NOW AVAILABLE Latta & MacBeth: Ele­ ments of Logic ,, 12/S Gumming & May; Quanti­ BOOKS tative Chemical Analy­ FOR YOUR STUDIES sis 34/6 Pollock: Government of IN ALL SUBtlEOTS Greater Germany . 20/- Cubberley: History of are Obtainable from Education 42/- A. McLEOD, A, McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best mpct fkfat ^'Brisbane's Best Bookstore," The University of Queensland Students* Newspaper Bookstore/' 107 ISL1ZAB£,TH ST., 107 ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE BRISBANE Kegiaiered at G.F.O., Brisbane, for Vol, XVII. — No. 12 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1949 transmission by post as a periodical. Sports Cups Go South Southern Teams captured all the titles in what proved a veritable sporting feast in the various first vac. carnivals. "Semper" this week presents full reports of the different events, and expresses the satisfaction of all concerned, both spectators and participants, with first-rate organisation and sport. J? v.. :.'„.!S<te.-^'- •.•-,*'•'•'-vaTi-' •. THE SYDNEY CREW Bow, 1. Curlewis, 12st. 2lb.; 2, M. Fitzpatrick, 12st. Zlb.; 3, A. McAuley, I2st 2lb.; 4, G. Thompson, 13st. 5lb.; 5, G, Drew, Idst. bib.; 6, D, Stanley, 13st. lib.; 1, B, Hopkins, 12st.; Str., D. Rourke, \2st. 411).; Cox, R. Uarshvxan, In the middle stages of the race left the Mayne, rather badly dam­ the crews appeared to be locked to­ aged. They had been most unfortun­ gether, fighting it out stroke by ate, but voiced no complaints; they stroke. At the umpire's order the showed a magnificent spirit, and won coxwains had headed over to the the admiration as well as the sym­ The Race As It Was Rowed pathy of all present. north bank, and as smooth water A strong westerly vihid had Queensland drew level with Mel­ was reached, Sydney began to forge To Sydney must go the highest made the Hamilton reach unsalc bourne, while Sydney stayed about !-into the lead. Queensland sprinted praise for a well deserved victory. for racing, and so the rourse a length away and Tasmania, taking for a short distance, but could not I'iiey demonstrated sound waterman­ was changed to one of two water through the bows, dropped hold the pace, while Melbourne, who ship in adopting the best possible miles, from the City Council further behind—it was obviously had not settled down, battled on tactics for the conditions under which Power House at New Farm, only a matter of minutes before they dourly. At the beginning of the the race was rowed. In the first downstream to the mouth of would sink. final half mile Sydney were. three- half, when the course was exposed Breakfast Creek, th's reach being In the second quarter mile posi­ quarters of a length clear of Mel­ to a gusty head wind, they kept their comparatively sheltered. tions were unchanged when a Mel­ bourne, who were followed at a rating down and let Melbourne aand All crews rigged splash canvasses bourne man crabbed very badly, length by Queensland. Sydney went Queensland go ahead. Then when and pulled away to the start line, completely losing his oar. lie /nissed further ahead with each stroke, better water was reached they in­ leaving the shed without mishap. eight strokes, and by ths time he while Queensland dropped further creased their speed, led very ably However, water washing over the had recovered, Queensland was in back, until, nearing the finish, a! by their stroke and coxwain, while bow of Tasmania's boat, Queens­ the lead with Sydney second. But crews made a final burst, Sydney the other crews, with less strength land's second eight, the James Melbourne sprinted away in most had a comfortable win two and a In reserve, had to forfeit their ad­ O'Neil Mayne, split the bow canvas, spirited manner, and in , the third half lengths ahead of Melbourne vantage. Horeover, Sydney struck and the boat slowly filled. They quarter made good their loss, while and Queensland, finishing fast, were their best form-on the day, and their managed to reach the Power House Queensland began to flag and Sydney, a length away in third place. success reflects great credit on them .and went ashore on. a stretch of rating lower than the other two Tasmania were towed to Wright's ^and their coach. muddy bank, where they emptied crews, maintained a steady pace. jboatshed at Bulimba, where they .their boat and carried out makeshift repairs with handkerchiefs, bandages, SPECIAL LECTURE IN - string, tape and sticking plaster, AG. SCIENCE generously , donated by spectators from launches nearby. The other Arrangements have been made for crews were waiting and when Tas- %Odcome ^^ome a series of lectures on "Fruit Pre­ niania were ready, wet but undis­ servation and Transport," to be mayed, they moved into line at the Semper Sporting Page extends a warm welcome to given by Dr. S. A. Trout, Director ' starting point, about an hour late. of Horticulture of the Department Tasmania had