jkti=] fgekpy izns'k fgekpy izns'k jkT; 'kklu }kjk izdkf'kr f”keyk] 'kfuokj 22 fnlEcj] 2012@1 ikS"k] 1934 fgekpy izns'k ljdkj GOVERNOR'S SECRETARIAT, HIMACHAL PRADESH, RAJ BHAWAN, SHIMLA-171 002 NOTIFICATION Shimla-2, the 21st December, 2012 No. GS/COM/2012.—In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India, I, Urmila Singh, Governor of Himachal Pradesh do hereby dissolve the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh with immediate effect. Sd/- (URMILA SINGH), Governor of Himachal Pradesh. 197&jkti=@2012&22&12&2012 ¼5603½ 5604 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 22 fnlEcj] 2012@1 ikS"k] 1934 fuokZpu foHkkx vf/klwpuk f”keyk&171009] 22 fnlEcj] 2012 Lka[;k 3&19@2012&bZ-,y-,u-&Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k 308@fg0iz0&fo0l0@ 2012] fnukad 22 fnlEcj] 2012 rnkuqlkj 1 ikS’k] 1934 ¼”kd½] dks vaxzsth :ikUrj lfgr tulk/kkj.k dh lwpuk gsrq izdkf”kr fd;k tkrk gSA vkns”k ls ujsUnz pkSgku Ekq[; fuokZpu vf/kdkjh] fgekpy izns”k A &&&&&&& Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx fuokZpu lnu] v”kksd jksM] ubZ fnYyh&110001 fnukad% 22 fnlEcj] 2012 1 ikS’k] 1934¼”kd½ vf/klwpuk la0 308@fg0iz0&fo0l0@2012&;r%] yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 ¼1951 dk 43½ dh /kkjk 15 dh mi /kkjk ¼2½ ds v/khu fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky }kjk fnukad 10 vDrwcj] 2012 dks tkjh vf/klwpuk la0 3&19@2012&bZ-,y-,u- ds vuqlj.k esa] fgekpy izns”k jkT; ds fy, ,d ubZ fo/kku lHkk dk xBu djus ds iz;kstu ls ,d lk/kkj.k fuokZpu djk;k tk pqdk gS( vkSj ;r%] mDr lk/kkj.k fuokZpu esa lHkh 68 fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu {ks=ksa esa fuokZpuksa ds ifj.kke lEcfU/kr fjVfuaZx vkfQljksa }kjk ?kksf"kr fd;s tk pqds gaS( vr%] vc] yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 ¼1951 dk 43½ dh /kkjk 73 ds vuqlj.k esa] Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx] ,rn~}kjk mu fuokZpu {ks=ksa ls fuokZfpr lnL;ksa ds uke] mudh ny lac)rk] ;fn dksbZ gks] ds lkFk bl vf/klwpuk dh vuqlwph esa vf/klwfpr djrk gS A lkj.kh fuokZpu {ks= dh Øe la0 fuokZfpr lnL; dk uke ny lac)rk vkSj uke ¼;fn dksbZ gks½ 1 2 3 1- pqjkg ¼v-tk-½ gal jkt Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 2- HkjekSj ¼v-t-tk-½ Bkdqj falag HkjekSjh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 3- pEck ch0 ds0 pkSgku Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 4- MygkSth vk'kk dqekjh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 5- HkfV;kr fcØe flag tj;ky Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 22 fnlEcj] 2012@1 ikS"k] 1934 5605 6- uwjiqj vt; egktu bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 7- bUnkSjk ¼v-tk-½ euksgj /kheku funZyh; 8- Qrsgiqj lqtku flag iBkfu;k bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 9- Tokyh uhjt Hkkjrh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 10- nsgjk jfoUnz flag Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 11- tloak&izkxiqj fcØe flag Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 12- Tokykeq[kh lat; jru bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 13- t;flagiqj ¼v-tk-½ ;knfoaUæ xksek bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 14- lqyg Tkxthou iky bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 15- uxjksVk th-,l- ckyh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 16- dkaxM+k iou dkty funZyh; 17- 'kkgiqj ljohu Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 18- /keZ'kkyk lq/khj 'kekZ bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 19- ikyeiqj c`t fcgkjh yky cqVsy bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 20- cStukFk ¼v-tk-½ fd”kksjh yky bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 21- ykgkSy vkSj fLifr¼v-t-tk-½ jfo Bkdqj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 22- eukyh xksfoUn flag Bkdqj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 23- dqYyw egs”oj flag fgekpy yksdfgr ikVhZ 24- cUtkj d.kZ flag bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 25- vkuh ¼v-tk-½ [kwc jke bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 26- djlksx ¼v-tk-½ eulk jke bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 27- lqUnjuxj lksgu yky bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 28- ukpu ¼v-tk-½ fouksn dqekj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 29- fljkt t; jke Bkdqj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 30- njax dkSy flag bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 31- tksfxUnzuxj xqykc flag Bkdqj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 32- /keZiqj egsUnz flag Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 33- e.Mh vfuy dqekj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 34- cYg ¼v-tk-½ izdk”k pkS/kjh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 35- ljdk?kkV bUnz flag Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 36- Hkksjat ¼v-tk-½ bZ”oj nkl /kheku Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 37- lqtkuiqj jktsUnz flag funZyh; 38- gehjiqj izse dqekj /kwey Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 5606 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 22 fnlEcj] 2012@1 ikS"k] 1934 39- cM+lj bUnz nÙk y[kuiky bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 40- unkSu fot; vfXugks=h Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 41- fpUriqjuh ¼v-tk-½ dqynhi dqekj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 42- xxjsV jkds'k dkfy;k bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 43- gjksyh eqds'k vfXugks=h bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 44- Åuk lriky flag lÙkh Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 45- dqVySgM+ ohjsUnz daoj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 46- >.Mqrk ¼v-tk-½ fj[kh jke dkSaMy Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 47- ?kqekjoha jkts”k /kekZ.kh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 48- fcykliqj cEcj Bkdqj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 49- Jh uSuk nsohth j.k/khj “kekZ Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 50- vdhZ xksfoUn jke “kekZ Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 51- ukykx<+ d`’.k yky Bkdqj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 52- nwu jke dqekj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 53- lksyu ¼v-tk-½ /kuh jke 'kkafMy bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 54- dlkSyh ¼v-tk-½ jktho lSty Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 55- iPNkn ¼v-tk-½ Lkqjs”k dqekj Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 56- ukgu jktho fcUny Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 57- Jh js.kqdkth ¼v-tk-½ fou; dqekj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 58- ikaoVk lkfgc fdjus”k tax funZyh; 59- f'kykbZ cynso flag rksej Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 60- pkSiky cyohj flag oekZ funZyh; 61- fB;ksx fo|k bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 62- dlqEiVh vfu:) flag bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 63- f'keyk lqjs'k Hkkj}kt Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ 64- f'keyk xzkeh.k ohjHknz flag bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 65- tqCcy&dksV[kkbZ jksfgr Bkdqj bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 66- jkeiqj ¼v-tk-½ uUn yky bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 67- jksgMw ¼v-tk-½ eksgu yky czkDVk bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl 68- fdUukSj ¼v-t-tk½ txr flag usxh bafM;u us”kuy dk¡xzsl vkns'k ls] ”kaxkjk jke iz/kku lfpo Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksxA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 22 fnlEcj] 2012@1 ikS"k] 1934 5607 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NIRVACHAN SADAN, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELHI – 110001 Dated: 22nd December, 2012 1 Pausa, 1934(SAKA) NOTIFICATION No. 308/HP-LA/2012 – Whereas, in pursuance of the Notification No. 3-19/2012- ELN, issued by the Governor of Himachal Pradesh on 10th October, 2012 under sub-section (2) of section 15 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), a General Election has been held for the purpose of constituting a new Legislative Assembly for the State of Himachal Pradesh; and Whereas, the results of the elections in all the 68 Assembly Constituencies in the said General Election have been declared by