.. ~ THE- Young People's Institute Number Youth with Unfurled Banners is on the March in Our Day ! courtesy u( ·'The Rising Tide." Page 182 THE BAPTIST HERALD :·: On Easter Sunday evening, April 17, :·! The Rev. John E. Knechtel, pastor brought in brief messages and a sub­ the choir of the German Baptist of the Second German Church of Chi­ stantial gift was presented to him by Church of Avon, So. Dak., rendered cago, Ill., baptized 3 persons on E aster the church. F ollowing the program the cantata, " The Conquering King" ·Sunday, April 17, including his son, refreshments wer e served by the wom­ by Ira B. Wilson, before a large appre­ W•i!liam. The Easter services were en in honor of the happy occasion. ciative audience. Following the can­ atten ded by large congregations. A !·: "The Challenge of the Cross," an in­ tata, the Rev. F. W. Bartel was privi­ monthly young people's paper, called Volu m e Sixt een CLEVELAND, OHIO, MAY 15, 1938 Number T en k ged to baptize 6 young people who " B. Y. Star ," is being pr epar ed by spiring play was rendered by the B. Y. P. U. of our church in Bismar ck, No. had made their decisions for Christ at Louis M. Gregsamer, editor-in-chief; Dak., on Easter Sunday evening , April a special Decision Day service in the Wm. L. Knechtel, assistant editor and Sunday School. circulation manager; Irene Lange, 17. Miss F lorence Schlipf is the presi­ managing e d i t o r ; and Elizabeth dent of the society. Afterwar ds "the :·: The Rev. J. R. Matz, who has been Steinke, executive secretary. Passion Story in Song" was presented EDITORIAL pastor of the German Bap tist Church at the evening service, and the Rev. in New Leipzig, No. Dak., for the past :·: The anniversary program of the Benjamin Schlipf spoke on "Friend­ OUTH belongs to the banner-waving crowd enthusiastic support of youth is at a greater 3% years, has resigned and accepted Home for the Aged in Philadelphia, ship With the Living Chr ist." On Sun­ the call extended to him by the Ger­ Pa., will be held on Monday, May 30, day evening, May 8, the Inter mediate Y of life. Every great cause has the enthu­ premium than ever. Every conceivable move­ man Baptist Chur ch in Randolph, at the Jlome located at 7023 Rising girls with Miss Lydia F ischer as siasm of young people as the secret of its ment with its special type of banner is bidding Minn. Mr. Matz wi ll begin his minis­ Sun Avenue. A service of unusual in­ teacher and some of the B. Y. P . U. dynamic power and successful for the flaming fervency of youth. tr y on the new field with June 1, suc­ terest with special music and speakers member s rendered a special Mothers' The Banners ::ompletion. Even dictatorships ceeding the Rev. H. C. Wedel, now in will be held at 2 p. m. in the chapel. Day pr ogram. What of t he Christian Church ? Is it present­ Holloway, Minn. Meals will be served by the women of of Youth could not be est ablished without ing the claims of the gospel of Jesus Christ to :·: Mrs. 0. G. Graalman of Okeene, :·: On E aster Sunday, April 17, the Rev. the Home's board. Donations of all the zealous devotion of youth. the young people of today in such a way as to kinds will be very welcome at the oc­ Okla., has recently completed 4 years Emil Becker of Washburn, No. Dak., of successful work as State J unior Wherever yo ung people are gathered t ogether, compel their admiration and win their interest? baptized 7 per sons, some of wh om had casion. Mr. and Mrs. R e u b e n Windisch ar e serving as the efficient Counselor for the Nation al Federation whether the occasion be a football game in a It is the edit or's firm conviction that the· aggres­ made their decisions for Christ dur ing of Music Clubs. The state of Oklahoma the evangelistic meetings held in the super intendent and matr on of the college stadium or a r eligious r etreat in some sive missionary program and! this militant rally­ Home. has mor e than 130 J unior Music Clubs. worshipful church, t here the banners of fer vor chur ch from March 28 to Ap1·il 8 by This feder ation is laying a great dea l ing call t o the youth of our day are receiving an tho Rev. Daniel Klein of the German­ :·: On Good Friday evenin g the choir of stress on worshipful music in the andl frenzy are unfurled. town Church. An E aster program was incr easing emphasis by the church and religious o:!: the