AA NextNext GenerationGeneration CIFSCIFS ClientClient Steven French Linux Technology Center IBM Austin Connectathon 2002 March 5, 2002 email:[email protected] OutlineOutline ValueValue ofof thethe clientclient perspectiveperspective SomeSome currentcurrent clientsclients CIFSCIFS ClientClient (VFS)(VFS) forfor LinuxLinux StatusStatus NameName ResolutionResolution ReliabilityReliability CompatibilityCompatibility PerformancePerformance SecuritySecurity AreasAreas toto extendextend thethe dialectdialect &OLHQW 3HUVSHFWLYH ValueValue ofof thethe clientclient ClientClient drivesdrives protocolprotocol flowflow soso cancan determinedetermine ...... WhatWhat isis thethe smallestsmallest setset ofof SMBSMB PDUsPDUs thatthat couldcould bebe usedused byby aa clientclient withoutwithout lossloss ofof functionfunction oror performance?performance? –– HowHow differentdifferent isis thethe answeranswer forfor WindowsWindows 20002000 vs.vs. Linux?Linux? AndAnd aa wellwell written,written, easilyeasily available,available, modifiablemodifiable referencereference clientclient wouldwould promotepromote interoperability.interoperability. –– smbfssmbfs?? JCIFS?JCIFS? ValueValue ofof thethe clientclient AA consensusconsensus isis emergingemerging thatthat smallsmall enhancementsenhancements areare neededneeded toto keepkeep CIFSCIFS aheadahead ofof NFSNFS andand WebDAVWebDAV inin intranetintranet filefile sharingsharing ManyMany ofof thesethese changeschanges couldcould bebe invaluableinvaluable forfor aa smartsmart CIFSCIFS clientclient ...... butbut therethere isis constantconstant tensiontension (especially(especially forfor clients)clients) betweenbetween perfectperfect reliability/interoperabilityreliability/interoperability andand enhancedenhanced features/performancefeatures/performance ClientClient MostMost attentionattention hashas beenbeen onon serverserver –– Example:Example: SambaSamba vs.vs. smbfssmbfs » Just smbd (main server daemon) alone is more than 20KLOC vs » VFS filesystem Smbfs (less than 4KLOC) and all related utilities for mount and session establishment (client and library functions less than 14 KLOC) –– ServerServer performanceperformance optimizationoptimization isis bigbig foucsfoucs » benchmarks often show performance of server with client constant (rather than reverse) &XUUHQW &OLHQWV CurrentCurrent ClientsClients FilesystemsFilesystems (IFS(IFS oror VFSVFS like)like) –– WindowsWindows 20002000 andand XPXP » Viewed by many as the reference client –– WindowsWindows 9x,9x, WindowsWindows MEME –– ThursbyThursby MacintoshMacintosh ClientsClients –– BSDBSD smbfssmbfs –– AppleApple –– SharitySharity –– LinuxLinux SmbfsSmbfs –– OS/400OS/400 CurrentCurrent ClientsClients -- otherother typestypes ClientClient SMBSMB UtilitiesUtilities suchsuch asas –– SmbclientSmbclient -- ftpftp likelike –– VariousVarious utilitiesutilities builtbuilt onon smblibsmblib JavaJava ClientsClients suchsuch asas –– JCIFSJCIFS SomeSome URLsURLs forfor moremore infoinfo –– SmbclientSmbclient http://www.samba.orghttp://www.samba.org –– JCIFSJCIFS http://http://jcifsjcifs.samba.org.samba.org –– AnotherAnother JCIFS:JCIFS: www.hranitzky.purespace.de/jcifs/jcifs.htmwww.hranitzky.purespace.de/jcifs/jcifs.htm –– jSMBjSMB http://members.nbci.com/harikris_vhttp://members.nbci.com/harikris_v –– SharitySharity light:light: http://www.obdev.at/products/sharity-http://www.obdev.at/products/sharity- lightlight –– LinuxLinux SmbfsSmbfs::http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/2.4http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/2.4 –– http://http://cvswebcvsweb..netbsdnetbsd.org/.org/bsdwebbsdweb..cgicgi//syssrcsyssrc/sys//sys/smbfssmbfs// 6WDWXV CIFSCIFS StatusStatus Working: – Mount in kernel at NTLM level – Unicode or ASCII – Most Current level of SMBs following CIFS T/R – Open, Read, Write, Release (close) – Get and Set Attributes – Readdir (for small to medium sized directories) – Passes 5 of first 7 tests attempted Not implemented: – Chmod (777 returned), Native CIFS ACL/SecurityDescriptors – Locking – Distrubuted caching/oplock, MMAP – Kerberos/SPNEGO Authentication ProblemProblem areasareas Mount does not pass UNC name: – Mount //server/share /mnt –o user=name,pass= Hard to detect mandatory vs. advisory locks Invalidating mmap pages AccessFlags Setting Security Descriptors Group field of 777 permissions Add security code and DNS resolution helper code in kernel Efficiency of large scale directory notification O_ACCESS flag maps poorly Many missing or hard to set flags (such as sparse file, access pattern hints) AD Integration, Winbind/NSS integration 1DPH 5HVROXWLRQ KeyKey namename resolutionsresolutions questionsquestions SkippingSkipping NBTNBT (RFC(RFC 10011001 namename service)service) -- "pure"pure TCP"TCP" onon