US 2003O132298A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0132298 A1 Swartz et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 17, 2003 (54) CONSUMER INTERACTIVE SHOPPING abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of appli SYSTEM cation No. 08/780,023, filed on Dec. 20, 1996, now Pat. No. 6,084,528, which is a continuation-in-part of (76) Inventors: Jerome Swartz, Old Field, NY (US); application No. 08/706.578, filed on Sep. 5, 1996, Thomas K. Roslak, Eastport, NY (US); now Pat. No. 5,797,880. Mauro Premutico, Brooklyn, NY (US); Adam Petrovich, Pittsburgh, PA (US); Edward Barkan, Miller Place, NY Publication Classification (US) Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. ................................................... G06K 7/10 GLENN F. FRANKENBERGER (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 235/472.02 One Symbol Plaza Holtsville, NY 11741-1300 (US) (21) Appl. No.: 09/990,597 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Nov. 21, 2001 The present invention relates generally to a consumer inter Related U.S. Application Data active shopping and marketing System. The System includes a portable data terminal for communicating information over (60) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/487.923, a communication network. The present System has aspects filed on Jan. 19, 2000, which is a division of appli- that may be used within a shopping establishment or at a cation No. 08/866,690, filed on May 30, 1997, now user's home. Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 1 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 2 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 3 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 4 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 22, s s Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 5 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 6 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 CUSTOMER SERVICE CONSOLE " E REPORT PR DISPENSER UNIT HOLDING SCANNERS R 170 170 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 7 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 O O ve -2 us2 Patent Application Publication Jul.17, 2003 Sheet 8 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 00|| Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 9 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 vms sea C) Sa O O p Patent Application Publication Jul.17, 2003 Sheet 10 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 00|| Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 11 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 00|| :uDOSK?}|Deuqube||0|| 62’?|oooougG? ***“Ioue?salou?ooN uue?sub5ST??T? Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 12 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 PC/BIOS FIG.8. A Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 13 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 5 S. 3 S Patent Application Publication US 2003/0132298 A1 o C2 l Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 15 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 SELECT PAYMENT SCHEME CENTRAL, HOST AND DELNERY DATE AND LOCATION CREATE --- AND PAYMENT DELVER ORDER TO A TENDANT WITH PORTABLE TERMINAL SCAN TEMS AND CORRECT IN MARKED CONTAINERS DENER CONTAINER TO CUSTOMER SELECTED STORE LIST DELNERY SITE IN CUSTOMER FILE PRESENT TO CUSTOMER UPON ISSUANCE OF PORTABLE TERMINAL FIG.10 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 16 of 25 US 2003/0132298A1 A SQUASH t2bs $1.83 V CADBURY CHOC, $0.99. 110 TEMS 5. SBTL $8.69 BESTBUY FEATURE ON v Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 17 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 18 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 19 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 S III O - Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003. Sheet 20 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 17, 2003 Sheet 22 of 25 US 2003/0132298 A1 sqIZ)I000 (SI3Z19làOJIOZ Patent Application Publication US 2003/0132298 A1 Jul. 17, 2003 CONSUMER INTERACTIVE SHOPPING SYSTEM consumer Systems which have generally been limited to providing simple pricing and product identification infor RELATED APPLICATIONS mation. Although the proliferation and general acceptance of 0001. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. networked computers and the Internet has improved access patent application Ser. No. 09/487.923 entitled “POR to information, it has not yet changed the fundamental nature TABLE SHOPPING FULFILLMENT SYSTEM filed on of how consumerS Select, purchase and receive consumable Jan. 19, 2000, currently pending, which is a division of goods and other items, nor has Such information been application Ser. No. 08/866,690, entitled “PORTABLE Successfully provided to consumers during a Standard shop SHOPPING AND FULFILLMENT SYSTEM filed on ping transaction at a retail facility. Nor have these Systems May 30, 1997, now abandoned, which is a continuation in been employed to significantly improve article collection part of application Ser. No. 08/780,023, Dec. 