WASHINGTON STATE DAILY UNIVERSITY Volume LXVIII Pullman, Washington,EVERGREEN Thursday, September 21, 1961 Number 2 French Talks Of Crowded Conditions 'Student Government Faces Campus Problems at Camp By Greg Click turn to a board of control meet- After considerable discussion, the ing for further information. His board decided to drop three liai- The 1961-62 Board of Control presentation was short clue to son positions, Liaison to the Book- began to get their feet on the lack of time. store Board, Traffic Control, and ground in preparation for the Community Relations. many problems that will face Another part of the agenda them this year at the annual was led b? Marven Swenson. pro- Discussion on tlw subject was BOC retreat last weekend at gram advisor for ASWSlJ activi- tabled 'with intent t.o return to Camp Easter Seal on Lake Coeur ties center, and his group who the discussion at a later date to d'Alene. came up to explain the activi- decide how best to communicate ties program. information from the committees The annual retreat is held each Dr. Chick, Director of the CUB, and living group organtzations to year to give Board members an gave a brief review of the new the board. The newlv designed opportunity to become informed services being added to the CUB. communications report was hand- on the many areas in the Univer- Among them included the new ed to board members with con- sity. It gave the participants a phone system, a barbecue facil- sideration to be given on this chance to do individual thinking ity for the fountain, and an ex· matter at a future meeting. about the responsibilities that tension of hours in the dining Among other topics mentioned they hold in assuming a student room to better serve faculty and were the bookstore, ~SA pilot office. The opinions were voiced students. Dr. Chick reported that project, and the recreation pro- with the result being a concept the CUB financial picture showed ject. of the role of the individual in a reasonable' profit for the year. The evening was spent hearing student government as related to The evening discussion was a National Student Congress re- DE.-\N OF STUDENTS John C. Clevenger took a little time the overall purpose of the Uni- prefaced by remarks by Dean port presented by Tim Manring, out for "just relaxing" durmg the Board of Control's weekend versity. 1etreat at Lake Coeur d' Alene. McCartan who further elaborated ASWSU president, Dave Hirzel, Tim Manring, ASWSU Presi- upon the housing situation. An at- ASWSU vice president, Alice dent, opened the discussion on tempt was next made to reach Thompson, ASWSU secrctarv and • the topic, What do you expect to a definition of the Purpose of the Bob Barton, administrative as- 'Royal Gombit' get out of this retreat." Com- University. One purpose of the sistant. Their report gave a bet- Off-Campus and Married ments such as, "A general know- University was to provide the op- ter insight into the values of be- Can Obtain 'Btock' Seats ledge of my position and what I portunity for all stuclents to edu- ing associated with the National Is First Play Off-campus and married stu- can do," and "I would like to cate themselves. A definition of Student Association (NSA). dents will have a chance to sit see the board become acquainted how to go about problems was The following clay provided a in the Crimson Block this fall, so- that opinions and .ideas may discussed as well as some of the final discussion and wrap-up of For Group announces Arlene E. Anderson, flow freely" were very common. goals that the board should set. the retreat. The retreat provided chairman of the Block. This provided the preface for a The third day of the retreat for its participants an oportuni- Three dramatic presentations Miss Anderson says she will discussion which followed the was spent in dealing with spe- tv (0 engage in constructive think- have been scheduled for the fall post a sign-up list on the bulletin next day by Dean of Students, cific campus problems. The is- ing which it is hoped will lav the months by the WSG speech de- board near the elevator on the Clevenger. Explaining the History sue of liaison members to var- groundwork for a successful year partment. third floor of the CUB. All in- of Student Government and the ious conunittees was discussed. in student government. The first offering. on Dad's terested students may sign up Mutual Advisory Concept, Dean weekend. II ill he a contemporary there by 5 II.m. Friday, Sept. 22. Clevenger set the stage for disc German play. "Royal Gambit." cuss ions 011 the Board of Control by Hermann Gres-.leker. Accord- • members' responsibility, the au- il~g to J. A. Wigley. director. the thority that the individual held, drama is based on the life of Hen- and who he or she represented. ry YIIl. The Reader's Theater Engagements President French opened the production will be st8ged on Oct. afternoon program with remarks 12. 