Cloudy and Wa,.mer Guml3 Blanked I1 Clubs' Larry J'rencb 8bllta au. 10WA-ParUy cloudy today and New York Club, 6-D tomorrow; warmer In east. today; cooler In exireme DorthWes~ to· (See story, ....e 3) -- ~ morrow. , 0 II' • C I , ,.'. .. ".,., N • • • p • p • • ! tv. mE CENTS TIle AMoclated Pr_ IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST... 5, 1988 VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 55, ns le ~oW Workers Capitulate to May tag Demands, Return to Factory he bllli_ atUe C)t and shifted with kaleidoscopic the national guard "for inform a- 'strategy for the ,,~elent. We are I pliint when it was apparent that To which someone in the crowd parently qulet-<ln the lurface at TOnight. men who have neither to suddenness from the ballyhoo of tion." working under protest. and are I the strikers wished it. Until the yelled back, "Just wait unW we least-and it was only a precau­ worked nor received pay for the bt NEWTON. Aug. '\ (Special to . "After the meeting this morn· accepting somethin, against our very moment when the hands aet in there and it wUl be bot tionary measure such as any troop last 13 weeks are sleeping once lmorrow The Daily Iowan) - The heart a major poUtlcal convention over ing. at which I had two officers wills. forced on us by the ,over- were raised for vote, It was ap· enough for you." commander would have taken again. National guardsmen have ~n WiIIl of Newton-the Maytag Washing to the fiery harangues of the present, we felt that there were nor in relieving us of our sale parent that Ihe union officials Late in the afternoon rumors that I took when I asked for relaxed thelr vigilance somewhat by Ray Machine company - throbbed soap box orators in Chicago's some statements w hie h needed collective bargainlng riabts. .. confidently believed that the were ,revalent that the CIO had more troops today. The extra in the streets ot the town and the or. lilain this afternoon after a three Washington Square and then clearing uP." Tinley said. "As However, once the t roo p 8 and measure would be defeated and apparently capitulated in order to men-four troops of cavalry-are whole aspect is brighter and more r hi gb months' siege of heart trouble away to the almost hysterical the authorized representative of their bayonets are withdrawn that the strikers would continue gain access to the plant where the bere to relieve the infantry troops cheery_ Yet underneath all this -efferson which paralyzed this community fervor of a southern camp meet- the union, Sentner was the man from Newton, we shan settle this Ithelr holdout. members could damage the ma­ which must leave lor their train­ happiness lies the threats of the ! led by and at tlmes threatened to kill Ing - did little except praise the to clear them up so we have de- Issue once and for all ... We are As the strikers approa,ched the chinery by sabotage. Later to­ Ing perJod at Camp Dodge In Des union men "to see this thing 'V(ed by the industl'y which furnishes the fortitude of the strikers and then tal ned him temporarily. He Is nol whipped, we are not surren- Maytag plant after the adjourn­ day. General Tindley spiked this Moines Sunday." It Is my own through if it takes two or Ulree ld bUgle city with its life. capitulate to the company de · free to go to Des Moines now dering, we are just playin, the ment of the CIO meeting, they rumor when he said, "If I have opinion that all the troops will years." Hidden torces are wrest­ Ie Cedar While curiosity seekers milled mands. that he has partially answered game, but our time will come' shuffled along, kept in single file not misunderstood the ofIicers of be out ot Newton wltbln 10 or 12 ling and striving for the power ld bugle around the May tag plant - re- Almost immediately after the our questions, but he must re- and then we wJll get out of the I under the watchlul eyes ot a the CIO. I have their assurance days." which shall deterrnlne whetber urn and opened today with Gov. Nelson I meeting had broken up and the turn lor further questioning to- factory and stay out until hell heavy detachment of national that so long as the troops are "As for the men at the plant, labor shall organize and master m New. ]{raschel's permission-a group of strikers were wending their ways morrow morning." freezes over.") !lUardsmen. Many ot the men here there will be no trouble. our faith In them is sufficient at capital or whether labor 0 n c e 500 men and women jammed the toward the factory. military po· (In the course of the morning Throughout the mornillj lei· scuffed