CHEMISTRY OF THE NOBLE GASES* By Professor K. K. GREE~woon , :.\I.Sc., sc.D .. r".lU.C. University of N ewca.stle 1tpon Tyne The inert gases, or noble gases as they are elements were unsuccessful, and for over now more appropriately called, are a remark­ 60 years they epitomized chemical inertness. able group of elements. The lightest, helium, Indeed, their electron configuration, s2p6, was recognized in the gases of the sun before became known as 'the stable octet,' and this it was isolated on ea.rth as its name (i]A.tos) fotmed the basis of the fit·st electronic theory implies. The first inert gas was isolated in of valency in 1916. Despite this, many 1895 by Ramsay and Rayleigh; it was named people felt that it should be possible to induce argon (apy6s, inert) and occurs to the extent the inert gases to form compounds, and many of 0·93% in the earth's atmosphere. The of the early experiments directed to this end other gases were all isolated before the turn have recently been reviewed.l of the century and were named neon (v€ov, There were several reasons why chemists new), krypton (KpVn'TOV, hidden), xenon believed that the inert gases might form ~€vov, stmnger) and radon (radioactive chemical compounds under the correct con­ emanation). Though they occur much less ditions. For example, the ionization poten­ abundantly than argon they cannot strictly tial of xenon is actually lower than those of be called rare gases; this can be illustrated hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fl uorine and by calculating the volumes occupied a.t s.t.p. chlorine, all of which readily form covalent by the gases in this lecture theatre (volume compounds (Xe 280, H 313, N 335, 0 314, ~ 106 litres): helium 5·24 1, neon 18·3 I, F 402, Cl 300 kcalj mole). Furthermore, the argon 9,340 I, krypton 1·141 and xenon 87 ml. ionization potential of radon is very similar A few chara-cteristic properties are listed to that of mercury, which readily form. in Table I , which shows tha.t the inert-gas cationic species (Rn 247, Hg 240 kcal/ mole). atoms have completes and 1' subshells. For There were also suggestive experimental observations. Thus, we are all familiar with TABLE I the fact that iodine is virtually insoluble in SOX.IE PROPERTIES Ol' THE "ODLE ()ASJ::S water but dissolves freely in the presence of potassium iodide to give the brown I 3 anion. Ionization Boiling D.Hvap The iodide ion I - has exactly the same At. E lectron potential point (kcal/ No. config. (kcalj mole) (oC) mole) number of electrons as xenon, which m ight therefore be expected to behave very simi­ Ho 2 l s 2 567 - 269 0·022 lady; apparently it does not. The existence No 10 2s'2p 6 497 - 246 0·44 Ar 18 3s 23p6 363 - 1 6 1·50 of stable interhalogen compounds, such as Kr 36 4s24p6 323 - 153 2·31 BrF , IF and IF7 , also indicates that more Xe 54- 5s2 5p6 2 0 -107 3·27 3 5 Rn 86 6s2 6p6 247 - 65 4·3 electr·ons than are allowed by the classical octet theory can be involved in bonding and that the isoelectronic species, such as KrF , this reason there are only weak van der 2 XeF,1 and XeF6, might be capable of inde­ 'Vaals interactions between the indi,'idual pendent existence. atoms and this leads to the very low boiling Finally, there was the possibility of forming points and heats of va.porization shown. The co-ot·dination complexes by donating a. pair ionization potentials (energy required to re­ of electrons fmm an inert-gas atom to another move one electron from an atom to give a atom. After all, the inert gases are bristling cation, ]If+) are very high compa.red with those of the alkali metals (90-124 kcalj mole). * This article is based on a lecture given to sixth-form pupils on 20 and 25 November, 1963, In fact, all attempts to prepare well-defined and to the Bedson Club of the University of :><ow­ stoichiometric chemical compounds of these castle upon Tyne on 6 December, 1963. 