__ .......... _...... _____________ .., ; ~ ,;FILM --- ~ -- - PRESERVATION --- -=- - ASSOCIATES 8307 San Fernnndo Road Sun Valley, CA (H352 Telephone: 818 768-5376 BLACKHAWK FILMS in 16mm January 1992. wtU mark the 100th birthday of Hal Roach (it seems likely that he wtU celebrate it in person) and of OUuer Hardy. To commemorate these milestones, we offer Dog• of War, a 1923 "Our Gang" comedy written as weU as produced by Hal RCX1Ch which includes fabulous behind-the-scenes ]<>Of.age of the Roa.ch Studio lot, two pre­ Laurel appearances by Hardy, and a rare specw.l price on a Laurel & Hardy classic. Addittona.l special centennial releases wUl be announced dwing the year. Other comedy rartties and Blackhawk Library ''firsts" for your Special consideration: Harold Lloyd's best sound film. The Milky Way directed by Leo McCarey, tn a first class print; an ingratiating Soutet satire of 1925. The Tailor from Torzhok ; and perhaps best of all (certainly least expensive of all), an ingenious trtck farce, The Thieving Hand, produced by Vltagraph in 1908, which has been enchanting audiences lucky enough to stumble across it in museum and other special showings since tts rediscovery tn 1986. A solemn anniversary commemorates the surprise attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor. HawaiL December 7th, 1941 , w hich brought the United States into World War II Just fifty years ago. We offer a complete theatrtcal newsreel reporting that e vent in the language and attitude of the time, and Hwnphrey Jennings· brillia nt Listen to Britain, which ts among the most powerful wartime documentaries. PEARL HARBOR THE MILKY WAY (1942) $85 (1936) $500 In one of the most fortuitous accidents of fll m history Movlctone '"The Milky Way was Lloyd's best Ciitically acclaimed picture tn the News cameraman Al Br1ck was filming a travelogue at Pearl Harbor 30und era. It ~led a stellar supporting cast, and for the first Umc when Japan attacked our naval and air forces on Dcccmbcr 7, 1941, Lloyd Jct thoec aroWlCI him shine on their own merits (caust.n,q The br1ngtng the United States Into World War II . Thus Movlc tonc New Yorlc Tlmes to declare. 'We expected a one-man 9how: T he secured exclusive. authentic scenes of the dcvastanon •• but all Milky Way la a three ring c1rcua·1.. The balance achieved between Br1ck's foot.age was Immediately set.zed by the Na vy Department. and Lloyd and the rest of the cast. the witty dialogue and delightful pace not until a year later were some of the shot!I clcan:d for public maintained by (dm:ctor Leo) McCarcy. the comblnaUon of v1sual cxhlb!Uon . This rclca.9C. one of the few newsreel tssues dcvo tt'.d to a and verbal gags, and the lntcre~tlng character development of single subject. was dlstrttiutcd to theaters by 20th Century fox on Lloyd "s role all conspired to make this ftl m a deliciously the ~ t annlversary of Pearl Harbor and la presented here exactly cntcrtatntng delight ." (Mam Rei lly In Harold LJ.oyd.: The Ktng of as or1glnally s hown. Narrated by Lowell Thomas In the Jtngotsnc ~ Comedy) With Adolphe MenJou. Vercc Teasdale. Helen vocabulary of wartime. the story empha.st.z:cs the "mlRCulous · rcpa1r Mack, Lionel Stander: Directed by Leo McCarcy (7\uo Tars, Big of da mage ma de to seem Iese severe than It really wns. The fllm Bustneu, Gotng My Way, The Awful 1h.ith. Duck Soup! Prints arc concludes with a proml9C to "slap the Jape nght off the mapl" (9 min.) excellent (89 minutes. released by Paramount) JI©~"J'J,Wo :J'©)!;E~o il"J'Q~ @~tlt ©'".7 m~]) ~~ ~©~W~ "WJ"'lll 'if~ ffi"J"Il'~'TI' rLil~ JI~W~ ~@~ @~@Q ;J;~;:R~ DOGSOFWAR THE THIEVING HAND (1923) $100 (1908) $40 A simply bcauUful pr1nt of one of the most Interesting early "' Our The five-minute story of a one-armed beggar who Is given a Gang'' comedies . the larger part of this Alm takes place a t the Hal prosthetic hand. The unruly appendage (50meUmes animated) not Roach Studio ("West Coast Studios" In the movie) when the Gang only hu a mind of Its own but ai50 Is an Incurable klcptomanlacl follows Mary Kornman from their play-battlcfteld after she gets a /vi the tall which wag.'t the dog, 30 to speak, the new arm puts lt.s part In one of the movles-wtlhtn-thc•movtc . Should Husbands "master" In one compromising postnon after another. Released In Work? Amid lots of clever sight /Yll!,S , parodies of mOVlc cllches. and January, 1908, by the pioneering Vltagraph Company of Amer1ca, a memorable cameo of Harold Lloyd at work wtth Jobyna Ral5ton on this rediscovery was Included In Lhc American Federation of Arts Lloyd's cu rrcnt feature Why WOfTll?, there are ~ood looks a t many touring series "Before Hollywood" and was the surpnsc htt of standing sets, studio stnxta. and other cnvtrons of this famous laugh Clnccon 26 In 1990. Our edition ~ prepared using the or1glnal factory. "Fun all the way ...