CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 22 Uttar Pradesh Part I-A. ADMINISTRATION REPORT ON ENUMERATION (for o~cial use only) RAVINDRA GUPTA Of the Indian Administration Services Director of densus Operations UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1981 Not.:-,. WMr. the Di"rict I Tahllt tIfI_ dift.,. ',otrt/f. H.adquart.rs'no",., fM for,..r .pp.arl within brock. fl. for exo,.pl., PAURI (Gllrhr«) r 2. TM Tohlll Headquart.rs of rehri" Protopnogo is oC T.hrl. • STATE CAPITAL @ DISTRICT HEADQURTERS o TAHSIL HEADGURTERS « :r A o 'C0NTEN'fS 'Page 1. Map of Admrnistrative Division U.P. .' 2. PREFACE (v) 3. Names ofCenslis Commissioners and Census Supermtendents DlI;ectors ......... (Vll)-{VIll) Names of Census Commissioners for Indl~ and Census Supenntendent~jDrrectors for Utter l'Iradesh List qfDlI;ectors or Censqs operatIons 1981 Census 4. -REPORT CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION 1-7 The Census Act-The OrganisatIon Office BuIldmg - Ba~klog CHAPTER II-PREPARATORY STEPS 9-15 JurisdIctional Changes and list of VilIages-DlstnctjTehsIl creat_!:d after 1971 Census-PrOcurement and updatmg of Map~-Develqpll1g the census sch~dules-Pilot survey-~irst Pre-test-Second Ple-test-Tramm_g-Forms ,and ,Book- le~ .~f Instrucqons..-,Edlt ~nd Tabu~atron-Help of State -Government-Flllij,l ,Sc,hedules Ad,opted 1)1 1981. f;-ensus CHAPTER III-PREPARATIONS FOR THE ,CENSUS '. 17-20 Third Conference of Directors of Census..LoperatlOns Fourth Directors Conferences---lFifth Directors Conference.- Census Calendar,-S,te level Conferences and Meetmgs. CHAPTER IV -lB~-'BlNG-UP 'OF'THE 'ORGANISATION 2'1-23 RegIonal .offices, RegIonal offices ,Establlshment-DIstnct level staff. ( CHAPTER V - TOURING] 25-27 Staff Car-Touring by otherofficers of the Drrectorate -AvaIlabihty.of~IUP¢fp~mg-k>-Raeg~Jl~ljletwV,y.'Drr.Q4Ws and other officers of the Drrectorate-Tounng by Djstnct Census officels-Relaxatton m ;winter tQur;s , - , CHAPTER VI-CENSUS SCHEDULES-TRANSLATION, PRINTING.ANI? :ruSTttlllUp,ON . I • 29-30 Estimate of Requirements-Translatron-Dlstnbutlon of Census Schedules-Locai Ppntmg-Tran'sp6itation o( ConSIgn- \ ments; CHAPTER VIl- PROCUREMENT OF MAPS . '/ . 31-32 Tah~ MalpS-=-Town ,and ·ward ''Maps~tafI7Tn Map Unit. .' CHAJ.>TER VIII-PREPARATION OF RURAL AND URBAN FRAME: 33-39 Urban AgglomeratIOn - Standard urban areas-Local Code-State Code-DlstrictjTahsIljTown Codes-VIllage Code - Trhsil M~ps"VIllji_ge .p..eglSterjTown ,RegIster-.Charge IR~grsters. CHAPTER IX - ENUMERATION AGENCY 41--44 CHAPTER X - HOUSELISTIN? OPERATIPN~ .' ,,' ", j ,. 45-51 Back Ground-;EconomlC~ Censu~-,:;Prep1,!ratory,.st~PJ!..:....R~)onal oJIic,;~s-C~ry*o1l_.of J;p~JPera!lon ~lo~s~TraiPing of Tramers-Traming of FIeld WorKers~House Numbenng ang Housellsting-Movement of Records-Generatioh and Release of Housebstmg Totals-A comparison WIth 1911 ,PopulatIOn Provisional-PGpulahon FlgUres~P.6.bhCity. " CHAPTER XI - ENUMERATION . 53-63 Re-carvatlon of Blocks-Abndged House IIst-SelectlOn of20 per cent Sample of EnumeratIOn 'Bloc:ks-:l:'ramlng-State le're1 1\:unmg of officers-Traintng at District level-Commencement qf EnumeratIOn-Intensive (Superv1sion..and Compile coverage-Public Complamts""':Canvassmg of DliIerent Questio'ns..,....,Eronomic 'Questton.;,...:[ndlvidual :Slip (Sample) Enume~ation of the Houseless-Enu_meraUQn of .PtIsrill}S .