Biolphilately Vol-62 No-4

Biolphilately Vol-62 No-4

Vol. 63 (4) Biophilately December 2014 269 ICHTHYOLOGY Editor Kris P. Lindstrom, LM77 New Listings Scott# Denom Common Name/Scientific Name Family/Subfamily Code BAHAMAS 2013 October 29 (Bahamas Reef Environmental Foundation, 20th anniv) 1398a 15c Stylized Angelfish (Foundation Logo) S 1398b 15c Angelfish, Holocanthus ciliaris (with logo) Pomacanthidae A 1398 Horiz pair+central label (Sc#1398a–b) (with logo) 1399 Horiz pair+central label (Sc#1399a–b) (with logo) 1400a 65c U/I Fish (with logo) U 1400b 65c U/I Fish (with logo) U 1400 Horiz pair+central label (Sc#1400a–b) (with logo) 1401a 70c U/I Shark (with logo) U 1401b 70c Hammerhead shark, Sphyrna zygaena (with logo) Sphyrnidae A 1401 Horiz pair+central label (Sc#1401a–b) (with logo) BELARUS 2013 November 1 (Animated Cartoon) 881d (4000r) Cartoon fish S 881 MS of 8 (Sc#881a–h) BENIN 2013 (National Day of Traditional Religions) (Set of 3) 1490 250fr Stylized fish S C 1491 300fr Stylized fish S C 1492 1000fr Stylized fish S C BRUNEI 2014 February 23 (National Day) (Strip of 4) 649a 30c Fishermen and crates of fish C 649 Horiz strip of 4 (Sc#649a–d) CHINA (Taiwan) 2014 January 8 (Corals) (Set of 4) 4153 $3.50 U/I reef fish C 4155 $10 U/I reef fish C CROATIA 2014 April 9 (Marine Life) (MS of 4) 902a 5.80k Ornate wrasse, Vladika arbanaska Labridae A* 902 MS of 4+4 etiquettes (s/a) CURAÇAO 2013 October 31 (Fairy Tales) (Set of 6) 140 145c Cartoon fish (The Frog Prince) S CYPRUS 2014 March 12 (Four Seasons) (Set of 4) 1203 85c Stylized fish (Girl with balloons, fish, and dolphins) S DOMINICA 2014 May 1 (Sea Turtles) 2806c $3.50 Small U/I reef fish (underwater photo) U C 2806 MS of 3 (Sc#2806a–c) FALKLAND ISLANDS 2014 March 25 (Penguins, Predators, & Prey) (Set of 4) 1111 75p Gaptooth Lanternfish, Protomyctophum choriodon Myctophidae A* 270 Biophilately December 2014 Vol. 63 (4) FRANCE 2014 January 4 (Items with Spirals) 4548 (66c) Barracuda (schooling in spiral) Sphyraenidae A 4548a Bklt pane 12 (Sc#4537–48) (s/a) 2014 January 20 (Signs of the Zodiac) 4565 (61c) Stylized fish (Pisces) S 4565a Bklt pane 12 (Sc#4554–65) (s/a) 2014 May 3 (Vacation) 4615 (61c) Stylized fish surfing S 4619a Bklt pane 12 (Sc#4608–19) (s/a) FRENCH POLYNESIA 2014 January 20 (New Banknotes) (Set of 4 & SS) 1116 20fr U/I Manta Ray U B 1117 75fr U/I fish U B 1118a SS of 4 (Sc#1115–18) 2014 June 10 (Sharks) (Set of 4 & SS) 1127 10fr Black Tip Reef Shark, Carcharhinus melanopterus Carcharhinidae A* 1128 40fr Smooth Hammerhead, Sphyrna mokarran Carcharhinidae A* 1129 75fr Silver Tip Shark, Carcharhinus albimarginatus Carcharhinidae A* 1130 190fr Tiger Shark, Galeocerdo cuvier Carcharhinidae A* 1130a SS of 4 (Sc#1127–30) FRENCH SOUTHERN & ANTARCTIC TERR. 2014 January 2 500 €2.40 Toad Notie, Lindbergichthys (=Lepidonotothen) mizops Nototheniidae A GERMANY 2014 January 20 (Atlantic Salmon Reintroduction) 2761 45c Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar Salmonidae A* 2014 June 5 (Altarpiece Detail by Master Bertram) 2790 240c Stylized fish S C GRENADA 2014 January 20 (Turtles) (MS of 4) 3950 Margin L: U/I fish (school of 8) B 2014 April 23 (Fish of the Caribbean) (2ea MS of 4 & SS) 3978a $3.25 Yellowhead Wrasses, Halichoeres garnoti Labridae A* 3978b $3.25 Pintanos, Abudefduf sp. Pomacentridae A* 3978c $3.25 Queen Angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris Pomacanthidae A* 3978d $3.25 Stoplight Parrotfish, Sparisoma viride Scaridae A* 3978 MS of 4 (Sc#3978a–d) 3979a $3.25 Foureye Butterflyfish, Chaetodon capistratus Chaetodontidae A* 3979b $3.25 French Angelfish, Pomacanthus paru Pomacanthidae A* 3979c $3.25 French Angelfish, Pomacanthus paru (juveniles) Pomacanthidae A* 3979d $3.25 Great (or Giant) Barracudas, Sphyraena barracuda Sphyraenidae A* 3979 MS of 4 (Sc#3979a–d) 3980 SS $9 Yellow Chubs, Kyphosus incisor (also in margin) Kyphosidae A* 3981 SS $9 Banded Butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus (also in margin) Chaetodontidae A* 2014 April 23 (Modern Art: Matisse Ptg) (MS of 3) 3982 Margin Top: Stylized fish in fish tank S GRENADA GRENADINES 2013 October 10 (World Environment Day) (MS of 4) 2850 Margin Bot: Stylized fish in logo S ICELAND 2014 March 27 (Container Ship) 1338 SS (155k) Stylized fish silhouettes (in margin) S Z Vol. 63 (4) Biophilately December 2014 271 ICELAND (continued) 2014 May 8 (Town Festivals) (Set of 5 s/a) 1341 (112k) Fishing boats (drawing) R 1342 (112k) Stylized herring (drawing) S 2014 May 8 (Fishing Vessels) (Set of 4 & 2ea Bklt) 1346 (112k) Fishing boat (Bardhi NK 120) R 1347 (112k) Fishing boat (Stalvik SI 1) R 1347a Bklt pane 4 (2ea Sc#1346–47) 1348 (175k) Fishing boat (Orvar NU 21) R 1349 (175k) Fishing boat (Breki VE 61) R 1349a Bklt pane 4 (2ea Sc#1348–49) MALDIVE ISLANDS 2014 March 5 (Monet Ptg) (MS of 4) 3129d 22r Fishing boats & fishermen R 3129 MS of 4 (Sc#3129a–d) MAURITANIA 2013 (Marine Life) (Set of 7) 836 100um King Mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla Scombridae A* 837 150um Butterfish, Schilbe sp. Schilbeidae A* 838 220um Red-banded Sea Bream, Pagrus auriga Sparidae A* 839 280um Blue-spotted Sea Bream, Cephalopholis taeniops Serranidae A* 840 370um Dogfish Shark, Squalus acanthias Squalidae A* 841 370um Cuttlefish (not a fish) 842 440um Round Sardinella, Sardinella aurita Clupeidae A* MONACO 2014 June 10 (Sharks) (MS of 3) 2762a 66c Blacktip Reef Shark, Carcharhinus melanopterus (with diver) Carcharhinidae A* 2762b €1.10 Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna zygaena (with diver) Sphyrnidae A* 2762c €1.65 Gray Reef Sharks, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Carcharhinidae A* 2762 MS of 3 (Sc#2762a–c) Margin UL, UR, & LR: Small U/I reef fish U Z 2014 June 25 (Scorpionfish) 2766 (40c) Red Scorpionfish, Scorpaena scrofa (only known precanceled) Scorpaenidae A* MOZAMBIQUE 2013 February 20 (Fish) (MS of 4 & SS) 2776a 16m Crabeyed Goby, Signigobius biocellatus Gobiidae A* 2776b 16m Mandarinfish, Synchiropus splendidus Callionymidae A* 2776c 92m Commerson’s Frogfish, Antennarius commersoni Antennariidae A* 2776d 92m Broadbarred Firefish, Pterois antennata Scorpaenidae A* 2806 SS 175m Ambon Scorpionfish, Pteroidichthys amboinensis Scorpaenidae A* 2013 June 25 (Birds of Prey) (MS of 4) 2906d 92m Fish in talons of osprey B 2906 MS of 4 (Sc#2609a–d) NETHERLANDS 2013 February 25 (Burger’s Zoo Arnheim 100th anniv.) 