H51 Redux.Pdf

H51 Redux.Pdf

i .4 IL 6, 6 . HOUSE (ALBERT VIRGIL). - -- ed. See GRANT (H.F.). Planter management and capitalism ... the journal of H.F.G. HOUSE (ARTHUR HUMPI -IRY). See HOUSE (HUMPHRY). HOUSE (EDWARD MANDELL) . - -- See GEORGE (ALEXANDER L.) and GEORGE (Mrs. JULIETTE L.). Woodrow Wilson and Colonel H.; a personality study. - -- See SEYMOUR (C.). The intimate papers of Colonel House, arranged as a narrative ... HOUSE (FRANK HOLMAN). - -- Timber at war; an account of the organisation and activities of the Timber Control, 1939 -1945. With an introd. by Sir A. Lond., 1965. .3381749 Hou. HOUSE (HERBERT OTIS). - -- Modern synthetic reactions. [ Organ. Chem. Mon. Ser. 1.] 2J, pr. Lori". New York, 1965. Chem. Lib. --- . New---Y-13-1247-4-9.6-5. e-ftem 7. HOUSE (HOMER CLYDE). - -- and HARMAN (SUSAN EMOLYN) . - -- Descriptive English grammar. Rev. by S.E.H. 2nd ed. 7th pr. Englewood Cliffs, 1957. Appl. Ling. Lib. - -- 2nd ed. 8th pr. Englewood Cliffs, 1958. .425 Hou. HOUSE (HUMPHRY). - -- All in due time; the collected essays and broadcast talks 6 H.H. Lond., 1955. .8204 Hou. - -- Another copy. English Lib. [ Continued overleaf.] A1)I)1'l'IONti HOUSE (CHARLES RANDALL). - -- Water transport in cells and tissues. [Physiol. Soc. Mon. No. 24.] Lond., 1974 Zool. Lib. - -- Another copy. Botany Lib. HOUSE (EDWARD MANDELL). - -- See FLOTO (INGA). Colonel H. in Paris; a study of American policy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919. HOUSE (ERWIN). - -- The missionary in many lands; a series of interesting sketches of missionary life and labours, and of the progress of the gospel in foreign countries. Ill. and enlgd. Lond. [1860.] New Coll. Lib. HOUSE (FRANK HOLMAN). - -- Timber at war; an account of the organisation and activities of the Timber Control, 1939 -1945. With an introd. by Sir A. Harris. Lond., 1965. Forestry Lib. HOUSE ( ERNEST R.). - -- Evaluating with validity. Beverly Hills [1980.] .3616(73) Hou. HOUSE (HERBERT OTIS). - -- Modern synthetic reactions. 2nd pr. with corr. [Organ. Chem. Mon. Ser. 1.1 New York, 1965. K.B.L. - -- 2nd ed. Menlo Park, 1972. Chem. Lib. - -- Another copy. K.B.L. HOUSE (HUMPHRY) [continued]. - -- Aristotle's Poetics; a course of eight lectures. Rev., with a preface, by C. Hardie. Lond., 1956. 488S S iirc.+ - -- Another copy. Classical Lib. T..and : T_b - -- 6th impr. Lond., 1967. Classical Lib. - -- Coleridge. [Clark Lects. 1951 -52.] Lond., 1953. .82172 Hou. - -- Another copy. English Lib. - -- The Dickens world. Lond., 1941. .82383 Hou. - -- 2nd ed. Repr. [Oxford Paperbacks, No. 9.] Lond., 1961. English Lib. - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. --- 2nd ed. Repr. Lond., 1969. English Lib. - -- ed. See HOPKINS (G.M.). The note -books and papers of G.M.H. ADDITIONS HOUSE (HUMPHRY). - -- The Dickens world. 2nd ed. Repr. [Oxford Paperbacks, 9.] Lond., 1969. .82383 Hou. - -- Aristotle's Poetics; a course of eight lectures by H.H. Rev. with a preface by C. Hardie. 3rd impr. Lond., 1961. English Lib. --- The Dickens world. 2nd ed. Repr. [Oxford Paperbacks, 9.] Lond., 1971. .82383 Hou. HOUSE (JACK). - -- Pride of Perth; the story of Arthur Bell & Sons Ltd., scotch whisky distillers. Lond., 1976. .338476635 Hou. HOUSE (J.D.). --- Contemporary entrepreneurs; the sociology of residential real estate agents. [Contrib. in Sociol.No. 25.] Westport, 1977. .301)1h/1(71428) Hou. HOUSE (JOHN). - -- comp. Impressionism; its masters, precursors and its influence in Britain. [Catalogue of an exhibition at] ... the Royal Academy of Arts, 1974. See ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, London. - -- writer of text. Monet. See MONET (CLAUDE). - -- and