Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-19-1984 The iH lltop 10-19-1984 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-19-1984" (1984). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 107. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/107 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • Friday • } . October 19, 1984 ' Vol1,1me_68 Numbers • • • The Nation's Largest Black Studfnt Newspaper• Howard University, Washing1on, D .C. 20059 • • . Fae ty unr~st prompts pay increase dem,,, .ands . Bv Joyce Harris with the exception of medical school -ary increases for facul1y and ;hat all · The memo states that compliance between faculty and administrators is cies governing ·public relations. One 1'.t,u""' s.wr R<'J'Dl"rr , fa culty who recently recei ved an faculty who have been de11ied a salary with these demands should be re­ due to the parliamentary procedures · Of the policies st41tes that only the De­ The facul!y of the School of Com­ across-the-board pay increase increase JCCeives same at an across­ ceived by Oct. 31 .and Nov. 29, conducted between the two sides, the paivnent of University Relations may munic 3.t ions ·j submitted a me1t1- Because of the ·'escalating dis­ the board rate of 5 percent. respectively . Work stoppage, a vote apparent powerlessness of the facu1ty, generate invitations for media orandum to Universi1y Preside11t tance'' petween University faculty • That the President at Howard Uni - of no-confidence in the President, a and the fear of repercussions if one cover:ige . · , James E. Cheek last week expressing and administrators. the School of . Versity , who chairs the S1eering Com- . press conferenc!=:, a faculty and stu-· voices his or her concerns. · 'Tiiis policy is necessary in order their ' 'i;ollective outrage·· at th_e ad­ Communications Instructors decided ffiittee of the Senate, present for de.nt rally . the involvement of the Faculty morale is very low, said the to avoid confusion, working at cross­ ministration's -decisiOn on salary in­ to form a special committee to look re consideration the previ'ously re­ , American Association of University professor. purposes and exhibiting an un­ ' creases distribution of merit monies in10 1he heighte11ed unrest. according jected proposal submitted to the -fac­ Professors (AAUP). and a letter to the Other faculty members have ex­ professional image to the working that was issued out of the office.of the to faculty n1en1bers . u l t y of the S c hool Of Co m­ appropiate congressional committee pressed the same .sentiment saying press,'' the memorandum states. Vice President for Academic At a special meeting held by the munications calling for a university­ were a1nong the list of alternative that the faculty has minimal power in Another policy states, ''Howard At-fairs .·· • t'aculty on Ocl . 9, a letter v.·as drafted wide evaluatjon of the operation and strategies. the University Senate. University experts who are called I According lo member~ of the fac ­ and senl to the administration. which effectiveness of the Senate and its . Accordiniz to a orofessor in the In a memorandum released to Uni­ upon to participate in television, ulty. the University fac ul1y has nol l' ited the following demands: constituent bodies. which is to be School of Liberal Arts, who declined versity faculty last Oct. 15, 1982, the received a pay incfease in lwo years. • That : monies be channeled into sal- conducted during ....Spring , 1985. to be identified. much of the tensi'on Board of Trustees had approved poli- See FACULTY page II Bison I Communications program accredited capture . ' wants to put out the best students. • By Joyce Harris Commenting on the newly accre­ first win Hllhop Stall' Repona- dited program, Dean of the School of The Department of Communica­ Communiations, Lionel C. Barrow tion Arts and Sciences in the School Jr., said, ''My major concern is get­ B~ · Joseph C. Burris of Communications celebrated the ting accreditation from the American llillop -.Wf.Rfponrt • . accreditation of the masters program Council on Education in Journalism Jon Nicolaisen's 20-}·ard fie ld goal, I in speech pathology last Monday, and Mass Communications.'' with 1/ seco11ds left, gave Ho,vard a which makes the University the ftrSt ''I want to put to rest the whispers 22-21 win over Virgi nia State. i11 Pe1ersburg last Sa1urda)', and put an historically black college to have this aboul the