portport 139.139. IsIs alwaysalways ok?ok? InIn purepure TCPTCP -- whatwhat shouldshould gogo inin UNCUNC pathpath inin tConXtConX?? IPIP addressaddress worksworks butbut whatwhat aboutabout multiplemultiple serversservers onon oneone port?port? *SMBSERVER*SMBSERVER doesdoes notnot workwork forfor Win2KWin2K DoesDoes ipv6ipv6 addressaddress workwork inin tConxtConx path?path? AreAre therethere casescases inin whichwhich UnicodeUnicode translationtranslation shouldshould bebe disableddisabled eveneven thoughthough bothboth serverserver andand clientclient supportsupport it?it? (same(same codepagecodepage onon eacheach -- howhow cancan thethe clientclient detectdetect thethe server'sserver's codecode page)page) MoreMore namename resolutionresolution ...... IsIs therethere aa recommendrecommend orderorder forfor tryingtrying addressaddress resolution?resolution? BigBig performanceperformance hithit –– ProbablyProbably notnot -- manymany Unix/LinuxUnix/Linux clientsclients maymay bebe satisfiedsatisfied withwith purepure DNSDNS resolutionresolution NeedNeed forfor DFSDFS supportsupport inin moremore clientsclients isis aa givengiven butbut ...... –– HowHow dodo youyou locatelocate thethe globalglobal root?root? » DNS lookup of reserved domain specific name » LDAP query (Win2K seems to store it in both) » UDDI query » Local config file (worst case for most) 5HOLDELOLW\ ReliabilityReliability pointspoints toto considerconsider ThreeThree bigbig issues:issues: –– LogonLogon reliability,reliability, redundancyredundancy –– RedundancyRedundancy ofof DFSDFS rootroot –– RedundancyRedundancy ofof (especially(especially r/o)r/o) resourcesresources usingusing DFSDFS replicasreplicas –– ReconnectionReconnection afterafter transienttransient TCPTCP sessionsession failurefailure withoutwithout useruser interventionintervention -- transparenttransparent toto anan application?application? –– WhatWhat ifif TGTTGT hashas expired?expired? CanCan KDEKDE oror GNOMEGNOME promptprompt thethe useruser toto reenterreenter thethe passwordpassword oror isis aa locallocal serviceservice necessary?necessary? ReliabilityReliability pointspoints toto considerconsider ItIt isis aa givengiven thatthat clientsclients shouldshould leverageleverage DFSDFS whenwhen availableavailable forfor reconnectionreconnection -- –– ButBut howhow longlong cancan wewe keepkeep infoinfo onon replicasreplicas safelysafely withoutwithout askingasking forfor aa referralreferral again?again? –– WhatWhat orderorder shouldshould clientsclients trytry toto connectconnect toto replicas?replicas? RoundRound robinrobin inin samesame subnetsubnet 1st?1st? –– AndAnd thethe mgmtmgmt APIAPI forfor DFSDFS ((AddRootAddRoot,, etc.)etc.) isis onlyonly partiallypartially implementedimplemented ...... ReliabilityReliability pointspoints toto considerconsider AndAnd howhow dodo wewe handlehandle outout ofof diskdisk spacespace onon write?write? IfIf storagestorage isis replicatedreplicated cancan clientclient initiateinitiate failoverfailover toto replica?replica? ShouldShould serverserver movemove directory,directory, thenthen dropdrop sessionsession thenthen generategenerate referralreferral onon reconnection?reconnection? ShouldShould wewe addadd aa newnew returnreturn codecode onon writewrite "ERR_FILE_MOVED""ERR_FILE_MOVED" soso serversservers cancan auto-failoverauto-failover toto anotheranother serverserver thatthat isis lessless full?full? &RPSDWLELOLW\ VFSVFS OperationsOperations RAMFSRAMFS inin LinuxLinux 2.42.4 isis aa goodgood exampleexample ofof aa minimal,minimal, cleanlycleanly writtenwritten filesystemfilesystem NetworkNetwork filesystemsfilesystems unfortunatelyunfortunately areare muchmuch moremore complicatedcomplicated forfor LinuxLinux seesee include/include/linuxlinux//fsfs.h.h toto seesee aa completecomplete listlist VFSVFS OperationsOperations (file(file ops)ops) LlseekLlseek IoctlIoctl ReadRead MmapMmap WriteWrite OpenOpen ReaddirReaddir FlushFlush PollPoll ReleaseRelease FsyncFsync FasyncFasync VFSVFS OperationsOperations (file(file opsops partpart 2)2) LockLock ReadvReadv WritevWritev SendpageSendpage Get_unmapped_areaGet_unmapped_area VFSVFS OperationsOperations (part(part 3)3) inodeinode opsops CreateCreate LookupLookup LinkLink UnlinkUnlink SymlinkSymlink MkdirMkdir RmdirRmdir MknodMknod RenameRename readlinkreadlink VFSVFS OperationsOperations (part(part 4)4) inodeinode opsops Follow_linkFollow_link TruncateTruncate PermissionPermission RevalidateRevalidate SetattrSetattr GetattrGetattr AndAnd superblocksuperblock operationsoperations – Statfs – Unlockfs – Write_super – Inode_from_fh KeKeyy DataData StructuresStructures SuperblockSuperblock matchesmatches okok (connected(connected toto CIFSCIFS servers)servers)
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