, Servfng the State The Weather Unfvenity of Iowa .aru~ dolIU ... u..w Campul 'and WaY. l'ari.Iy ea. • ... IlOdwlpla~ Iowa City RDda • Wah &oU7, H: al low .,t. U .... l'rIu~, H: lew Ill. Esl. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents ~~--------------lOW'C1 City, Iowa,------------------------ Saturday, June 14. 1952-VoL 86, No. 181 Ike Bids for .~omination Supp~rt Gromyko ApPoint~d ~s Truman Ike Squabble From All-Important Pa. Delegation ~~~SS~??!. to Bfltam . : .• PA. (,4» - Gen. Rainfall Iring' Drop DwightGETTYSB~G. D. Eisenhower stood on ~y::::t~ the new::cr~::~'!o~~m~~ Soviet amb8$sador to Ove r (IVI I the back porch of his brick farm- Britain I Andrei A. Groll\Y1lo, Of 23 Degr.. , in Hour . house near Gettysburg Friday and No. 1 deputy forel," minister and Rights Issue made his big effort to win the tormer walkout min at the United A nlafa1l &hat ~e4 .u of an I support of Pennsylvania's vltal- Nation;. 1.,11 c.u..... wlUI eoeI C1IIiY Iy Imporlant delegation to the Re- Whether It melns a demotion wi_ ...... the Iowa Cit7 wm­ publican presidential nominating tor the one-time boy wonder of ~,.&8re Frida,. aftenlMn from & State Opinions convenlion. Soviet diplomlcy was a moot JLIP .," a& 1:11 p.m. &e n ai How well he succeeded wal a question. 4:U p .... matter of complete disagreement In a terse broadcast heard in The wHUler btlreau aaad Ulai On Army Policy among the more than 300 persons London. Ru la also announced •• iIa~t wlldleRiute ehaactl who heard him. Gcor'" Zarubln. who was with- .... eJ[Jleeteci .ver Ule _Iu~"'. Pennsylvania Gov. John S. Fine drawn from London, Is the new Iowa'. aU... ho&, h1llllid .~alhel' Of Negro Use laid afterward he thought "may- ambassador to Washington. .... e~ to eeallDlUl ....... &. be two or three at the most" dele- PurualallJa &e CIIlDa -IIJ' -'1 ehaaceL WASHINGTON (A') - Presi­ ,ates might have been won over The announcements followed 1.__ "alia bad. the Ifta&est dent Trwnan called alaln Friday by Eisenhower. The governover. the a"lmment Thursd/lY nlttlt 01 unetUlt of ralll Fri4la,., a &etal of tor a civil rlchu proaram backed personally. has not decided /lbout A I ex. n de r Panyushkln. with- Ut l.neba At tile Muo. CIt)' by "the luU force and power of which candidate he wlIT support drawn from Washington, IS new alrpori, ..... of wiDd liP to 58 the led ral ,overnmen&," and took tor the GOP presidential nomln- ambassador to Red China. mil. per helll' were reeenied. wllat seemed to be a thinly-veiled atlon. The broadcast Friday merely The hi,.. mernn rea4lAlr re­ dig at Gen. Dw~t D. Eiunhow- Doubts Any Coaveril announced the chan, and &atd ..lied FriUY was 1.. de,"" ai er. the Supreme Council or the C.... eU lliuth. The tim Iowa Truman old that experIence National Committeeman G. Ma­ U.S.S.R. had reUeved Gromyko of son Owlett expressed the opinion deaU. UI. ,ear from Ule heat oe­ has proved noNeI\Jl{' the conten­ his dutlea as deputy foreign min­ eurred Frida,.. The vIdIm .... U· lion by "lOme 01 our creat.est that the General did not gain Ister. No mention was made on Gov. Fine Congratulates Ike June. Wolfe who died al generals" that white and Necro any support Friday. Ow lett is who lucceeds him In the forellTl 'ear· .... & Dea Holan nw"ab" home. troops could not be tully Inte­ generally thought to be support­ office. Ing Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-O.). PENNSYLVANlA's GOVERNOR nNE sb&kes hands wlUt Gen. arated in the armed Corces. Eisenhower 'ollowln&' the luter's bid to Ute PeDlUlylvula Republl· Zarubln and Gromy'ko pre­ Four yean ago. In testimony to Pennsylvanla's 70-vote delega­ ca.n dele,aUon for support at the GOP prealctenUal nomllllUon con­ sumably know more about the Uon Is in a strategic position to a s nate committee, Eisenhower vention next month. lke eownalnecl th.e deltcaUon on a tour of bls Western world than Rny other of­ Red Police Move said he favored orlanlon, Ne­ aItect the GOP nomination and farJII, followed by a chJcken dinner comple&' to apple pie, but for tlclals In the Russian foreign ,~­ Its leaders and delegates have Ice. Panyushkln, with similar aroes In unll.ll of no laraer than the mofl pari tIt-e GOP deleptes appeared te remain unehallled In platoon size, meanln, 40 to 50 been ardently ~ooed by bolh the their ea.ndldaw b&ekJn&'s. Weltern experience. also Is an old Into East Germany Toft and Eisenhower oraanlza­ Russia China h,nd In dlplomlley. men. Tram." Favon LertalaUoa tlons. Il4MIehIIl