)ert , I' .-."- 'FinaL terday 01 Mlaalulppl Valley Net Meet lIehellnled ThJs Aftenloon. Ibo I'IlCOtd Stories on Pa,,, 4. oma City, Iday on , &nt~rlng, • iday. ' PIVECENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1934 VOL. XXXIV NUMBER 48 Ippli~a b, • ot InveSIi. I. C., to wore IMInt, clunl lien. WILS a. '1' MCAloste:, on ot nar. here wllh , room, a.nd , t tho nOlt ~** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ~ 11\.8 killed Italy Denies Austrian Invasion; Will Use Troops to Enforce Internal Order IUro, In a veBllbUI!\ Ind Union Compromise With Socialists , 8-5, That's One Killed, Six Deputies Injured in Kohler, Wis. Strike Riot - Latest Score Ii=============='============i1 Impossible, Says New Head U Reports Are True, Trucl{ers Ask AUSTRIA.N TURMOIL KINDLES SR4RK OF UNREST ON CONTINENT Of Austria; Guarded by Guns I--"ILl. Chinese Birth8 Put iQUI10lS Canada Behind. ~~~~ IReports of Succes8es Italian Spokesman Say&/ , 1"$Ien ~~~ ru~~ If Neces8ary Troops - CANTON, China, July 27 (AP)­ In Capital Move at Once The notonety (It the now world.far PlOUB Dionne Quintuplets 'Of Cor· Strikers in Minneapolis By WADE WERNER BULLm'IN btU,Ontarlo, promlseJI to be eclipsed Copyright, 1934, If ,report circulating here that 0. Seek to Answer nOlliE, July n (AP)-lt WIllI I Chl.- woman, the wife ot a natLve Governor U.S.S.Q. By The AlIIIOCIated Preu officIAl!,r denled tontcht tha' ' ~ bollman, ,ave birth to seven boys VIENNA, July 27 (API-A- no· Italian troops had crossed the 1114 ooe girl proves true. (RUSSIA) compr'?>mlse dety was hurled at reo bordel' Into AUStria., the ttate· • BULLETIN ntent 8l1yln~ that such repon. Although reports ot th Is octette KOHLER, Wis., July %7 (AP) vIoltlnK' Nazis tonight by tbe new birth Wl!tfl only recently given were "uteerly without lounda· -One I1\8ft wa.s l'I!ported slJot head ot the government, Prlncc tlon." prom~nce, the bablce were said to a.nd kJlled a.nd a.nolb.er i.oo.f«ht Ernst von Starhemberg, after an· "There halt been 110 movement IIIve been born In May aboard 0. near death buDet wounds rrom other olay ot bitter fighting which wlto.tsoever of the nature de· Chlneae rlBhlng junk s'Omewhere received In Ja gmt b&ttJe betWftl!ll brought casualty estimates close to 'scrlbl!JI," sald a loreign office within the delta ot Pearl river, a armed deputy IWlI1IhaIs at the 3,000. official. tortuous waterway connecting with strlke·bound Kobler eOfllpan, lilt Canton Ilea. Prot91lted by guns whJch told elo­ "Not a single Italian soldier plant here and strikers. quently of tear for the safety of the The reports, which the Chlneae hns crossed tlte border either be· ' capital Itself, the youthful von, tentioDally or by elTOr." p~" • tee.turlng with evident be· BUUETlN Starhemberg exhorted Austria over lid In theIr accuracy, state tha.t the KOIILER, Mit.. July ~7 (AP) the radIo: Al&JI 1& the wlte ot one Sam Tlog, -Tear gas unIea.shed by "Can Never Be Compromise" ROME, July 21 (AP)-A stronger • poor bOQtman and that the mother wa.s cJepuQr' marttbals ten!gltt to dis· "Do not depart one Illch trom the Italian position, oaIllng tor inte~ IJId oblldren all are In good health. perse a crowd est.lmated at way pr ~ ecrlbed by Dolltussl ventlon In Austria. If the Internal AttemPts to locate th boat In about 600 wblch was bombartt· "I :Jeu lare solemnly that we reo sltuatiM jllBtltles such action, WILlI wblch this famIly 111 said to be llvlng inr the strlke·bound Kohler gard as the holy heritage ot our reveale:l today by a g'OverQlDent or otherwllle to confirm the story oompllllY planl bere. spokes mall. blve fa.1led thus far, although the dead ch" ncellor that there can never DlsonJera 8tarted In die pick. be any compromise with natlona.l Heretoforo the government had Chln~ papers are he.lllng the now et lines as strikers a.nd hangers· SPAIN tamOU8 Ssm Tlng as a. great bene· 8 oclall~m . " been repl'esen ted as ready to 1II0ve on, many of them children, be· factor to the ne.Uon . Even as he spoke alarming reportl Into AI1 9tria-on whose borders 48,­ gan throwlnr 1ltOn.1HI through . Aeeordlng to the CMn Inter. of rebel NazI military successes In OO() trocps are concentrate4- 1D. windows Of the plant and pretatJon. the boo.lwoman in giVing Carinthia were accompanied by ap· event it,t!ependence ot that natlon 8mashIng lights about the peals tor reinforcements ot loyal 'WlIs thr£atened from tile outSide. birth to thelle eight b6.blee brought rrour.1s. lorth "!leven stars and one moon" Helmwebrmen. No Delay 'bich, to the Chinese, means that "Von P/IIIIIll Coming" Today, with reporla 'Ot severe IIIe Beven 80M will bring wealtb KOHLER, W.I.!J .. July 27 (AP)-;9bt The 8'overnmen t as.sured t he tlghtln5' In Ca.rlnthla province, the and (lory to thl!1r family and ehlne Kohler village deputy marshals were people that "Von Papen Is commg!" 