NET PRESS RUN kjr « . AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Sm» ■* OP THE EVENING HERALD fCo. for the month of October, 1927 idght rain tondc^e and-Wedgiefiv * ‘ e Library day; warmer t|gdght. ■ 5 , 0 4 2 ' ri'v (TTOLVB PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIL, NO. 33. ClaMlfled. Adrortifdss on Pace ttt. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1927. LOCAL Two Chinese Are Hanged fir For Manchester Murder FEATURDKi Ching Lung and Soo Hoo PAY MURDERER’S PENALTY A Wing Who KiUed Oak St In Ohio and Michigan Wets OTHER STATES RAPDLY laundryman Pay Supreme and Drys WiD Battle; .............. FoOr Vacancies In Coip r e c o v e r in g FROM BLOW Penalty at Wethersfield. v“ '.v't V ' '' ' gress to Be Filled. New York, Nov. 8.— Radiant and^today that the wedding gift of Col. happy, the former Millicent Rogers, Rogers to his daughter was. a check IIV RONALD H. FERGUSON heiress to $40,000,000, was looking for $500,000. Most of those in a Checkup on Deaths Shows* 130 With 114 In Presidents Washington,om Nor. 8. Today' Is forward eagerly today to her- honey­ positlcn to know.'would not discuss Two Chinamen, Ching Lung and moon trip to South America with, the rumor, but one member of the Soo Hoo Wing, who murdered Ong election day i*iri^.a i score of states. ■ Rogers household- said the report Home Stath— Property Damage In That State Alone I her second husband, Arthuro Per­ Jing Hem here last March 24 in The fact, however, evoked but a alta^ Ramos, a handsome young Ar­ Yt&a not true. one stroke of a countrywide “ tong flicker of interest in tjie capital. gentinian, whom she niarried last: Married by Priest. Estimated Between 25 and 50 Milhons—rCold Weather war,” paid the penalty of hanging The Issues, such as they .are, are so Gening at Southampton, Long Is­ Millicent and pathos were mar­ land. for the deed they committed at de-natioualized that even the most ried by' the Rw. Joseph Kelly, in The couple will sail Thursday for and Snow Adds to Snffering-^fate of Many Small far-sighted of party leaders here the parish- house of a Roman Cath­ 12:08:40 and 12:28:15 this morn­ 'Valparaiso De Chile aboard the lin­ olic church in Southampton. Col. ing. In less time than it takes to could see but little significance in er Santa Elisa and will cross the Rogers, aiid Robert Coe, Jr., cousin ^Communities Still Hnlmown— ^Railroad Traffic Will Not adjust the paper on which this is the results as applied- to the presi­ Andes to: the Argentine capital, of the bride, were witnesses.' The written in the typewriter • each V y - dential sweepstakes a year from td- where they, will spend part of their, small group in attendance Included shuffled from his cell to the execu­ honeymoon with the bridegroom’s day. Local issues everywhere pre­ the bride's three-year-old son, Peter Be Resumed F o f Weeks-^Need of Chfldretfs Cbth’^^ tion chamber and was snapped to parents. Salm, Miss Rogers’ mother was his death. No dramatics— nothin,g dominate. Second Marriage. not preiaent, being Itf Europe. ^staged— no sickening delay— no Perhaps the nearest approach to ’The ceremony was arranged has­ lost motions. A gruesome, horrible This was the vivacious Millicent’s ing Imperative. a National issue at stake today is second marriage to a foreigner. On tily after a dispensation had been task done efficiently— so aulckly provided by the wet-and-dry con­ issued by the Catholic church, of the witness scarcely had time to be January 8, 1924, she was married, . - — • ^ T tests that feature several of tho ngalnst. the wishes of her parents, which Ramos-is a member. The Boston, Mass., Nov. 8.— Starva­ Pumps were being rushed to impressed with the vastness of the elections. Springfield trom every quarter- act he has seen committed. to Count Ludwig Salm Von Hoog- question of the bride’s divorce from In Ohio straeten, an Austrian. They were Count Salm did not, however, en­ tion and commercial ruin were the Railroad Hard Hit Quickly Done In Ohio, long a cockpit for the Railroads were t struggling to At seven minutes after midnight divorced recently and, on August ter Into the attitude of the church two gaunt spectres stalking hand- warring elements of prohibition, 6, her engagement to young Ramos on yesterday’s wedding, her mar­ in-hand In the wintry blasts over penetrate northward but in hun­ the small group of witnesses were the voters are, called upon to ratify seated in the death chamber. Hard­ was announced. / riage to Count Sa^m not having the desolate fiood-swept areas of dreds of places the twisted rails Soo Hoo Wing, left, and