their feet much as Iruant For my part, I can assure the this point and we have no thought again shall be shoved aside by the m. Fri. Newton Junior high school to de· lice swooped down and spirited CIO meeting. Sentner had been sion, John Connolly Jr., attorney schoolboys would on tl1eir return people ot the county that there that they wlll break faith with a great American dollar. Yes, to­ 'ch west bate the advisability of return- away William Sentner of St. particularly vehement and biting tor the CIO, swayed the mob Ito class alter a day In the old will be no trouble - It Is the company which tbey have served night Newton sleeps. but it .is a school Ing to work. After two hours of Louis. regional CIO organizer. in his criticism of Governor with his fire and persuasive elo- 8Wlrnrnin, hole. From the thl,d governor's order and I am here lrom two to 40 years. Those troubled sleep of one in great tor­ treet to drama and cO{l1edy, the eroup According to Maj. Gen. Mathew Kraschel and of the troops in quence. Connolly, scowlin, and I story window a worlonan looked to see that it is carried out." men have a respect for their mao ment, of one who has been af­ to Col: voted 378 to 161 to accept the A, Tinley. who gtanted a press general. It was Sentner who ranting in the approveQ J 0 h n , down on the stragglin, strikers "There is no change In the situ· chines and in their loyalty they flicted with deep and painful 1 street May tag terms. interview late this afternoon, said, "We are gOing back to work Henry Lewis man~r, was the I and 5houted "Keep your heads up ation as far as I can see." Tind­ will see that no harm comes to wounds which may take months et, west Tne gathering-which chll,nled Sentner was "apprebended" by because this seems to be the best first to sUiiest a return to the , boys, it's cooler In here anyway." ley continued. "Thinp are ap· them," he concluded. to heal. north to ------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------- -eUerlOll lin. lata art We All Love a Parade! in the Cooper Takes Lead In :Soviets and Japanese form on • • • • • • ck south Drum and Bugle Corp!!! Will March Through -eUerson e drum Business Area This Afternoon Y lnarch ·Tennessee Demo Race Led by the Chariton junior drum'• groups, the Iowa City, Newton, Ready for Settlement by CoL and bugle corps, more lIllin 300 Charlton, Boone, and Cedar Rap­ I Elmer ~ .---------------------------------- --------- drum and buglers will march ids corps, wJlJ compete in a march­ ;emblinc through Iowa City at 4 o'clock thts i for the Browning Lags Writer S~ys alternoon, tl1i con test at Shraeder fJeld . The Mediators Get reational Lifer Tells Groups Irom Charlton, Iowa sixth corps. the Y.M.C.A. sponsOr­ No Relief Moscow Says . City, Newton, Boone and two from ed group trom Cedar Rapids, will Ilans in· In Vote For Reich Ready Cedar Rapids will strut and blare not compete. Task of Ending of drill His Story from J efferson street and the jun- The contest Is one of a series of In Politics Tokyo Will Not t Shrae. lor high scl100ls grounds west to rotating exchange contests between Renomination Dwyer Says Father To Use Force Clinton street, south to College the units. At the first battle, the Wage Tangle Johnson Tells G. O. P. -Dictate Terms :e in the Of His Sweetheart street, east to Gilbert street, north Iowa City group won second place. Program Committee ve con· 1 Complaints of Electiob to Washington street, west to Du- The Iowa City group Is directed or drum Strangled Littlefields Slales Germany Wants buque street and then back to the by Jack Fromm, who has organ­ Railroads, Employes To End Corruption Russians Demand ter their Irregularities At school grounds. ized several drum and bugle corps ds from Mastery of Central, Fifteen floats. sponsored by Iowa throughout the state. Fall to Agree On Enemy's Withdrawal Memphis Received SOUTH PARIS, Me .• Aug. 4 CHICAGO, Aug. 4 (AP)-Rob­ to pur- Southeastern Europe City merchants, will also take part A large crowd Is expected at 15 Per Cent Cut l equip- 4 (AP) - Paul N. Dwyer acknow· in the parade, held under the aus- Shrlleder field tonight. according ert L. Johnson, former relief ad­ From Borderland irganiza- NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. ledged late today that not until he By LOUIS LOCHNER pices ot the Iowa City Veterans of to LesUe E. Moore. chairman of ministrator of Pennsylvania, told (AP)-Prentice Cooper, Shelby­ CHICAGO, Aug. 4 CAP) - The By WADE WERNER Foreign Wars post.
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