20, 1996, U.S. and distribution Systems. There currently exists a need for Pat. No. 6,084,528, entitled “INTRANET SCANNING improved ordering Systems, Systems for providing improved TERMINAL SYSTEM” which is a continuation in part of product data profiles, order collection and order fulfillment. application Ser. No. 08/706.578, Sep. 5, 1996, U.S. Pat. No. 5,825,002, entitled “DEVICE AND METHOD FOR SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION SECURE DATAUPDATES IN A SELF-CHECKOUTSYS 0005. It is the object of the present invention to provide TEM. an improved marketing and Shopping System which may be used in a portable shopping and order fulfillment System. FIELD OF USE 0006. It is a further object of the present invention to 0002 This invention relates generally to an improved provide a Standardized System for presenting data at a marketing and shopping System. The System includes a portable terminal by retrieving associated data files Stored at portable data terminal and for communicating information remote addresses by employing a wireleSS communication over a communication network. The portable data terminal network. In a preferred embodiment, the portable terminal can receive and display messages related to products that are employs a relatively simple microprocessor and System being offered for sale. architecture while providing full graphics and audio Support. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0007. It is a further object of the present invention to 0003. The use of data collecting portable computing provide improved access to generally available multi-media terminals manufactured by Symbol Technologies, Inc., the data files associated with an item identified by a portable assignee of the present invention, has been adopted in many terminal. commercial applications. These terminal Systems may 0008. It is a further object of the present invention to include integrated bar code readers which permit the col provide an improved Self-Scanning System which provides lection, Storage and distribution of a high Volume of data improved multi-media Support and direct marketing func without the need for extensive keypad data entry. These tions. terminal Systems also provide full computing capabilities using Standard PC architectures. These terminal Systems 0009. It is a further object of the present invention to may also be provided with wireleSS communication radio provide an improved marketing and Shopping System which Systems. Such as Symbol Technologies, Inc. local area net has an intelligent messaging agent for Selecting messages to work radio system “SPECTRUM24(R)”. The SPEC Send to a portable terminal. TRUM24(R) radio network system permits hand-held termi 0010. The present invention provides an improved por nals to share and retrieve data in the proximity of local area table shopping System and an improved order Selection and networks with a central host. Hand-held computing termi fulfillment System. The portable Shopping System is pro nals offering various computing functions have been previ vided with an improved portable terminal which is provided ously used in consumer applications. Examples of Such with telephony as well as enhanced Video capabilities. The systems are described in Dutch Patent Application No. home shopping System is provided with a customer order 9002296 (“the 296 application”) and U.S. Pat. No. 5,468, System, a product collection System and a product delivery 942 to Oosterveen et al. (“the Oosterveen Patent”). The 296 System. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, application and the Oosterveen Patent describe Systems in the order System is an Internet accessible user interface which an authorized customer is issued a terminal having an which is user dependent. An authorized user may access the integrated bar code Scanner to record merchandise pur System from a home computer (or dedicated order kiosk) chases. The Scanners maintain a list of merchandise Selected and retrieve user Specific data which may be useful in for purchase by the customer within internal memory means. placing their order. For instance, a user may select a list of Prior to exiting the store, the information stored in the items purchased on his or her last three shopping trips to the memory of a Scanner is downloaded through a communica Store or for items required for a Selected recipe. Alterna tion port attached to a terminal dispenser, and a printed ticket tively, a user may employ a graphical display of a Store of the customer's purchases is printed on a printer. The product layout to browse through the Store's products for customer then proceeds to a checkout register where the Selection of items. Once the items are Selected, the customer customer tenders payment for the purchased merchandise. may then Select to have the list Stored, items collected for The Systems may provide for the occasional audit of cus pick-up or delivery. tomers using the System to ensure integrity of the Self 0011 When the items are to be collected, either by the Service System.
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