-sP,e9i1,!I-Non"SYIwhro,J;lous ~EmWletatio)1-.:;Enu­ merat!on in FaIrs'and ExhlbitiOns-Enume,ratlQn.ip Special charges,-Mov91:el}t of Records...,.C~n11lrlUnicatlOn Of,P;;OVI­ slOnal Resuits-Val'lation between ProvJsiontli P_optilation ana FjnalrPqpulaiion-R~lease~ of ~rovIsi91!al 'Tota1s. CHAPTER XII-..Dli-EGrI\fJ3S, ISSUEE>:BY·THE,STATE..G0YER~M-I;NT 65 CHAPTER XIll- CENSUS CIRCULARS "\-68 CHAPTER XIV - PUBLICITY MEASURES • . 69-70 Third Directors Conference-Discussion on Publicity-VarIOus Measures of PublIcity, pages CHAPTER XV-POST-ENUMERATION CHECK AND CENSUS EVALUATION STUDY 71-72 post Enumeration Check-The calendar of operatlons for Post Enumeration Che<:k-Census EvaluatIOn Study CHAPTER XVI - GENERAL. ADMINISTRATIVE, ACCOUNTS, STORES AND STATIONERY AND REGIONAL TABULATION OFFICES ETC. .' 73-81 - Accounts-AccouIiting ProcedUre of Clerical ASSistance to Districts, Tahsds and Locall}odl;s-Speclal allowance to offiCIals of 19 Tahsils for census work_"Honoranum to offiCIal of 165 MUnICIpal Boards for attendmg to work connected with 1981 cenSUS-Monthly and Quarterly Returns of Exp~nditure-Permanent Advance-Indent for Stationery and Stores-Traming Allowance to Enumerators and Supervisors-payment of HonorarIUm to Enfunerat)on Staff In Connection WIth 1981 Census-Census Medals-Award of Comm~I1datJon Celilficate by the State GOvernment­ RegIOnal Ta)ulation offices-AccommodatIon for RegIOnal Tabulation' offices-Furniture for .RegIOnal Tubulation offices-Telephone-Typewnters. CHAPTER xvn - CONCLJlSION . 83-84 5. APPENDICES' Appendices " 85-264 1. Notification placing the servIces of the Director of Census operations at the dIsposal of Government of Ind la ll. Th~ Dlfj:ctor of Census operl\t!ons has .taken ·overcharge-Clrcular. m. NotificatIon regarding the takiQg of 1Q81 Census IV. Staff POSItion ~s on 24-4-1979r V. RegIstrar General, India's Circ$r No.1 regarding Classification of Rmal and urban units-1981 Census. vi. R~glstrar General India's Cltcular No.2 regardmg o~ganisation of Census of IndIa 1981-general InstructIOns vn. :Qrrect9r of Censu,S operatIob,'s Crrcular ;No. ! Regarding ,Importance of c,ensus,and bnef HIstory mcluding Census Act 1948 etc. VllI. Formates population Record used in Pilot stud} IX. Form{of Pretest X. Formates pfIndiVldual Slip and Household ~chedUte. XI. Radiogram~No. 0.168/111-15(2)/,(8 GAD dated 8 Jtme 1978 {rom State Goverhnlent Regarding Co-ope­ ration to Census staff. Xll RadIogram No. G.248/ill-15(2) 78 GAD dated 4 September from State ~overrullent regardmg assi'stances to Census ktaff. XJll. Important instructIons. XIV. ~Change of Census Calendar 1981 Census-First Stcp-Houselisting including'snowbound areas of hill districts-second step-EnUmeration. XV pOSItion of staff for quarter endmg 31-~-1980. XVI. l'osition of staff Quarter ending 31-3-1981 including Regional offices. XVII. DetaIls _ of tours undertaken~ by the Director durmg the year 1979-80,-10 and 1980-81 XVill. Traltllng matenals sent for.Househsting operatIons. XIX. Training materials sent for enumeration. XX. List of 704 Towns. XXI. VIllage/Town ,Register. XXII. LIst of Distnct Census Officers/City Census Officers. XXIII. Dlstrict:'wlse number of Enumerator and SupefVIsor.,...House lIsting. XXIV. Direc~or of Census operations letter l;-l'o. AF/11-80{DCO-uP/A:130 dated ,9 January 1981 regarding Appointment of staff on consolidated salazy for enumeratu;m. XXV. Statement showmg