Lacb hpene­ The Associated Press poll ot The previous ambassador to As Control Tightens Eiunbower, howev r, spoke out rt.hen a,ainat compl te se,r ,a­ dclcgates before Friday Indlcatcd Pelping. Gen. NIkolai Rosch In. Is BERLIN (A') - Communlsl po­ 20 delegates tavorlng Eisenhower. Pia Doesn't Wanl to Go an expert on China alone. with no tlon In th armY. He .ald Thun­ lice spread throu,h Easl Germany day that after the war he had 18 backing Taft and 32 awaiting known We tern experience such Friday. word Crom lhe Governor - who Ingrid Bergman's 12.Year-Old Daughter Testifies found for Integrati n 01 Necroes, I S Panyuahkln and the other two Sw pin, n w measure announ­ reiterated Friday that a decision have had. bu that the general &taff dldn't probably will not be taken untll She Loves Father, But Likes Mother ced by the Communists them­ PIIY much attention. No date was mentioned for their selv and reporls filtering Into just before the convention opens takJn, over the embassies in I n an IIddreal to a grlldu.Uon July 7. LOS A NGELES (.II') Fresh The courl repOrter said Baub.er West BerUn combined to show the day audience at Howard univer­ fsced Pia Lindstrom told a judge ~ s ked Pia: WashlnlJlon. London and Pelpln,. easlern "democratic republLc" Is 114 Ask Ike'. Views The poller-raced GromYko. most atty. a Nelto lostJtutlon. Trumlln Friday she doesn't want to go to "Do you renllz YOur mother Is last becomlna a complete pollee SpOke out vl,orou.ly .pln,t those Tbe whole delegation WIIS In­ Italy. experienced of the three In deal­ vited to meet Elsel\ltower on his not asking to have you live with lnp with the West., previOllsly state. In bOth p rile. who lavor Ithe r It ,was the l3-year-old'S answer her' " Control over tha \Iv ot 18 reliance on pel'fUaslon or on the farm and 54 dele"ates and 60 to the plea of her mother. actress scrved In Washington and aL the alterna tes responded. "Bul I Just saw her last IUm- United Nations as the Russian million Ea t Gennans Is beln, state. , rather th.n federlll lells­ IngrId Bergman, that Pia spend mer." concentrated In the mlnl. try ot lation. to combat rael.1 problems. They followed Elsenho\Ver on the summer with hcr. ehle! delepte. Professors View Metal Sculpture a tour of the tarm. then gathered "But you rea liz. do you not. The big lurprls of the broad­ state security. which has In un­ "I am not one of thOllC who feel "Do you understand what thb that your mother I. not making cast htard In London was Grom,y­ disclosed number ot sccret IIgcnts EXAMINING M. L CULPTURE are Frof . Ilumberi Albrl~lo that we can leave these matters around the porch to question him. and tuart. Edle, 01 the UI department., In preparltlon for lbe Similar to other state delega­ case Is about?" the Idrl wns ~ s ked a ny request of you to live with ko' new job. In the Soviet paL­ and controiJI 110.000 armed an up to the atates alone, or that we tions that sought his views In ill a prlv~te sesslQn with the Judge h 1'1" tern pI diplomacy and surprises. People's police. "Ali In Iowa" exhibit which will hold Its formal openlnK SUJ)da~ In ('an rely solely on the efforl.ll of and attorneys. "Whnl your moth­ the main lounre of th.e Jowa Memorl 1 Union ~rldllI the ~Kln­ conierencllIL In w York this "Y~s/' bis d partllre from chief .5II\J~ t former Gen. Wilhelm Zli , men 01 lood will," be saUl. er Is seekIng to do in this cas ?" run.. of tile 14th &.na" 'UI FIn AN fUn'. Famo ari work week, they covered a wide to foreign minister Anclrey ~. Mall. ot thl. ministry. plpC<i con­ Oltes (lol\ltUuU,., JudJIe Mildred L. Millie, Who eoI1eded In Iowa. IMludln~ palntinll'lI bJ Granl Woed. anel Pablo range of domestic and forelgl} Is­ "Yes." Pia answered. she wants .slderable new powers in a 10V­ His call for all-out federll le,- conducted th hearing. authorlud Vlsblnskv In Moscow doe. not PICMIIO, will be on dlapla, in lbe UllIon. wbJle art ('reated b, VI sues. me to come to Italy' and I don't necessarlly mean the London posl ernment decree published last 1.lation wat at varienc:e with the want to go." the court reporttr. Laura Brcska, faeulty memMrtI. IlI()lu4tli~ lICulpture, d lp. ,lIverware, anel furnJ­ He drew a roar of applause to disclose th testimony to re­ Is a demotion. night. This decree empowers him stands of man.)' ot the presidential During a recess. the COllrt r('­ to apply throu hout aU East Ger­ ture. will be !lown .. th art bullellll6'.
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