Rewari Circle

Rewari Circle

CIN CODE UPTO 31.12.2020 Circle Division Sub/D Final 14 Digit SS Name Feeder Name FeederCode Feeder Type S.No. Circle Name Code Division Name Code Sub Division Name Code Feeder Code 1 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 BASAI DS BASAI RURAL DS 124421378BASAI 2 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 BAWAL (U) BAWAL URBAN 124421378BAWAL 3 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 BINDAWAS AP BINDA RURAL AP 124421378BINDA 4 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 DHANI AHIR DS DHANI RURAL DS 124421378DHANI 5 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 DULHERA/JHABUA AP DULHE RURAL AP 124421378DULHE 6 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 IBRAHIMPUR AP IBRAH RURAL AP 124421378IBRAH 7 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 IND AJERKA W/SUPPLY INDAJ INDPT. 124421378INDAJ 8 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 IND JLNC INDJL INDPT. 124421378INDJL 9 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 KARNAWAS AP KARNA RURAL AP 124421378KARNA 10 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 KESO PUR DS KESOP RURAL DS 124421378KESOP 11 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 KHANDORA AP KHAND RURAL AP 124421378KHAND 12 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 MANGLESHWER AP MANGL RURAL AP 124421378MANGL 13 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 N.S.PUR DS NSPUR RURAL DS 124421378NSPUR 14 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 PAWATI AP PAWAT RURAL AP 124421378PAWAT 15 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 PRANPURA AP PRANP RURAL AP 124421378PRANP 16 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 RAIPUR DS RAIPU RURAL DS 124421378RAIPU 17 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 S/STN BAWAL SUBST SUB STATION 124421378SUBST 18 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 SUBASERI AP SUBAS RURAL AP 124421378SUBAS 19 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV BAWAL 1378 TANKRI AP TANKR RURAL AP 124421378TANKR 20 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 NTN NTN11 INDL. 124421380NTN11 21 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 33 KV LS CABLE LSCAB INDL. 124421380LSCAB 22 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 AGL AGL00 INDL. 124421380AGL00 23 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 EPCOS EPCOS INDL. 124421380EPCOS 24 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 GUTERMAN GUTER INDL. 124421380GUTER 25 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND IJL IJL11 INDPT. 124421380IJL11 26 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 132 KV ASAHI INDIA ASAHI INDPT. 124421380ASAHI 27 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV ACCIL BAWAL ACCIL INDPT. 124421380ACCIL 28 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV ARESTHY INDAR INDPT. 124421380INDAR 29 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV BAJAJ MOTORS INDBA INDPT. 124421380INDBA 30 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV MUSASHI MUSAS INDPT. 124421380MUSAS 31 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV NEW MUSASHI AUTO MUSAT INDPT. 124421380MUSAT 32 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV POLYLAC POLYL INDPT. 124421380POLYL 33 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND 33 KV ROCKMAN ROCKM INDPT. 124421380ROCKM 34 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND A.I.S.GLASS LTD. INDAI INDPT. 124421380INDAI 35 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND MEDALION MEDAL INDPT. 124421380MEDAL 36 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND MURCURRY MURCU INDPT. 124421380MURCU 37 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND NEROLAC PAINT NEROL INDPT. 124421380NEROL 38 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND NGK SPARKS NGKSP INDPT. 124421380NGKSP 39 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND NTN INNTN INDPT. 124421380INNTN 40 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND S.K.S SKS00 INDPT. 124421380SKS00 41 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND TALBROS TALBR INDPT. 124421380TALBR 42 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND VSUN MOBILE VSUNM INDPT. 124421380VSUNM CIN CODE UPTO 31.12.2020 Circle Division Sub/D Final 14 Digit SS Name Feeder Name FeederCode Feeder Type S.No. Circle Name Code Division Name Code Sub Division Name Code Feeder Code 43 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 IND WATER WORKS WATER INDPT. 