VOLUME XXIV .NO.4EB RED BANK, N.J,WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1902. PAGES 1 TO 8. "ORTOLANS" INDICTED, NEW MARKET SHEDS. AN AGED WOMAN INJURED SUTTON-COOPER WEDDING, The ceremony was performed at St. Rose KILLED BY A PISTOL SHOT, v Tliep Are Being Built on the At- of Lima church by Rev.' Father Kivilitz. Miss Kittie Maher of Freehold was brides- BED BANK'S GAMBLING CLUB kins Property on Wharf Avenue MRS. OLIVIA BARRETT STRUCK CELEBRATED AT NOON TO-DAY ALBERT CARD KILLED ALMOST maid and David Dore of West Freehold BROUGHT TO BOOK.. Mre. Sarah A. Atkins of Red Bank is BY A TRAIN. , AT THE BRIDE'S HOME. INSTANTLY. having two large market sheds built on was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Dugan Indictments Against Joseph Reilly, her property on Wharf avenue, just Site Was Crossing the Central Rail- Miss, Esther Louise Clayton Mar will live at Marlboro. > . Shot in the Forehead With a Pistol Peter 8. Valentine and William road Tracks at Atlantic High' ried to ^Benjamin T. Johnson- . • —i— •». «» —__ north of the Union hotel. One rov<r ol in the Hands of Hattie SchrubU Selly-Etghty-JElght Indictment lauds When the Accident Hav Other Weddings in This Vicinity A .VERDICT OF $3,399.63. -The Girl Claims That the Shoot* in All Found by the Grand Jury. sheds will front on the street and tn pened. • ' • JDurlitg the Week. tna Was Accidental. The grand jury closed up all the work other row will front on the rear of the Mrs. Olivia Barrett of Atlantic High- •'.'• The marriage of Miss Martha Evelyn Wayman Wilson Wins His Suit Albert Card, aged eleven years, son of on hand last week and brought in 88- in lot. Next season another row of shedi lands was struck by a gravel train while Sutton, daughter pf William J. Sutton of Against Matthew V. D. Borden. Andrew Card of Leonardville, near At« dictments. Judge Fort had previouslj will be built close to the river front, crossing the tracks of the Central rail- Front street, and George , Douglass Wayman Wilson of Red Bank won lantic Highlands, was shot in the fore* told the grand jury that they must re- The work, which is being done b; road at that place last Thursday arid re- Cooper, son of the late George Cooper of his suit last Wednesday against Matthew head on Monday with a pistol in the main in session all'summer, and after Brower & Son of Freehold, will cost ceived injuries from which she is not Red Bank, was celebrated at noonto:day C. D. Borden'of Oceanic. Mr. Wilson hands of Hattie Schruby, daughter of handing in the indictments they ad about $2,500. The sheds will be finishedexpected to recover. She is a widow, 72 The ceremony took-place at the home of bad taken a contract to do some work William Scliruby, also of 'Leonardville. journed till August 7th. by the firBt of June. years old, but was very active and in ihe bride and was witnessed by only the for Mr. Borden, and . had sub-con- The boy lived only an hour after he waa ' Among the indictments found was om The row of Bheds which front Whar. possession of all her faculties. immediate members of the two families tracted parts of the workout. For some shot. The parents of the girl say that i against Joseph Reilly, 'William Kellj avenue is 100 feet long and 20 feet high The accident happened at the Cente: IJ; was performed by Rev. W. B. Matte- reason Mr. Wilson did riot finish • hisshe is fourteen years old but she looktf and Peter S. Valentine of Red Bank, fo in front. There is an open space in avenue crossing. Center avenue is one son, pastor of the, Baptist church. The work, he being, as he claimed,'prevented to be at-least eighteen years old. keeping a disorderly house. The special front eight feet high. This row of shed of the.busiest tuproughfares of Atlanti bouse was. handsomely decorated with from doing so br Mr. Borden. He The Card boy, the Schruby children charge was that they maintained s will contain twelve stalls. The sheds Highlands and the crossing is protected palms and cut flowers: brough suit for the amount of his con-and two Halluin boys, who are neigh- 'i gambling house ia the John W.'Stou on the rear of the lot will be 200 feet by gates. The gates were upas Mrs. The bride was dressed in escuriel lace tract, and the sub-contractors also bors, were playing together. Accounts building on'Front street. They pleaded long and will accommodate 24 stalls Barrett reached the crossing-and f over chiffon and she carried a shower brought suit, Mr. Wilson and the others differ as to how the shooting occurred, not