Words The Newsletter of Family History Society Volume 10, Number I Denver, Colorado January, February, March 2009 Cetebratipi,g .25- years! .40 .# 4,41 a0 44r„:0. at le then in articles about Irish landlords. This A Gentle Class of Landlord copy came from an 1880 history of the Fortes- cue family. By then, the family's influence — Zoe von Ende Lappin was beginning to wane as the great estates were gradually being liquidated, but some- A little satire, plus precious old documents, body in the family must have had the sense of bring Irish history to life. humor required to include this bit of satire in the fat and stolid family history book.I This William Henry held the top job from 1776 to his death in 1806, and was succeeded by three indirect heirs. They were Protestants. My family was Catholic. The Fortescues, it seems, were rather benign as Irish landlords went. As a class, landlords often were detested and ridiculed even more than the English government. The Great Fa- mine of the 1840s forced evictions that re- sulted in constant criticism of one of these Fortescues — Thomas Fortescue, William Hen- ry's third successor as Lord Clermont. That was despite his generosity — he had donated land for a workhouse and coal to his tenants. The Dundalk Democrat and People's Journal, in its Nov. 10, 1849, edition damned him with faint praise: A NIE NE RABLP, PEER . "We acknowledge that Mr. (Thomas) Fortes- taken on the RAGE COURSE BRIGHTON. cue is one of the best landlords in Louth, but [ %Chi arm- Hrnry. .Earl or Clermor, this is no praise at all because we maintain that there is not a really good landlord in the coun- The dude with the badge, the pigtail and the ty." The landlord class was the impudent hat astride a horse in the caricature here was newspaper's favorite target, and this Thomas William Henry Fortescue, Earl of Clermont, in 1854 won a libel judgment of 250 pounds County Louth, Ireland — one of four members against it.2 Dundalk, then and now, is the of his family who in the 18th and 19th centuries Louth county town (we'd say county seat). were my family's landlords. The original sketch by an anonymous cartoon- ist is dated 1802 and it pops up every now and cont'd on page 5 W.I.S.E. Words — - - 2 - JantIag,February, March 2009 necessary effort: (1) Book Review Editor, Zoe von Ende Lappin; (2) Photographer, John President's Mossman: (3) Elizabeth Brown, Proof Reader; and (4) Distribution Coordinator Bonnie L. Message Wright. Among your Officers and Board Members it It hardly seems possible, but the 2009 New was not unusual to see persons performing Year is upon us. This will be my last message mutual functions. Among the Country Editors, to you as President of our Wales, Ireland, certain familiar names, are again repeated: (1) Scotland, England Family History Society and Elizabeth Brown, Wales; (2) Zoe von Ende I wish to take this opportunity to extend a Lappin, Ireland; (3) John Mossman, Scotland; thank you to our membership, whose contin- and (4) Paul Kilburn, England. John and Paul ued generous support assisted in making the have also served as former Presidents of 2008 W.I.S.E. year the success it was. W.I.S.E. The 2008 Officers and Board Members of W.I.S.E. will be losing the services of our out- W.I.S.E. deserve special thanks for the dedica- going Treasurer Tommi Kadotani, who has tion each of them brought to their positions as served our society in this position for several they went forward and implemented the pur- years. In addition, our Membership Chair, poses of our Society. As you know our goals Bonnie L. Wright, made the decision to step are, in part, to foster an interest in the geneal- down from the vital membership position. ogy and family history of the British Isles, as Bonnie also carried out a project involving well as to increase the educational opportuni- British Isles publications at the Central Denver ties and knowledge of the members, of our so- Public Library, which time and effort must not ciety and the general public. go unrecognized. W.I.S.E. will miss the professionalism with As I look back on the year, I note with pride which Tommie and Bonnie approached their the outstanding effort put forth in behalf of Treasurer and Membership Chair positions. the purposes of our society by our Vice Presi- Just as importantly, were the important contri- dent and Program Chair Sandy Carter-Duff, as butions each individual brought forward in evidenced by the many outstanding quality board meeting discussions. We wish each of programs made available to an interested them well and appreciate