Iii##Jffiiffi NCR Zoe Broadcasting Network, Inc

Iii##Jffiiffi NCR Zoe Broadcasting Network, Inc

];i,:e#;.i .$uJ).. iiffi NCR ABS-CBN Corporation DWWX 2 60 Mother lgnacia, Q.C. iiM6tiolli|afiilh tri NCR People's Television Network, Inc. DWGT 4 50 PIA Bldg., Visayas Ave., Q.C. ABC Development Corp, DWET 5 60 Brgy. San Bartolome, NCR Nov..QC NCR GMA Network, Inc. DZBB 7 100 Brgy. Culiat, T. Sora, Q.C. NCR Radio Philippines Network, Inc. DZKB I 50 Panay Ave., Q.C. Zoe Broadcasting Network, Inc. DZOE 11 100 Brgy. Culiat, Tandang Sora, NCR Q.C. NCR lntercontinental Bctg. Corp. DZTV 13 50 SFDM, Q.C. NCR Southern Broadcasting Network DWCP 21 60 Strata 200, i' il' Pasig : tvt-eils, t\&hiia,i:, .., NCR ABS-CBN Corporation DWAC 23 50 Mo.lgnacia, Q.C. i,i,YM,i_tj0fi an-ila,eii,, NCR Eagle Broadcasting Corporation DZEC 25 50 Bo. Sta. Cruz,Antipolo, Rizal @ ';;MtitidffiiliHirri* NCR GMA Network, Inc. DWDB '27 30 Brgy. Culiat, Q.C. ,:;i;ffifiirManild;t;l NCR Free Air Broadcasting Network, Inc. DZRJ 29 25 Antipolo City Iffi..ffi'liHt Broadcast Enterprises & Affiliated Media, DWKC 31 40 Antipolo City NCR lnc. iii##jffiiffi NCR Zoe Broadcasting Network, Inc. DZOZ 33 30 Antipolo City t- d.ffiilffi # Delta Bctg. System NCR DWDE 35 10 MakatiCity f,*:lldtib:iliahiiiftilil NCR Progressive Broadcasting Corporation DWAO 37 25 Antipolo City Tii;iM€tro,M5fi iitri,'"ij NCR Swara Sug Media Corporation DWAQ 39 60 :l Quezon City : ijltiiidtid t!!dii.iibiii.i NCR Nation Broadcasting Corporation DWNB '41, 60 Antipolo City NCR Amcara Broadcasting Network, Inc. DWBM 43 10 Quezon City l.tri,fi l6fid; lWin iii iri,,i; NCR Gateway UHF TV Broadcasting, Inc. DWVN 45 6 Antipolo City Interactive Broadcast Media, NCR lnc. DWTE 47 40 Brgy. Bartolome, Nov,, Q.C. ij1,: lri Christian Era Bctg. Inc. 4 NCR Service, DZCE 49 I New Era, Quezon City NCR Mediascape, Inc. PA 51 10 Metro Manila CAR Office of the Gov. of Mt. Prov. PU 5 0.02 Mt. Pulis CAR GMA Network, Inc. DZVG 5 5 Mt. Amuyao CAR lntercontinental Bctg. Corp. DWHB o 0.1 Mt. Sto.Tomas CAR GMA Network, Inc. DZEA 10 20 Mt. Sto.Tomas CAR GMA Network, Inc. DWDG 22 10 Mt. Sto.Tomas CAR Vanguard Radio Network, Inc. DWBG 24 5 Baguio City Broadcast Enterprises & Affiliated Media, DWHB 26 5 Baguio City CAR lnc. CAR Amcara Broadcasting Network, Inc. DWEC 30 10 Mt. Sto.Tomas l rr,i{1t$ff fu eil;l,ll,i CAR ABS-CBN Corporation DZRR 32 20 Mt. Sto.Tomas l irlt iri Bbfi iiiiii{ ;i '''*'i CAR Nation Broadcasting Corporation PA 36 5 Baguio City :i,..ti'tB.-Eiitiii*t';,iit- CAR First United Broadcasting Corp DWFB 44 5 Baguio City ABC Development Corp. CAR DZET 28 10 Mt. Sto.Tomas 11 t;:i' igfliq6liiifr i,+ CAR Radio Philippines Network, lnc. DZBS 12 5 Mt. Sto.Tomas ,irtjj rri$,F";iiiqFi.i i,:ii; Christian CAR Era Bctg. Service, Inc. PA 38 1 Mt. Sto.Tomas Eagle Broadcasting CAR I Corporation PA 46 1 Mt. Sto.Tomas GMA Network, Inc. D-7-ZG 7 1 cAR I Penarubia, Abra itlili;lAhiAi*t,ij CAR Benguet Corp. D{-BC 8 0.01 