-1945 1orld 1ar 00 EBperience 1951-1952 7ffice of 0nformation, -ureau of /ar East Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1952 ,ublic Affairs 7fficer, AS0S, ong Kong /rederic5 unt 1941-1942 Consular 7fficer, Shanghai enry -yroade 1941-1947 Army 7fficer, China--urma-0ndia Theater 1alter E. 3en5ins, 3r. 1943-1945 Training Chinese Army, Kunming 1948-1950 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1953-1955 ,olitical 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 1989 Tal5s with Chinese in ,oland, 1arsaw, ,oland 3ohn A. Lacey 1944-1945 A.S. Navy, Chung5ing/-ei.ing 2 1950-1958 Analyst, -ureau of 0ntelligence and Research, 1ashington, DC 1958-1957 Economic 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 1957-1958 -ureau of 0ntelligence and Research, 1ashington, DC 1980-1984 Economic 7fficer, ong Kong Edwin 1ebb 4artin 1945-1948 Chinese Language Training, 6ale Aniversity (New aven, Connecticut) and -ei.ing 1948-1949 Consular 7fficer, an5ow 1949-1950 Economic 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 1951-1955 ,olitical 7fficer, 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1953-1954 ,olitical Advisor to Tal5s with Chinese, ,anmun.om, Korea 1955 Tal5s with Chinese, 9eneva, Switzerland 1958-1981 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1981-1984 ,olitical Advisor, Commander in Chief, ,acific 1987-1970 Consul 9eneral, ong Kong 3ohn /. 4elby 1945-1948 ,olitical 7fficer, Chung5ing/Nan5ing 1949 China 1hite ,aper, 1ashington, DC 7scar Vance Armstrong 1948-1947 Consular 7fficer, 9uangzhou 1947-1950 Language 7fficer, -ei.ing 1954-1957 China 1atcher, ong Kong 1957-1981 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, -ureau of 0ntelligence and Research, 1ashington, DC 1984-1988 Deputy ,rincipal 7fficer, ong Kong 1988-1988 -ureau of East Asian Affairs/,ublic Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1988-1971 Deputy Chief of 4ission, Taipei, Taiwan 1971-1973 ,olitical Advisor, Commander in Chief, ,acific 1973-1978 Director, China 7ffice, 1ashington, DC 1978 Deputy Assistant Secretary, -ureau of East Asian Affairs, 1ashington, DC LaRue R. Lut5ins 1948-1948 Chinese Language Training, 6ale Aniversity (New aven, Connecticut) and -ei.ing 1948-1949 Consular 7fficer, Kunming 1949 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1950-1952 ,olitical 7fficer, ,enang, 4alaysia 1954-1957 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong 1957-1981 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 3 1illiam N. Sto5es 1948-1950 Vice Consul and Economic 7fficer, 4u5den 1972-1975 0nspection 7fficer, American Liaison 7ffice, -ei.ing --- Remar5s on relations with China in Later 6ears arlan Cleveland 1947-1948 Director, ANRRA 4ission to China Robert Anderson 1947-1949 Consular 7fficer, Shanghai Leonard L. -acon 1947-1948 Consular 7fficer, an5ow 1949-1950 Consular 7fficer, Nan5ing 3oseph A. 6ager 1947-1948 EBchange ,rogram, Canton 1950-1951 Consul, ong Kong/,e5ing (,eiping) Richard E. 3ohnson 1947-1951 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1951-1954 Economic 7fficer, ong Kong ,hilip 1. 4anhard 1947-1949 Chinese Language Training, -ei.ing 1949-1950 Vice Consul, Tientsin Richard 4. 4cCarthy 1947-1950 0nformation 7fficer, AS0S, -ei.ing 1950-1958 0nformation 7fficer, Deputy ,ublic Affairs 7fficer, ,ublic Affairs 7fficer, AS0S, ong Kong 1958-1982 ,ublic Affairs 7fficer, AS0S, Taipei, Taiwan ,hilip . Valdes 1947-1949 Economic 7fficer, Chung5ing Earl 1ilson 1947-1949 0nformation 7fficer, AS0S, Shanghai Elden -. Eric5son 1948-1950 Cler5, 4u5den 3ohn . oldridge 1948-1951 Chinese Language Training, /oreign Service 0nstitute (1ashington, DC), Cornell Aniversity (0thaca, New 6or5), arvard Aniversity (Cambridge, 4assachusetts) 1951-1958 Chinese Language 7fficer, AS0S, -ang5o5, Thailand 1953-1958 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong 1958-1958 ,olitical 7fficer, Singapore 1958-1982 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1982-1988 