drawn No, 3 posi­ the members of the University Football Team who have of Agriculture and Stock, in the tion, but. were given No. 1, condi­ returned from a very successful tour of New Zealand. Geology Lecturie Theatre between 1 / tions being more favourable in that and 2 p.m. on the following dates;— From all accounts, the tourists—particularly the all too . (1) Friday. June 17th. iane. », few Queenslanders—gave of their best football in New (2) Friday, June 24th. ,The start*w;as a good one, and all Zealand. We are glad to have the players back with us (3) Friday, July 1st. crews got away very well. After a (i\ Friday, July 8th, dozen strokes, Melbourne were seen to avenge our defeats incurred during their absence, and <5) Friday, July 15th. to be about a quarter of a length in to see some more Varsity footballers gain State and All interested in this interesting front, with Queensland pressing them National representation. topic are Invited to attend. • and the other crews falling away a , L. J. H. TEAKLE, . -ilittie. Over the first .quarter mile > . Professor of Agriculture. .4 Page Two SEMPER FLOREAT Thursday, June 9, 1949 Boat Race 0ttpr J[l0nat TTie annual Australian Universities Boat Race for the Oxford and Cambridge Cup, rowed on the Brisbane River last Saturday, resulted in, a magnificent victory for Sydney. Editor: JOHN O'DUFPY This boat race was the culmina­ digs by the Boat Club. Here liaison tion of many months of planning and officers were ever willing to help Sub-Editors: MURRAY WILLIAMS, BRIAN THOMASON, ALAN WALKER, hard training for all crews. Very them settle any difficulties. Staff:. TED d'URSO, PERC BURTON, GRAHAM WINDRUM, JOHN EMMETT, few people have any idea of the During the training period several MALCOLM-HAM. JOHN HALL, DAN CUNNINGHAM. J. SHANAHAN, J, enormous amount of work involved dances were held. These finished KELLY, JUNE SYMBS, JILL LIDGARD, MARGARET HISLOP, in Inter-Varsity rowing, and for that promptly at 10 p.m, with coaches Sporting Editor: T. McENIERY reason the U.Q.B.C. would like to ordering taxis for their crews. The Business Manager: PRED SCHUBERT present a brief aummary of all that Civic Reception just after the crews took place. arrived provided a very enjoyable THURSDAY, JUNE 9. 1949 Vol. xvni. No. 12 The foundations of our crew were method of introducing all crew.s to laid ewly in 1948, when for the first one another. time U.Q.B.C. became one of the Training went on for a fortnight leading clubs in the Brisbane area. in beautiful weather. The Southern- • During the recent .soa.son U.Q.B.C, ers were impressed with our course Congratulation.^ finished second in Queensland and" and also the organisation which was Brisbane club premlerships. These behind our plans. Numerous meet­ First vacation has gone and second term has begun. Al­ premierships are based on points ings of race officials, crews and ready many of us are looking with trepidation at the pile of allotted for wins and placings in coaches were held so that all would status races at regattas. Even now be thoroughly acquainted with the notes and rather forbidding looking text books which face us the U.Q.B.C. is planning for next procedure to be adopted in the race. on our tables. The desire to acquire more knowledge is year's crew. The soullicrn crews Then came Race Eve and the ha,d all been rowing for nearly five Westerlies, It was a heart-breaking beginning to appear. Despite these frightening thoughts very months. They are more fortunate catastrophe and one which should little work was done in Brisbane during the vacation, in that their school and college never be forgotten by all crews. racing takes place in eights. The Durinig the Friday the regatta com­ Queensland played host to four visiting teams during the Sydney and Melbourne eights were mittee was constantly occupied both picked from the college crews. making plans for Saturday should vacation—both Women's and Men's Athletics, Men's Tennis The Tasraanian eight, which was the the Westerly continue. A new course and the Rowers. In other centres our own teams competedj:i|^- firs,t since 3,938, consisted of their on the Bulimba Reach was surveyed on the Friday. All officials were visitors. The interest shown by Queensland in the Intervar^^:' ;Witire club, ^^e planning of the race itself be- hurriedly gathered on Friday and series was very good and must have been very gratifyinig^tid' given alternate instructions for the i'gaft last November, when all Ausi- following morning. All radio stations the organisers. Although Queensland won no championships tre^ian Universities were sent aerial phqtpgraphs and lengthy descriptions co-operated by constantly broadcast­ our sportsmen were by no means disgraced when the calibre of the Hamilton and Toowong ing news of the Boat Club's pre­ of their opponents—some Olympians—is assessed.
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