Mt. Ucab, ltogon, Benguet CAR ABS-CBN Corporation D-3-20 3 10 Mt. Sto.Tomas ABS-CBN Corporation D-11- 11 5 Mt, Amuyao CAR ZZ CAR People's Television Network, Inc. D{.XM 8 1 Mt. Sto.Tomas '.; ij i!.F, tih'iiffi ',r ;i Benguet Corp, D-5-BC $: 0.01 Mt. CAR I Ucab, ltogon, Benguet ffiFF.ffi,ffiff 1 ABC Development Corp. DWTE 2 2.5 Laoag 'T,Witffis-lim'oTFFF 1 Sea & Sky Bctg, Inc. DZUL 5 0.1 San Fernando, La Union La Union I I ABS-CBN Corporation DWRD 7 5 San Nicolas A I ABS-CBN Corporation DZCG 11 100w Mt. Caniao, Bantay llocos Sur ,| I Intercontinental Bctg. Corp. DWCS 13 o Laoag City ,| I Tirad Pass & TV Broadcasting Nett,, lnc. DWTP 13 3 Candon, llocos Sur I I 1 Amcara Broadcasting Network, lnc. DWLC 23 Laoag City, llocos Norte 4 I Radio Philippines Network, Inc. PA 26 10 Vigan, llocos Sur GMA Network, Inc. DWHH 27 10 Brgy. San Lorenzo, San 1 Nicolas, llocos Norte 1 1 WV Corp. PA 29 Laoag City llocos Norte 1 Mediascape, Inc, DWDI 32 5 Vigan, llocos Sur 1 :" 1 ABS-CBN Corporation DWBK 34 Bantay : ,ll0diis'Sur I I Swara Sug Media Corporation DWSB 35 10 Laoag, llocos norte 4 1 I Information Broadcast Unlimited, Inc, DWIC 36 Vigan, llocos Sur 1 Radio Philippines Network, Inc. PA 37 10 Batac, llocos Norte I Swara Sug Media Corporation DWSP 38 10 Vigan ,| '.llocos 1 Information Broadcast Unlimited, lnc. DWIB 39 Laoag City, llocos Norte Norte RGMA Network, lnc. DWRK 40 1 Mt. Caniao, Bantay, llocos a llocos,$u1, I Sur ' I I Mediascape, Inc. DWDJ 40 10 Dagupan, Pangasinan 4 4 I Interactive Broadcast Media, Inc. PA 41 I Vigan, llocos Sur a I Interactive Broadcast Media, Inc. PA 42 10 Dagupan, Pangasinan 1 I Mediascape, Inc. PA 43 10 Laoag, llocos norte GMA Network, Inc. DWBC 48 6 Mt. Caniao, Bantay, llocos 4 I Sur 1 Progressive Broadcasting Corporation PA 51 5 Laoag, llocos norte 1 People's Television Network, Inc. DWAE 4 0.1 Vigan, llocos Sur 1 1 GMA Network, Inc. PA 7 Dasol, Pangasinan 1 1 Eagle Broadcasting Corporation PA 47 Laoag, llocos Norte ,| 1 I Christian Era Bctg. Service, Inc. PA 49 Gen. Luna St., Laoag City 1 1 Eagle Broadcasting Corporation PA 50 Dagupan, Pangasinan 1 GMA Network, Inc. D-5-AS 5 5 San Nicolas, llocos Norte People's Television Network, lnc. D-11- 11 0.1 Batac, llocos Norte 4 I ZV 1 2 ABS-CBN Corporation DWAI 2 I Santiago City I 2 ABS-CBN Corporation DWAF 3 I Tuguegarao 2 2 GMA Network, Inc. DWLE 7 Santiago City lsabela r 2 GMA Network, Inc. DWBB 7 1 Tuguegarao 2 Rajah Bctg. Network DWRJ I 1 Tuguegarao 2 ABS-CBN Corporation DWAX I 1 Apani, Cagayan 2 ABS-CBN Corporation DWCM 11 1 Basco 2 Rinconada Broadcasting Corporation DWAA 13 0.1 Cauayan, lsabela 2 GMA Network, Inc. DZBB 13 1 Aparri, Cagayan 2 lnteractive Broadcast Media, Inc. PA 21 10 Santiago City 2 ABS-CBN Corporation PA 21 1 Aparri, Cagayan 2 Amcara Broadcasting Network, Inc. DWWA 23 0,1 Santiago City 2 lnteractive Broadcast Media, Inc. PA 24 1 Apani, Cagayan 2 Mediascape, Inc. DWDH 25 10 Santiago City . lsabeib 2 GMA Network, Inc. DWGP 26 