· (Leonard Mallin and Richard W Bann, 35mm camera negative by lllTIIIlgement With George Eastman House Our Ganfj All or1glnal Pathc titles. (24 minutes at 18 fps silen t) We haYc scored the film wtt.h pcnod music. recorded at 18 fps. AUTI}MN 199 1 SUPPLEMENT p )])@G~U~~~W ~~~';r~l:ruPillm©~~ THE TAILOR FROM TORZHOK LISTEN TO EiRITAIN • (1925) $425 (1942) $175 •R.•ln<:li!d fo the Untt.d .,tat.ea A Soviet film comedy of 1925, 'The Tallor Jrom Torzhok was one of the tremendous domesuc hits of Its era (at the same time Soviet The sights and llDunds of u people at war: the roar of spitfires and audiences greeted Battleship Potemktn and other revolutionary tanks, the noise of furnaces and factories, the march of miners and productions With yawning lnd!lfcrcnce). After the Communist Party soldiers, mustc of Beethoven. Brahms and Mozart, folk-songs, asserted control over the film tndusuy 1n 1927, this production music-hall routines. ch~ ac:ttvltlC!I and speech of ordinary people -­ became the model of success for others to emulate. And It (s goodl all arc combined by Humphrey Jennings and Stewart Mc.Allister Directed by Yakov Protazanov (one of the two most Important Into a poel1c testament to the spirit of England. This Is one of the filmmakers of pre-revolutionary Russia. who emigrated tn 1918 but most beautiful and p,:rsonal of all British documentary films. was induced to return In 1924 with a commission to direct the Prints arc from an auth :nuc British negative. ( 19 minutes) science fiction spectacle Aellla. the Queen of Marsl, Tailor's success typecast Protaza.nov as a maker of contcmponu:y satire. Vladl.mtr Turkln's story concerns a small-town tailor II . llyinks), his THE RIVER character apparently modelled on the early French fllm comic (1937) Andre Deed, who woos a widow (L. Deika) With the tasteless gift of a $230 lottery ticket - which wins big, of CO\.lr.lC. Stnce all SoYtct fllms were ,Durtng the Depression >f the 1930s, a series of documentary films made for political purposes. It comes as no surpnae to learn that this produced by the U. S. FIim Service. a Federal agency. told the movie was commissioned from Mezhrabpom- Rus (the MGM of country about Its prcblems, offered hope to Its people, and Russia) by -- the state lotteryl (Very good prints, Russian tntertJtles Incidentally became clas3la. of the screen. 1HE RIVER was the most with superimposed English subtitles, mus1c score added 1n the Impressive of these cfforu, bringing fame to many of those who U.S .S.R. 64 mlnutesl collaborated on it: W11teJ'-Olrcctor Pare Lorentz; Photographers Stacey and Horace Woodard, Floyd Crosby and Wlllard Van Dyke: and Composer Vtrgtl 'rbomson. The river Is the Mississippi. "carrying every drop ol wuter that Rows down two-thirds of the THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME continent: carrying eve -y little brook and rill. rtvulct and creek." (1923) $.575 The challenge ts to Imp -ovc: the quality of human llfe. The plan Is flood and croaton contJ·ol In the TcnneS!lee Valley. and the final Herc ts the great Lon Chaney feature of 1923 with a ftne mu.sic track sequencc9 describe the r,arly work of the 1VA. All this ts told not In well-edited from vintage orchestral ltbrary recordings. The the style of a dry report hut In tmages of raging floods. malnourished supporting cast of this lavish production Includes Patsy Ruth Miller. sharecroppers, and stennboat races; with a sweeping blank-verse Norman Kerry, Ernest Torrance, Tully Marshall, Raymond Hatton narration redolent of Walt Whitman. Prints arc excellent. (29 and Brandon Hurst: director Wallace Worsley's aselstanta lncluded minutes, relea.scd theablcally by Paramount) young William Wyler and Tay Garnett. Black.hawk's negative was rnade thirty years ago from an elaborately-tinted original print, now I'egrcttably lost. We wish we couJd make a new copy wtth modem laboratory techniquC!I, but the consensus over the decades la that this print Is the best now available on one of the major class1cs of the silent era. (100 minutes}. ORDERlNC'J INFORMATION 1. All copies are printed to order. Normally, we use Eastman stock a.n.d. ,:M ship with.in three weeks. Eslar THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN prints are available a.: a 5% sW'Coorge. (1925) $350 2. Tenns: Institut:1011.a.L purchase orders or payment with order, please. Please add sales tax if required, and add for This picture Is principally of lntCTC!lt as a document of Theda Bara, shipping: $4 for omers up to $200; $7 for orders totalftng the first movie star "manufactured" by publJctty and for three years between $200 a.n.d.
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