the Returning Officers concerned; Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 73 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), the Election Commission of India hereby notifies the names of the Members elected from those constituencies, alongwith their party affiliation, if any, in the schedule to this Notification. SCHEDULE Serial No. and Name of Name of elected member Party Affiliation (If any) Constituency 1 2 3 1- Churah (SC) Hans Raj Bharatiya Janata Party 2- Bharmour (ST) Thakur Singh Bharmouri Indian National Congress 3- Chamba B.K. Chauhan Bharatiya Janata Party 4- Dalhousie Asha Kumari Indian National Congress 5-Bhattiyat Bikram Singh Jaryal Bharatiya Janata Party 6- Nurpur Ajay Mahajan Indian National Congress 7- Indora (SC) Manohar Dhiman Independent 8- Fatehpur Sujan Singh Pathania Indian National Congress 9- Jawali Neeraj Bharti Indian National Congress 10- Dehra Ravinder Singh Bharatiya Janata Party 11- Jaswan-Pragpur Bikram Singh Bharatiya Janata Party 12- Jawalamukhi Sanjay Rattan Indian National Congress 13- Jaisinghpur (SC) Yadvinder Goma Indian National Congress 14- Sullah Jagjiwan Paul Indian National Congress 15- Nagrota G.S. Bali Indian National Congress 16- Kangra Pawan Kajal Independent 17- Shahpur Sarveen Bharatiya Janata Party 18- Dharamshala Sudhir Sharma Indian National Congress 19- Palampur Brij Behari Lal Butail Indian National Congress 20- Baijnath (SC) Kishori Lal Indian National Congress 21- Lahaul & Spiti (ST) Ravi Thakur Indian National Congress 22- Manali Govind Singh Thakur Bharatiya Janata Party 23- Kullu Maheshwar Singh Himachal Lokhit Party 24- Banjar Karan Singh Indian National Congress 5608 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 22 fnlEcj] 2012@1 ikS"k] 1934 25- Anni (SC) Khub Ram Indian National Congress 26- Karsog (SC) Mansa Ram Indian National Congress 27- Sundernagar Sohan Lal Indian National Congress 28- Nachan (SC) Vinod Kumar Bharatiya Janata Party 29- Seraj Jai Ram Thakur Bharatiya Janata Party 30- Darang Kaul Singh Indian National Congress 31- Jogindernagar Gulab Singh Thakur Bharatiya Janata Party 32- Dharampur Mahender Singh Bharatiya Janata Party 33- Mandi Anil Kumar Indian National Congress 34- Balh (SC) Prakash Chaudhary Indian National Congress 35- Sarkaghat Inder Singh Bharatiya Janata Party 36- Bhoranj (SC) Ishwar Dass Dhiman Bharatiya Janata Party 37- Sujanpur Rajinder Singh Independent 38- Hamirpur Prem Kumar Dhumal Bharatiya Janata Party 39- Barsar Inder Dutt Lakhanpal Indian National Congress 40- Nadaun Vijay Agnihotri Bharatiya Janata Party 41- Chintpurni (SC) Kuldip Kumar Indian National Congress 42- Gagret Rakesh Kalia Indian National Congress 43- Haroli Mukesh Agnihotri Indian National Congress 44- Una Satpal Singh Satti Bharatiya Janata Party 45- Kutlehar Virender Kanwar Bharatiya Janata Party 46- Jhanduta (SC) Rikhi Ram Kaundal Bharatiya Janata Party 47- Ghumarwin Rajesh Dharmani Indian National Congress 48- Bilaspur Bumber Thakur Indian National Congress 49- Sri Naina Deviji Randhir Sharma Bharatiya Janata Party 50- Arki Govind Ram Sharma Bharatiya Janata Party 51- Nalagarh Krishan Lal Thakur Bharatiya Janata Party 52- Doon Ram Kumar Indian National Congress 53- Solan (SC) Dhani Ram Shandil Indian National Congress 54- Kasauli (SC) Rajiv Saizal Bharatiya Janata Party 55- Pachhad (SC) Suresh Kumar Bharatiya Janata Party 56- Nahan Rajeev Bindal Bharatiya Janata Party 57- Sri Renukaji (SC) Vinay Kumar Indian National Congress 58- Paonta Sahib Kirnesh Jung Independent 59- Shillai Baldev Singh Tomar Bharatiya Janata Party 60- Chopal Balbir Singh Verma Independent 61- Theog Vidya Indian National Congress 62- Kasumpti Anirudh Singh Indian National Congress 63- Shimla Suresh Bhardwaj Bharatiya Janata Party 64- Shimla Rural Virbhadra Singh Indian National Congress 65- Jubbal-Kotkhai Rohit Thakur Indian National Congress 66- Rampur (SC) Nand Lal Indian National Congress 67- Rohru (SC) Mohan Lal Brakta Indian National Congress 68- Kinnaur (ST) Jagat Singh Negi Indian National Congress By order, SHANGARA RAM Principal Secretary Election Commission of India .
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