FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 1920 c V WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD W S BENsoN Chainnon JOHN A DONALD Commissioner vacancy Commissioner vacancy Commissioner vacancy Commissioner vacancy Commissioner vacancy Commissioner JOHN J FLAHERTY SeOretory TABLE OF CONTENTS I UNITED STATES SKIPPING BOARD Page Letter of transmittal 9 Summary of activities 0 Propose and policy 9 Construction activities 9 Repair activities 9 Operating activities 10 Merchant marine act 1920 10 Organization of the Board 13 Functions of the Board 13 European organization 14 Investigation under section 12 of the shipping act of September 7 1916 22 Report of Law Department 24 Problems in the conduct of litigation 26 Suits in admiralty act of March 9 1920 26 Ship mortgage act 27 Codification of the navigation laws 23 Uniform commercial documents 29 Salvage services 30 Relations with the Army and Navy as to vessels used by those depart ments 30 German and Austrian vessels seized during the war 31 Transfer of ships to foreign registry 34 Recruiting Service 35 Insurance Division 40 Marine insurance 41 Statistical studies 47 Table 1 United States merchant marine on June 30 1919 and June 30 1920 vessels of 500 gross tons and over 43 II Recapitulation of ships owned by the United States Ship ping Board as of June 30 1919 43 III Recapitulation of ships owned by the United States ship ping Board as of Juue 30 1920 49 IV Comparison of steel vessels in berth liner service as of May 31 1920 and June 30 1920 50 Foreign trode 51 Total United States merchant marine and tonnage employed in foreign trade chart 52 The development of trade routes 53 Establishment of foreign agencies 57 United States slipping in foreign trade chart 60 Division of Regulation 61 Page Port Facilities Commission 66 Division of Industrial Relations G8 Ship Sales Division 72 Legal problems involvtvi in the sale of shins 73 II UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION DIVISION OF CONSTRUCTION AND RE PAIRS Activities and accomplishments 77 Growth of shipbuilding in the United States chart s0 Yards and docks 82 Shipyard plants 82 Ships launched in the United States and Great Britain 1900 to 1919 chart 90 Ship construction 91 Production during the fiscal year 92 Shipbuilding in United States since 1900 92 Active program by class 93 Active program by type 94 heels laid ships launched and ships delivered chart 96 Requisitioned ships 97 Roodships 98 Accumulated program 100 Present active program 100 Ships built in Japan and China 100 Diesel engines 101 Passenger ships 101 Agency yards 103 Passenger transportation and housing 106 Total expenditures chart 109 Authorizations and appropriations 110 Expenditures chart 111 Organization 112 Transfer of divisions 113 Repair Department 114 Design and new construction 116 Inspection and acceptance 117 Repairs 119 Ex enemy vessels 125 Remeasurement of vessels 131 Expenditures for repairs 132 Organization 13 I11 UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION DIVISION OF OPERATIONS Introduction 137 United States shipping in foreign trade 137 United States merchant marine chart 138 Traffic department 140 Vessels owned and controlled by the United States Shipping Board as of June 3019 140 TABLE OF CONTENTS J Pssv Principal ermloarnent of United States Shipping Board tonnage chart 143 Cargo and passenger services 144 Rates 14o Claims 143 Allocation and assignment section 116 Tankers 149 Tins and barges 141 Coastwise coal 130 Wood ships L0 Operating de 131 Vessel personnel 161 Bankers 111 Radio section 1SG Supervisors section Supercargo section 161 Special service section 1GJ Contract bureau 163 Demurrage off hire and savings section 163 Charters 164 Inventory section 164 Reviewing section 164 General service section 163 Seameus claim section 166 Financial operations 167 Organization 167 IV UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION MISCELLANEOUS SECTION Introduction 171 Division of Supply and Sales 171 Construction Claims Board 173 Legal Division Emergency Flect Corporation 178 Department of Investigation 179 Report of the General Comptroller ISO Report of the treasurer 113 APPENDIX I UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Page TABLE I a Name and coupensatimr of etnplmTus of tLe United States ShiDpin liomd in seriiee for some period within the year ending Jane 30 1990 mlm have re signal prior to that Bette 1Ss b Names and comuusutiou of enuployes of the United States Shipping Board in service on Tune 30 1910 700 1I Laws from 1914 to date affeclirg tine Fhillpin Board 103 III a Statement of aeidoots and eslimatel nol ou t uud Lsse from Jill 1 to December 1 1919 196 b Statement of uc Willis and ertilualcd naourta end tosys from January 1 to Tune 30100 197 II UNITED STATES SIIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION DIVISION OF CONSTRUCTION AND BE PAIRS Tancr I Shippatds now buihlin Ior the Corporation 100 II Shipymds disli of or transferred to Supply an Sales Division 2222 2222 200 III Marine railway uid dry dorl contracts 201 IC KeoN laid by months from beginning of progrann 204 V Ships Ininelned by months from beginning of proram 2208 CI Ships delivered by mouths from 1 111 11 of prormu 210 VII Ships tleliyelJ by divtrictn 211 V III Slips deliynred by States 212 ISmice pro by type of Ship 2222 216 S Actke program by class of construction 21G SL Aceuamlded program of ship construction liuchulin cm slruction in foreIu y2rds 217 NII Accumulotetl prorara of ship construction Lr garaphictl sections of the United States 218 VIII Isstimated deliveries by months to complete the Program 210 SIC Sidpyards which have completed contracts 2 SV Cancellations of 41 contracts by type of ship and dis tricts 2 NCI Cancellations of ship contracts by States 224 SVII Passenger ship status of contracts 227 SVIII Dormitories and cafeterias constructed or planned for the Corporation 28 SIN Schedule of housing projects and type of hotlsin 22S SS Loans made to public utility eompnnies 229 SI Municipalities which have furnished facilities for housing 230 APPENDIX Page TABLE XXII Total commitments housing program 230 VIII Details of housing expenditures 231 XXIV Security held by the corporation for expenditures on ac count of passenger transportation 23 XXV Contracts for transportation facilities 837 XXVI Data on exenemy vessels 239 III UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION DIVISION OF OPERATIONS TABLE I Vessels entering and Nearing United States ports with cargo January 1 1020 to June 30 1920 250 II United States Shipping Board steel cargo vessels employed in forefgn trade 25 III Employment of United States Shipping Board tonnago lurch 1010 to June 30 1020 253 IV Direct service lines to South and Central America 254 V Vessels operating in trades which do net have United States ports as terminals 256 VI Assignment of United States Shipping Board tonnage 257 IV UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION MISCELLANEOUS SECTION EHIBiTA United States Shipping Board and United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Consolidated balance sheet as at June 3Q 1D0 260 B United States Shipping Board and United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Statement to shoe outcome of all transactions by classes of actiNitles from Inception to June 30 1D20 as at June 30 1920 261 Schedule 1 United Status Shipping Board and United States Ship ping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Statement of general cash and cash funds as at June 30 1920 2G1 2 United States Shipping Board and United States Ship ping Board Emergency fleet Corporation Statement of accounts receivable as at June 30 1920 26 3 United States Shipping Board and United States Shlp ping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Statement of intstments as at June 30 1920 265 4 United States Shipping Board and United States Sliip pin Board Emergency Iloot Corporation Statement of materials supplies ship stores etr as at Tune 30 1920 2C5 5 United States Shipping Board and United States Ship ping Board lmergeney Fleet Corporation Statement of purchase construction and reeonQitioning expend itures on on vessels as at June M 1020 206 6 United States Shipping hoard and United States Ship ping Iloard Emorenoy Fleet Corporation Statement of plants property and e0uipment fueloil stations real estate and buildings furniture and flcttrres nme chanical office tnnipment automobiles launches etc as at June 30 1020 266 ArPESDIS EXHIBIT BContinued Page Schedule 7 United States Shipping Board and United States Ship ping Board Fmmgency Fleet Corporation Statmerit of construction of improvements to etc edendl tures of housing projects and transportation facill ties ns at June 30 1911 266 S United States Snipping Iloaid and United States Ship Wn llonid Emergency Fleet Corporation Statement of appropriations allotments and unexpended bal ances thereon lers transfers therefrom to show net vin omt received from appropt iations and allotments as at Tune 30 100 267 9 Uuiled States Shipping Board and Unital States Ship ping Poard Ememmiry Fleet Corporation Statement of rescives as at Juno 3O 190 267 EXHIBIT C Statement of receipts and withdrawals from appropriation and allotment accounts in the United States Treasury for fiscal year ended June 301920 269 D Cash receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year ended June 30 190 270 Schedule 10 Disbursing Bilker Iiscellaneous receipts July 1 1919 to June 30 19 272 11 Division of Construction miscellaneous cash receipts July 1 1919 to June 30 1920 272 12 Division of Operations summary
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