•. ' '··.·i:- I'·'1 I j ,... , UNITEDl STATES (.'• _, . - . GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFIC . LIS JULY 1968 Vol. 2 No . 1 Foreword Current publications of the United States General Ac­ counting Office are available to the public either at a nominal charge or free upon request. T1iis pamphlet - "List of GAO Publications" - is is­ sued every six months, near the start of each calendar year and each fiscal year. GAO publications may be obtained from three sources as indicated under Parts I, II, and III of this pamphlet. I· I 1 .. / 1~L\ ____- -: __ PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OF FI CE Part I FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCU­ MENTS, U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON. D.C. 20402 When ordering, use catalogue number of each item. Annual Report of the Comptroller General. Activities of the U.S. General Accounting Office for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1967. Book, paper cover. 290 pp. $1.25 (A few copies of An­ nual Reports of recent years are also avai I able.) Cat. No. GA 1.1: (year) General Accounting Office Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies. Issued in looseleaf form. Sub­ scription includes basic manual and supplementary service for an indefinite period. Title 1 through 8 (complete manual). $20.00, $5.00 ad­ ditional for foreign mailing. Cat. No. GA 1.6/10:957 /Rep. 968 Title 2, Accounting. $4.50, $1.00 additional for foreign mailing. Cat. No. GA 1.6/2:957 Title 5, Transportation. $3.50, $1.00 additional for foreign mailing. Cat. No. GA 1.6/5:957 Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States. Volumes 1-46(1921-1967). Annual volumes no longer in stock: Vols. 4, 11, 13, 26, 27, 28, and 34. Prices vary from $3 to $4. Vol. 45 July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 - $4.00 Vol. 46 .July 1, 1966 to . June 30, 1967 - $~.00 Cat. No. GA 1.5: (vol. no.) Monthly pamphlets-Volume 47 begins July 1967, now available through November 1967. (March, September, and December issues include index digests, and June is­ sue includes cumulative tables and index digest.) 25 cents single copy except June issue, which varies according to size; $2.25 a year, $1.00 additional for foreign mailing. Cat. No. GA 1.5/a: (v. nos. & nos.) Index Digest of the Published Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States. Four volumes for the period 1894 th rough June 3o, 1951, are out of print. July 1, 1951toJune30,1956-$2.50 July 1, 1956 to June 30, 1961 - $2.75 July 1, 1961 to June 30, 1966 - $3.25 Cat. No. GA 1.5/3: (years) Other published material concerning decisions of the Comptroller General will be found in Part II. The GAO Review. Quarterly. Prepared by and for accounting and auditing staffs of the General Accounting Office. 40 cents single copy; $1.50 per year, 50 cents additional for foreign mailing. Cat. No. GA 1.15: (date) Audits of Government Contracts. For the information of Gov­ ernment contractors whose contracts are subject to audit by the General Accounting Office. Explains generally the author­ ity vested in the GAO and its policies and prac~ices in carrying out and reporting on its contract examinations. 1966. Booklet, 25 pp. 15 cents. Cat. No. GA 1.2: Au2/5 lllus·trative Accounting Procedures for Federal Agencies-­ Simplified Payroll System.. Describes the forms, records, and procedures required for small Government agencies. 1965. Book Iet, 34 pp. 20 cents. Cat. No. GA 1. 14: P94/2 A 1962 booklet in this series is listed in Part II. Improvement of Financial Management in the United States Government. Booklets. Fifteen Years of Progress, 1948-1963. 102 pp. 35 cents. Highlights of Progress, Fiscal Year 1964. 100 pp. 35 cents. The Joint Financial Management Improvement Program, Annual Report Fiscal Year 1965. 71 pp. 30 cents. 2 ) ./ J. \ I einJ: Joint Financial Management Improvement Program, An­ nual Report Fiscal Year 1966. 71 pp. 30 cents. Joint Financial Management Improvement Program in the Federal Government, its Scope, Objectives, and Methods, 1967. 16 pp. 15 cents. Joint Financial Management Improvement Program, An­ nual Report Fiscal Year 1967. 79 pp. 40 cents. Cat. No. GA 1. l2:1(year) The Language of Audit Reports. How to make report writing for business and Government purposes clear and concise. 1957. Booklet, 85 pp. 35 cents. Cat. No. (use title & year) 3 Part 11 AVAILABLE WITHOUT CHARGE FROM THE GEN­ ERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, PUBLICATIONS SEC­ TION, ROOM 6427, WASHINGTON, D. C. 20548, TELEPHONE 202-386-3233 The supyly of copies of these publications is limited. Re­ quests for more than one copy will be considered to the ex­ tent the available supply pen.nits upon receipt of a statement setting forth the purpose to be served by additional copies. These publications maJ be copied or reproduced for private or public use by any individual or organization. Accounting Principles and Standards for Federal Agencit;s. 1965 (with 1967 Revisions). Booklet, 80 pp. Review Guide for Federal Agency Accounting Systems. To assist Federal agencies in developing and reviewing their ac­ counting systems. 