STEVENS (MARY ANNE). - -- eds. Post -Impressionism; cross -currents in European painting. [Catalogue of the exhibition at the] Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1979 -80. See ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, London. _J 1 HOUSE (JOHN WILLIAM) . - --- The frontiers of geography. An inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Newcastle upon Tyne on Monday, 8th March, 1965. [Newcastle upon Tyne] 1965. P .91 Hou. - -- ed. Northern geographical essays. See DAYSH (GEOUE HENRY JOHN). - -- Northumbrian Tweedside; the rural problems. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1956. P .3128(4282) Hou. - -- Recent economic growth in North -East England; the role of four national growth industries; chemicals, electrical goods and machinery, vehicles, paper and board. [Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Dept. of Geog. Res. Ser. No. 4.] [Newcastle] 1964. Econ. Lib. - -- Rural north -east England; Northumberland & Durham, 1951 -1961. Report to the Development Commissioners. [Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Papers on Migration and Mobility in North -East Eng. No. 1.] [Newcastle] 1965. P .30132(4281 -2) Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - -- and FULLEVON (BRIAN). - -- Tees -side at mid- century; an industrial and economic survey. Lond., 1960. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - -- and KNIGHT (ELIZABETH MARY). - -- Migrant: of north -east England, 1951 -1961. Chara,^ter, age and sex. [Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Papers ifi Migration and Mobility in North -East Eng. No. 2.] [ Newcatle] 1965. P .3128(4274 -82) Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. [Continued overleaf,] ADDITIONS HOUSE (JOHN WILLIAM). - -- Frontier on the Rio Grande; a political geography of development and social deprivation. [Oxford Res. Stud. in Geog.] Oxford, 1982. .32012(72) Hou. - -- The North East. [Indust. Britain.] Newton Abbot [1969.] .338(428) Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - -- ed. The UK space; resources, environment and the future. Lond. [1973.] .91(42):.338 Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - Repr. - Lond., 1975. Architect. Lib. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1977. .91(42):.338 Hou. --- Another copy. Geog. Lib. --- 3rd ed. Lond., 1982. .91(42) :.338 Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. HOUSE (J01-1q WILLIAM) [ continued] - -- and KNIGHT (ELIZABETH MARY) [continued]. - -- People on tie nove; the South Tyne in tie .sixties. [Newcastle - upon- -Tyne, Univ. Papers of Migration and Mobility in North -East Eng. No. 3.] [Newca., , le- upon- Tjnie] 1966,F .3128(4282-85) Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. -- - Pit closure & the community. Report t., tie MiniTtry of Labour_. [ Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Dept. of Geog. Papers on Migration and Mobility in Northern Eng. No. 5.] [Newcastle upon Tyne] 1967. F .3511-82235 Hou. F.33113/S22 Hock- - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. a E -- THONIAS (Mrs. A.D. ) and WILLIS (KG`). - -- Where did the school leavers go? Report to the Ministry of Labour. [Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Dept. of Geog. Papers on Migration and Mobility in Northern Eng. No. 7.] [ Newcastle upon Tyne] 1968. P .3128(428) Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - -- THUBRON (I.M.), etc. - -- Mobility of the Northern business manager. Report to the Ministry of Labour. [By] J.W.H., I.M.T., S.M. Ruddy and C.E. Storer. [Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Dept. of Geog. Papers on Migration and Mobility in Northern Eng. No. 8.] [Newcastle upon Tyne] 1968. F .331127 Hou. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. - -- and WILLIS (K.G.) . - -- Northern region & nation; a short migration atlas, 1960 -61 ... [Newcastle upon Tyne, Unis. Dept. of Geog. Papers on Migration and Mobility in Ncrt1iera Eng. No. 4.] [Newcastle upon Tyne] 1967. F .30132(428 ) IIou. R 9ía.0,24): sot t 40v. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. ADDITIONS MUSE (JOF-LN T;ILLIA'T). .. Ti T T7r0?''1!;; , a^r. á.TG_.,,_ D. - vld (' '! . --- Northern graduates of '1; braindrain or bre.inbank? Report to the Department of nployraent and Productivity. [Newcastle upon Tyne, Univ. Dept. of Geog. Papers on Nigration and Mobility in Northern Eng. No. 9.] Newcastle upon Tyne, 19q. P .331114(428) Fou. 4(40 Xerox copy. HOUSE (KAY SEYMOUR). - -- Cooper's Americans. [Columbus, Ohio, 1965.] .81324 Hou. HOUSE (MICHAEL ROBERT). - -- Continental drift and the Devonian system. (An inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Hull on 1 December, 1967.) Hull, 1968. P .55141:.55174 Hou. - -- joint- author. A correlation of the Devonian rocks in the British Isles. See CORRELATION (A) ... - -- ed. The origin of major invertebrate groups. See ORIGIN (The) ... HOUSE (PETER WILLIAM). - -- The urban environmental system; modeling for research, policy -making and education. Beverly Hills [1973.] .30136 Hou. - -- and STEGER (WILBUR A.). - -- Modern federalism; an analytic approach. Lexington, Mass. [1982.] .3389(73) Hou. HOUSE (RICHARD). - -- See OWENS (PETER L.) and H. (R.) HOUSE (ROBERT J.). - -- See FILLEY (ALAN C.), H. (R.J.) and KERR (S.) HOUSE (W.). --- See BUSBY (DENNIS WILLIAM GEORGE), H. (W.) and MACDONALD (J.R.) HOUSE (WILLIAM C.). - -- Sensitivity analysis in making capital investment decisions. [Nat. Assoc. of Accountants, Res. Mon. 3.] New York [1968.] .658152 Hou. HOUSE (WILLIAM J.). - -- See REMPET, (HENRY ) and H. (W.J.) HOUSE (WILLIAM JOSEPH). - -- The spirit of reverence; addresses and readings. Lond. [1932.] New Coll. Lib. HOUSE improvements and rents; the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1969. A guide for landlords and tenants. See HOUSING (Scotland) Act, 1969. HOUSE INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. - -- pubi. House's guide to the regulations, recommendations, and statutory and advisory bodies of the construction industry. See HOUSE'S guide ... HOUSE Letting and Rating (Scotland) Act, 1911. 1 & 2 Geo. 5, Ch. 53. [Repr.] Lond. [1948 ?] Forestry Lib. The principal -collection ,of -HM Government publications is in the ,Statistical Reference Area and is not included in this catalogue. HOUSE OF COMMONS. kk See also ENGLAND. PARLIAMENT; PARLIAMENT; PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES; PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. General entries 1. Collections (Arranged chronologically by date of subject matter, rather than by date of publication.) - -- Journals of the House of Commons. From November the 8th, 1517 ... (to August the 15th, 1879) ... Printed by order of the House of Commons. Vols. 1 -134. [Lond.] n.d. LL. /Par. Vols. 86, 101 are in 2 parts each. - -- Another copy. Vols. 1, 2, 108. LL./Par. - -- A general index to the ... volumes of the Journals ... 1547/1659(- 1820/1837) ... Reprinted by order of the House of Commons. 8 vols. [Lond.] 1803, 1780 -1839. LL. /Par. Only vol. 1 is Repr. - -- Repr. Vols. 2 -4. [Lond.] 1803 -05. LL. /Par. - -- Reports from Committees of the House of Commons [1715- 1801] which have been printed by order of the House and are not inserted in the Journals.

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