Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2021-04-15 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2021). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 3147. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/3147 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume CVII Issue 26 April 15, 2021 xaviernewswire.com Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Cintas vaccine clinic shuts down DeWine voices concerns regarding Johnson & Johnson vaccine safety BY OLIVIA VALKNER 6WDৼ:ULWHU Cintas Center, one of the largest mass vaccination clin- ic in the state of Ohio, is be- ing shut down after Gover- nor Mike DeWine ordered a pause on the distribution of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccines. This ac- tion cancels all upcoming vac- cination clinic dates at Cintas, including the Xavier student priority day this upcoming Saturday. The cancellations came as a response to a joint statement by the Food and Drug Ad- ministration and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that hit news media platforms Tuesday morning. The an- nouncement cited six women, falling within the age range of 18-48, that developed a rare form of blood clots 6-13 NewswireSKRWRE\(ULN0DDKV days after receiving their dose Vaccine distribution at Cintas Center (pictured above) has been halted until further notice after a mandate from Governor Mike DeWine paused the of the J&J vaccine. GLVWULEXWLRQRI-RKQVRQ -RKQVRQYDFFLQHV$VLJQLÀFDQWQXPEHURI;DYLHUVWXGHQWVUHFHLYHGWKHRQHGRVHYDFFLQHGXULQJSULRULW\LQRFXODWLRQGD\V The statement recommend- ponent that can form a clot in While the J&J vaccine was Xavier has actively encour- ion from a university public ed a hiatus in distribution so a response to trauma. used primarily at mass vacci- aged students to get vaccinat- health standpoint. thorough investigation can be The AstraZeneca vaccine, nation clinics, including the ed through various commu- “It is important not to be performed and any possible similar to the J&J vaccine one in Xavier’s backyard, the nications about vaccination alarmed by the halt of J&J correlation among these rare when it comes to its ingre- majority of shots adminis- “priority” days for students. distribution. It’s a routine clotting episodes and vaccine dients and its one-shot hall- tered in Hamilton County First-year nursing student procedure when new infor- can be further researched. mark, has already been under have been from Pfizer and Maddie Dickman recently re- mation about a medication or “Right now, these adverse research and media probing Moderna. ceived the J&J dose at the Cin- a treatment appears to have a events appear to be extremely about a possible link to similar While the efficiency of tas Center clinic, describing hiccup,” Ronis-Tobin noted. rare. COVID-19 vaccine safe- clotting episodes and general Ohio’s mass vaccination pro- the experience as “smooth” “The numbers of blood clot ty is a top priority for the fed- platelet and clotting pathway gram utilizing the one-shot and well-organized. cases are extremely low. My eral government, and we take dysfunction. vaccine has temporarily been “You could tell they had guess is that within a week all reports of health problems The AstraZeneca vaccine derailed, Cincinnati Health of- been doing it for a while. Ev- CDC will identify the specific following COVID-19 vacci- has not been approved in the ficials ultimately believe that eryone I interacted with was risk factors and advise people nation very seriously. People United States for the time be- the impact left by this set back really helpful,” Dickman said. with these risk factors to take who have received the J&J ing, but at least seven clotting can be overcome by pivoting “It is important for (Kroger a different vaccine. Otherwise, vaccine who develop severe deaths have been reported af- to other widely available vac- Health) to work with the state my guess is that the J&J vac- headache, abdominal pain, leg ter its use in the United King- cine options. of Ohio to get vaccines back cine will be returning to use pain, or shortness of breath dom. Nearly 7 million people at Cintas not only for the uni- within a short period of time. within three weeks after vac- DeWine’s plan to vaccinate have received their allotment versity, but for Norwood and It is very safe and effective,” cination should contact their Ohio college students was of the J&J vaccine, includ- the surrounding community,” he continued. health care provider,” the highly dependent on the ease ing a significant number of she added. “It is important to “In the meanwhile, we need statement concludes. and efficiency of J&J’s one- Xavier students. The news get