1 Aparri ;,,,Cagai 1 2 Progressive Broadcasting Corporation PA 28 I Aparri, Cagayan cabaVan 2 Radio Philippines Network, Inc. PA 29 10 Santiago City 2 First United Broadcasting Corp PA 31 1 Santiago City 2 lnformation Broadcast Unlimited, lnc. PA 34 1 Apani, Cagayan ABS-CBN Corporation 1 2 PA 34 Bayombong, Nueva Vizacava Nueve Amcara Broadcasting Network, 2 lnc. PA 35 1 Tuguegarao 2 Palawan Broadcasting Corporation PA 36 1 Aparri, Cagayan Cagayan' Swara Sug Media I Corporation DWSA 37 10 Santiago City Interactive Broadcast 4 Z I Media, Inc. PA 39 I Tuguegarao Cagavan lnteractive I 2 Broadcast Media, Inc. PA 41 I llagan, lsabela lsqbela , 2 lnteractive Broadcast Media, Inc. PA 43 I Cauayan, lsabela Radio Philippines 2 Network, lnc. PA 45 10 Tuguegarao 2 Eagle Broadcasting Corporation PA 47 1 Tuguegarao 2 lnformation Broadcast Unlimited. lnc. DWIE 51 1 Tuguegarao GMA Network, Inc. 2 DWAZ 7 0,1 Basco I GMA Network, lnc. DWHK 27 1 Tuguegarao 2 Christian Era Bctg. Service, lnc, PA 49 1 Tuguegarao People's Television Network, 2 Inc. D4-Z 4 0.1 llagan, lsabela GMA Network. Inc. D-5-ZR 5 0.04 Bayombong 2 (0.1584) GMA Network, Inc. 2 D-7-ZH 7 0.02 llagan, lsabela 2 People's Television Network, Inc. DWEO 13 1 Tuguegarao ? GMA Network, lnc. DWNS 10 0.2 0longapo City ? UqC MEDIA lNC.(Love Radio Network) DWKM 12 0,05 San Fernando, Pampanga 3 Amcara Broadcasting Network, lnc. DZBA 22 1 Baler ? Subic Broadcasting Corp. DWAB 22 5 tJlongapo City Amcara Broadcasting Network, Inc. DWAM 23 0.1 Mt. Bucaw, Botolan, 3 Zambales J Amcara Broadcasting Network, Inc. DWAS 24 I Olongapo City 3 Mediascape, lnc. 'l PA 24 I Tarlac City ? Aurora Polytechnic College, lnc, DWBW 24 5 Baler 3 Radio Corporation of the Philippines ,| DWRP 26 I Tarlac City 3 GMA Network, Inc. DZRG 26 1 Olongapo City 3 Interactive Broadcasl Media, Inc. PA 28 1 Olongapo City 3 RGMA Network, lnc, DWM 28 1 Tarlac City 3 Radio Philippines Network, Inc. PA 30 10 Baler 3 Digital Broadcasting Corporation PA 32 10 Baler Aurora 3 Radioworld Broadcasting Corporation PA 32 5 Olongapo City ? ABS-CBN Corporation DWBY 34 0.1 San Miguel 3 ABS-CBN Corporation DWTC 34 1 Tarlac City 3 Radioworld Broadcasting Corporation DWRW 36 10 Angeles City, Pampanga 3 Information Broadcast Unlimited, tnc. DZCL 38 5 Angeles City ? First United Broadcasting Corp DWFU 44 5 San Fernando, Pampanga ? ABS-CBN Corooration DWIN 46 San Fernando, Pampanga 3 Information Broadcast Unlimited, Inc. DWIG 4B 1 Olongapo City ? Multipoint Network Ectg. DWMU 48 1 Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija ? Christian Era Bctg. Service, lnc. PA 46 1 Olongapo City 3 Eagle Broadcasting Corporation PA 50 'i,Tamhltoa 1 Olongapo City 3 NationalPower Corp. D-3-ZN 3 0.01 Hill399, Bagac, Bataan 3 GMA Network, Inc. D-5-Zc 5 0,04 lba Timhraoo i GMA Network, J Inc. D-5-ZB 5 0.005 Baler National Power 3 Corp. D-5.2N 5 0.01 Hill399, Bagac ? National Power Corp.

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