An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY March 13, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 38 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Newark High student killed Scott K. Polaski, 17, died after a car accident on Delaware Avenue Monday night BY MICHAEL D. BULLARD pos iti ve o utlook a nd was a very me mories,'" she said . " A lot o f them Co rne ll said student s in her class Staff Reponer pl easant person.'· talked about going to the administration were very quiet Wednesday. A 17-year-old N e w a rk boy di e d Hagen said many student s had no t to see about doing something to honor "They mostl y just sat there," s he Tuesday ni ght fro m inte rn a l injuri es heard of Polaski ' s death until he made Scott' s memory." said . " It was nice o ut so we went s us ta ined in a c ar accide nt early a n a nn o unce m e nt a nd aske d for a Sally Cornell, an English teacher at outside and walked around for a whi Ie.' " Mond ay. Newark Po li ce said. mo ment o f sil ence before th e start of Newark High, Anne M cM ill an, one o f Po laski's Scou K . Po laski, o f 32 Georg ian school W e dnesd ay. He said the said Sco tt neighbors, said she saw him a lot as a Circle. was driving during a rain storm school's n ag n ew at half-mast. enj oy ed child whe n he would pl ay w ith her east on Delaware Ave nue apparently on D ebbie Ya iss le, o ne of the three reading Ce ltic child ren. hi s way to school when he lost contro l schoo l ps ycho logists b ro u g ht in literature in her "I re me mber bo th of us o ut th ere of hi s car and hit a util ity pole near the Wednesday, said an administrator went class. trying to find a home for lost pets,"' she intersecti on with South Chapel Street at to each o f S coll 's c lasses to te ll " He pretended said. " When he was yo un g. he often 7:23 a.m. Monday. poli ce said. s tud e nts w he re they could f ind n o t to like talked about having a fa mily and being Po laski, who was wearing his scat someone to talk to. sc h oo lw o rk , a dad. " belt , was the onl y occupant in hi s 199 1 "Some students we re reall y upset but the n he 'd Edward Polaski , Scott's unc le, said a Ford Festi va. He was transported to and wondered why this had to happen," POLASKI be the firs t lo t of hi s c lass m ates came to the C hristi ana Hospital, where he died at s he sa id . " Othe rs were sadde n ed student to fini sh hospital Monday and Tuesday and later 9:05p.m. Tuesday, poli ce said. because it broug ht back memories <i>f a an assignment," to hi s house. Polaski was a JUni or at Newark Hi gh recent loss for them." she said . ··r tho ught the world of him. " Scoll a lways had a smi le o n hi s S c hool. He was a m e m ber of t he Yaissle sai d being in school was " Scott had an openness about him. face, even when he was in trouble." he lacrosse team and was taking co ll ege import a nt because peer suppo rt and He would connect wi th you in a reall y said . " And we' ve heard nice thi ngs p rep c lasses , Newark Hi gh S c hool ma int a ini ng a reg ul a r routine he lp re laxed way and that made you fee l fro m everyone who' s come in to visit." ' principal Frank Hagen sai d. stu dent s cope with the loss. good. It 's unusual to find students that Edward said Scott was very excited T HE REVIEW I Bob Weill "Scoll was a very ni ce young man, "We encouraged Scou· s friend s to can be that comfortable and open with about lacrosse. A bouquet of flowers sits under a message in tribute to very respectful ," Hagen said. '·He had a ta lk w ith each o th e r a nd s hare adults." Scott K. Polaski, who died after an accident at the spot. see NEW ARK page A4 Campus reacts to Teachers learn Peterson plea after college BY ERICA IACONO Ameri ca program for anythi ng . Newest turn of events in murder trials elicits Seninr Swff Reporter "It's been the harde t thing I've E ve r y m o rnin g, There sa ever do ne o r e ver wi II do,'· she mixed reactions from a university that still cares D o n ovan travels fro m h e r said, '' but it 's by far t he most apa rtme nt in the C helsea sectio n rewarding." BY BETSY LOWTHER " I thi nk it was a reall y good Delaney said he thought the recent horrors and hear about all the mistakes o f M a nh a u a n to Teach for America is Admimstralln! Nt'HS Editor decision on his part," he said. developments could fin all y start to he made. He can fin ally start to move W as hin g t o n H e ig ht s , a a nati o na l teacher corps T he recent developme nts in the Peterson' s decision to testify bring some closure to the media on with hi s own life." neig hbo rhood which is far fo un ded i n 1989 by prosecutio n of Amy Grossberg and against hi s Fonner girlfriend shocked frenzy surround ing the case since Walters said she thinks the intense diffe re n t fro m th e Lo n g W e nd y Ko pp as part of Brian Peterson have surpri sed many some students. Peterson and Grossberg were arrested media coverage and public fasci nation Island s uburb in which she h e r se ni o r thesis a t university students and spurred hopes " I was really surprised," j unior in November 1996. with the case will not lessen until after grew up. P rinceto n U ni vers ity. It that an end is closer to the case that Amy Kirsch said. "I didn't reall y 'There's been a lot of ru mors and a the trial. Every d ay, s he teaches is co mprised of recent has received so muc h national think that they would remain fri ends lot of facts floating around," he said . "People still ask about li ving near En g li s h to a c lass o f 30 coll ege g radu a tes who attention. through all this, but testifying against "Now that information is coming out, her all the time," she said . "The first e ig hth-g r a de rs , m o st o f commit to teach fo r two In an arrangement with the state. her is a total extreme." things will start to make more sense.'' question everyone a~ k s me is 'did you whom a re first- generatio n years in underrcsourced Peterson pleaded guilty to a charge of Kirsch said she thought the split However, Montgomery said, a real know she was pregnant'l"' Americans . As a teacher in urban and rura l schools. manslaughter Monday and agreed to between the fo rme r hi gh schoo l conclusion to the ordeal won' t happen This fascination with Grossberg's a pred o min a ntly M a ri o n Ho d ges, testify against hi gh school sweetheart sweethearts was reall y unfo rtunate. until Grossberg' s trial and the condition has also m ade students Do minica n nei g hbo rhood, centra l rec ruitm e nt Grossberg in her trial, scheduled for " T hey were still friend s in the sentencings are over. more cautious about their own sexual she often works against the directo r fo r T each fo r May. beginning ," she said, " A nd now "I think things are just starting to activity, Montgomery said . la n g u age b a rri e r w h e n Ameri ca, said the corps Junior Brell Montgomery aid he they' re throwing each oth er dirty heat up again.'" he said . 'This is going "I think it did make students more meeting with the parents of has had success in areas was no t surprised by Pete rson 's looks in court.'" to tum into a medi a circus." aware," he said . "lt did for me.'" her student s. wh e re the re is a g reat decision to plead guilty. Sophomore Colin Delancy said he Sophomo re Erin Walte rs, who However, he said , Peterson and She must also deal with d e ma nd for teac he rs , '·You could sec it co ming:· he said.
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