the respective efforts audience. which were made in behalf of W.I.S.E. as they As you read our outstanding W.I.S.E. Words carried out their responsibilities. newsletter please take a moment to reflect The dedication of W.I.S.E. Secretary, Eileen upon the quality of this publication, its scho- Langdon, whose accurate board minutes were larly research findings, and educational mate- vital to the organization, as well as the British rials, brought together in a quarterly Isles publications project in which she partici- production process for distribution to our pated at the Central DPL deserve our special membership as well as those who have a spe- thanks. cial interest in the genealogy of the British Isles. An organization such as W.I.S.E. could hardly have operated without relying upon the com- The Newsletter Staff, so ably led by Judith S. petence of volunteers and board members such Phelps as Editor, deserves a very special rec- as Fran and Dan Parker. They hit the ground ognition. Judith, of course was backed up by running when asked to take on the important W.I.S.E. members who brought their respec- Publicity Coordinator positions, thereby al- tive professional talents as well as sharing un- lowing us to bring our programs and other in- selfishly of their time to this important and itiatives to the attention of the general public. W.I.S.E. Words January, February, March 2009 CCGS Delegate, and Hospitality Chair Thelma Woodard worked well with other or- ganizations in the furtherance of the purposes Time to Renew Member- of our Society and was an important contribu- ships tor to our Society's efforts. Our longtime Members' Interest Coordinator, Terence Time flies when you are having fun Quirke performed his charge in a most compe- researching your family history. Once tent manner, whether at our programs or board again it is time to initiate new mem- meetings. A founding member of our 25-year- berships or renew existing member- old society, Ann Lisa Pearson, continued to ships to the W.I.S.E., Family History serve the organization as the 2008 Audit Society. Annual dues remain the same Committee Chair. at $12 per individual and $15 for couples. This covers a calendar year. Without the contributions of time, talent and A small reminder form is enclosed in resources from all the above, we could not this newsletter for your convenience meet the goals and purposes of our Society in in submitting your payment to: 2008. Thanks to one and all! N. G. Craig, W.I.S.E. Membership as a past Certainly, James K. Jeffrey, not just 3801 Windsor Avenue President of W.I.S.E., but considering the past Colorado Springs, CO 80907-4748. year's celebration of our Society's 25th Anni- versary, he was always there in an advisory You can also bring your checks to the role to offer his thoughts on issues, whether January 24th meeting. small or large, to the continued efficient func- tioning of our Society. The annual W.I.S.E. research trip to Salt Lake City so ably organized and coordinated by Zoe In This Issue Lappin is another society highlight. New or A Gentle Class of Landlord 1 renewed friendships and research finds of the nineteen participants proved memorable. President's Message 2 Time to Renew Membership Dues 3 Lastly, I strongly urge our Membership to be in attendance at the Annual Membership Irish Seminar a Success 4 Meeting, Saturday January 24, 2009. We will Salt Lake City Research Trip 4 elect two new officers for the 2009-2010 term. Two longtime members of W.I.S.E. who have Welsh Society Activities 4 consistently supported our Society, Zoe von W.I.S.E. Program Schedule 5 Ende Lappin, and Nancy Craig, are standing W.I.S.E. Annual Meeting 8 for election as President and Treasurer, respec- tively. Please be on hand to participate in the Old English Recipe for Ink 9 election of the officers of your Society and Book Reviews 10 enjoy another excellent W.I.S.E. program. United Kingdom Research Tips 11 I do want to thank you for the privilege of New Books Bibliography 12 serving you as your President in the past year. May all the best come the way of W.I.S.E. in Member Biographies 13 the New Year. Photo Album 15 tVuayte Iff:totiirretr Calendar of Events 16 W.I.S.E. Words _ — January, February, March 2009 Irish Seminar A Success W.LS.E. Family History Society The conference center of the Denver Public W.I.S.E. Family History Society is dedicated to re- Library filled nearly to the brim for the search in Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, the W.I.S.E.
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