124421380WATER 44 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 KEINFIE KENFE INDL. 124421380KENFE 45 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 MINDA GROUP MNDAG INDL. 124421380MNDAG 46 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 NEROLAC GENERAL (STREET LIGHT) NEROG INDL. 124421380NEROG 47 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 RASA AUTO RASAA INDL. 124421380RASAA 48 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 RESIDENTIAL HBC (U) HSIDC BAWAL RESID URBAN 124421380RESID 49 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 S/STN HSIDC BAWAL SUBST SUB STATION 124421380SUBST 50 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 SUPER SCREW SUPES INDL. 124421380SUPES 51 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 WHEEL INDIA WHEEL INDL. 124421380WHEEL 52 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 132 KV HSIIDC BAWAL 1380 Y.K.K. INDYK INDL. 124421380INDYK 53 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 220 KV HSIDC BAWAL 1279 IND 33 KV EXIDE LTD. EXIDE INDPT. 124421279EXIDE 54 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 220 KV HSIDC BAWAL 1279 SUB STATION SUBST SUB STATION 124421279SUBST 55 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV BHARAWAS 1368 IND J.N.NAICHNA JNNAI INDPT. 124421368JNNAI 56 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV BHARAWAS 1368 JNV JNV00 INDL. 124421368JNV00 57 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV GHOSHI 1462 GENL. KANSAI KANSA INDL. 124421462KANSA 58 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV GHOSHI 1462 GENL. MULTI COLOUR MUTCO INDL. 124421462MUTCO 59 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV GHOSHI 1462 IND GHOSHI GHOSI INDPT. 124421462GHOSI 60 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV GHOSHI 1462 IND UNITED MINDA UNITD INDPT. 124421462UNITD 61 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV GHOSHI 1462 SUB STATION (33 KV GHOSHI) SUBST SUB STATION 124421462SUBST 62 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND CCPL ICCPL INDPT. 124421469ICCPL 63 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND CETP ICETP INDPT. 124421469ICETP 64 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND LUMAX LUMAX INDPT. 124421469LUMAX 65 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND M.M.AUTO MMAUT INDPT. 124421469MMAUT 66 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND SHIROKI SHIRO INDPT. 124421469SHIRO 67 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND TDT COPPER TDTCP INDPT. 124421469TDTCP 68 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND TGM INTGM INDPT. 124421469INTGM 69 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 IND WATER WORKS WATER INDPT. 124421469WATER 70 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JINDAL BAWAL 1469 SUB STATION (33 KV JINDAL BAWAL) SUBST SUB STATION 124421469SUBST 71 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 GENL. JRJ JRJ11 INDL. 124421464JRJ11 72 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 GENL. MOTHERSON MOTHE INDL. 124421464MOTHE 73 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 IND KERRY INDUSTRIES KERRY INDPT. 124421464KERRY 74 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 IND MOTHERSON-II MOTHR INDPT. 124421464MOTHR 75 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 IND TONY INDUSTRIES ITONY INDPT. 124421464ITONY 76 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 IND UCAL FUEL UCALF INDPT. 124421464UCALF 77 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 IND YANSEFU YANSE INDPT. 124421464YANSE 78 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 JTEKT SONA JTEKT INDL. 124421464JTEKT 79 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 KOYO BEARING KYBAR INDL. 124421464KYBAR 80 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV JTKET SONA 1464 SUB STATION (33 KV JTKET SONA) SUBST SUB STATION 124421464SUBST 81 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV KAMALPUR 1518 BAGTHALA AP BAGTH RURAL AP 124421518BAGTH 82 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV KAMALPUR 1518 BAKHAPUR DS BAKHA RURAL DS 124421518BAKHA 83 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV KAMALPUR 1518 BASAI-II DS BASAI RURAL DS 124421518BASAI 84 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV KAMALPUR 1518 BOLNI DS BOLNI RURAL DS 124421518BOLNI CIN CODE UPTO 31.12.2020 Circle Division Sub/D Final 14 Digit SS Name Feeder Name FeederCode Feeder Type S.No. Circle Name Code Division Name Code Sub Division Name Code Feeder Code 85 Rewari 124 Dharuhera 1244 Bawal 12442 33 KV KAMALPUR 1518 IND BAGTHALA WATER WORKS BAGWW INDPT.

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