8pokesma n said that If a.ctlon III re­ Mtull!ully as ate.rs whlle tbe daugh. Injured I&te today when strike pick· With the peace of Europe threatened by the turmoil in Austria where a Nazi element attempted to overthrow the government by and that the tormer German chan· quired, there wJll be no necllslt,. Itr will brinl sola.oe and com(ol·t and ets at the Koh.ler company plant slaying Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss and imprisoning other Officials, war clouds loom again over the horizon of the continent. cellor would bring peace to Au s t~ la . fo r delay tor any dlJllomatlc pro~ 'til II ~Ughltul as the moo n. ,stoned tour truck.! In which abbut While the British government prepared to demand an investigation of shipments of arms and munitions from Germany into But p~a.ce assurances were otC~et lest. llIIp)le ftkepl\(,~run mon. foreIgn. 76 deputies were patroll!ng the AUI:!tria, Premier B€nito Mussolini of Italy iSSlle.d...WIlJ.:;time militllry order!;, dir~ting 'lll military forces be held in r~d.iness pend­ by chaos In whole secU()ns ot the The U'oops will simply move Jnto III here the /rtory (It this reco rd· :!o treeU. The most severely injured ing Austrian developments. At the same time, Czechoslovakia indicated it was prepal'ed for any emergency. country caused by Nazi upr1lllngs the country when such action 111 reo Nklng birth is occaBlonlng great 'was Max Schultz, struck on the . and hunger riots. garded as necessary, tho spokesman IItlttment among the Chlnel!e, to head with 0. brick. None was serl. Unverified rumors that Italian Jlldl c a~ed. ,hom no event compares In Impnrt· o usly burt. Byrd's Associates troops ~/ ere crOSsing the border Move Will Be Rapid IJlCe with the a.rrlva.1 of a mal 'l'he deputies remained in the EXTRA! 3 Men to Man Stratosphere brought flat denials trom Italy. The move, he continued, will be trucks during the tuslllade ot brick. Telegraph Mother ebUd. Tbey h:;~ oaused apprehension in rapJd an ::! declsJve jllBt as soon as it bats and the disturbance shortly 8 • • • • • • • • Not to Be Worried nelghhoring Yugoslavia, Which de­ b~ co m~s aPllarent that the Austrian subsided. Pickets, however, contlnu· Balloon as Trip Starts Today Diollne Babies $10,000 Blaze Razes clared that nation must mobilize If government cannot control the slt-· ~ d to mill about the plant. although WINCHESTER, 'Vo.., July 27 (AP) A ustrla. Is invaded by foreigners. uatlon, 2 Mont'" Old I heir lines were routed earlier In Two Buildings At • • • • • • • • • I It A~strla is able to sett~ tile CJ.LL.4.NDER, Ont., July 27 (AP) ,'the day wilen the otfloera cOn tis. Last Miuute Decision ~~~ -Ettorts of Rear Admiral Richard The government was hard put to Riverside Early Today present difficulty without outside -TM tlU1\OU8 DIonne qulntuolet cat d ther Clubs and other make· E. Byrd's assoCiates at Little Amerl. » Includes Alternate (Tu rn to Pa&'ll .) help, I~aly will consider who.t lIte{la IiWI'I will be two months old to· jl!hlrt weapOns with which they had ca. to rea.ch him at his advance baBo besieged the plant tor 12 days. RIVE RSIDE, July 28 (Saturday) should L(· taken to guarantee toot IUorrow and they have gone all thai Pilot of Flight probably will not be resumed until lillie w'tbout a bath, except (or Felll' New Attack (Specilll)-The Iowa. City fire depart. country against further terrorism, me nt was calle<l here a t 2:10 this late August or early September, It was Indicated. ~lean81r.~ with oli. Soap alld water The hurling ot missiles wa.s taken RAPID CITY, S. Dak., July 21 Germany Pleased By morning to fight a 110.000 blaze when the antarctic night will be ~ be hI Itore tOr them aome time "P tlAlt by atl"1J8glers ,in the picket (APl-Three me n Inst ead of I!: wo wlll Hne far trom the maln building ot whiCh demolished two ot the larg· l'on Papen A.ppointment French Say War 'I~""~ . >: I next Wl.oek, their doctor said tonlltht. BERLIN, July 27 (AP)-Appolnt· the huge plumbing eqwpment man· est buildings In the buslnelils dis· take part in the <Ja r!ng stratosphere m(lther, Mrs. Richard E. ment at Vice Chancellor Franz von utacturlng plant. Soon the attack trict of Rivers ide. f1igh t from thc Blaok HUI6, Its spon· Byrd, Sr.. WM so Informed in a.
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