Fleischmann Memorial Church S1mday School and chur ch services. That story is dramatically depicted on the leaders. Young people are being shown the presented by the Sunday School with of Philadelphia, Pa., r ender ed Maun­ Mrs. Graalman for many years has Mr. J acob Br enneise, superintendent, front cover of the cunent issue of "The Bapt ist banner of Christ, whose colors never fade and der's ca ntata, "Olivet to Calvary," be­ given freely of her talents to the Herald." These young :tn en with h eads held high in charge. fore a large audience. At the E aster Okeene German Baptist Church. She whose glory never dims. Challenged by the :·: The Rev. P. F. Schilling, pastor ot sunrise ser vice the Rev. Oliver H. will be remembered by her friends as and with defiant forwar d step are carrying t he gospel message, many of them are on the march the German Baptist Church of Glad­ Hur st of the Wyoming Baptist Church the former Miss Laur a •Scholz, daugh­ banners of th eir nations and the causes in which for Christ ! win, Mich., has r ecently resigned his was the special speaker. In the eve­ ~r of the late Rev. J oseph Scholz, they believe. They ar e bathed' in a glory of sin­ charge. His r esignation will be ef ­ ning service on E aster Sunday the formerly pastor of our church in Bur­ Let no one belittle the marvelous ministry of fect ive on July 1. He has also ac­ Rev. Mi lton R. Schroeder, pastor of lington, Iowa. cer e and intense ardor. The cr ies which ar e cepted the call extended to him by the the church, baptized 2 per sons. Miss hurled from t heir open mo uths are a stirring rec­ the Oxford Movement in awakening the young German Baptist Chur ch at Beulah, No. Ruth C. Doescher , missionary of the !·! On Easter Sunday, April 17, the ord of the convictiol;ls by which th ey live. Youth people of our colleges and universities especially Dak., with a mission station at Zap, church, spent some time in Apr il in German Baptist Church of Goodrich, to this call of the Master for the unreserved d'e­ Hahnemann hospital recovering from No. Dak., received a combined Easter in this day is on th e march as never before in t he where he will succeed the Rev. Arthur votion of their lives. That movement is unfurling Fischer. His services on t he new field an illness. offering of $50. The B. Y. P. U. pr es­ history of mankind. will begin on July 1. ented the dialogue, "The Light of the But what a confusion of banners greets the t he banner of Christ in the hearts of many, wh o :·: Mrs. Albert W. Beaven, the wife of Cr oss," in the evening to a capacity :·: The Rev. E. J. Baumgartner, pastor Dr. A. W. Beaven, president of the casual onl ooker! High schools and colleges have today are living witnesses of the transforming congregation. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Mar- power of the gnce of God. D_r. Daniel A. P ol­ of t he Nor th Avenue Church of Mil­ Colgate-Rochester Divinity Sc h o 0 1 (Continued on Page 188) their loyal champions. Young patriots are r eady waukee, Wis., baptized 9 young peo­ died_i n Rochest~r, N. Y., on Saturday: to j oin their country in any war for t he excite­ ing, one of youth's greatest leaders in our day, ple on E aster Sunday, April 17, on April 23, followmg a brief illness. Last holds out to. youth a banner that is not easy confession of their faith in Chr ist. In year she and Dr. Beaven made an ex­ ment that it will bring. A variety of "Isms" has the evening the church choir under t he tended missionary tour of I ndia. She The Baptist Herald attracted its many followers. Labor movements to carry. "Christianity is hard, alluringly h ard. direction of Mr. G. W. Ahlswede pres­ was hostess to the young men of our Published semi.monthly by the have captivated the undying frenzy of hundred's Christ's program, above all other programs pres­ ented the cantata, "Day of Tr iumph" GERMAN BAPTIST PUBL ICATIO N Gennan Baptist Seminary at least SOCIETY ents to young men and young women, t he oppor­ by A. T. Gilbert. A Good Friday eve­ of thousands of young people. The peace move­ once each . year since Dr. Beaven be­ 3734 P ayne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. tunity to invest Hfe sacrificially and trium­ ning service held in the chur ch was ~m~ ·if~.es1~ent of _the "seminary on Martin L.
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