176 CHEl\'IIS'l'RY OF THE NOBLE GASES 177 with lone-pairs and their ionization potentials About 20 compounds of xenon have now - are often no greater than those of ammonia, been isolated and many more identified in water, ethylene and other well-known ligands . reaction systems. Compounds of krypton However, recent detailed studies of the inter­ and radon have also been made, and a action of xenon and krypton with powerful systematic account of this new area of electron-pair acceptors, such as boron tri­ chemistry will now be given. Detailed fluoride and trichloride, indicated that there references to the original literature are given is no specific donor- acceptor bond-formation in refs 1, 3, 5 and 6. It will be convenient even at very low temperatures. to break up the discussion into three parts: This was the position at the beginning of (1) Preparation, physical properties and 1962. Then, in ,June of that year, N. Bartlett structures ; announced2 t hat when xenon was placed in (2) Chemical reactions; contact with gaseous platinum hexafluoride at room temperature an immediate reaction (3) Stability and bonding theory. occurred to give an orange-yellow solid: Xe (g) PtF (g) = XePtF (s) + 6 6 PREPARATION, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Xenon hexafluoroplatinate(v) was the first AND STRUCTURES authentic compound of a noble gas. The Xenon Difluoride idea was taken up by dozens of different laboratories throughout the world, and within XeF2 is a white crystalline compound which 18 months a 400-page book on the subject is most simply prepared by irradiat ing a had been published.3 This gives some idea. mixture of xenon and excess fluorine for one of the speed at which modern advances in day at 25° and 1! atm pressure with light chemistry are made. from a high-pressure mercury arc. It is im­ The first group to start '\vork after t he portant to freeze out the product at - 78° as initial discovery was one at the Argonne it forms, otherwise some xenon tetrafluoride National Laboratory in Chicago, and three is also formed, and these two compounds are months after Bartlett's paper they reported4 very difficult to separate. Amounts up to that xenon combined directly with fluorine 10 g can be prepared in this way in silica when the two gases were heated in a nickel vessels or in nickel vessels with sapphire vessel under pressure at 400° : windows. The compound can also be pre­ pared by irradiating a xenon- fluorine mixture Xe (g) 2F (g) = X eF (s) + 2 4 with 6°Co y-rays, or by circulating a 1:4 mix­ The compound can even be made simply by ture of the gases through a hea ted nickel tube passing a mixt ure of xenon and fluorine at 400° and trapping the product at - 50°. diluted with nitrogen through a nickel tube Some properties of xenon difluoride are sum­ heated with a bunsen burner; white cryst als marized in Table II. It can be seen that the of xenon t etrafluoride sublime out--an ex­ melting point, 140°, is far above the m.p. of periment that could have been done at any both xenon ( - 111 °) and fluorine (- 223°) and time during the past 60 years ! the density is also greater than that of solid xenon (3·1) or fluorine (1·3). Xenon di­ TABLE II fluoride has a very high solubility in anhy­ PROPERTIES OF THE XEKON FLUORIDES drous hydrogen fluoride, in which it is non-conducting. Proper ty X eF 2 XeF4 X eF6 --- - ------ The vapour pressure is sufficient to allow :W.p. (00) 140 114 46 the compound to sublime readily when Density (g/ ml) 4·32 4·04 warmed under vacuum and it forms beautiful Sol. in liq. HF at 25° (g/ 100 g) 175 4 250 H eat of solu tion (kcalj mole) 2·5 6·7 18 crystals in this way. The heat of vaporiza­ Vap. press. (mm H g a t 25°) . 3 4 30 tion (12·3 kcalj mole) suggests that there is H eat of sublimation (kcal/ mole ) . 12·3 15·3 9·0 appreciable separation of charge within the Bond length Xe- F (A) 2·00 1·95 1·91 molecule, and this coulombic attraction con­ tributes to the low volatilit.y ( cf. 6.Hvap Xe 178 EDUCATIO~ IN CHEUISTRY 3·27, F 2 1·64 kcalj mole). Xenon difluoride X e1wn T etrafluoride is diamagnetic, indicating that there arc no XeF4 is best prepared by heating xenon unpaired electrons in the structure. and fluorine in an atom ratio of 1 : 5 at Neutron diffraction and X-ray diffraction 13 atm and 400° in a nickel weigh ing-can have shown that xenon difluoride crystallizes for 1 lu·. Up to 50 g can be ha.ndled a.nd in the tetragonal system " ·ith cell constants the yield is quantitative. Flow methods a = 4·315 and c = 6·990 ± 0·004 A, and two tlu·ough a ni ckel tube, electrial discharge molecules in the unit cell, as illustrated in methods and y-irradiation haYe also been Fig. 1. The XeF2 molecule is linear and this used. The compound sublimes readily under reduced pressure a-nd is obtained as beauti­ fully-formed colourless ct'ystals. r 4·315 2. The properties of xenon tetl'afiuoride are summarized in Table II.
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