Speaking! Easter! Fire! TheDAVI^BsONIANS FOR A BETTER DAVIDSON DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C. MARCH 22, 1923 No. 21 WHERE gladdenedhearts are look- LIFE SERVICECONFERENCESCONDUCTEDBY ing to COACH VERDANT The best time of the year; HE'S DIAMONDOUTFIT WHEN springtime blossoms scent DR.MEETON CLARK OF COLUMBIA SEMINARY the air ASSUMESPOLISH OFINTENSIVE TRAINING And leave a note of cheer. WHY such it is of wondrous worth, Active Campaign Waged by Exceeding that last fall. Buck Builds Formidable Nine M. A. ToHelpStu- Y. C. JUNIORSPEAKINGPROMISES WHO free from cares of books a FOURSTRONG TEAMSTOBE FromHost ofInauspicious dents Solve Life while Candidates. Problems. TOECLIPSE PREVIOUSONES Won't heed the clarion call? OUTBY1923 CINDER SQUAD WHAT front, WEALTH OF FIVE DAYS ACTIVITY is it then that looms in MOUNDSMEN Movies, Class Football and Dra- A gladsome time for all? Team Presents Its Strongest Front in Various Field Wildcats Slated for Heaviest YoungPeoples Worker Aids in matic Club to Add to JUNIOR SPEAKING! Festivities. Events. Schedule in Many Services by LeadingSinging. Seasons. Under the auspices of th eCollege FOUR HOLIDAYS MANY VETERANS Davidson College, the lair of the M.C. A.,Dr. Melton, former DRAMATIC CLUBTOPUBLISH Y. pas- Sup- Team tobeDeterminedby Time. Wildcats, is all excited over the Red tor of prominent churches in North Classes Vote Unanimous port to Trial at an Early Date. and Blackbaseballmachine.1923 mod- and South Carolina, andnow a mem- Committee at FIRSTYEARBOOK OF PLAYS Meeting. el, which will make its initial appear- ber of the faculty of Columbia Theo- Recent In spiteof the prevailing bad weath- ance on the diamondnext week against logicalSeminary,conducted Spring Book To Contain Original Play the The stage is set! Plans are com- er the Wildcat track artists have been he Oak Ridge aggregation. ThePres Life And Account of Minstrel Service Campaign, which closed plete, details are perfected, and the puttingin alotof hard work on Sprunt hyterian team is not expected to last Sunday night. Trip. get orchestra is jazzinga snappy overture, Field since the first call for candidates very far this season under the load The series of inspirational services while Stage Directors Ted Jones, last month. Several preliminary trials of the heaviest schedule arranged begun Wednesday evening In keeping with the progress being was and Wiggs Bradford, ListonElkins, 'Lias have been held, and though the melt for a Red and Black nine in recent through madein College dramatics, the David- continued Sunday, with the Faison and Alky Jones are shouting to wear the Red and Black in the first years. Possibly not, but Buck Currie omission of the Saturday son Dramatic Club is planning to is- eveningser- for the hands to run up the curtain on meet will not be selected for a couple has assembled a bunch of youngsters vice. Clark spoke — sue a yearhook that willcompare with Dr. at the chapel the bigest hit of the season of weeks yet, CoachGrey has been en- who are hustling to the limit of their Junior similar publications issued by the hour each morning in addition to the Speaking. abled to get a goud idea of what mate- endurance, and old Man Dope has main service of the evening,and filled North Carolina Playmakers, With four full glorious holidaysof rial lie has cm hand. The firsc meet been known to slip up on several oc- pulpit of The the the Presbyterian church freedom from the cares of the world, book will probably contain all is with South Carolina on April 5th casions. at both Sunday services. the plays writtif.by members of the - the junior class proposes to set a fes- and by that time the .squad should ! » rVith three weeks' tr.uning behind WEDNESDAY SERVICE tivity record that has never been par- Club that have been produced here, in pretty good shape. them the team has developed a great The Call to Service soundedby including was allelled,andthat willserve as a worthy the casts and probablysome In the field events the Wildcats deal and will be in prime condition Doctor Clark in his opening pictures sermon. goal toward which all future classes at of each. There will also be ought to be stronger than everbefore, when Oak Ridge arrives next Friday. Isaiah, He tookas his text the wordsof Davidson will set their eye. They a picture of the DramaticClub. The and in Gracey, Streibich, McCombs Coach Currie is an exponent of the "Also Iheard the voice of the Lord present for the pleasure of the stu- write-up, program, etc., of the min- and Lindacmoud, they have peppy, hustling, brainy team that is saying, Whom shall Then Calhouil Isend? dent body one of the most attractive strel trip will be one of the main ar- some strongmen