1:3. and H in the Brvan hall of some major problems facing arena and continue at various lo- Keep French's our university, He explained the cales on a state tour. crowded living conditions facing "Romanoff and Juliet" a Peter the men and women in dormitory Ustinov play which enjoyed a Summer Busy housing. This gave board mem- popular run on Broadway recent- bers the information needed to ly will be staged on 1\0\'. 10 and Speaking engagements, dedica- 'cope with problems that would 11. R. R. Jones, speech professor tions, and meetings have kept be caused by increased numbers SOl', will direct the play. C. Clement French, WSU presi- in University students. dent, literally "flying" during the Oscar Wilde's "The Import- past summer. President French went on to ance of Being Earnest" has been explain the entrance requirement set for presentation in December In Pullman June 22. President grade point rise and what it in the arena. Wigley will direct French welcomed educators to would mean to the University and the play which has endured as the A. A. Cleveland Conference. prospective students. A question- one of the most popular works Flying to Washington D. C., he answer period gave BOC mem- by the controversial English writ- attended an executive committee bers an opportunity to become er. meeting of the American Council informed on a great variety of on Education June 25 through 27. problems, including University fi- The dedication of the new edu- nancing, and specific areas where cation building at Central Wash- student governmet could work. Fischer Named ington State College in Ellensburg Stan Bates, Director of Athlet- was atteded by President ics, discussed the athletic pic- French June 29. He was on the ture including the necessity for .. >~~.' list of speakers. playing teams which will bring .....•...,. , . (ollege Dean President French spoke July 12 us the greatest amount of finan- AFTERNOON RECREATION period was a time for absorbing in Pullman at the dedication of cial aid. He said this is necessary a little sun for these Board of Control members. From the left: George Fischer, a plant pathol- Johnson Hall, and July 18 at the to keep the minor sports operat- Judy Rees, junior greek woman; Norman Johnson, junior inde- dedication of J. C. Knott Dairy ing. ogist. has been named Dean of pendent man; Carolyn Hill, junior independent woman, and Jackie Center. Pat Patterson discussed alum- the College of Agriculture. He had Riner, senior independent woman. ni relations and promised to re- been acting dean since August of At the Western Interstate Com- mission on Higher Education an- 1938, when Dean S. P. Swenson nnal meeting in San Francisco went to Lahore, Pakistan, as Aug. 13 through 15, President chief of the WSG party at the French was elected chairman for Game Rally Starts Humanities. Library Moved Ulli\'ersity of the Punjab. the 1961-62 year. He had served as vice president for the previous Several changes have trans- ing to be counselors. At Student Bookie The Humanities Library is lo- President C. Clement French year. formed the inside of the Holland said S\\'ensoll was relnaining in The first "Safari" to rally for Library during summer "aca- cated in the North end of the Completing his summer sched- Pakistan to become chief advisor Saturday's WSU-Missouri game tion. The biggest was moving of floor. The old Humanities Li- ule, the president met with the to a new agricultural unil'el'sity will get underway at 7 p.m. on the Humanities Library, former- brary space, on fin;t. floor. has Alumni Board of Directors Aug. being developed. Thursday ill. front of the Student ly located on the first floor, to been converted to a Reserve Book 26 in LaConner, Wash. Dean Fischer came to WSG in Bookstore. the fourth floor, room 420. Room and has numerous study 1934 as an instructor in plant pa- Living groups will be paired ac- Also mo\-ed to the fourth floor desks and tables. thology, shortly after taking his cording to flysheets distributed to of the libe were the Honors Cen- Another Iibe change has taken doctor's degree at the rni\'ersity Play Tryouts Scheduled house officers prior to tbe pep ter, the Foreign Student Center place over the summer. That is of l\Iichigan. Tryouts for the play "Romanoff gathering, rally chariman Dennis and the Graduate School is in the Social SCience Library In 1936, he accepted a position and Juliet" are scheduled for Wilde reported.
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