1966. Booklet, 41 pp. Illustrative Accounting Procedures for Federal Agencies. Application of the accrual basis of accounting and simplied fund control procedures for agencies and programs having predominantly personal service cost. 1962. Booklet, 28 pp. A 1965 booklet in this series is listed in Part I. The Joint Financial Management Improvement Program. An­ nual Reports for fiscal years 1949 through 1962. Booklets. Supply very limited. A request for copies should include a statement of need and purposes . ' 1: Other booklets in this series are listed in Part I. I ·' legislation Affecting the Work of the General Accounting Of­ fice. Compilations including pertinent excerpts from laws af­ fecting the work and jurisdiction of GAO. Booklets. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended th rough the 89th Congress. 27 pp. 1966. Supplement .No. 1, Legislation other than the Budget and Accounting Act. 45. pp. 1966. Supplement No. 2, Legislation enacted by the 89th Con­ gress. 54 pp. 1967. Purpose and Objective of Independent Audits. Primary pur­ pose of audit and related subject discussed. 1961. Booklet, 10 pp. Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States. Single copies of decisions which will be published in the monthly pamphlets and annual volumes. :\ 4 I I t . ---------~· - - ---·-·- ~-- _! _ - -~-- ·- D0g8s·~ of P11.J1blished Decisions of -aile Comptm ~D err Ge if\l eira!. Issued monthly or more frequently. Digests or Unpublished Decisions o·f the Comptrnlier General. Booklets. Available free to Government agencies and public and school libraries. Appropriations and Miscellaneous Subjects Vol. X, Nos. 1-4, July 1966- June 1967 Vol. XI, No. 1,July- Dec. 1967 Civilian Personnel Vol. X, No. 1, July - Sept. 1966 • . .. - .. Vol. X, No. 2, Oct. - Dec. 1966 Vol. X, No. 3, Jan. - Mar. 1967 Vol. X, No. 4, Apr. - June 1967 ... Vol. XI, No. 1, July - Sept. 1967 Vol. XI, No. 2, Oct - Dec. 1967 Contracts Vol. X, No. 1, July- Sept. 1966 Vol. X, No. 2, Oct. - Dec. 1966 Vol. X, No. 3; Jan. - Mar. 1967 Vol. X, No. 4, Apr. - June 1967 Vol. XI, No. 1, July - Sept. 1967 Vol. XI, No. 2, Oct. - Dec. 1967 Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services Vol. X, No. 1, July - Sept. 1966 Vol. X, No. 2; Oct. - Dec. 1966 Vol. X, No. 3, Jan. - Mar. 1967 Vol. X, No. 4, Apr. - June 1967 Vol. XI, No. 1, July - Sept. 1967 Vol. XI, No. 2, Oct. - Dec. 1967 Transportation i Vol. IX, No. 4 ahd Vol. X, Nos. 1and2, · Apr. - Dec. 1966 Vol. X, Nos. 3 and 4, Jan. - June 1967 Vol. XI, No. 1, July- Dec. 1967 Other published material concerning decisions of _the Comptroller General u:ill be found in Part I. 5 Manuals on Statutory Prnvisions Re~ating to l!l. S. Govemment Activities. Book lets. Civilian Leave Manual Civilian Pay Manual Civilian Travel Manual GAO Newsletter. Capsule review of GAO activities, monthly. 4 pp. GAO News Releases. Circular Letters to Heads of Departments, Independent Agen­ cies, and Others. Issued by the Comptroller General to Fed­ eral Agency Heads on many subjects. Debarred List. Consolidated list of persons or firms currently debarred for violations of various public contract acts incor­ porating labor standard provisions. Quarterly. Interim lists are issued semi-monthly. Your Professional Development in the U.S. General Account­ ing Office. A description of the professional environment, as­ signments, and opportunities for professional development of college graduates in the GAO. 1966. Brochure, 32 pp. Illus­ trated. United States General Accounting Office Needs Graduates In ... Statistics, Finance, Mathematics, Business Administration, Engineering, Economics, and Industrial Management. 1967. Recruiting pamphlet, 24 pp. Planning-Programming-Budgeting and Systems Analysis Glos­ sary. Contains general definitions and descriptions of terms pertaining to PPBS. January 1968. Booklet, 42 pp. 6 Part UI AVAILABLE FROM THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, REPORT DISTRIBUTION SECTION, ROOM 6417, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548, TELEPHONE 202- 386-3784 Review Guide for Evahrntirng intemal Controls in Automatic Data Processing Systems. For use by GAO staffs in Federal agencies and other organizations. 1968. Pamphlet. 45 pp. Compilation of Statutory Restrictions on GAO Audit Author­ ity and Responsibility. Revision of the compilation issued in September, 1961. 1966. Booklet, 36 pp. Speeches by the Comptroller General and Assistant Comptrol­ ler General. Jan. 1 - June 30, 1968. Available on request. BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL "The Truth-In-Negotiations Act in Perspective," to the Ma­ chinery and Allied Products Institute, Washington, D. C., Jan. 22. "GAO Audits Bearing on Risk and Return in the Defense Industry," to the Electronic Industries Association Sympo­ sium on Economics for the Defense Industry, Washington, D.C., March 5.
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