to array against thier filled with the old Wildcat fighting I, I, said Here am send me." programs ever offered at Davidson, ticles. opponents. Gracey is the most versa- spirit. That is the type of team Da- speaker The said in part, "God and with the support of the Wildcat E. T. Woolfolk, president of the tile man on the squad, and last year vidson's opponents may expect to meet speaks in various ways. calls Club, as He men Clan, they have every opportunity of will act editor-in-chief and was high pon titrian forthe season. He this season. in differentways, He Cooper as manager. but calls allmen making the occasion one of history. W. J. business is equally at home in the pole vault, The problem of findingplayerswho to service for Him." Take heed! ye Creoles, lest Mardi The rest of the staff will be chosen high jump, hurdles, javelin and broad can crown thehorsehide on the trade- Doctor Clark calledinto a touching Gras be overshadowed. later. jump,and wilIgivehis opponents trou- mark is the one that is worrying Boss illustration such he as used throughout The cautions committee who are en- The book willbe issued before Com- ble in .-ill of them. Streibich was with Buck just now. If thehigh class hit- his sermons, whichhelp to drive home trusted with the arrangement of the mencement if possible and willbe sold the Wildcatsin'21,and isreturningfor ting blossoms forth everything will to his hearers the great truths he pro- program for the week-end, are about to themembers of the Student body at another year onthe hurdlesand jumps. be as sweet as the sugar in the bowl, pounds. — as talkative as the proverbial clam, as low a price as is practical. It is Both Streibich and Graceyare in their but if it doesn't blooie for the Red "When there is a response in our but they have allowedenough "confi- (Continued on Page S) element on the trnck and are working and Black. God, lives to the willof our lives will dential stuff" to pass their lips to as- hard to make this year the best yet. The pitching staff is Coach Cur- blessing become a to the world. Our sure the students and visitors a jam Calhnun will probablybe the main- rie's pride. Hunter, BousheeandSor- big - lives are made and grand by car- up good time from Friday morning Davidsonian Election slay in the high jump. Last year the (Continued on Page 7) rying out His will. till the big hours of Saturday night. long boy reached feet 8 inches, but Page 6) (Contined on Adam'sRib,under the auspices of the ListonD.Elkins,of Waycross, since that lime he has bettered that Y. M. C. A., should prove a fitting Ga., a member of the rising Se- mark onseveral occasions. He hashis Basketball Captain j Basketball Manager introduction Thursday night. Toney nior class, was elected editor-in- eye set at six feet this year. declares this one of the best pictures chief of the Davidsonian for the The loss of Regen. due to a recent At a recent meeting of the basket- In a recent election for the basket- he couldbook for theoccasion. next year at a meetingof the stu- operation, was a hard blow in the ballletter men, Nappy Davis, for three ball managershipof next year, W. Z. If indications are worth anything, dent body Tuesday, March 13th. weights. Rcgen showed promise of years amember of the Wildcat Quint, Bradford won out over J. F. Smith and if ole man dope doesn't spill the His opponent was H. R. Jones, fitting into the place that Big Knight was elected captain for the season of by the narrow margin of four"Votes beans, the "fire" for the occasion will W. Z. Bradford having with- filled so well last year. With Regen 1924. Both had proved their ability for this come multitudinouslyand voluminous- drawn from the race before the goneLindamoodwillprobablydo most Making his letter the first year at kind of work and it was nip and tuck ly from the quarters of the Southland. election. of the shot putting, while McCombs guard, Nappy played a great game on as to who should get the position. All college property is being heavily Elkins is one of the foremost and Gracey will take care of the jave the floor and guarded his man like a Bradford was oneof the two assistant insured and fire equipment installed, journalists in the Davidson stu- Iin. The discus in one of the events leech. Last year, thoughkept out of managers last fall. much to the financial distress of the dent body and his electioncomes that is at presentuntenanted. Several several games, he showedup well, anc Allindicationspointtowardthe1924 students and to the jubilant praise of as a rewardof muchtime andef- men are working on it however, and this season has had to play the diffi- basketball schedule as the best yet.
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