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong 1989-1973 National Security Council, 1ashington, DC 4 1973-1975 Deputy Chief of 4ission, American Liaison 7ffice, -ei.ing 1981-1982 Assistant Secretary, -ureau of East Asian and ,acific Affairs, 1ashington, DC 3ohn 1esley 3ones 1948-1949 ,olitical Counselor, Nan5ing endri5 Van 7ss 1948-1950 ,olitical 7fficer, Shanghai Charles T. Cross 1949-1950 3unior 7fficer, AS0S, Taipei, Taiwan 3erome K. olloway 1949-1950 Consular 7fficer, Shanghai 1952-1957 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong arlan Cleveland 1949-1952 Director, /ar Eastern Aid ,rogram, Agency for Economic Cooperation, 1ashington, DC David L. 7sborn 1949-1953 American 0nformation 7ffice, Taipei, Taiwan 1954-1957 7ffice of Chinese Affairs (Taiwan), 9eneva, Switzerland and 1ashington, DC 1958-1981 ,olitical Counselor, Taipei, Taiwan 1987-1970 Deputy Chief of 4ission, To5yo, 3apan 1970-1974 Consul 9eneral, ong Kong Lindsey 9rant 1950-1952 Consular 7fficer, ong Kong 1955-1958 Economic 7fficer, ong Kong 1958-1981 Economic 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 1981-1985 Asian Communist Affairs, 1ashington, DC Ralph 3. Katrosh 1950-1951 A.S. 4ilitary Assistance 9roup, Taipei, Taiwan Robert S. Dillon 1951-1954 7perations with Nationalist Chinese, Taiwan arvey /eldman 1954-1955 Rotation 7fficer, ong Kong 1982-1983 Chinese Language Training, 1ashington, DC 1982-1983 Chinese Language Training, Taichung, Taiwan 1983-1985 ,olitical-4ilitary 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 1985-1970 ,ublications/,ress 7fficer, ong Kong 1970-1972 AN Affairs, Department of State, 1ashington, DC 1973-1975 ,olitical Counselor, Taipei, Taiwan 5 1977-1979 7ffice of Republic of China Affairs, 1ashington, DC ,aul Kreisberg 1954-1955 Chinese Language Training, Taiwan 1958-1959 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong 1980-1982 7ffice of Chinese Affairs, -ureau of 0ntelligence and Research, 1ashington, DC 1985-1970 Director, 7ffice of Asian Communist Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1977-1981 ,olicy ,lanning, 1ashington, DC Seymour 0. Nadler 1954-1958 0nformation 7fficer, AS0S, Taipei, Taiwan /ran5 N. -urnet 1955-1957 Chinese Language Training, 1ashington, DC and Taichung, Taiwan 1957-1959 China 1atcher, -ang5o5, Thailand 1981-1983 Staff Assistant, -ureau of /ar East Affairs, 1ashington, DC Robert 4cClos5ey 1955-1957 0nvestigator, Refugee Relief ,rogram, ong Kong Richard St. /. ,ost 1955-1958 Consular 7fficer, ong Kong Dere5 Singer 1958-1958 Assistant Training 7fficer, ASA0D, Taipei, Taiwan 3ames 4oceri 1958-1959 Deputy ,ublic Affairs 7fficer, AS0S, Taipei, Taiwan Norman 1. 9etsinger 1958-1957 Chinese Language Studies, Taichung, Taiwan 1957-1981 Commercial 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 4arshall -rement 1958-1957 -ureau of East Asian Affairs, 1ashington, DC 1957-1959 Chinese Language Training, 1ashington, DC and Taiwan 1980-1983 ,olitical 7fficer, ong Kong 1illiam 3. Cunningham 1958-1957 Chinese Language Training, 1ashington, DC 1957-1958 Chinese Language Training, Taichung, Taiwan 1958-1982 ,ress 7fficer, Taipei, Taiwan 1982-1985 China Des5 7fficer, 1ashington, DC 8 4arshall 9reen 1958-1980 Regional ,lanning Advisor for the /ar East, 1ashington, DC 1981-1983 Consul 9eneral, ong Kong 1983-1985 Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the /ar East, 1ashington, DC 1989-1973 Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the ,acific, 1ashington, DC Thomas ,. Shoesmith 1958-1958 Consular 7fficer, ong Kong David Dean 1958-1957 Chinese Language Training, 1ashington, DC 1957-1959 Chinese Language Training, Taichung, Taiwan 1959-1982 Consular 7fficer, ong Kong 1988-1989 ,olitical Counselor, Taipei, Taiwan 1970-1974 Deputy ,rincipal 7fficer, ong Kong 1978-1978 Deputy Chief of 4ission, -ei.ing 3oseph 6ager 1957-1981

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