1437b (54c) Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni (with eggs) Apogonidae A* 1437k Bklt pane 2 (Sc#1437a–b) 1437 MS of 10 (Sc#1437a–j) 2013 November 4 (Ethiopian Children) B766e (60c)+30c Stylized fish (background poster) S B766 MS of 6 (Sc#B766a–f) 272 Biophilately December 2014 Vol. 63 (4) NEVIS 2013 December 4 (Fish) (Set of 12) 1769 10c Barred Hogfish, Bodianus scrofa Labridae A* 1770 15c Bluefaced Angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon Pomacanthidae A* 1771 20c Comb Grouper, Mycteroperca acutirostris Serranidae A* 1772 30c Spotfin Hogfish, Bodianus pulchellus Labridae A* 1773 90c Yellow Jack, Carangoides bartholomaei Carangidae A* 1774 $1 Broadbarred Firefish, Pterois antennata Scorpaenidae A* 1775 $1.20 Queen Angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris Pomacanthidae A* 1776 $2 Stoplight Parrotfish, Sparisoma viride Scaridae A* 1777 $3 Tiger Grouper, Mycteroperca tigris Serranidae A* 1778 $5 Titan Triggerfish, Balistoides viridescens Balistidae A* 1779 $10 Blue-striped Grunt, Haemulon sciurus Haemulidae A* 1780 $20 Flameback Angelfish, Centropyge aurantonotus Pomacanthidae A* 2014 April 2 (WWF) 1803a $2.50 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (nose to UR) Carcharhinidae A* 1803b $2.50 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (two sharks) Carcharhinidae A* 1803c $2.50 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (nose to UL) Carcharhinidae A* 1803d $2.50 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (nose to L) Carcharhinidae A* 1803 Block or Vert strip 4 (Sc#1803a–d) 1804a $2.75 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (nose to UR) Carcharhinidae A* 1804b $2.75 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (two sharks) Carcharhinidae A* 1804c $2.75 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (nose to UL) Carcharhinidae A* 1804d $2.75 Caribbean Reef Shark, Carcharhinus springeri (nose to L) Carcharhinidae A* 1804 Block or Vert strip 4 (Sc#1804a–d) NEW CALEDONIA 2013 June 7 1155 110fr Bluespine Unicornfish, Naso unicornis Acanthuridae A 2013 June 8 (Marine Life in Lagoons) (Bklt pane 10) 1156a 110fr Leopard Coral Grouper, Plectropomus leopardus Serranidae A* 1156a 110fr Camouflage Grouper, Epinephelus polyphekadion Serranidae A* 1156b 110fr Gray Reef Shark, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Carcharhinidae A* 1156c 110fr Narrow-barred Mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson Scombridae A* 1156d 110fr Green Sea Turtle (no fish) 1156e 110fr Bluefin Trevally, Caranx melampygus Carangidae A* 1156f 110fr Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish, Forcipiger flavissimus Chaetodontidae A* 1156g 110fr Blue-green Chromis, Chromis viridis Pomacentridae A* 1156i 110fr Blotcheye Soldierfish, Myripristis berndti Holocentridae A* 1156j 110fr Bluelined Snapper, Lutjanus kasmira Lutjanidae A* 1156 Bklt pane 10 (Sc#1156a–j) 2013 November 6 (Christmas) 1170 110fr Imperial Angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator (s-o-s) Pomacanthidae B 2014 January 20 (New Banknotes) (MS of 4) 1171c 110fr Sergeant Major, Abudefduf saxatilis Pomacentridae B 1171 MS of 4 (Sc#1171a–d) NEW ZEALAND 2014 July 2 (Landmarks) (MS of 18) 2532h 80c Fish statue S 2532 MS of 18+label (Sc#2532a–r) Vol. 63 (4) Biophilately December 2014 273 NIUE 2014 June 18 (Fish) (Set of 4 & SS) 900 30c Whitemouth (or Turkey) Moray, Gymnothorax meleagris Muraenidae A* 901 $1.40 Orange Anemonefish, Amphiprion percula Pomacentridae A* 902 $2 Fire Dartfish (or Goby), Nemateleotris magnifica Microdesmidae A*

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