WISCONSIN CERTIFIED SSEEDEED POTATOES 100 Years off Seed GrowiGrowingingng TraditionTradittiion PiPioneers InIsreenoiP I SeedSn Sdee d PPotato CCertificationCotato e rt ifi i noitacifi e tofuch MMuch of tofuch thee earlylearh researchesearry esear workorwch k on potatoatpoton diseasesdio seases aandnd how they sheyt spreadead wpr was as done iinn GGermany ermany and HHollandand arlol aroundoundund tthe to turnurhe n of thet century.c ScientistsSy.urenthe ci nt sie sts foundfoundo that,that, throughthrough carefulc areful monitoringmoni iortoni ng of thethe ccrop rop and rremovalovalemoval off unhealthyunhealthy plplants, ants, theyt ey ccouldd mmoulh maintainaintaid n a vivigorous, gorous, healthy heal hy st stock tocock indefinitely.i def Sy.eltniin Similar rarlimi researchh sceares ssoon wh wasasoon beibeingg cconducted itonducn inn ted thehe UUniteded Stnihe States. tates. USDA plant pathologistt W.A. OrtonOrt n had sstudied potudito potatoated o certificaticertificationn iin Go Germanyanyanymern and upon hihis rs return,nuret , began ttoo wwork wkoro withti h potatoo gratpot growers owers and UniversitiesUni tesitisverni too i introduce ntr duc to thosee chose concepts oncepts here. EEffortsfffforts by WisconsinWisconsin grgrowers lserown led t to ted the eso establishment ofenthmsiablthe off tthehe Wisconsin Seed Potatoo ImprovementImprovement Association in 1905.190 .50 Thehe WWisconsin CionscsiT Collegeege ofloln off AAgriculturegriculture had been engaengagingnngg wwgi with ith the grt growerowhe er ccommunity alytunimom alalready teadyr to i improve potovprmo potatoo prate production oducduc ito on throughough shrt special pecial teachingteachinngg rrailcars ailcars thatt at th traveleded telavr through hrough potpotatoatough o areas ieasar in nor northern Whertn Wisconsin,onscsin cn,ions calleded “lal “Potato Potato SSpecials.” pecials.” The Collegeege prlolC programming ogrammingng ememphasizedphasiz d tthehe se standardization tandardization and purity oftipur of potatoo varatpoty varieties. ieties.es A cA convention wientonv was helason heldd i in Rd Rhinelanderandernelhin on NNovemberovember 20-2120-21 of 11913913 ttoo didiscuss scuss “Pure“Pure SSeedeed of SStandardt ndard Ma Market arket Varietieses for All A trusted source, the program Commercial PalicermomC Purposes.””.esposur A” At tt this cshi convention, a fon,ionvent formal plalmor planan f fororan r inspectionon and citpecnsi certification ertificatiat on off potpotatoo sat seeded wwas putase put i intoo pltn plplace. ace. The ffirsttsriThe off now mmany ofany ofofficialfff salici seedeed i inspection nspection prprograms ograms iin N Northtorn h America wciermA was esasa establishedhedhed and ffsiablt fullyully implemimplemented nt we with ftied fieldelih d insinspectionspec tions inin 1914. The ssameame objobjectives ectives off ““varietalvarietal pupurity”ur ti y” and “freedom from disease” determined from field inspections Our stewardship of this seed continues through remain today. t T Henry Darling (Left), program leader, instrumental in establishing the University seed farm. 4 Scientists found that, through careful monitoring o Similar research soon was State SetatS Seedee Fde Farmmra CCelebrating 75 Ygniatrebel YYears oear of Sfs Serviceceiver b A reliablerA sourcesabliel ourcoure e off hihigh-quality,gh-quality, disease-freedis asee - ee basicbasbasrf seedsciee eed stockss tocks remains essentialesnsaiemr s talients to t thehe so strength trength and growthgr h ofoftow f WWisconsin’sisconsin’s certifieded seedsifiterc eeded potatopot prate program. 75 year.amogro years ago,s75 ago, thet e UUniversityy oftisvernih of Wisconsin establisestablishedes ed an eliteel stih seed pote potatoo operateed operoperationon iiato inn ThrThreeee LakesLakes, WI.W,esLak WII . Inn 1941,1941,I propagatpropagationiopagat on off didisease-freeeeass - stocksrf and atattentionatkoctee on tientt too clonal selectionselec witec were keron key teye too t the he early successsuccesess off tthishis program T makingakim g WisconsinssconsiiWn consin a leadingeadila g supplier oferisuppln of seedseeded potato varieties.varatpote esietio . Inn 1984,1984,I a 1000 acreacre property became bec homehomam e ofofe f thethe UWUW farmfarm The operatioperationoonn at thethe bequesbequestt off MMiss LelahLelssi S Starks,ks,kartah a pioneerpioneer C Wisconsin seedsensinscoiW se pde potato gotato grower..rewor TThehe Lelah Lelah SStarks EliteEskartah FoundationFoundattil Sie Seedeed Pon Potato otat Farat Farm imo inn RhinelanderanderandernelhiR has provided parity in germplasgermplasm am availability foilitybilaav for ar allll Wisconsin seedsensinscoiW growersgrowers.. A trustedt source,stusr thete,coured t programprhe amogr At this convention, a formal plan for remainsai thethe WisconsinW seedsionscsihe