comparatIve/population figures of housebstmg 1980 and 1971 €enS'USes. XXVI. Enumeration Manual xxvn. Census of India 1981 (Enumeration) Supervisor's J;>iary. xxvrn. Budget for Enumerator and Supervisor. XXlX~ Ec?nomic QuestIons: J (ii) XXX. List of VilJages in Non-synchronous Areas. pages XXXI. Circular and letters from various heads of Depa:tments!offices of Cc!ltral and State GOV{ I_fnn r: t. XXXII. Distribution of posters. XXXIII. Radio talk by Director of Census operations p.P. XXXIV. press note for release on 9-2-1981-The Starting day of Census of 1981. XXXV. Message of Hon'ble Prin;le. Miriistei of India. XXXVI. Message~of Hon'bIe Chief Minister and Chief Secretary'of U.P. Government through AIllndi~ Radio. XXXVII. Form I-post El}umeration Ch.eck. Form-U Form-ID XXXVIII. ",Calendar fo;r Field work of PEC and CBS. XXXIX. Yearly Budget. ...... XL. Name of Municipal Boards having population below on'e lakb. XLI. Distri-;;t-wise Budget and actual expenditure on ac,Count of paynient of honorarium :0 Census functiona- - ries in connection with 1981 censUs for the years 1980-81 and 1981-82. - XLII. Budget Estimate and actual expenditure for 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81 and 1981..g2 in cOl1l)ection with 1981 Census. XLill. Staff'for Regional Tabulation office. XLIV. Details of R.T.O's. Buildings. XLV. Details of furniture purchased at Regional Tabulation offices. XLV1.' List of some concrete suggestions made in the R~port. 6 CENSuS IN ACTION (Photographs) between .page 98-99 (m) ¥BEFAtC'E Ii! .q.as been. cus.t.omar-y 1:0 pubh.sh ~n A-dmiilistra_tion.. R.epprt after ea~h Census. It is a re.cord 0f the .first pha.s~ .Qf the CenSUS Operati@ns relating to the .0rganIsatIOn. of ,bouseHsting and enumeratIon. There will b~ a separate repor-t dealing with the subsequent phase i,.e. tabv.latiol} of ce.Q.~us data. As mentIOned at the begmnIng of thIS report, till 1951 census.orgamsation followed a 'p!1oeni-x' approach. The office of the DirectOJ; of Census Opera tions came into existence a yeal or two before the enumeFatIOn and was wound-up ~ year er two thel'eafter. Such reports had, therefo~e, immense value for one's ~uccessClr. Although, now there is a suffiCIently bi!!: and organised office on permanent b~SlS, it takes some ·tIIl)_~ to get a hang of the census operations. I tIust lbat this report would be of h~lp in this ;regard. Indian Censl1s is a mammotb undertak-ing and by far the largest adminis­ trative exercise lD the wOIld toelay,. Although in the general administrative cu11mre, the _posting in thi~ organisation does not evoke sufficient enthusiasm, it IS. a unique experience which strains one's mental and physical capacities to the limit. I consider myself privileged to have been associated with the Census of 1981. In this task~ I had the priVIlege of having a fine team of officers and staff. to each one of them r oifel' my thanks. r am specially thanKful to Shri J.P. Baranwal, Assistant Director, Census wbo assisted me in preparmg tl.l1s reDort. He worked with dIlIgence and devotipn in collecting and compIling the required material for the report and also attempting preliminary drafting tor various chapters. I am also' grateful to Shri Lal Krishan, Deputy~Director for going metlculously through the manuscript, making corrections and oftering valuable suggestion~~.
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