everyone’s lives back on to encourage students to vac- All six women experienced shot vaccine, as the Pfizer and has sparked concern from stu- track, not just ours on cam- cinate, because otherwise, we a cerebral venous thrombosis, Moderna shots are more ex- dents about the safety of the pus.” will not reach herd immunity, a type of rare blood clot that pensive, more difficult to store vaccination and the future of Interim Director of Popu- and will not be able to stop occurs in the brain, and a low and lacking in the simplicity mass vaccination plans for the lation Health Dr. Victor Ro- the pandemic,” Ronis-Tobin platelet count, a blood com- of the single shot. university. nis-Tobin, offered his opin- concluded. In this issue... Campus, Page 3 World, Page 5 Sports, Pages 9 A&E, Page 11 Commencement guest A plan to develop near 6WDႇZULWHU/XNH Spring fashion has restrictions have been Red River Gorge forc- 6HUYHOORMXGJHV1+/ sprung, and our writ- updated, and Bacca- es locals to consider picks before the Trade ers are begging you to ODXUHDWHLVEDFNRQ WKHHFRORJLFDOHႇHFWV 'HDGOLQH DYRLGSODLGVKRUWV 2 April 15, 2021 Campus News xaviernewswire.com News from the Newswire oce A thank you note from the Newswire sta to our fellow Xavier Musketeers Savin Mattozzi and 2020-20201 managing newspapers are required to ´1DWLRQDO*XDUGGHSOR\HG editor. have their content approved WRTXDUDQWLQHG1HZ5RFKHOOH -RVHSK&RWWRQ by the administration. We are 1<µ E\ &KDUOLH *VWDOGHU Campus News Editor lucky to have a university that 2020-2021 Opinions and -DFN 'XQQ is so supportive of what we Editorials Editor World News Editor do. ´'R\RXUSDUWLQIODWWHQLQJ 0R -XHQJHU We have had several open the curve” by Andrew Zerman, World News Editor and honest conversations with 2019-2021 Staff Writer 3rd place in In-depth upper-level administrators ´6WXGHQWV VKDUH WKHLU Reporting who have been more than voices from an empty campus” ´$ GD\ LQ WKH OLIH RI D willing and available to by Joseph Cotton, 2020-2021 Cincy protestor” by Mo answer the tough questions Campus News Editor Juenger, 2020-2021 World we ask them. We worked ´(GLWRULDOILDWMXVWLWLDUXDW News Editor closely with Vice President caelum” by Alex Budzynski, RI 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW -HII 2020-2021 Managing Editor We could not have, however, Coleman and the rest of the ´;8SODQVIRUDQDW\SLFDO won these awards on our own. &29,' 7DVN )RUFH WR semester” by Hunter Ellis So, as an organization, we assemble several stories which DQG+HDWKHU*DVW have a few people to thank. played a part in our award for Multimedia Managing Editor First, we would like to coronavirus coverage. thank all of the people who And finally, we would like Newswire photo by John Stowell and Editor-in-Chief Newswire won ONMA awards in the catagories of COVID-19 coverage, 1st place in Opinion have helped us document this to thank the students who opinion writing, sports coverage, news coverage and in-depth reporting. Writing newsworthy year and the read our articles when they all of Ohio’s daily newspapers ´(GXFDWH ; RQ YLROHQFH many students who took the arrive in your inbox and on the BY NEWSWIRE and was established in 1938. against women” by Mo time to speak to a Newswire newsstands around campus. EDITORIAL STAFF Each year, they give out Juenger, 2020-2021 World writer. Even if you just read your Newswire won five awards awards in 10 categories to News Editor From Seriah Barnes who horoscope, we still appreciate in the Ohio News Media recognize the achievements of ´([DFHUEDWLQJ HFRQRPLF spoke about her role in the your readership. We’d like to Association’s (ONMA) student news outlets. In 2020, inequalities” by Mo Juenger, march for racial justice in thank the community members Collegiate Newspaper & they also added the category 2020-2021 World News 6HSWHPEHUWR/XNH2EHUPHLHU who listen to our radio shows Website Competition in of coronavirus coverage. Editor who gave us his opinion on the and podcasts. It is with your March, a major point of pride Newswire thanks its ´6XSSRUW EH\RQG WKH ELJ return to campus earlier this support that we are afforded for our writing and editing community for allowing it picture” by Mo Juenger, 2020- year, thank you for lending us the learning opportunities staff as well as our advisor. to exceed in all areas, but 2021 World News Editor your voice. To those pictured that have allowed us to grow For this reason, we want to particularly in the areas that 2nd place in Sports in photo-ops and to student as journalists, students and thank the OMNA board for led to the following awards: Coverage athletes and workers who Xavier Musketeers.
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