eed potiihe potn potato ato growers’grateed owers’’ primarypr’ i’ syarmi sourcee ofofcour i new and esestablishedtablis ed potato varatpoth varieties..esietio T TThehe farmf arm operationoper on growsgriat ows 93 acresacres off ffieldield genergenerationsoniatd s one and The same objectives of “varietal purity” and twoo seed,swt eed, operatesoper 4 greenhousesgresat enhous prese producingnngg cioduc cconventional onventio nal and “ NFT mN minitubers.ubertniiFT Our stewardshipsurO.suber hidsarewt p off tthis seedsshi eeeded ccontinues onti ues tn throughhr ough the certificationct atcifiterhe iat on off theset seedshes le lots on WisconsinWsoteed onscsi sions seed grn growereroweed farms, theret,smarf e isiiher no otherotse programprher lamogr like iki it..te The programpr amogrThe maintainsmam vnsaintai variety tetiar trueness tsuenesry to t type;ype;o selectingitecelsype; ng and testing clones,citest oneslng rogueingogueir,ones ng off wweak, genet,eak genetic vci variants,ar and di,santiar diseasedseased plants totsantpl continuec onto nue tiont too develdevelopop and mmaintainn gergeraintai germplasm mplasm off your favoritee varietiesvtioravf ari atatesieti our llaboratory.aboratory.y A CenturyrutneCA Long TraditionnoitidaTrgnoLyr AAdministereded sertsniidm ssince incied inceptionon by tieptnce the CCollegeege oflolhe of AAgriculturalalurtulcigr and LiLifeffee SSciences,esencic UniversityU,es veni ofoitysr W Wisconsininsnocisf – Madison,Madi theton,sadi programpr amogrhe retains a full-timefnsaietr ul lul - staffsmit te affff of experiencedex ed professionalsprenciper ofes tsnaloises to ens ensureuro e thoroughnesshort oughnessoughnes and impartialityimpartiality ini iinspectionon and citpecnsn ccertificationiatcifiteron on procedures.esedurocpr . Through providingprThr ovough information,idiiov exon,iatmornfng exercising tisicer technicalecng salchniec skill, doi,llik doingng research directeddicearesr rh atattecr sed solving privol problems, and c,semoblng cconductingng outitonduc outreach re ach activities, thet,esitviitac hee UniversityU mtisvernih meets tseety the growers atserowgrhe at t the fieldf d lelihe level. evel. This special ral relationship thionsiatel to thetp he aco academic cciadem communityom brytunimom brings newngsi new informationinfforormation on patpathogens, bes,hogens bestt practices,pr and ii,escitac introduces hiesoducrnt highgh qualityy basicbastiqual ic seedsc i into thetnteed he mo marketplace. arketplace. On the Cover: A potato field in bloom is a thing of beauty. Photo by Tamas Houlihan, Communications Director, Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association. 5 Welcome! Please note that the acreage data listed in W this directory represent acres meeting field tolerances for foundation and certified class seed potatoes in Wisconsin at the completion of summer field inspections. All certified and foundation class seed potatoes in Wisconsin are post-harvest tested to ensure compliance with certification requirements. As such, these figures are not final, as certification requirements are not met until tuber inspections, post-harvest testing and grade inspections are complete. 0.25 Buyers who purchase seed prior to completion of the post- M 0.25 harvest test are encouraged to check the final classification S 0.00 of seed lots (generally available after February 1) prior to 0.25 shipping. B 0.00 V 0.10 Buyers of Wisconsin certified seed potatoes are encouraged to _ contact the Certification office to obtain this information at any time. The professional staff at the Certification office also can provide and explain "generation" designations of 2015 seed lots. Results of summer field inspections, tuber inspections and the post-harvest winter test may be obtained by writing or calling the Wisconsin Seed Potato Certification Program, P.O. Box 328, A post-harvest grow-out of all Antigo, WI 54409: Phone (715) 623-4039; FAX (715) 623-6970. E-mail [email protected] Strict Standards Mean High Quality From Wisconsin All certified seed potatoes are produced in a limited generation program with a maximum of seven generations of field propagation. 0.50 M 0.50 Certified seed potato growers must enter their entire potato S 0.00 acreage for certification, and plant all acreage with foundation Total Virus 5.0 0.50 class seed. B 0.00 Only certified seed potato growers with a record of no bacterial V 0.25 ring rot for two consecutive seasons can produce foundation _ class seed. All potatoes entered for certification undergo a minimum of two Higher tolerances field inspections and a tuber inspection at harvest or in storage. i All potatoes meeting field and tuber inspection standards must be post-harvest tested to be eligible for certified seed tags. All potato
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