Ching Lung, who were hanged in the Con­ or reject an enactment of the Leg­ Her parents. Colonel Henry H. been recognized by it because the went In the air over great gullies ly had they adjusted themselves to Vermont today; necticut State Prison at Wethersfield early this morning for the murder islature hacked by the Anti-Saloon Rogers, and Mrs. Rogers, apparent­ count’s divorced wife.was still.,llv- washed out by the flood and in acl- the wooden benches lined four deep League. It involves the system of against one wall when Ching Lung ly favored her marrying Ramos. While Connecticut, New Hamp-j anion scores of railroad bridges of Ong Jing Hem here last March 24. Ching Lu»g actually committed local justice courts whereby liquor An unconfirmed report was current ■/ (Continaed ou.Page S) shire, Rhode Island and Massachn-1 were washed away. Tha Maine Cen- took a half dozen short shuffling, the murder, Soo Hoo Wing being an accessory. Ching Lung went to law violators may be haled before typically Chinese steps through the setts were rapidly recovering from tral was trying to establish con- the gallows first. rural tribunals and penalized. The ' nection through the White Moun- doorway directly ahead of the wit­ United States Supreme Court the blow dealt by the raging tor-j Hampshire with St. nesses. One— two— three— four— knocked out the previous system, yents, the home-state of President, jQjjugjjypy^ Vt.,.a milk distributing five— six— seven— in that time one whereupon the Anti-Saloon League OVER $1>100 FOIST INDIANA THEATER guard has strapped Ching Lung’s Coolidge was admitted on every | center. had it re-enacted in somewhat dif­ Milk from as far south as Wash- hands to his side, another has plac­ Mickey Walker Arrested ferent form. Today’s election hand to be in dire distress. ed a black hood over his head, the amounts to a referendum on that DAY OF CAMPAIGN WRECKED BY BOMB The hand of starvation was grip.; ington had prevente a milk chaplain has whispered something - * XT TT. ' famine In Boston. The loss of in- re-enactment. Motorists also come ping the city of Newport, Vt., on ] come from milk by Vermont farm­ in his ear, the noose has been For Striking Jersey Man within the pale of the justice courts the shores of Lake Memphrem{igog, placed about his neck, the trap has which fact has aligned automobile according, to a party of cou|r^rA. ers will be enormous. Thousands been sprung by someone unseen, clubs against the ratlficatloi^. Even drinking water was on a ra­ of Vermont turkeys which usually and Ching Lung’s body, has been Commnnity Fund Gets Good Structure Valned at $1,600,- grace the Thanksgiving tables of Red Bank, N. J., Noa'. 8.— MlckeyAtook place in Reade’s office, where Four Special Elections tion basis. Relief must reach New­ hurled upward fifteen feet to in­ There are four special elections port soon or be too late. thousands of homes in the east Walker, world’s middleweight box­ Walker was said to have been dis­ were lost in the flood. Christinas stantaneous death and dropped cussing the possible purchase of a to fill vacancies in Congress, and 120 l^ow n Dead back to within , two ifeet of the Stort— Six Teams Now At 000 In Ruins-m i^ of trees, another big Vermont indus­ ing champion, intends to defend $2,000,000 Asbury Park theater two of them involve the prohibi­ Of the 130 known New England floor. the honor of his profession even if tion issue. * • dead, .114- were In the state of try, has' been shut off just as the Not a sound passed from Ching and amusement generally and him­ cutting in tha woods began. it means assault and battery to do self in particular when the movie In the first district of Colorado Work In Field. the Blast is Unknown. Vermorlt. Motor trucks were bat­ Lung’s lips. When the chaplain the issue is clearly drawn hetw^U tling the heavy -ipud cast gp by the In some communities in Vermont whispered in his ear he made no it. owner said: today all males over 21 years were The champion was held under “ You don’t think the municipali­ Francis J. Khauss, Republican alnd flood ahd airplanes were zooming response. No last plaint that he dry, and S. Francis White, 'Demo­ overhead today. But this was only drafted for rehabilitation work, ac­ was dying an innocent man. No $500 bond today, alleged to have ty. of Asbury Park would let a " Reports of captains and team Hammond, Ind., Nov. S.r-rrState cording to word from the Green prizefighter own such a place, do crat and wet. V temporary relief from Vermont’s tirades against the courts.
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