guilty-, and their trials were set down The roofs of the sheds wjll be corrugated started across. Several -empty- grave] bouquet of- lilies of the valley. • Miss 'pooling their issues. The lawyers in- The two Hallutn boys say that tbe ,' for Wednesday of next wf-ek. For some steel. The stalls will rent for $7.50 cars stood on one of the tracks, close to Grace E, Button* the bride's sister, was terested in the cases were Edmund Schruby girl pointed the revolver at the > time past there haa been a gambling each for the season." The market men the crossing. Just '. as, Mrs. .' Barrett the bridesmaid. She wore white French Wilson, Charles Henry Ivins, James E. Card boy and fired. The girl claims coterie in Red Bank known as the " Or who have heretofore been compelled to reached this track an engine bumped in- lawn, trimmed with point lace. She1 Degnan a'frd E. W. Arrowsmjth" for the that she was- only playing with the re- tolan club," and Reilly, Valentine and stand out in the sun and storm while to the cars to make a coupling. The carried a bouquet of Marcheil Neil roses. contractors, land-John S. Applegate & volver ;,and it fell from her hands to_ Kelly were the officers or promoters of buying and selling their produce are patent coupler failed' to work and fhe The best man was Alexander Cooper of Son and William T. Hoffman for Mr. the floor and that it was discharged the club. There has been a good deal of pleased with the innovation and the cars shot across the crossing. Mrs. Red Banlr, a cousin of the groom. Barden. Mr. Wilson recovered $3,399.63-, when it struck the floor. ' talk about the club, and of people who stalls are being rapidly, rented; -; Barrett waa • knocked down and was - Lohengrin's wedding'march was sung part of which went to tha sub-con- tractors, ' . ' . An 'inquest was held yesterday by are said to have lost considerable money dragged some distance under one of the by Mrs. William Anderson of Portcbes- v Coroner John W. Flock of Long Branch there. cars. 'The wheels did not pass over her ter, New York, jvho is the groom's sis- and" a jury. The jurymen were Lewis - A NEW MILLINER? STOKE. TWEN1Y YEARS FOR CRELIN. Amongthe other persons indicted who but .both her legs .were broken and she ter, and there was also music by Prof. S. Sculthorpe, F. A. Little, S. S. Morris, It Will Be Opened in Hal Bank To was cut and bruised in a number of Rudolph Malchow. • Lewis' Foster, George Mackey^and Mat" pleaded not guilty were the following : Harrow by A. I. Slarcus. ' .-. This Is PritPticallv Eqiwl ttf a IAfe places. Charles Stenzel was crossing Mr. and Mrs. Cooper went away this Sentence. • • Brown. At tha. inquest the John Stryker, assaulting Frank Cott'rell at Key The new millinery store- of Aaron I, the tracks from an opposite direction at port, trial May 22d. afternoon on the 2:53 train.for a tour of Last Thursday at Newark Philemon B. Schruby girl was represented by Wil- Wm. Tblxton, iitroclnus assault on Arthur Moss a Marcus.in the Child building on Broad the same time but he stopped ju9t in Eatontown with intent to kill, trial May 21st. about ten days. Upon tlieir return they Irelin was sentenced to twenty years in liam J. Leonard and the state was repre- Mary E. Johnston, bigamy In marrying Edward street will be opened to-morrow. Mr. time to avoid'being struck. will board until fall, when they will be- state prison at hard labor. Crelin was. sented by Prosecutor John E. Foster". Cole of Matawan. trlnl May 21st. Marcus will give to each woman who Patsey Hance, stealing twelve pairs of shoes from Mr§. Barrett, notwithstanding her gin housekeeping. formerly a resident of Red Bank but for After hearing the evidence, which Louis Goldstein of Freehold, trial Mav 21st. visits the store to-morrow or Fridaj a Laura L. Walter, assault and battery on Mofrcle severe injuries, did not lose conscious- some time past he had been living at useful souvenir. The store was for- was practically as stated above, the jury Blake and keeping a disorderly house lu Neptune ness. She expressed the desire notto be Newark-. Last February he killed his township, trial May 23d. merly occupied by L. Ue la Ueussille, the Clayton—Johnson. brought in a verdict to the effect that Ann Easterbroak, stealing coal worth 85 frnm the taken home, as there was no one ttfere A pretty hopie wedding toot place on wife and widowed daughter at Milburn, the Card boy met death from a pistol in New York nnd Long Branch railroad company in jeweler.
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