Time: 04-05-2012 23:05 User: ccathcart PubDate: 04-06-2012 Zone: IN Edition: 1 Page Name: B4 Color: CyanMagentaYellowBlack B4 | FRIDAY,APRIL 6, 2012 | THE COURIER-JOURNAL INDIANA &DEATHS | courier-journal.com IN Car designer Porsche, 76, dies Came up with four-cylinder.It’sacombi- day.” nation that the company Porsche was the son of 911sportscar has evolved instead of re- former Porsche Chairman placing and which turns on Ferry Porsche, who died in By David McHugh car enthusiasts even today. 1998, and the grandson of Associated Press The 911, now in its sev- Ferdinand Porsche, who enth version, remains rec- started the company as a FRANKFURT, Germany — ognizably the same vehi- design and engineering The Porsche 911, with its cle, though with much up- firm in the 1930s. sloping roof line, long hood dated mechanical parts Born in Stuttgart on and powerful rear engine, and technology. Dec. 11,1935, F.A. Porsche has been asports car-lov- The new car was origi- was initiated into the fam- er’sfantasy for the half- nally designated the 901, ily business while still a century since its1963 intro- but the number was boy,spending time in his duction. Its creator,Ferdi- changed because French grandfather’sworkshops nand Alexander Porsche, competitor Peugeot and design facilities. He 76, grandson of the auto- claimed apatent on car studied at the Ulm School maker’sfounder,has died. names formed with azero of Design and joined the Porsche died Thursday in the middle. company in 1958, taking in Salzburg, Austria, Manny Alban, president over the design studio in Porsche AG said. No cause of the 106,000-member 1962. was provided. Porsche Club of America, Porsche left the opera- Known as F.A. to his col- compares the design to the tional part of the company leagues, Porsche headed Coca-Cola bottle —anout- with other family members Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, 76, designed the 911sports car for his company founded by the company’sdesign stu- line that’sinstantly famil- in the early 1970s and in his grandfather. AP dio in the early 1960s when iar even to people who are 1972 founded adesign busi- it needed areplacement for not auto enthusiasts. ness, Porsche Design Stu- through pure form,” he from global competition the family’sholding com- its first car,the Porsche Porsche CEO Matthias dio, where he created eye- once said. and astrong German mark pany Porsche SE and by 356. Mueller paid tribute to the glasses, watches and pens. He served as chairman that hindered exports. The Volkswagen AG. He came up with some- 911creator,saying in a As adesigner,he of Porsche AG from 1990 to company also makes the Porsche was to be bur- thing sleek, ruthlessly statement that he “founded stressed function over dec- 1993 and helped steer the Cayenne sport utility,Pa- ied in aprivate ceremony stripped of decoration, and aculture of design in our oration. “Aformally coher- family firm through acri- namera four-door and the in the chapel at Schuettgut, packing asix-cylinder en- company that distinguish- ent product needs no deco- sis as sales plunged in the Boxster sportscar. the Porsche family’sestate gine where the 356 had a es our sports cars even to- ration, it should be elevated late 1980s under pressure Porsche AG is owned by in Zell am See, Austria. ‘Banjo’ 3hurtinambulance-truckcollision The Courier-Journal bourne Parkway when it lice officer from Seventh Fern Creek and Jeffer- slowed entering the Bards- Division driving nearby re- sontown firefighters had to Three people were sent town Road intersection, ported the accident at 5:09 extract the pickup driver, McKenna to ahospital Thursday af- said Alicia Smiley,ap.m., she said. Fern Creek Fire Chief ter apickup and aLouis- spokeswoman for Louis- Tw opeople in the ambu- Mike Schmidt said. The ville Metro EMS ambu- ville Metro Police. lance were transported to man was transported to a lance collided in the Fern The Ford pickup was University Hospital with hospital. Smiley said he dead at 72 Creek area. eastbound on Bardstown injuries that did not appear was conscious and alert be- Witnesses told police Road in aturn lane when life-threatening, Smiley fore the extraction. the ambulance was respon- the two vehicles collided, said. Smiley said she was The Louisville Metro Last of original Barney ding to acall and south- she said. unaware of any patients in Police Traffic Unit is inves- McKenna of bound on South Hurst- ALouisville Metro Po- the ambulance. tigating. folk Dubliners the Dubliners, By Shawn Pogatchnik an Irish folk Associated Press group, died Sculptor Elizabeth Catlett dies in Mexico Thursday. DUBLIN—“Banjo”Bar- AP By Adriana Gomez Licon dren and la- born. She said she knew what she knew best. ney McKenna, the last Associated Press borers, and from age 6that she wanted Catlett took his advice to original member