quality of my program. I end 10 an 11 ·ga:rne losi11g streak and accredited program, according to De­ think we have a ftrSt -rate program," n1 ore than a )'ear of see1ni11gl)' endless Njeri Nuru, a graduate professor in he said, adding that he is willing to fru stration . the department and the associate dean . put the faculty and students up against 1 of the school . any school of communications. Ho\\·ard had not '''011 a footbal l • game since Sept. 17, 1983 (20-17 o,·Jr The program was accredited by the ''Our equipment is state of the art, Bethune·Cook111a11) , and earl} 011 it Education and Training Board of Ex­ which a lot of schools can't say,'' he seemed as if \ 1 irgi11ia State's amine rs in Speech ~ Language ­ added. ho111ecoming ..:ro,,·d of 14,(X)() ''ot1ld Pathology and Audiology for a five­ David Yoder, president of the wat ch Ho'''ard lose one 111ore the year period. July I , 1984-July 1. American sl>eech-Language-Hearing Bison's offense had't,,·o fuinbles a11d • ,,F,I' .1989 . Association (ASHLA) and Frederick . "~ fi\'e int erceptio11s half\\'a)' 1hrot1~!1 t11r f~\ • ' 'It is truly an exciting event for the Spahr, e'xecutive secretary of third quarter, and had to rel)· 011 ag­ fi~ld godl. de-partment,"said ))avid R. Woods, ASHLA were ori hand to express their gressive pla)' by !he! defense a11d wi tll .1hree second; lt•f t , on N1 _colaisen scores ' . chainnan of the Department of Com­ congratulations at Monday's celebra­ 10 nl11nerol1S penalties b~· 1!1e f roja11 s a solicl Perl l)rr11ant'e. -rt1e)' l..ept Tro pla~e~ . 1!1t') '~'e cl{lr1e their b1..''>l . b1i1 Tl1ere \\~ S a lot or i11tc11sity in the munication Arts and Sciences. tion held in t~e school of Com­ keep 1he game close. ja11 qt1aner hal.:'k Sam ·1-aylor 011 tlie th~~ 111ade SC\t'ral 111i s t~1i..e~ \\·l1i1.:h gan1e for -~Ill" Dis011 ve,tera11s. Last ·'We,'ve reviewed our proSram in munications. "' Late in the third quarter, ho,ve,e1 , r11n all dai. h\ t'011trolli11g t l ~e line of . h11r1 l1~ ~ T e)' col1ld ha' e r;1 si! ) ~a~o 1 1. \1irg111ia State came i1110 Bison order to upgrade aqd meet the stan­ According to a report issued by the the Bison ..: losed in on 1l1e 1 · roja11~. si.:r1111n1age . Altl1ol1gl1 T;lylor did 1t1!'0\vn 1n 1~e lO\\Cl b)' n{.''', hui tht:)' 30..14. ThL"' 13iso11 l1ad 1101 forgo{te11 dards . We 've done a lot of work, and General Accounting Office last rallying from a 21 -12 deficit \\1i1h t\.\ O scra111ble 0111 ()f the pocket ha,•e11'1 ." " t t1at / ' the program has improved greatly spring, the University has accredited scoring drives , anchored by qL1arter­ nt1111bero11s 1ime~ !'or htg gain~ . tl1e lnd1..·ed, the lli\(Jrl i.:011\d''~ easil). '• \\'e prl.'1)ared .l1 ard during 1!1e t\VO while its gone tl)rough this process,'' degree programs in 15 of its / 17' back Brian Sloan· and ru11ni11g ba..:k losses he"~ 1t1ro~ ' 11 . dt1e to quarter- ' rl1rown in the IO\,•el dt1ri11g tl1t' '''eek layoff.•· <;aid Pl1i\lip Lee, a he continued. schools and college$. Due to i:le­ Richard Vickers, to pull tl1e ga111e out . bacl.. ~a.: k s;~eft l1i111 v.ith 1111t1us t1ve \'irgi 111t1 Stale ga111e, bccat1!>e of .. o ti11ebaL·ke1 fron1 Petersburg, Virginia. Woods said ''the next big step' ' is ficiencies of the facilities and curtjcu-· Sloan and Vickers can1e off the vat d., t)ll I .'i .. arrie .. 111an)• errors \\'l1i..:l1 plagL1ec\ tl1e1n ir1 ··carrcill H t1gl1e ~ [a lso fron1 to get audiology accredited. lum, the School of Education was de­ bench to combi11e for 100 )'ards 011 11 ll1r "'i11 ''as thL' first at H{)\\J1d t'or the earl)' goi11g. Tl1at didn't l1a1)pc11, \\ere Pctersbt11'i!J a11d I 1alki r1 g 11ight The accreditation of the master's nied accreditation· in ·1979. And ~ agaiJ a: a team "ttich tw a(kr.,W on­ head coach \Villie Jefferies, ,·et lie l1<1''l'\t'r. because a fe\\' players par· and day ~bout how 1nuch this gilrne ly 68 rushing yards a gan1e . J't1e Bison program makes it the only program in according to Lawrencel< aa gw a ~hair­ sal.d. it wa' m\1re · important to hint ticL1larly the \ ' Ctera11~. saicl 1!1e~ · \\·ere n1ea11t to ~ I". Tl1is '''as 1he last chance finished with · 227 )'ards th at after· the school to be accredited, 'said .man of the journalism qepartment, that l1i s 1ea111 \\ Oil its t'1rs1 g<-1111e of 1he too de1~r111i11ec\ 10 ,,·iri 1!1is 011e. \\'e l1ad 1~ get tl1c111 [Vi1gi11ia State] Njeru.
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