of the tuned, four-stringed tenor prints of to be an artist. heart and began making Irish folk band the Dublin- banjo, then avirtually un- MEXICO CITY — Sculp- Mexicans She attended Howard images of strong and beau- ers, died Thursday while known instrument in Ire- tor and printmaker Eliza- and black University where she grad- tiful black women, making having tea with afriend. land that he made an Irish beth Catlett, aU.S. expatri- Americans. uated with abachelor’sde- signature issues of racial He was 72 and had just folk favorite. ate renowned for her digni- Catlett, gree in art and then got her identity,family dynamics marked his 50th year with The gravel-voiced fied portrayals of African- born on master’satthe University and social and political the troupe. Drew recruited him to Fri- American and Mexican Catlett April 15, of Iowa where she was a struggle. Irish classical guitarist day night “sessions” —im- women and who was 1915,was student of Grant Wood, Catlett is survived by Michael Howard, who was promptu bar-side concerts barred from her home raised by her mother,a painter of the iconic three sons, 10 grandchil- with McKenna when he —atO’Donoghue’s, adi- country for political activ- teacher,because her father “American Gothic.” Wood dren and six great-grand- died, said he was talking minutive pub near the ism during the McCarthy had died before she was told her to make art about children, her family said. with his longtime friend at Irish parliament. It soon era, has died. She was 96. his kitchen table when “all gained areputation as the Maria Antonieta Alva- of asudden, Barney’shead country’stop venue for rez, Catlett’sdaughter-in- dropped down to his chest. live folk music, with the law,said the artist died It looked as if he’d nodded Dubliners performing Monday in ahouse in Cuer- off.” alongside such other ris- navaca, Mexico, where she ���� ��� ��� �������� �������������������������������� ����� ��� ������� ������� ������� �������� �������� ��� ����� “The comfort that I ing folk stars as the Chief- had lived since 1976. take from it is: He passed tains and the Fureys. Born in Washington, METRO Vivian Rose Franklin, 76 Sean Christian Stager,27 away very peacefully sit- Many noted how Mc- D.C., Catlett moved to Mex- Gloria Maxine Anderson, 85 Mary Casil (Kissell) Paul MerrittAlcorn, 28 ting at his own breakfast Kenna always made time ico in 1946, became friends Pousardien Hilger,90 table having aquiet cup of to help younger musicians with Mexican muralist Die- Betty Ann Atherton Eleanor R. Graves, 78 tea and achat,” Howard learn the art of the tenor go Rivera and others in his (Kandler), 74 Elbert “Dean” Killebrew,86 Steve Manship,58 said. banjo, particularly the in- circle, and married Mexi- William Perry “Bill” Marc Alan Lehmann, 27 “What alovely way to tricacies of his own strum- can artist Francisco Mora. Judy K. Maudlin, 59 James “Pugg” Neathery,40 go,” said McKenna’sDub- ming and tuning tech- She became known for Aubrey,88 Martha EllenWayne, 67 liners bandmate for a niques. her commitment to win- Fredrick“Freddy” Baisch,86 Ludie DeSpain O’Brien, 80 quarter-century,guitarist “His influence on and ning greater rights for Paul Clarke “Bear” Otte, 56 Deborah “Debbie” Moore, 78 and singer Eamonn Camp- generosity to other instru- blacks, women and work- John Boland, 44 bell. mentalists was immense,” ers in the United States and Robert Raymond McKenna was consid- said Irish President Mi- her adopted country.Cat- KENTUCKY ered the most influential chael D. Higgins, who saw lett witnessed almost ev- Bromwell Jr., 69 INDIANA banjo player in Irish folk McKenna perform last ery important artistic and W.H. “Bill” Claxon, 86 Venice Morgan, 94 See page B5 music. He spent ahalf-cen- month in aDublin cathe- social movement of the tury performing, record- dral at one of the Dublin- 20th century and traveled ing and touring with the ers’ many 50th anniversa- in some of the same illustri- AUBREY, WILLIAM PERRY "BILL,” band ever since its 1962 ry performances. ous circles as the great 88, was received into the creation in the Dublin pub “He was like abrother American artist Jacob arms of his Lord on April O’Donoghue’s. The other to me,” recalled fiddler Lawrence and poet Lang- 4, 2012. three founders —Ronnie John Sheahan, who joined ston Hughes. �������� ������������� He served in the United Drew,Ciaran Bourke and the Dubliners in 1964 and She was arrested during States Marine Corps, was Luke Kelly —died in 2008, remains in the band today. arailroad workers’ protest aretired inspector for 1988 and 1984, respective- McKenna’ Dutch wife, in Mexico City in 1958 and American Air Filter and a Baptist, attending Park- ly. Joka, died 28 years ago, in 1962 the U.S. State De- ANDERSON, GLORIA MAXINE, wood Baptist Church.
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